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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
    alight, caught up on the lovely discussion.... lost my breath along the way though.... and keyboard got all wet for some strange reason...
    Okay, check list for tonight:

    - sedative: check
    - popcorn: check. Oh, better not, no subs, can't hear it good then, and I want to hear every scream he lets out. He does let a scream out will he?
    - drool bib
    - drool bucket just in case
    - glass of icey cold diet coke to cool me off afterwards

    Anything else?

    teeheee, your parents might get in the way
    well, I have tried to explain whump this week, so she might give me a few looks here and there

    I didn´t mean to, really!! My comp opened all the tags all by itself

    you´re not buying that one, are ya?!
    I did not indeed Although with that gremlin computer of yours I would maybe even have bought it!

    No, you weren´t evil looking enough
    Hmmm, looks like it´s worth a loong wait for though....
    Argh, doesn't your boyfy have a computer where you can see it on?

    EDIT: I see you cracked ANOTHER milestone, San
    in my defense: There is this very chatty thread in the games section which requires to make dozens of posts per hour. There, that's my defense

    Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA
    giggles* we'll stay strong together San. I just hope that when we get to see it the girls won't have whumped themselves into oblivion with squee overload.
    Nearly there indeed! We gotta be strong! *holds Peg tight* Together we can do it!

    Squee overload? That's an overload I'd like to see All us whumpers breaking down to the floor hehe. Although I don't think there will ever be a whump that will make us go overload, if last week and this week isn't already overloading behaviour

    I'm trying!! No comments please. I just hope i'm not hyping it up too much. That's my only worry, that i'll have got myself into such a frenzy it won't live up to my expectations.
    Me too, but seeing all the reactions: nah, won't happen
    Sigs by me, CazzBlade, Luciana, csom, scifan, sgmajorshipper, x_stargatergirl_x and LJ's glaringcandle
    Save Our Seeker!
    LotS on LJ.


      Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post

      I will resist darnit, and i'm trusting you Josie, it is better not to click, I can do it, not much longer to go. Hehe, ok not a biggie spoiler, but is it a good story with
      whump? Or is it just the whump without a story? If that makes sense?

      I think its best if you make up your own mind on that Peg...
      Though for me..

      The Seed....

      The whump was awsome and impaled Shep was certaintly an extra bonus.. Shep does whumped so well.. sigh !!

      But other than the whump this doesn't come close to Search and Rescue for me... I enjoyed the entire Search and Rescue ep whilst the Seed it was just pretty much the whumpy bits..... though I really did enjoy Woolsey... I think he will make a good leader..


        Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
        I just got spoiled.

        Cazz you might want to put your post to Elfie in spoilers on her visitors message.
        Oh no! Sorry Peg I forgot that its on the front page and everyone can read it

        I tried editing it but it won't put a spoiler in, says BB code not allowed

        What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


          Originally posted by bebop View Post
          OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!....*WAILS*.....I don't get to watch till later tonight 'cause I've got to go to work now..*cries uncontrollably*....but I clicked on 1 spoiler and saw (seed spoilers)
          ....and now my hands are shaking and I can't quite breath properly!!!!!!!.....I'll come back later ...after a viewing...*staggers off to work knowing that all her powers of concentration have been blown out of the window for the day*.......
          Be strong bebop the wait will be so worth it.

          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
          Ok, so seen the Seed: Spoilers ahead.

          I'm speechless. I just can't believe we got that! Impaled AGAIN? Chest compressions, mention of the 'I' word...convulsions...

          "It only hurts when I breathe"

          One word:
          G U H !

          What are TPTB trying to do to me. To make matters worse, I was watching while hubby was looking over my shoulder....blimey, I had to restrain myself! It was torture!
          I'm really loving TPTB. They are really taking care of us this year. Hopefully we'll get more throughout the season.

          Originally posted by Astraldust View Post
          Well I've seen The Seed and
          SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Poor Sheppy! Things have certainly got it in for his abdomen at the moment. First a rebar and now a nasty tentacle. Yuck. I do hope he doesn't get any nasty infection from that. And yes, I do see the opportunty for some nice tags here.

          Here's a few early pics. Big spoiler for The Seed.

          Overall an enjoyable episode and not too B movie-ish.
          Whumper down!!!!

          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
          The Seed:

          I was wondering how far after Shep's surgery the last scene was? If Keller was out of isolation, surely it'd be the next day? And Shep had had a little time to recover from the anaesthetic etc, and he'd have been on pain meds? SQUEEEE! He did say it only hurt when he breathed. God, I loved that line! Humour AND the admittance of pain! Sigh..... So, I don't see how Keller could have been released without 24 hours observation, maybe? So, I guess it is plausible Shep wasn't at death's door anymore and was recovering in his normal, manly and high pain threshold way He wasn't moving much though, was he? And he had a heart monitor, pulse ox and IV. Hehe! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! I have to say, it looked to me like the tentacle pierced his stomach/abdomen in the middle? Which is potentially a very serious injury. Guess it depends where abouts it pierced and how deep it went. But two nasty injuries in the space of a month? Poor Sheppy. *Insert evil grin*

          Having watched the episode again, there were several things I missed the first time, and I really did enjoy the story here. Very well done, IMO.

          And, I have to say, right now...

          I love TPTB

          I'm loving


          Season 5!!!!!
          The Seed

          I would imagine that Keller would have been in isolation for quite some time. Probably at least a week. She had a lot of stuff growing all over her. That would have given Shep plenty of time to recover. Though I would love to see him withering in pain after surgery. With the team around him. Have I said how much I loved this episode!!!!!!

          Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
          After having been disappointed by S&R I was a little wary about this episode. I was über careful this morning not to read anything about the episode, I didn't even come in here because I didn't want to know if the reaction was positive or negative, I wanted to watch it free from any preconceptions or expectations and all I can say is...

          Now that's what I call a great episode. I loved, loved, loved this episode, its right up there with my favourites. Not only did we get some superb whump (when the tendril stabbed into Shep's abdomen my jaw hit the floor and I may have made a strange whimpering noise as I tried to contain myself) but we also got a cracking good yarn.

          I've always wanted to know where the Wraith ships came from so I was chuffed to bits when that was revealed to be what was happening and it was just a fab episode all round. Every character had something to do and I loved every one of them (I know I'm in the minority here but I like Keller).

          And Shep, oh Shep, you were wonderful. Heroic, whumped, clever, funny and swoonworthy - what more could a girl ask for?

          Josie's squee is back in full effect.
          Josie I'm so glad to hear that.

          Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
          I've gone all fangirly and unnecessary.
          You and me both.

          Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
          And I keep remembering a few months back, where everybody in here was all depressed about season 5 having nothing to offer for the Shep fans

          Hilarious And oooh, what a lovely surprise. Only two eps in, and the whumpers are in need of medical care already!!
          I was thinking the same thing too.

          Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
          *repeats mantra to herself*

          I will not click, I will not tempt myself, I will not click, I will not spoil myself, nope no amount of persuasion will make me click. I will stay strong, I will make it through another few hours. I will be surprised, I do have willpower, I will stay strong. I won't click on the squee's no matter how tempting they may be. I will enjoy it more if I resist on the wonderfully OMG's and can wait, I have patience, and resistance is not futile. I'll not cross over to the darkside just yet, I can do it, i'm strong!! No amount of cajoling will make me open up that huge red neon flashing button called spoiler that says 'CLICK ME YOU'LL SQUEE IF YOU DO!" I'll stand firm, and i'll try my very hardest not to tempt to myself even though as the day goes on it gets harder and harder and I wonder to myself why on earth do I tempt myself like this, but then I love seeing the whumpers squee, but goodness me the temptaion is overwhelming, but nope I will not give in, I won't succumb to the glorious squee that has infested the whump thread. Knowing that you're all squeeing holds me in good stead that I know the eppy will be a good one, and i'll be strong and spoiler free going in. I won't be tempted, I won't click, nope nope, nope.

          Be strong Peggy. Be strong.

          Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
          OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the SEED rocked......i thought it would be difficult to top SR last week but nope they managed to make me squee again!!! 2 in a row!!

          the whump, omg what have we done that is so nice to deserve this?? heh i loved it, although wish that they had had a mention of being impaled AGAIN!

          my god it was so good!!

          you know, i think im gonna like season 5 after all heh

          eta: ok so maybe if there hadnt been whump it wouldnt be a favourite lol
          I'm so glad you liked it and you have squee back.

          Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post

          I have found that stinking fingers in ones own ears solves a whole load of problems.

          Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
          AVI by *ERIKA*


            Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
            That´s fab, Peg!!!

            *hides in shame with guilt now*
            Ah don't worry hon, it'll be fine i'm getting all excited now.

            Originally posted by SanGate View Post
            Okay, check list for tonight:

            - sedative: check
            - popcorn: check. Oh, better not, no subs, can't hear it good then, and I want to hear every scream he lets out. He does let a scream out will he?
            - drool bib
            - drool bucket just in case
            - glass of icey cold diet coke to cool me off afterwards

            Anything else?

            well, I have tried to explain whump this week, so she might give me a few looks here and there

            I did not indeed Although with that gremlin computer of yours I would maybe even have bought it!

            Argh, doesn't your boyfy have a computer where you can see it on?

            in my defense: There is this very chatty thread in the games section which requires to make dozens of posts per hour. There, that's my defense

            Nearly there indeed! We gotta be strong! *holds Peg tight* Together we can do it!

            Squee overload? That's an overload I'd like to see All us whumpers breaking down to the floor hehe. Although I don't think there will ever be a whump that will make us go overload, if last week and this week isn't already overloading behaviour

            Me too, but seeing all the reactions: nah, won't happen
            mmmmmm popcorn, especially if it's buttered and salted to. Don't forget your bubble wrap just in case.

            *squooshes San* it's going to be fabby, i think some of the whumpers are already watching it on a loop.

            I cna't wait to hear what your parents think after seeing their daughter with all that equipment.

            Originally posted by bluealien View Post
            I think its best if you make up your own mind on that Peg...
            Though for me..

            The Seed....

            The whump was awsome and impaled Shep was certaintly an extra bonus.. Shep does whumped so well.. sigh !!

            But other than the whump this doesn't come close to Search and Rescue for me... I enjoyed the entire Search and Rescue ep whilst the Seed it was just pretty much the whumpy bits..... though I really did enjoy Woolsey... I think he will make a good leader..
            I'm hanging on for dear life, it's a bloody good thing i can touch type without looking at the text. I do love a good story with my whumping, so i'm keeping everything crossed.

            Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
            Oh no! Sorry Peg I forgot that its on the front page and everyone can read it

            I tried editing it but it won't put a spoiler in, says BB code not allowed
            Don't worry hon. I take that risk when I come online, no harm done. I'll ask the mods if there's anyway to activate the code on visitors message. Don't worry. *hugs*


              Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post

              I'm trying!! No comments please. I just hope i'm not hyping it up too much. That's my only worry, that i'll have got myself into such a frenzy it won't live up to my expectations.
              Don't worry, my lips are sealed.

              Originally posted by SanGate View Post
              Okay, check list for tonight:

              - sedative: check
              - popcorn: check. Oh, better not, no subs, can't hear it good then, and I want to hear every scream he lets out. He does let a scream out will he?
              - drool bib
              - drool bucket just in case
              - glass of icey cold diet coke to cool me off afterwards

              Anything else?
              This looks a lot like my list. Uh, minus the sedative.


                Originally posted by SanGate View Post
                Okay, check list for tonight:

                - sedative: check
                - popcorn: check. Oh, better not, no subs, can't hear it good then, and I want to hear every scream he lets out. He does let a scream out will he?
                Sorry, can´t help you there, that would count as a spoiler right? And since you´re spoilerfree.......

                - drool bib
                - drool bucket just in case
                - glass of icey cold diet coke to cool me off afterwards

                Anything else?

                well, I have tried to explain whump this week, so she might give me a few looks here and there
                Would so love to see her face when she sees you with all that stuff

                in my defense: There is this very chatty thread in the games section which requires to make dozens of posts per hour. There, that's my defense
                Ah! The lovely "chevron" thread, right?

                Squee overload? That's an overload I'd like to see All us whumpers breaking down to the floor hehe. Although I don't think there will ever be a whump that will make us go overload, if last week and this week isn't already overloading behaviour

                Me too, but seeing all the reactions: nah, won't happen
                Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                Ah don't worry hon, it'll be fine i'm getting all excited now.

                mmmmmm popcorn, especially if it's buttered and salted to. Don't forget your bubble wrap just in case.

                *squooshes San* it's going to be fabby, i think some of the whumpers are already watching it on a loop.

                I cna't wait to hear what your parents think after seeing their daughter with all that equipment.

                I'm hanging on for dear life, it's a bloody good thing i can touch type without looking at the text. I do love a good story with my whumping, so i'm keeping everything crossed.

                Don't worry hon. I take that risk when I come online, no harm done. I'll ask the mods if there's anyway to activate the code on visitors message. Don't worry. *hugs*
                Yeah, you can´t give up now. I need somebody to look up to!

                Edit: congrats on 1100, cc!!

                Cazz, how is your filming going?!

                Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
                picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


                  Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                  I think its best if you make up your own mind on that Peg...
                  Though for me..

                  The Seed....

                  The whump was awsome and impaled Shep was certaintly an extra bonus.. Shep does whumped so well.. sigh !!

                  But other than the whump this doesn't come close to Search and Rescue for me... I enjoyed the entire Search and Rescue ep whilst the Seed it was just pretty much the whumpy bits..... though I really did enjoy Woolsey... I think he will make a good leader..
                  same here...
                  without the awesome shep whump the seed ep itself was pretty meh, although i liked the shep/woosley scenes as well...the ep dragged somewhat, without the whump it would probs be my least favourite.....but the whump was so fab that its definately up there in the top whumpy eps........SR was awesome throughout of course so thats still number one for was very nice having 2 whumpy eps in a row though...with stuff whumpers only used to dream about!!! i just hope the season wont peak too early now in terms of whump i mean what can they top it with???

                  Originally posted by sherryw View Post
                  I'm so glad you liked it and you have squee back.
                  well its back for now anyway lol would be nice if it stayed.



                    Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                    same here...
                    without the awesome shep whump the seed ep itself was pretty meh, although i liked the shep/woosley scenes as well...the ep dragged somewhat, without the whump it would probs be my least favourite.....but the whump was so fab that its definately up there in the top whumpy eps........SR was awesome throughout of course so thats still number one for was very nice having 2 whumpy eps in a row though...with stuff whumpers only used to dream about!!! i just hope the season wont peak too early now in terms of whump i mean what can they top it with???
                    You see I feel completely the opposite...
                    ...S&R for me just didn't hold my attention and I felt the storyline was contrived and boring, the characters were inconsistent and even the whump, good as it was, wasn't enough to save the episode for me.

                    With The Seed I think I would have enjoyed this episode even without the whump, I thought it had a good solid story behind it. It told us stuff we didn't know, answered questions left hanging from previous episodes and moved the over all story along while giving everyone something to do.


                      Morning all!

                      The Seed
                      Question: Just to make sure I saw it right... That vine went all the way through him, didn't it?
                      Sig by Luciana
                      My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                        Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                        Morning all!

                        The Seed
                        Question: Just to make sure I saw it right... That vine went all the way through him, didn't it?

                        I wasn't sure so now you made me have to go through the chore of watching the scene again in slow-mo. *sigh*

                        The Seed
                        It's really hard to tell, perhaps on a bigger screen and in better quality its easier but there is a bit waving around that appears to be coming from the general vicinity of his back.


                          Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                          Morning all!

                          The Seed
                          Question: Just to make sure I saw it right... That vine went all the way through him, didn't it?
                          Don't think so.... it just impaled him... not sure how far it went in but I didn't think it went all the way through..ouch !!


                            Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
                            You see I feel completely the opposite...
                            ...S&R for me just didn't hold my attention and I felt the storyline was contrived and boring, the characters were inconsistent and even the whump, good as it was, wasn't enough to save the episode for me.

                            With The Seed I think I would have enjoyed this episode even without the whump, I thought it had a good solid story behind it. It told us stuff we didn't know, answered questions left hanging from previous episodes and moved the over all story along while giving everyone something to do.
                            spoilered for mentions of the seed and sr
                            well ive said it before..i only continue to watch the show because of shep, which of course has its disadvantages in terms of not enjoying every episode but im fine with it because thats what i generally do with programmes anyway.

                            For me the seed was, although she wasnt a part of it as much, too keller orientated and i dont like her character at all, i couldve cared less if she had lived or died in the ep...and even though we learnt new things and had continuity etc, the ep itself was still too slow for me and only really got interesting once we found the others were infected too. the whump really did save the ep for me and i think woosley is a really good character to the mix.

                            SR not only had the great whump but it had lots of things going on as well and i didnt get the urge to fastforward as much as i did with the seed, lots of lovely character moments for shep i thought and the team luff was nice too.

                            thats what i think anyway!



                              Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                              Don't think so.... it just impaled him... not sure how far it went in but I didn't think it went all the way through..ouch !!
                              i couldnt really tell...i was just in shock that it happened lol........oh man dont tell me im going to have to go watch it again.........sigh...the things i do for this show

                              i dont think it went all the way through actually...but im not fussed im willing to pretend it did heh
                              Last edited by Rootortoise; 19 July 2008, 08:35 AM.



                                Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                                i couldnt really tell...i was just in shock that it happened lol........oh man dont tell me im going to have to go watch it again.........sigh...the things i do for this show
                                From the look of it, another fanfic come to life, eh? And the next one, I got a feeling, it´s gonna break a record this season. Hopefully not all in the first 3 and then nothing anymore

                                Just this, once again, if this continues, then it doesn´t hurt much to wait for the Shepisode, huh? *well, doesn´t hurt US anyway*

                                Oh, and congrats on 6600, Roo!

                                Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
                                picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers

