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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by sherryw View Post
    So at the end of the day I really enjoyed this episode. It had a lot of great things about it.
    1. Sheppard dazed and a little whumped after the explosion.
    2. Sheppy shirtless .
    3. Shep's dogtags
    4. He protected Zelenka during the exposion.
    5. Shep in charge again during a crisis
    6. Shep using his brains to save the Daedalus (who needs Rodney?)
    7. Thought it was cute how he kept trying to get info on Larrin.
    8. Loved the Zelenka and Sheppard interaction as well as Rodney and Daniel

    Things I didn't like about the episode
    1. Where the heck was Caldwell?
    2. Too much Keller
    3. Not enough Sheppard
    4. Would have been nice having a scene between Woolsey and Sheppard about the gateroom blowing up after Woolsey said not to wreck the city.

    The episode had a lot of different things associated with it - humor, Sheppy shirtless, suspense, Sheppy shirtless, angst, Sheppy shirtless, action, Sheppy shirtless of course.

    Night whumpers!!!!

    I agree but TLT
    I think the pluses out weigh the negatives. I just let Keller roll off of me because I really want to enjoy the last now sob 9 episodes left. I think they had Shep it in enough to make me happy. More than I thought originally.
    Other than the missing Cadwell I really really liked this episode. Heck, Shep saved the day. What more can I ask. Oh yeah, a little lower on the shoulder scene would have been nice. SO enjoy it for what we have.


      Originally posted by Lorr View Post
      TLT I am a little annoyed about something
      Two things, actually. Shep was totally insulted by Rodney's remark about Mensa in FC, but his coming up with the idea to save Atlantis from the exploding Gate and the idea to take the Daedalus through the planet using a hypersapce window do not get acknowledged. Actually, his ability to think on his feet is rarely given much credit.

      The second thing is, why do they need to make Shep a schoolboy when it comes to Larrin? That could have been handled a little better IMO.
      I think Lorr that

      Woosley acknowledge him when he said to Marks that he was late after Shep told him to thank him for the save. Woosley knew who did it and I think in his own way said so. I think the Larrin stuff is cute. JMO


        Oh that's how you feel about him .What's the best thing about him?


          I was worried I didn't spolier my comment so I came back in to check. Doh!

          Originally posted by knightie View Post
          I think Lorr that

          Woosley acknowledge him when he said to Marks that he was late after Shep told him to thank him for the save. Woosley knew who did it and I think in his own way said so. I think the Larrin stuff is cute. JMO
          Oh, I'm just tired and still sore from my little tumble yesterday. On any other day, I wouldn't have the same thoughts.

          Did anyone notice how he has nice, broad shoulders? Sigh

          Well, I am off in search of chocolate.



            The Lost Tribe

            DOG TAGS!!!

            NEKKID SHEP!!!!!

            GLASS IN HIS

            I don't care about the content of rest of the episode to be honest. I'm going to be really shallow and say that scene with Shep just made the episode fantastic! I did quite enjoy the rest, though I had a massive continuity issue with Keller's hair! That was so funny I was on the floor laughing! Until I thought back to that scene with Shep and I was on the floor unconscious!

            I just can't believe what I saw!

            Does anyone know about me and my obsession with Shep not wearing a certain part of military attire? I can't believe it! I'm stunned and in shock!

            A few caps of that scene:


            I mean

            I need to lie down!


              Originally posted by prion View Post
              A totally gratuitious video clip from LOST TRIBE where Sheppard is being
              treated in the infirmary
              , but really, no spoilers if you saw last week's episode.

              I rather like gratuitous on occasion!
              Originally posted by Salty View Post
              Miss me?
              I've been trying for days to catch up and it's like one step forward, two steps back, and after watching TLT tonight, I have one little itsy bitsy thing to say...

              Spoilers for TLT
              OMG!!! We got nekkid shoulders!!! Is it so wrong that I spent the whole episode thinking about the shoulders with the chain around his neck?????

              And now back to my sleep-elusive, overwhelming, mind-erasing horror of RL!
              Um, I spent the whole episode thinking about the same things. I was totally gobsmacked. I still can't believe it! I got one thing I wanted, no, not what Peg wanted, the other thing!
              Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
              nooooooooo I can't see it I'll have to wait until it's on yt until I can see it!!!

              Originally posted by Lorr View Post
              Yes, Peggy, it is one of the very bright spots in the ep!

              aboleyn, you are too, too funny!
              Well, um, it was the only very bright spot in the episode really for me!
              Originally posted by Strey View Post
              Re TLT -
              It appears that I am the dissenter here. We just got tossed a friggin' bone, peeps! Yummm and yaayyy for Shep taking pole position in the infirmary, but - for crying out loud - enough with the Keller thing, already. I totally hope JF snags himself a bloody brilliant series that is not only well whumpy but acknowledges the fact that HE IS THE LEADING MAN. Honestly, this is like Harrison Ford being stuffed in the background while Hannah Montana takes center stage. And I'm being VERY generous here.
              I can see where you're coming from. Keller is NEVER going to be one of the team for me. EVER. She doesn't fit at all, sorry. TPTB's cramming her into scenes is ridiculous, unnecessary and tiresome, IMO.
              Originally posted by Lorr View Post
              You're not the lone dissenter here, Strey. TLT
              I said earlier that Shep had very little screen time in TLT. I understand that this one was 3 storylines, but it did seem skewed in certain directions.

              I'm just glad they threw us a bone. I honestly didn't expect as much as we got.
              I'm willing to forget about Keller so I can enjoy the rest of this final season. I'll be damned if I'll let TPTB's obsession with her ruin this for me. I'm not thrilled with spoilers for some ep's coming up, and I wish she wasn't around so much, personally. It has taken the shine off a few eppies for me.
              Originally posted by Strey View Post
              Lorr - I reckon I should back off. My whine was of the cup half-empty, mega-grr ilk. We got a dash of
              GORGEOUS nekkidness, which I never expected,

              but seriously,
              I have had it up to wazoo with the in-your-face Keller stuff. The franchise is doomed. DOOOOMED, I say.

              If it weren't for
              some serious, upcoming whump - with JF FINALLY being given something to get to grips with, I'd duck out right now. Joe deserves better and heck, WE deserve better.
              Rant all you like. I can see where you're coming from, I'm just ignoring it all because if I let Keller get on my nerves any more, it'll ruin the show for me, and I'm not going to let that happen. I'm most likely either going to FF Brain Storm or not watch it. A first for me. But I do want to savour the last episodes, and I won't let Keller ruin it for me.
              Originally posted by sherryw View Post
              I've been intubated 4 times and I woke in the operating room once during my wrist surgery, that only lasted about 2 minutes before they knocked me back out again.
              I was re-intubated while awake, but I didn't even gag because of the muscle relaxant. Not nice really. So you have my sympathy here!
              Originally posted by sherryw View Post
              Let's see in my opinion I thought that both Sheppard and McKay played pivotal roles in The Siege 1, 2 and 3. It was Shep's idea to use the nukes to blow up the hive ships and McKay was able to get the shield up using the ZPM. If neither of them did what they did Atlantis would have self destructed.

              Yep but

              bare shoulders.


              Todd is such a great character.

              I noticed the dog tags too. They finally got something right. Looks like they are trying to get all our requests in before the end. Let's hope they get some intubation in for some of our favorite whumpers.

              I was thinking the same thing. There was very little of him and way too much of Keller again. I'm kind of worried about the rest of the season. We get Identity which is ANOTHER Keller episode, then there's Brain Storm with McKay and Keller again. It seems like there's hardly anything for Sheppard to do. I guess TPTB forgot he's the lead.

              I was wondering what happened to Caldwell too. If Mitch was unavailable they could have at least written something in the script to explain where Caldwell was. That was poorly done.

              You are so good to us whumpers Prion. I'd green you again if I could.

              So at the end of the day I really enjoyed this episode. It had a lot of great things about it.
              1. Sheppard dazed and a little whumped after the explosion.
              2. Sheppy shirtless .
              3. Shep's dogtags
              4. He protected Zelenka during the exposion.
              5. Shep in charge again during a crisis
              6. Shep using his brains to save the Daedalus (who needs Rodney?)
              7. Thought it was cute how he kept trying to get info on Larrin.
              8. Loved the Zelenka and Sheppard interaction as well as Rodney and Daniel

              Things I didn't like about the episode
              1. Where the heck was Caldwell?
              2. Too much Keller
              3. Not enough Sheppard
              4. Would have been nice having a scene between Woolsey and Sheppard about the gateroom blowing up after Woolsey said not to wreck the city.

              The episode had a lot of different things associated with it - humor, Sheppy shirtless, suspense, Sheppy shirtless, angst, Sheppy shirtless, action, Sheppy shirtless of course.

              Night whumpers!!!!
              Nice comments and thoughts! I agree!


                Linzi, because of you I want to see TLT NOW!!!! And I can't I didn't dare quote your squee post though. I'm pretty sure I would have 'forgotten' to squint my eyes at the spoilery parts

                Well, some pre-squee for those who haven't seen it yet
                Pic spoiler for TLT

                Sigs by me, CazzBlade, Luciana, csom, scifan, sgmajorshipper, x_stargatergirl_x and LJ's glaringcandle
                Save Our Seeker!
                LotS on LJ.


                  Originally posted by SanGate View Post
                  Linzi, because of you I want to see TLT NOW!!!! And I can't I didn't dare quote your squee post though. I'm pretty sure I would have 'forgotten' to squint my eyes at the spoilery parts

                  Well, some pre-squee for those who haven't seen it yet
                  Pic spoiler for TLT

                  Sorry sweetie! When will you get to see it? Soon, I hope?

                  I don't mean to squee so much, but I'm a bit stunned really.


                    *looks at Linz's pics* oh my oh my oh my oh my oh goodness me I've come over all unecessary.....

                    * looks at them again while becoming increasingly incoherent *

                    Oh my goodness I need to lie down!!!

                    nekkid Sheppy with dog tags

                    * dies*

                    But what a way to go!!!



                      Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                      *looks at Linz's pics* oh my oh my oh my oh my oh goodness me I've come over all unecessary.....

                      * looks at them again while becoming increasingly incoherent *

                      Oh my goodness I need to lie down!!!

                      nekkid Sheppy with dog tags

                      * dies*

                      But what a way to go!!!



                        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                        Sorry sweetie! When will you get to see it? Soon, I hope?

                        I don't mean to squee so much, but I'm a bit stunned really.
                        Oh no, that's okay I like to know whether or not an epi has caused some squee in here And it obviously has

                        Plus.. I've been a bad girl and peeked at that vid, since I already heard about the content And I have to say, I'm just as stunned as you are.. I didn't have my hopes up for this kind of *cough* anymore to be honest. Makes it all more.. guh..

                        Probably see the whole epi tonight *iz seriously impatient*

                        Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                        *looks at Linz's pics* oh my oh my oh my oh my oh goodness me I've come over all unecessary.....

                        * looks at them again while becoming increasingly incoherent *

                        Oh my goodness I need to lie down!!!

                        nekkid Sheppy with dog tags

                        * dies*

                        But what a way to go!!!

                        Yup, pretty much my reaction right there
                        Sigs by me, CazzBlade, Luciana, csom, scifan, sgmajorshipper, x_stargatergirl_x and LJ's glaringcandle
                        Save Our Seeker!
                        LotS on LJ.


                          Hi peeps!!!

                          Not looking at pics and not reading spoilies as I don't get to see the ep til later and I want to REALLY enjoy it....and based on the reactions, I think I may enjoy it quite a bit..

                          Its my birthday today, so I won't be around as we are going out for the day, but I'm pre-squeeing already!!!!!!!!!!!!...

                          Later.....*waves to peeps*

                          my fan fiction place


                            is it wrong that I can't stop squeeing over those pics.

                            Squeeeeeee I can't beleve it!!

                            *goes back for tenths*

                            ETA oh Bebop Happy Birthday hon. A fab pressy awaits. I'd say go ahead and unwrap him. BUt

                            I think he got impatient and unwrapped himself heheheh

                            I have lost the fallatus to spell and speak it seems. You gotta luff the sheppy effect heheh
                            Last edited by Pegasus_SGA; 11 October 2008, 02:19 AM.


                              Originally posted by bebop View Post
                              Hi peeps!!!

                              Not looking at pics and not reading spoilies as I don't get to see the ep til later and I want to REALLY enjoy it....and based on the reactions, I think I may enjoy it quite a bit..

                              Its my birthday today, so I won't be around as we are going out for the day, but I'm pre-squeeing already!!!!!!!!!!!!...

                              Later.....*waves to peeps*
                              Happy Birthday

                              Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                              is it wrong that I can't stop squeeing over those pics.
                              Uh, NO!
                              Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                              Squeeeeeee I can't beleve it!!
                              Me neither. You know about my obsession which is as passionate as yours, and we both got what we wanted! Well, some of it, anyway! I'm stunned. I must watch the rest of the eppie again. I can't seem to get past the first 5 mins or so without rewinding....
                              Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                              *goes back for tenths*
                              Well, I've had more than tenths so far!
                              Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                              ETA oh Bebop Happy Birthday hon. A fab pressy unwaits. I'd say go ahead and unwrap him. BUt

                              I think he got impatient and unwrapped himself heheheh

                              Hmmm, nope, not going to say it. Shutting up and rewinding again....


                                Originally posted by bebop View Post
                                Hi peeps!!!

                                Not looking at pics and not reading spoilies as I don't get to see the ep til later and I want to REALLY enjoy it....and based on the reactions, I think I may enjoy it quite a bit..

                                Its my birthday today, so I won't be around as we are going out for the day, but I'm pre-squeeing already!!!!!!!!!!!!...

                                Later.....*waves to peeps*
                                Happy birthday bebop!!!!
                                Have loads of fun today!!

                                Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                                is it wrong that I can't stop squeeing over those pics.

                                Squeeeeeee I can't beleve it!!

                                *goes back for tenths*

                                ETA oh Bebop Happy Birthday hon. A fab pressy unwaits. I'd say go ahead and unwrap him. BUt

                                I think he got impatient and unwrapped himself heheheh
                                Sigs by me, CazzBlade, Luciana, csom, scifan, sgmajorshipper, x_stargatergirl_x and LJ's glaringcandle
                                Save Our Seeker!
                                LotS on LJ.

