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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by rhymer View Post
    It's some 18 years since I read my way through all the original series Star Trek novels that then existed, but I do seem to remember that it was my favourite of the lot. I must reread it sometime.

    Vegas pics:

    I really can't decide whether it is, or not. I initially took that stain under his hand to be blood, but it looks the wrong colour, and also looks more like something solid and physical - though I can't work out what. His hand on his stomach looks promising, though, but the pristine whiteness of most of his shirt is less so. Still, whatever it is, it looks yummy and intriguing, and I can't wait

    Well, I'd better be going to bed. I've been reading a book about the science of sleep, and the last few chapters have been going on about the dire consequences of not getting enough sleep - which include some good and interesting ideas for sleep deprivation whump, which I may well post about tomorrow. Staying up late in order to write up the awful results of not getting enough sleep would just be too ironic.
    Re those Vegas pics -
    I know, I know. I was just letting my sordid imagination run wild. Gut shot and he'd be half dead or at the very least writhing in agony...
    Where was I? Oh, yeah -

    Anyway, if those photos are in sequence, then he's lying in the desert overnight, covered in little more than ketchup, having messed up trying to fire and eat a hotdog at the same time - since men can't multitask - not even our Sheppy - and has merely passed out from manly hunger. The next morning, still well ketchupped, he's firing away again, having regained some strength from a bloody good night's sleep. And a power bar.

    Another theory - it is actually blood, though more the oozy kind than the drippy kind.
    Blood doesn't stay red for long - hence the peculiar brown shade?
    *iz confuzzled*
    Last edited by Strey; 02 December 2008, 02:35 PM.


      Shep clone 3 just arrived! I got one with spray-on jeans and a white shirt - see thunk thread - so, I'm off to break settle him in.


        Originally posted by pilota View Post
        Thanks for walking me through that one. It was actually not as difficult as I thought. The images are a bit blurry - best I could do. Hope you enjoy. They are from Sci Fi Magazine (US publication) Feb. 2009 issue. Pics from Vegas

        Shep unconscious on the ground...

        Different shot of him with the gun and aviators... I really dig this one alot

        I wonder if sales on this issue might go up due to these pictures??


          NOT peeking!!! But it is soooooooo hard!!!!!


            Originally posted by Pocus View Post
            Good luck with your knee!!

            Off for a fun day with 10 wild children eagerly anticipating the arrival of gifts and demanding candy!

            **mutters** Shep should be a teacher at this time of year. He would be well and truly whumped!
            10 ankle biters!

            Elf! *runs* *screeches to a halt* *gently hugs* Great to see you, hun! I hope your recovery is progressing well.

            Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
            Yeah, another one going with the not really a spoiler

            I think something violent happend to his mother, but that it wasn´t as a kid, but more recently .. as in shortly before going to McMurdo.

            another idea re the rift in his family: His wife also said she hadn´t seen him in four years (in season 4), I dunno how I drew the connection here, but -from what we were given- couldn´t it be possible that the rift between father and son was because of the failed marriage?! And his ex wife said his dad had always been there for her, so she was probably very close with her in-law(s). Some parents don´t take it all too well when their kids divorce. I know such a guy myself, faught with his wife and HIS(!) dad told him he wouldn´t be his son anymore if they split... just a suggestion.

            Re his mother -- no canon here, and since JM scraped that (or others did -- well, what else is new ) Something tells me, if they HAD gotten a season 6, they would have "saved" anything remotely revealing for season 7 etc etc etc... That´s one thing that really irks me re Remnants
            we just got nothing but a "it´s complicated" look -- well, the guy was talking to HIMSELF(!) in a way... couldn´t he have been honest with himself for once *shakes head*

            thank you!


            thanks *hugs*

            ITA with most, but ....
            what canon was debunked in Remnants?!

            and I think you mean the Mensa thing. They wanted to run with "smart Shep" and something re Mensa (further a do) but decided to drop it later...

            that´s actually a pretty damn good idea!
            And would explain so much!

            hiya Mac! *hugs*
            you can´t just sneak in and say hi to just one person!!
            How rude!!
            I don't think there was any changin of canon in Remnants. I was speaking generally. I tend to digress, or is it regress?

            SGAFan, those are gorgeous siggies! Please, use them so that I can admire!

            Pilota, thank you very much for the pics! SciFi magazine is the worst. They have said almost nothing about SGA for 5 years (I've checked every issue I've seen). They wait until the show is cancelled. Grrr I will but that issue, though.

            Originally posted by Pocus View Post
            NOT peeking!!! But it is soooooooo hard!!!!!
            Stay strong!

            Well, saw the doctor this afternoon - OT
            diagnosis is arthritis. I have no cartilidge left between the patela and bone of the right knee. So, it is bone rubbing on bone. Two options - deal with it, using a brace and icing it or replace the knee. Well, there was a thrid option, but it involved medication I can't take or cortisone injections which would only mask the problem, so not an option in my opinion.

            I'm going to get a second opinion, do some research, and then do some deep thinking. I knew this was coming, but didn't think it would happen so soon. Drat, for want of the word I'd really like to say.


              Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
              hmm.. does anyone know if we're allowed to use festive sigs, like Christmas ones?

              and I know these aren't whumpy, but I thought I'd share a little Christmas spirit, Shep style... here are a few, the rest (along with a Shep Christmas screensaver) are on my LJ (link in sig) if you're interested.

              spoiler for size

              Wow! These are gorgeous SGAFan! And I see you've done another vid.
              On my way to DL.

              *gentle hugs* Lorr.


                Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                10 ankle biters!

                Elf! *runs* *screeches to a halt* *gently hugs* Great to see you, hun! I hope your recovery is progressing well.

                I don't think there was any changin of canon in Remnants. I was speaking generally. I tend to digress, or is it regress?

                SGAFan, those are gorgeous siggies! Please, use them so that I can admire!

                Pilota, thank you very much for the pics! SciFi magazine is the worst. They have said almost nothing about SGA for 5 years (I've checked every issue I've seen). They wait until the show is cancelled. Grrr I will but that issue, though.

                Stay strong!

                Well, saw the doctor this afternoon - OT
                diagnosis is arthritis. I have no cartilidge left between the patela and bone of the right knee. So, it is bone rubbing on bone. Two options - deal with it, using a brace and icing it or replace the knee. Well, there was a thrid option, but it involved medication I can't take or cortisone injections which would only mask the problem, so not an option in my opinion.

                I'm going to get a second opinion, do some research, and then do some deep thinking. I knew this was coming, but didn't think it would happen so soon. Drat, for want of the word I'd really like to say.
                ouch!! Hope things work out! None of those options sound fun. Maybe the cortisone shots would just delay the replacement, but give time for more improvement in the technology of knee replacement. My MIL used to get them!

                I am staying strong for this one! Lots of chocolate


                  Vegas pictures:

                  I am getting more and more excited about this ep!
                  I think he may have been thrown to the ground by the force of the explosion, see the burning stuff in the background.
                  So maybe some heroic staggering when he gets up?


                    Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                    ouch!! Hope things work out! None of those options sound fun. Maybe the cortisone shots would just delay the replacement, but give time for more improvement in the technology of knee replacement. My MIL used to get them!

                    I am staying strong for this one! Lots of chocolate
                    Thanks! I am really not enthused at the cortisone.
                    My intolerance of so many medications makes it an iffy option. And that's beside the fact that it does nothing more than mask the problem.

                    Originally posted by Lythisrose View Post
                    Vegas pictures:

                    I am getting more and more excited about this ep!
                    I think he may have been thrown to the ground by the force of the explosion, see the burning stuff in the background.
                    So maybe some heroic staggering when he gets up?
                    Now, that's a thought!


                      Lorr knees OT

                      My mom has bad knees and has been enduring cortisone shots on and off for a little while - she's a type 1 diabetic so they really mess with her blood sugar levels for a few days. Apparently there are two schools of thought with getting knees replaced - wait as long as possible versus get them done when you're still in good shape and can recover faster. Oh and they just discovered women's knees are differnt them men's - all how we walk and carry weight.


                        Thanks, Vecturist. I have a lot of research and thinking to do. Who knows, maybe I'll find something usable for whumping Shep in the process!


                          Pilota, thank you very much for the pics! SciFi magazine is the worst. They have said almost nothing about SGA for 5 years (I've checked every issue I've seen). They wait until the show is cancelled. Grrr I will but that issue, though.
                          Totally agree. There was a feature on the film I'm working on in this issue so I grabbed it right away. Was so surprised to see they had covered SGA and tagged it on the cover to boot. BTW the actual article is so not interesting. The 2 photos I posted are on the same page with another 2-3 shots (we've already seen from Vegas) so they are small - especially the whump pic.

                          Have to echo others that are saying that Vegas looks to be a potentially very interesting episode. Possibility for whumpage aside... I love how different it looks. From what I hear it will feature cool music and we'll see a big departure in standard SGA visual style. Sorry sounding a bit like a movie geek here... am just excited.


                            Ooo, can you tell us what you're working on? I love film, but don't get out tot the movies anywhere near as much as I'd like.


                              Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                              Ooo, can you tell us what you're working on? I love film, but don't get out tot the movies anywhere near as much as I'd like.
                              Of course. I'm working on a film called Coraline. It is stop motion 3D and very cool. Comes out next year Feb. 6. Sadly I don't see as many movies as I'd like either. Work keeps me busy and I've got a family. I can totally relate.


                                Very cool, Pilota!

                                Well, I think I'm going to head out. I'm tired and my poor little head is a-spinning. It's most annoying.

                                How many days until Infection? Oh, 3! Small squee!

