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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Squonk View Post
    Howdy folks! You guys were chatty over the weekend!

    Got very little sleep between boyfy's dad's blaring TV till 2am, rip saw snoring, stomping about and blaring TV from 7am. Oh and the cat had fleas - again - so i got eaten alive - again. I ITCH!!!!

    Still, other that that, the weekend didn't totally suck.... lol


    Got to see it last night - i liked it! I wasn't expecting it to be as creepy as JM was making out, and i was right, but i loved the tongue-in-cheekness of it The only bit that really creeped me out was the crawl up the well, because it reminded me of the way Sadako moves in the original Ring (a film that seriously creeped me out). And having read JM's blog, i see that was the effect they were going for - well they pulled it off!

    I liked the female team. Despite being female, i've never been a huge fan of lots of female charcters or females in these type of roles - i hated the idea of a female Captain on ST, and if they EVER get a female Dr Who i'll scream!
    But these won me over. I especially liked Dusty - she was a bit gung-ho, but she was sharp as a tack, and soooo funny.

    And i know it was meant to be funny, but i'm not sure how funny we were meant to find it. When Shep said he'd lost his C4 - there was just something in the delivery that i found hilarious!

    One thing that did stand out for me though - was teh hair. Is it me, or was it particularly lovely in this ep?! lol

    But yeah, really enjoyed it and would watch again. Didn't even mind the lack of whump

    OT vaccinations
    I've had an allergic reaction to every vaccination i've ever had, but it's always the same and nothing so serious as you get!
    My upper arm swells up and aches for a week or two. With the tetanus, it also gave off a lot of heat and itched like hell. The TB jab was the oddest though, my whole arm and hand swelled up and went green! And my joints were too painful to move.

    I'm actually overdue for my tetenus now, sooooo looking forward to having that done again....

    Welcome back!! Oooo, chocolate......... there is no evil there *drools*

    Nice pic, thanks for sharing!

    I've got And The Sky Was Dark bookmarked, i'm really looking forward to reading it, so many people have recommended it, it must be good.

    Gonna give those whump questions some consideration now.... oh the chore!
    Welcome back Squonk!

    I must say that And the sky was dark is the fic that I have read the most. Every couple of months I get the urge to read it again. You will love it - it has whump for all the characters!


      Welcome back Chokolaj!

      I'm really enjoying all the fic recs and seeing the whumpers whump desires!

      Originally posted by Astraldust View Post
      My goodness so many good fanfics to read. I'm not going to be without my fix for quite a while to come. Thanks for all the recs.

      I think one of the best blind Shep stories I've read is Kodiak Bears 'And The Sky Was Dark'. If you haven't read it here's the link.

      MGM's website has posted a few new behind the scenes piccies - here's one of Joe.

      It seems he still likes to play his guitar.
      Awww! That's a lovely piccie. Thanks!
      Originally posted by Squonk View Post
      Howdy folks! You guys were chatty over the weekend!

      Got very little sleep between boyfy's dad's blaring TV till 2am, rip saw snoring, stomping about and blaring TV from 7am. Oh and the cat had fleas - again - so i got eaten alive - again. I ITCH!!!!

      Still, other that that, the weekend didn't totally suck.... lol


      Got to see it last night - i liked it! I wasn't expecting it to be as creepy as JM was making out, and i was right, but i loved the tongue-in-cheekness of it The only bit that really creeped me out was the crawl up the well, because it reminded me of the way Sadako moves in the original Ring (a film that seriously creeped me out). And having read JM's blog, i see that was the effect they were going for - well they pulled it off!

      I liked the female team. Despite being female, i've never been a huge fan of lots of female charcters or females in these type of roles - i hated the idea of a female Captain on ST, and if they EVER get a female Dr Who i'll scream!
      But these won me over. I especially liked Dusty - she was a bit gung-ho, but she was sharp as a tack, and soooo funny.

      And i know it was meant to be funny, but i'm not sure how funny we were meant to find it. When Shep said he'd lost his C4 - there was just something in the delivery that i found hilarious!

      One thing that did stand out for me though - was teh hair. Is it me, or was it particularly lovely in this ep?! lol

      But yeah, really enjoyed it and would watch again. Didn't even mind the lack of whump

      OT vaccinations
      I've had an allergic reaction to every vaccination i've ever had, but it's always the same and nothing so serious as you get!
      My upper arm swells up and aches for a week or two. With the tetanus, it also gave off a lot of heat and itched like hell. The TB jab was the oddest though, my whole arm and hand swelled up and went green! And my joints were too painful to move.

      I'm actually overdue for my tetenus now, sooooo looking forward to having that done again....

      Welcome back!! Oooo, chocolate......... there is no evil there *drools*

      Nice pic, thanks for sharing!

      I've got And The Sky Was Dark bookmarked, i'm really looking forward to reading it, so many people have recommended it, it must be good.

      Gonna give those whump questions some consideration now.... oh the chore!
      Glad you liked Whispers. I watched it on the big TV last night and enjoyed it more. I still can see a few plot holes, but I am very critical.

      Sorry about the fleas!


        Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
        Welcome back Squonk!

        I must say that And the sky was dark is the fic that I have read the most. Every couple of months I get the urge to read it again. You will love it - it has whump for all the characters!
        That's it! I'm bumping it up the list to read next!

        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
        Glad you liked Whispers. I watched it on the big TV last night and enjoyed it more. I still can see a few plot holes, but I am very critical.

        Sorry about the fleas!
        Agreed about plot holes, but i can forgive that

        As for fleas, i think we've brought some back, i've got more bites today than i had yesterday..... And the gets got my ear! My EAR for pete's sake!!

        My responses to the whump questions...

        1. If you could have a combination of bits of all the whump we have seen so far
        Getting bitten by the Iratus bug and having convulsions – that could work together. Maybe he could have been captured by Larrin first, beaten up (drippy blood!), then somehow the bug gets in there and bites him, leading to comvulsions as they try to get it off (because they never meant it to happen).

        2.If you could chose any character to whump Sheppy who would it be?
        It’s always nice when the person closest to them turns on them. That would be Rodney then, but i just don’t see it working, he doesn’t have the brawn. Which would make it Ronan – that could be fun.

        3. If you could pick any character to provide the comfort to Sheppy who would it be and in what situation?
        Rodney – any situation where it’s just the two of them and the others can’t get to them. Maybe Shep is dying and he can’t see a way out and he does a kind of death-bed confession of things he regrets.

        4. What new whump would if you could have anything would you choose?
        I could get all complicated and say some good old fashioned torture, with lots of nasty little techniques (i do like my torture). But i think even something as simple as a leg break would be good – as long as we got to see the recovery!

        5. What would you like to see happen to Sheppy in the infirmary?
        INTUBATION!!!!! Damn, we got so close with The Seed.

        6. Is there such a thing as too much whump or any part of Shep that you could no watch being whumped (pg forum!)
        Oh yes – anything permanently debilitating. Anything goes as long as it’s reversible or recoverable (loss of sight/mind etc) But no lopping off of limbs and no death!

        7. Weapon of choice for Shep whump?
        Is there a Pegasus version of the Goauld pain stick?
        The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

        l My LJ l


          Hi peeps..Back from the Isle of Man..had a wonderful break with my mate..lots of wine and good food!!..

          Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
          I know what you mean, I stayed up til 5:30am once reading a fic Worth it though

          This is the banner I've made for aboleyn's SGA Tribute site:

          Thanx to Linda and puts for help finding the pics and many others for their suggestions

          That is FABBY Cazz!!!...Well done you!..

          Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
          Dont know if you have seen this video- the cast comment on the cancellation

          btw Whispers

          awesome eye whump Peggy!!!!! I think I also saw some little finger whump too!!! Okay Revels are on you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          Oh, that was a bit sad wasn't it.....they weren't even resigned about it either, there was definately a degree of shock and sadness about most of their comments...

          Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
          I'm not going to quote anyone because I'm trying to avoid reading what's behind the spoiler cuts but re Brad Wright, I agree with Lorr that we do not know the full situation and probably never will but what is irritating me about him is his total lack of sympathy for the fans. This is not "the best possible scenario" for Atlantis. For goodness sake man show a little tact and diplomacy.

          I've excepted Atlantis's cancellation, I'm glad that we will be getting at least one movie but I'd really appreciate it if Brad Wright stopped patronising me.
          ITA with that Josie, his insensitivity astounds me!

          Originally posted by Boolsheet View Post
          Semi-terrified newbie here.
          Testing, testing...
          HI!!!!!!...join the fun!..

          Originally posted by Kristen999 View Post
          Run by post! Been busy, busy

          Fic rec:

          "Magnificent Desolation" by coolbreeze1

          Wonderful imagery, creative plot, and great H/C. Awesome John POV.
          OOOHHHHH!!!...saved for later..*rubs hands together in anticipation*

          Listy, I'm going to have a think about my answers and get back to you in a little while when I have a better state of brain..

          my fan fiction place


            Squonk! Welcome back. Fleas? Ugh! I don't think I'd wish that on anyone, even for Shep whump. Definitely get the good girlfriend award.


              Good Morning all!

              I shall be popping in and out all day, I really must do some work today.


                A friend's just sent me a quote from the Television Without Pity Stargate forum, which she reads, even though she's not a major fan, but I don't. I'm afraid she didn't send me a link or the name of the person who made the post, so apologies if I'm breaching forum etiquette by referring to it unattributed. Anyway, it was by someone with a military background, who says, re. Whispers:
                that it's inconceivable that anyone on base wouldn't have personally met their CO within a few days, or that Sheppard didn't have to approve (or, more likely, select) off world teams.

                This person also adds: "Atlantis ditched listening to military advisers a while back. Remember when the Air Force was so annoyed that Sheppard's hair was non-regulation they offered him a trip on a fighter plane if he'd cut it? He agreed to the deal, then the showrunners said no way was he allowed to cut his hair, but at least the USAF were good sports and gave Flannigan the flight anyway."

                Is this true? Anyone heard this story before? If so... Eeek! We almost lost teh hair!


                  Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                  This person also adds: "Atlantis ditched listening to military advisers a while back. Remember when the Air Force was so annoyed that Sheppard's hair was non-regulation they offered him a trip on a fighter plane if he'd cut it? He agreed to the deal, then the showrunners said no way was he allowed to cut his hair, but at least the USAF were good sports and gave Flannigan the flight anyway."

                  Is this true? Anyone heard this story before? If so... Eeek! We almost lost teh hair!
                  I do know that they got rid of the military/AF advisor and that JF's hair had something to do with it. However, I will add that my cousin who flew Apaches for the Army in Afghanistan was allowed to grow his hair beyond regulation due all the goodwill/medical missions he flew so he would blend in/not look so intimidating.

                  I did read that JF and BB got to go up with the Blue Angels in their F-16s and at least JF got a little sick during some of the maneuvers.


                    Originally posted by Kristen999 View Post
                    Here are a few recs: under cut for length:


                    "Resonance" by Jadesfire

                    Pretty whumpy

                    As everyone tries to put Atlantis back together again, John has an accident that gives him more of an insight into the city and the Ancients than he ever could have wanted. Unfortunately, this also gives the city and the Ancients an insight into him.


                    "See No Evil" by Greyias

                    If you love banter this is for you, not too whumpy but very fun.

                    In a world without the SGC, John Sheppard never got his second chance and is ushered into early retirement. Nine months later he's working as a test pilot for the world's leading defense contractor on a groundbreaking new plane, and has just been introduced to his difficult new coworker, one Dr. Rodney McKay. However, not everything is as it appears to be. There's something very strange about this plane, John's employer--and Rodney McKay.


                    "A Clear and Different Light" by friendshipper and naye

                    Labaled Slash but out of 90,000 words it reads gen up until the 'light' slash at the very end. One of my favorites.

                    Rodney McKay, raised by a pod of telepathic whales. John Sheppard, mage with fae blood. Teyla Emmagan, rune-scientist. Ronon Dex, winged soldier. On the waystation of Atlantis, they're about to become embroiled in an age-old war against a brutal enemy.


                    Those are my top recs for now.

                    Of course I wrote "Imago-The Tao of John"

                    I'm going to read a few het ones as well when I can fit them in. I'm trying roam where I normally don't go :-P If any of them are whumpy I'll let people know. I ever read one light slash one that was really good and will list that with my recs next time.

                    Thanks so much. I am much the same as you. I prefer Gen but will read light slash. There is one by Auburn which is really really heavy slash. I don't go for that. The problem is you never know when you read the descriptions which is which until you start reading and then I am one that has to finish something just because.


                      Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                      I do know that they got rid of the military/AF advisor and that JF's hair had something to do with it. However, I will add that my cousin who flew Apaches for the Army in Afghanistan was allowed to grow his hair beyond regulation due all the goodwill/medical missions he flew so he would blend in/not look so intimidating.

                      I did read that JF and BB got to go up with the Blue Angels in their F-16s and at least JF got a little sick during some of the maneuvers.
                      I think he told that story at one of the convention videos I saw. Can't remember where but he did say he got sick.

                      They should also have a medical expert so they can do CPR properly. I guess some of that stuff gets lost.


                      I liked it but didn't love it. It did what it was suppose to do be a stand alone scary story. I had my sister watch it the next day and it scared the pants off of her. I am a little more jaded but I enjoyed it for the Shep parts. Sometimes I just suspend reality (ie Shep not knowing who the team was) and just go with the flow. JM mentioned that the hand slap was Joe's and Paul's adlib so I just chalked it up to boys will be boys. I was surprised that Vega got it. I was thinking Dusty since she was the one who wanted to get the bad guys. I liked her a lot. I could take Tedy either way. I am not thrilled that JM mentioned he wanted to bring them back for the movie (yesterday's blog)


                        Originally posted by bandcat View Post
                        a bit late but congrats on your milestone puddlejumper42

                        Originally posted by knightie View Post
                        Thanks so much. I am much the same as you. I prefer Gen but will read light slash. There is one by Auburn which is really really heavy slash. I don't go for that. The problem is you never know when you read the descriptions which is which until you start reading and then I am one that has to finish something just because.
                        The fics have various ratings to prevent that. (I assume you're talking about the Big Bang fic?)


                          Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                          A friend's just sent me a quote from the Television Without Pity Stargate forum, which she reads, even though she's not a major fan, but I don't. I'm afraid she didn't send me a link or the name of the person who made the post, so apologies if I'm breaching forum etiquette by referring to it unattributed. Anyway, it was by someone with a military background, who says, re. Whispers:
                          that it's inconceivable that anyone on base wouldn't have personally met their CO within a few days, or that Sheppard didn't have to approve (or, more likely, select) off world teams.

                          This person also adds: "Atlantis ditched listening to military advisers a while back. Remember when the Air Force was so annoyed that Sheppard's hair was non-regulation they offered him a trip on a fighter plane if he'd cut it? He agreed to the deal, then the showrunners said no way was he allowed to cut his hair, but at least the USAF were good sports and gave Flannigan the flight anyway."

                          Is this true? Anyone heard this story before? If so... Eeek! We almost lost teh hair!
                          I've never heard that story before and haven't seen it related from any cons... He did say at the NJ con a couple years ago that he did do a flight in an F16 and lost his lunch, but that's it, unless he said something at another con, but alas, so few people report back what is said!


                            Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                            A friend's just sent me a quote from the Television Without Pity Stargate forum, which she reads, even though she's not a major fan, but I don't. I'm afraid she didn't send me a link or the name of the person who made the post, so apologies if I'm breaching forum etiquette by referring to it unattributed. Anyway, it was by someone with a military background, who says, re. Whispers:
                            that it's inconceivable that anyone on base wouldn't have personally met their CO within a few days, or that Sheppard didn't have to approve (or, more likely, select) off world teams.

                            This person also adds: "Atlantis ditched listening to military advisers a while back. Remember when the Air Force was so annoyed that Sheppard's hair was non-regulation they offered him a trip on a fighter plane if he'd cut it? He agreed to the deal, then the showrunners said no way was he allowed to cut his hair, but at least the USAF were good sports and gave Flannigan the flight anyway."

                            Is this true? Anyone heard this story before? If so... Eeek! We almost lost teh hair!
                            I have heard that before, that the USAF wanted JF to cut his hair and he was more than willing to do so but tptb or the network said no - and that is what eventually led to SGA not having a military advisor. How much, if any, of that is true I couldn't say. I suspect there may be some small truth in there somewhere but that it has become exaggerated via the big ole game of Chinese Whispers that is internet fandom.


                              Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                              A friend's just sent me a quote from the Television Without Pity Stargate forum, which she reads, even though she's not a major fan, but I don't. I'm afraid she didn't send me a link or the name of the person who made the post, so apologies if I'm breaching forum etiquette by referring to it unattributed. Anyway, it was by someone with a military background, who says, re. Whispers:
                              that it's inconceivable that anyone on base wouldn't have personally met their CO within a few days, or that Sheppard didn't have to approve (or, more likely, select) off world teams.

                              This person also adds: "Atlantis ditched listening to military advisers a while back. Remember when the Air Force was so annoyed that Sheppard's hair was non-regulation they offered him a trip on a fighter plane if he'd cut it? He agreed to the deal, then the showrunners said no way was he allowed to cut his hair, but at least the USAF were good sports and gave Flannigan the flight anyway."

                              Is this true? Anyone heard this story before? If so... Eeek! We almost lost teh hair!
                              I have never heard that story, but that's cool that JF was willing to do that. I mean I would cut my hair to do something like that too and I have long hair.

                              Congrats to Vecturist for 500 posts!!!!! (I think it was you)

                              Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
                              AVI by *ERIKA*


                                Originally posted by sherryw View Post
                                I have never heard that story, but that's cool that JF was willing to do that. I mean I would cut my hair to do something like that too and I have long hair.

                                Congrats to Vecturist for 500 posts!!!!! (I think it was you)
                                That must be when he was talking about the experience on the tv guide Infanity show when he was saying that he threw up. I so don't know if that is when, I just remember JF talking about the experience with the host of the show.
                                sig by Sci!

                                Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..

