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John Sheppard Whump

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    OMG, Rhymer & Strey, you have had me in stitches! Vege whump. Hmmm, that could be the start of a Shep whump story.

    I was such a tomboy as a kid, and still am to the extent this battered body allows. I was, however, a total softy when it acme to pets and such. I cried more for leaving our family dog when we immigrated to Australia than I did for family or friends.

    Originally posted by quiet-december View Post
    Hee. That's awesome. I seem to remember my sister making peas scream while she was chasing them around her plate with a fork. Most of the time she's much more normal than I am, but she has her moments.

    (This same sister spent the first 27 years of her life insisting that she hated science fiction. I have now gotten her hopelessly hooked on SGA. Her favorite line is, "I'm sorry for shooting EVERYONE!", and she quotes it at random times. It makes me snicker. I always knew I'd get her hooked on sci-fi eventually.)
    *snerk* I think she did protest too much. That's a classic closet whumper!

    Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
    I am laughing so hard right now! Hubby dearest is giving me of those "she's-NUTS!" looks again. Or still. I used to get into so much trouble with whumping my dolls yet I still did it. But I never made Food Whump sounds. That's funny! I think it was my brother who made noises like a plane crashing when he was about to put food in his mouth when he was little. (today he's a an airport. Coincidence? Maybe not.)

    "Infection" is tonight? Good....I can hear about it tomorrow then.

    It was a calling for your brother!

    Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
    I like 'Eleventh Hour' when I can catch it. As someone who understands the 'science', most of the time they do their homework and are about 90-95% correct, unlike a similar show on Fox which is just bad from a science point of view.
    Last night's ep kind of killed it for me.
    The new "gene while you wait" was too convenient. And the pretty, petite blond girl chasing the bad guy in every ep is too much for me.

    I don't hink I'm watching any of the new shows, except as background noise, now. They're all too predictable and formulaic.


      No comments on Infection? Is it so good the whumpers have passed out from the squee? Or, is it...I can't say it...


        Hey, IWTB, I see you lurking! I hope you are well.


          Hey Lorr!

          I was just popping in to see what everyone thought about Infection. Me, I thought it was pretty good. Tag for spoilers...

          The disease infecting the ship was quite creepy. The crash was great. There's a nice opportunity for a whump tag. Glad Sheppard kept his word. And I can't get over how that man looks younger every episode it seems!

          As for the promo for next week, I groaned. *Another* darn Keller episode. It's funny, I did a rating for the season episodes and I wrote for Tracker 'didn't watch, Kellerfest 1.0' and then for Brainstorm 'didn't watch, Kellerfest 2.0' and gosh blame it, now I'll have for Identity 'kellerfest 3.0'...though I might watch it. I won't be happy about it, but there's only 3 episodes left.

          WTH was it with them and Keller this season though, seriously? She got three episodes and Sheppard got...not much at all. *cry*



            I really liked it. I like when Shep lives up to his word. I love the todd and shep dynamic. One question: Why did Shep say to Todd you endangered half the crew (or did I hear it wrong). I thought he endangered the entire crew trying to blow up the Deadelus. In one way Todd did not do a controlled experiment the way I think Keller would have and it would have avoided the entire crew coming down with the disease. So in this case I don't blame Atlanitis for Todd circumstances. Now the big question is how if any will Todd feature in the final episode. I have no idea and no spoilers on that one. This is just guessing. Does Todd really believe he owes Shep one or does he feel the are even again.

            Too bad Shep did not Catch it from the lovely nail ranking he got. That would have been cool but then he wouldn't have been able to save the day. I just love Woosley. You know this could mean my job decision. Now what would have happened if woolsey said no. I don't know if Shep would have left it alone since he gave his word. I love that Todd didn't have to think twice once Shep gave his word.

            Sorry for the ramble.Not so great in expressing stuff.


              I will read your spoiled bit later, IWTB. I missed the first few minutes, so I am going to wait until the next airing in 45 minutes. SFHD (SciFi HD plays here at the same time as it does on the east coast, so I get 4 airings a night.) I did cheat and flick over for a minute and what I saw was good.

              It is great to see you here, even if for a flyby!



                One more thought

                So John and Co were knocked out when they landed but he recovered first. Nice tag fanfic opps for them sinking and the rescuers trying to get to them before it sinks.

                as for next week
                I did see a little of John and Ronan and I do love body switch Scifi episodes but yeah I wish it were Teyla. That would have been nice. I guess they want Keller to catch up on 3 previous years she was not in it. Oh well. Really looking foward to Vegas and Dreading the last one not becaue he won't be great but because it will be last. Everytime the Scif announcer says there is only ___ episodes left I want to throw something at the TPTB who killed my show. Also looking a JM blog he seems to mention the movie as a afterthought after he finishes his midseason script for SCU. GRRR


                  Thar be "Infection" spoilers under the tag....

                  Hey, that was pretty good. Made up for last week's episode of McKellar luv (which I don't mind, I just hate that it's written by a 13-year-old, or at least it seems that way).

                  Anyway, when Sheppard comes into Woolsey's office at the end and remarks that he got knocked out from the ship impacting on the ocean, I just SQUEEED with delight and hope that those wonderful writers who can bang out these tags soooo much quicker than I can! Oooh, I can see the team just getting flung into walls, blood, contusions, etc. etc.

                  Twas nice to see Sheppard get some raking nail cuts on his face, but geez, that was an awful big wraith. Surely he could have done a little more damage (on the neck at least).

                  Thumbs up for this ep!

                  I cringed at another Kellar episode next week, and geez, that wasn't Zelenka getting stabbed, was it??


                    Infection wasn't that bad,

                    I love a cranky Todd. I figured Shep would come around at the end and give Todd a second chance. Let's see how that plays out. I love that Ronon just wants to kill them all. Great scene with Shep and Woolsey. Looking forward to reading some good tags on the landing whump. I was hoping that Todd would attack Keller, wishful thinking. JF looked extremely hot...but then he always does.

                    I'm off to watch it again.
                    Chicago Con Attendee 2011
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                      Originally posted by knightie View Post

                      I really liked it. I like when Shep lives up to his word. I love the todd and shep dynamic. One question: Why did Shep say to Todd you endangered half the crew (or did I hear it wrong). I thought he endangered the entire crew trying to blow up the Deadelus. In one way Todd did not do a controlled experiment the way I think Keller would have and it would have avoided the entire crew coming down with the disease. So in this case I don't blame Atlanitis for Todd circumstances. Now the big question is how if any will Todd feature in the final episode. I have no idea and no spoilers on that one. This is just guessing. Does Todd really believe he owes Shep one or does he feel the are even again.

                      Too bad Shep did not Catch it from the lovely nail ranking he got. That would have been cool but then he wouldn't have been able to save the day. I just love Woosley. You know this could mean my job decision. Now what would have happened if woolsey said no. I don't know if Shep would have left it alone since he gave his word. I love that Todd didn't have to think twice once Shep gave his word.

                      Sorry for the ramble.Not so great in expressing stuff.
                      knightie, he said - Infection
                      half my people.

                      Anyway, my first impression of Infection (it's on again now) and a tad of Identity speculation
                      SQUEEEEE! I loved it! It was teamy and creepy and action packed, and had a wee bit of whump for our dear boy. It also actually had Teyla and Ronon and Lorne doing more than just standing around in the background. At long bloody last!

                      I love the relationship between Shep and Todd. And, I love that Shep told Todd he owed him nothing. The expression on his face! Guh!

                      SGAFan, or someone good at caps, I would love a shot of Shep at the very end when Todd stepped through the Gate. Double GUH! He is so damn gorgeous!

                      Oh, yes, tags away for the aftermath of the crash, which would have been fabulous to see!

                      There was only one little McKeller bit that made me scream at the TV. WTF is it with these teenagers they have writing this? We get it! The geek got the girl. Enough already! Squick! Ugh! Yuck! I just hope to heaven Identity isn't a moon-eyed Rodney all stressed out over Keller for a whole episode. It looks like there's enough of her in it as it is. What a complete waste of time and energy. Dreck.


                        Well, I'm late to the party because I was at a party. Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed this ep. Predictable in spots (Williams was an obvious redshirt and I totally knew the ship was infected) but overall really enjoyable. Best part for me was the argument between Todd and John when Todd stares at his useless feeding hand and tells Sheppard he owes him. John doesn't back off an inch and says he doesn't owe him anything. LOVED that. I was waiting to see if Sheppard was going to catch the infection (oh well, maybe in a fanfic he can). And he got whumped even though we didn't see it onscreen. Unconscious in a flooding hive, in the infirmary for days... *happy sigh*

                        And next week!
                        Radek gets stabbed!!! Yikes!

                        Sig by Luciana
                        My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                          It's on again, so I'm off to watch it. Must be a t least a little squee-worthy for me to watch 3 times in once night. Goodnight!



                            Loved it... squeeeee.. Finally Shep gets some meaty dialogue.. though I don't like when they are so willing to destroy Todd and the Wraith when he has shown them on enough occasions he is willing to work with them. Todd is only trying to do what's best for his people..and I thought by now Shep may have at least some grudging respect for him...though as much as he tried to deny it during the ep I think his actions at the end did prove that he does have some sort of respect for him.. I loved the Todd/Shep scenes and finally we get a bit of anger and emotion from Shep.. and I love cranky Todd.... if only the writers would use the formula that works more often and what makes SGA great, and less of the god awful eps like Brain Fart and many of the other crappy episodes we have had this season.
                            Why they don't use the talent of JF more is also beyond me.... JF sold this ep with his intensity that we rarely get from the other characters.. if only the ptb had explored this a bit more than all these dreadfull Keller and McKeller drivel.. sigh

                            Keller should just have stayed a background character.. I could have handled her if they had done this... but all this overload of this whiny boring character and her love life has pretty much ruined a lot of this season for me.... and seeing how great the team are together and how amazing Shep is I just shake my head at the huge waste of potential for this season....

                            Infection had me revited from start to finish... and defintley an ep to rewatch.... can't wait for the talented fanfic writers to get busy on the whump potential from that crash landing...

                            9/10 for Infection... would have been 10/10 except for McKeller and Keller...


                              Now that was an entertaining episode! A team ep Loved it

                              Great to see Shep and Todd interacting again, that was a real highlight for me. I was hoping for little “I hate those bugs” from Shep

                              I actually felt worried for people on the ship with the Wraith trying to eat them and I haven’t felt that for a long time. At one point I did think Lorne was going to bite the dust!

                              However, this was the first time that I have really seen what a lot of others say about Keller’s whining. I dislike Keller because of the screentime she takes up not necessarily because of her character, I can put up with her, but here I actually felt like reaching into the screen and punching her! And when she was alone with Todd I was hoping he would eat her Knew it wouldn’t happen though She didn’t ruin the ep for me though (neither did the McKeller scene because I skilfully managed to skip it :).

                              One of the best eps of the season for me

                              What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                                Originally posted by bluealien View Post

                                Loved it... squeeeee.. Finally Shep gets some meaty dialogue.. though I don't like when they are so willing to destroy Todd and the Wraith when he has shown them on enough occasions he is willing to work with them. Todd is only trying to do what's best for his people..and I thought by now Shep may have at least some grudging respect for him...though as much as he tried to deny it during the ep I think his actions at the end did prove that he does have some sort of respect for him.. I loved the Todd/Shep scenes and finally we get a bit of anger and emotion from Shep.. and I love cranky Todd.... if only the writers would use the formula that works more often and what makes SGA great, and less of the god awful eps like Brain Fart and many of the other crappy episodes we have had this season.
                                Why they don't use the talent of JF more is also beyond me.... JF sold this ep with his intensity that we rarely get from the other characters.. if only the ptb had explored this a bit more than all these dreadfull Keller and McKeller drivel.. sigh

                                Keller should just have stayed a background character.. I could have handled her if they had done this... but all this overload of this whiny boring character and her love life has pretty much ruined a lot of this season for me.... and seeing how great the team are together and how amazing Shep is I just shake my head at the huge waste of potential for this season....

                                Infection had me revited from start to finish... and defintley an ep to rewatch.... can't wait for the talented fanfic writers to get busy on the whump potential from that crash landing...

                                9/10 for Infection... would have been 10/10 except for McKeller and Keller...
                                blue - get out of my head, will ya?!

                                though Infection spoilers
                                I didn´t mind the McKeller scene probably because it was rather subtle this time around, but sheesh! If they had gotten rid of the "I can´t do this!" whiny babble, we´d have gotten a minute worth of screentime for the rescue!

                                Yeah, I can only second that, can´t wait for the fanfic writers to go wild with that! Nearly drowned team, a ship sinking minutes later, the team (and Shep!) kinda wonky from the whole experience-- the stuff dreams are made of.

                                I really loved this ep, it had what has been sadly missing from so many episodes this season: TEAM ACTION -- both to a big fat T. (though I found Teyla calling him "colonel" the whole time through a little annoying, but overall, the ep was good enough to make up for that.

                                I hope Todd made it, love the guy!

                                Well, definetly a worthy ep.

                                Hey, Pilgrim , have you seen it yet? more Infection
                                the way the Wraith converted to animal like attackers WITH TEETH really plays into your dream, doesn´t it?!

                                Now to catch up properly
                                Last edited by SheppAddictedFangirl; 06 December 2008, 04:22 AM.

                                Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
                                picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers

