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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by aboleyn24 View Post
    I was refering to the comment by Aqualegia that he replied about focusing more on Keller than Shep, not the popularity comment. Sorry if I was unclear in my post.
    No worries hon Darn I was looking forward to being involved with controversy.

    Originally posted by Major Clanger View Post
    We can't really make someone change their name - unless they are using a similar name for nefarious purposes. I'll keep an eye out, but if you see something happening like that - just either report the post or PM me or one of the other mods about it (with a link)

    Then we can decide what to do.

    er... carry on

    The only nefarious thing a whumper should be up to would need to relate to Shep and him getting into lots and lots of trouble.


      Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
      No worries hon Darn I was looking forward to being involved with controversy.

      The only nefarious thing a whumper should be up to would need to relate to Shep and him getting into lots and lots of trouble.
      Ohh you want to be controversal, fine I will start a nasty rumor about you. Hmm how is this....

      Peg wants Shep to get one of those Ancient personal shields and never be harmed again.


        Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
        I remember when somebody created a user name Gater Geek. Too confusing. Never saw that person again.......wonder if they are still here or not or if they changed thier name?

        My B-day is tomorrow. Your's is the 12th right?
        Are we all August babies? LOL...mine was the 7th.


          Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
          I remember when somebody created a user name Gater Geek. Too confusing. Never saw that person again.......wonder if they are still here or not or if they changed thier name?

          My B-day is tomorrow. Your's is the 12th right?
          Indeed it is!!!!


            Originally posted by LtCdrFlygirl View Post
            Are we all August babies? LOL...mine was the 7th.
            Oh belated Happy Birthday!


              Happy Belated Birthday, LtCdrFlygirl!!

              Happy Birthday to come, GG and SheppyD!

              Hey, if the other person even uses sheppyd and a nickname, it's time to get worried. It looked like she(he?) is a long time GW member, but that was the first post. May be just an occasional lurker. Bless her (him?)


                Originally posted by aboleyn24 View Post
                Ohh you want to be controversal, fine I will start a nasty rumor about you. Hmm how is this....

                Peg wants Shep to get one of those Ancient personal shields and never be harmed again.
                What you actually like to see shep hurt and bleeding and shot (not in the left arm) and intubated and poorly and vulnerable, and near death, and neekid under the green sheets infirmary blanket? What kind of thread have I stumbled into?

                To the August birthday babies Sheppy D (original ) GG and Ltd Com. Flygirl

                Hope you all have/had a great day.


                  Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                  Happy Belated Birthday, LtCdrFlygirl!!

                  Happy Birthday to come, GG and SheppyD!

                  Hey, if the other person even uses sheppyd and a nickname, it's time to get worried. It looked like she(he?) is a long time GW member, but that was the first post. May be just an occasional lurker. Bless her (him?)
                  Thank you, everybody! I am now officially "The BIG 3-5"...scary.
                  I will try to stop being a 'lurker' and more of a 'poster' guys always seem like your having alot of fun!


                    Originally posted by LtCdrFlygirl View Post
                    Are we all August babies? LOL...mine was the 7th.
                    Happy Belated birthday!!!!

                    Originally posted by LtCdrFlygirl View Post
                    Thank you, everybody! I am now officially "The BIG 3-5"...scary.
                    I will try to stop being a 'lurker' and more of a 'poster' guys always seem like your having alot of fun!
                    The big 3-5?? I'll be the big 3-6 tomorrow. I'm crying already!

                    Yeah, stay and post and join the fun!! Lurkdom sucks.


                      Originally posted by LtCdrFlygirl View Post
                      Thank you, everybody! I am now officially "The BIG 3-5"...scary.
                      I will try to stop being a 'lurker' and more of a 'poster' guys always seem like your having alot of fun!
                      Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                      Happy Belated birthday!!!!

                      The big 3-5?? I'll be the big 3-6 tomorrow. I'm crying already!

                      Yeah, stay and post and join the fun!! Lurkdom sucks.
                      You two are puppies compared to me!


                        Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                        Happy Belated Birthday, LtCdrFlygirl!!

                        Happy Birthday to come, GG and SheppyD!

                        Hey, if the other person even uses sheppyd and a nickname, it's time to get worried. It looked like she(he?) is a long time GW member, but that was the first post. May be just an occasional lurker. Bless her (him?)

                        Thank you!!!!!!

                        Yes if they call themselves SheppyD I am going to get seriously worried!!!!

                        Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                        What you actually like to see shep hurt and bleeding and shot (not in the left arm) and intubated and poorly and vulnerable, and near death, and neekid under the green sheets infirmary blanket? What kind of thread have I stumbled into?

                        To the August birthday babies Sheppy D (original ) GG and Ltd Com. Flygirl

                        Hope you all have/had a great day.
                        Thank you!!!!!

                        Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                        You two are puppies compared to me!
                        Oh I my 30's are becoming a very distant memory!!!!!


                          Originally posted by aboleyn24 View Post
                          I am going to wade in on the Keller discussion....

                          First off I agree with the others that JM is just winding us up. I think it was a sarcastic reply to a comment that he took as a bit offensive. I have noticed if he doesn't like the tone of the comment he tends to be a bit more ornary than usual.

                          I don't think he said that Keller was more popular than Shep, but that Jewel Staite may be more popular than Joe Flanigan, and the two are completly different things in my opinion. Jewel has a very large following from Firefly and they (well me included) are very vocal in our support of Firefly BDH's. Jewel's guest appearance was the reason I discovered SGA, but the show and characters are the reason I stayed.

                          I do not like the character of Keller the way I thought I would. I really like Jewel Staite, but I don't see the writers doing a good job of crafting a character here. They way over use her to explain things to new or casual viewers and make her look like an idiot to long time fans and viewers for not knowing basic things about life in the Pegasus galaxy. They also don't seem to know exactly who they want Keller to be and if they don't how are we supposed to know. Also how is the actress supposed to know how to play her when they keep switching things up on her.

                          I also think there is a fine line about giving the fans what they want. Lets face it there a tons of different opinions on gateworld and that is just a sample of SGA viewers. I recently read a quote from Stephen Moffat (will be the new guy taking over Doctor Who's fifth season) and he said that (paraphrasing) there is a difference between the fans and the audience,he doesn't write for the fans, but the far larger audience. Folks like us who come here or to JM's blog make up only a percentage of those who tune in. I find that when a show caters too much to what a specific fan group wants they tend to alienate far more than they please. I for one was not pleased by the return of Carson because for me it cheapens the death.

                          I think they need to decide who they want Keller to be and stick with their vision. She is there and they need to find a way to make her fit with the cast, not necessary by taking any fan suggestions, positive or negative too seriously. I get that no fans, no shows, but its a fine line to walk. Write the show to make a good show, write competent interesting characters and people will watch. There is no way they are going to please all of the people all of the time, so just put out a good product (which I think they do) and more people will stay tuned than turn it off.

                          Okay rant over.
                          Good points.
                          The problem is though I think the ptb do tend to listen to certain fan groups eventhough they say they don't. If they start trying to please too many fandoms they end up making a confusing show because they lose consistancy. They should just go with their own vision and have the confidence to stick with it. I agree that it was a huge mistake bringing Carson back as it makes a mockery of his death and they are doing the same with Keller, they are trying to change her to please fans whilst they should be following their ideas of how they want to portray her.. well that's if they have any clear ideas on how they want to portray her..!!

                          It does seem like they don't really have a clue what they are doing with her and they are obviously listening to fans complaints or they wouldn't be trying to change her or to redeem her character. She is all over the place and the more they try and change her the worse she will get. They do the same with the other charcters as well.

                          The writers need to let the characters grow and develop and not keep changing them on the whim of a few fans.. they need to keep the overall fanbase in mind ... ie the much bigger audience who just wants consistant and interersting characterization.

                          But alas the ptb have been listening too much to what fans want, whether it's here at GW or general focus groups.. and they can do this until they are blue in the face and will probably get different responses from each of these groups... so they really need to just sit down and decide how THEY want the characters to behave and develop and spend more time concentrating on keeping the characters interesting and giving them a little more depth from time to time... and if the writers communicated a bit more with each other about the direction they want the characters to go in we may get a slighty more consistant portrayal of each character instead of seeing how differently each of the writers see the characters, and how noticable it can be from week to week as to who has written that weeks script.

                          If the ptb chop and change around too much though fans loose interest, even the casual fan.. they need to keep the show consistant but that doesnt mean we don't need changes or characters to develop and grow. There needs to be some sort of order though and attention to detail and the building up of certain characters and storylines. A well balanced cast and equal development keeps the show interesting and attracts a wider range of viewers, but I do think they have to have a central theme or focus as well and that IMO should be the team.

                          They should be the most important part of the show and where the consistancy lies and I think SG1 lasted so long because they had this... they concentrated on 4 main characters with the supporting characters doing a great job of backing them up.. but SGA has been all over the place in this regard.. they change characters instead of trying to develop them.. they totally under utilise the lead character and dilute the team dymanic which should be the core of the show, for quick fixes... but they are only temporary and once fans start to complain again.. then more changes.

                          Season 5 has started off great and I hope we do continue to get a reasonable amount of consistancy for the remainder of the season.. from what I have read so far I am worried about how the mix of characters and the moving away from the team dynamic will effect the overall feel of the show..but hopefully it won't be as bad as I imagine, as I'm hoping the tpb are aware what makes the show great and won't disappoint in delivering this winning formula..


                            *peeks in and sees 4 pages about Keller*

                            Excuse me. Thought this was the Shep whump thread. My bad.

                            *backs away slowly*
                            Sig by Luciana
                            My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                              Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                              You two are puppies compared to me!
                              I don't know about being a 'puppy'...lately I feel like an old dog who can't learn any new tricks. How 'bout a gift for all us August babies:

                              Spoilered for size...


                                Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                                *peeks in and sees 4 pages about Keller*

                                Excuse me. Thought this was the Shep whump thread. My bad.

                                *backs away slowly*


