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John Sheppard Whump

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    Woohoooooooooooooooooo!! It's S&R day and the whumpers are full of squeeeeeeeeee!!

    Finally we can gush openly about this freaking awesome episode! I swear to goodness - Shep whump fanfic come to life.. in the best possible way!

    Oooh and also, I can now post some of these:

    S&R Spoilers:

    Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
    Ah, some of my favorite lines of all time....

    Ronon: How do you want to play this?

    Sheppard: Shoot until we can't shoot anymore. *somber pause* Been a pleasure.

    Ronon: Same.

    LOVE that.
    Oh the team luff in this episode was just incredible, from
    Ronon fighting to keep Sheppard conscious and focused, refusing to leave him, to Sheppard showing a rare moment of aching honesty when he tells Keller just why he is going after Teyla no matter what, to the boys in the jumper worried about Shep and Ronon nudging McKay to say something, to Ronon taking the C4 off Sheppard and telling him "You don't have to do everything.." *dies* So freaking awesome!!

    Originally posted by Salty View Post
    Popping in to say


    Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post

    Wow, what more could a whumper want from a season opener eppy?????
    Indeed! This = best season opener ever! Possibly even best Shep whump episode ever! Yup, that's right... I think this has knocked 38 Mins off the top spot for me!

    Originally posted by cc_mac View Post
    Previews from next weeks ep?

    And Squueeeeee!!!

    The Seed preview

    Was that Shep having convulsions that I saw?
    OMG! Really?!! Okay okay so I was naughty and I gave in and clicked on that one spoiler tag and OMG REALLY?!!! I'm SO incredibly excited for next week now that I feel like I'm gonna burst!

    Originally posted by Pocus View Post
    OMG I managed to stay up and Hubby actually wanted to watch it live!!!!! Yeah for me!!!! It was amazing!!

    Loved the lines you quoted!!
    LOVED the forehead resting on the beam!
    Loved how quickly they figured out that it wasn't Atlantis to the rescue!
    Loved the dripping blood and the grunts of pain!
    Loved Ronon's determination to stay!
    Loved the team!
    Loved Sheppard's determination to go get Teyla back himself. That grip on Keller's arm was just "guh"!
    Loved Ronon grabbing the C4 saying "you don't have to do it all yourself"
    Loved wound opening again!
    Oooh I'm so glad you got to watch it live! Love ALL of what you quoted above!

    Originally posted by rhymer View Post
    Just been reading the transcript of S&R on the GW episode guide. I do find it strange that although I've watched the episode X number of times (where X is a number greater than 1 but less than 100 - one whose exact figure I'm keeping quiet about ) that I still get a thrill of excitement when I read things like
    "John is only about half conscious." "John pauses, gathering his last remaining strength" "Unable to help himself, he puts his hand to his side which is obviously still giving him a lot of pain." "John sits uncomfortably in the pilot's seat, fighting to keep his face from contorting with pain."

    I mean, I've seen this in the flesh. Why on earth does it make me shiver with delighted excitement just to read about it?
    Oh wow, me too! Reading that stuff makes me feel all excited and whumpy!
    Last edited by Alipeeps; 12 July 2008, 03:52 AM.


      Originally posted by SanGate View Post
      S&R spoilers
      I still can't get over that moment where Ronon pulls out that thing out of Shep.. The way he responds to that! The groaning, the coughing, the blood, the facial expression.. guh.. My whumpy heart wanted to leap out of my chest! I wanted to jump up from the couch and run over to my tv to hug it together with MM, but I restrained myself.. Watching SGA eps for the first time, with your parents, not always a good idea

      And the baby.. not whump in any way.. but oh my.. *faints from total squeeness of the ep*

      Oh and the way (S&R spoilers)
      his voice is all rough and croaky, almost a whisper, afterwards when he asks "What the hell was that?!" *dies*


        Thanks Ali! I just snurtched your pixs. Even have one as desktop background now.

        I think you're right, this ep has easily toppled 38 Minutes from the top spot. Who would've thought that could happen?? And we'd have to wait till S5 for it!



          Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
          Oh and the way (S&R spoilers)
          his voice is all rough and croaky, almost a whisper, afterwards when he asks "What the hell was that?!" *dies*
          I know! S&R Spoilers
          Joe did such a fantastic job in this ep! The way he acted that scene out was just.. guh.. I'm hearing and seeing it in my head again now.. and the breathing! cannot forget the breathing!! *faints*

          And thanks for those piccies!!!!

          ps Ali, you might wanna spoiler part of rhymer's post you quoted, there is some spoilers in there for S&R
          Sigs by me, CazzBlade, Luciana, csom, scifan, sgmajorshipper, x_stargatergirl_x and LJ's glaringcandle
          Save Our Seeker!
          LotS on LJ.


            Originally posted by SanGate View Post
            I know! S&R Spoilers
            Joe did such a fantastic job in this ep! The way he acted that scene out was just.. guh.. I'm hearing and seeing it in my head again now.. and the breathing! cannot forget the breathing!! *faints*
            Oh my, the (S&R spoilers)
            breathing in the infirmary scene! When he's talking with Keller and he's all breathless and he's holding himself kinda stiffly on the infirmary bed and is so obviously in pain but trying to hold it together and he's breathing too quickly and you can see his chest rising and falling and gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!! *dies*

            Originally posted by SanGate View Post
            ps Ali, you might wanna spoiler part of rhymer's post you quoted, there is some spoilers in there for S&R
            Oh goodness! Thanks so much for the heads-up! I much have accidentally lopped off a closing tag when I was quoting! Fixed now. Hope I didn't spoil anyone!


              Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
              Oh my, the (S&R spoilers)
              breathing in the infirmary scene! When he's talking with Keller and he's all breathless and he's holding himself kinda stiffly on the infirmary bed and is so obviously in pain but trying to hold it together and he's breathing too quickly and you can see his chest rising and falling and gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!! *dies*

              Oh goodness! Thanks so much for the heads-up! I much have accidentally lopped off a closing tag when I was quoting! Fixed now. Hope I didn't spoil anyone!

              Can you believe my hubby was unimpressed with this ep? He just kept looking at me (who had a big arse grin on my face a continuous muttering of Squee) and just shook his head. Yeah, he knows I'm a committed Shep whumper and there's nothing he can do about it now.

              I think my favorite part (well, one of them ) is when Shep first comes too and we actually see his blurry vision!! SQUEE!!! Then the confusion..then he tries to move and gives a grunt of pain.

              What really worked for me, is that Joe delivered this so perfectly, I could actually feel the pain, tenseness and realness of it all. GUH!!!


                Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                Can you believe my hubby was unimpressed with this ep? He just kept looking at me (who had a big arse grin on my face a continuous muttering of Squee) and just shook his head. Yeah, he knows I'm a committed Shep whumper and there's nothing he can do about it now.

                I think my favorite part (well, one of them ) is when Shep first comes too and we actually see his blurry vision!! SQUEE!!! Then the confusion..then he tries to move and gives a grunt of pain.

                What really worked for me, is that Joe delivered this so perfectly, I could actually feel the pain, tenseness and realness of it all. GUH!!!
                Okay, first of all, divorce him. You deserve a man with better taste!

                Secondly, (S&R spoilers)
                OMG yeah! I adored that bit too! What a fantastic way of introducing things, going from an increasibly odd/unreal feeling dream to Sheppard waking up in pain and confused and actually seeing his POV as he wakes up, with his vision blurring as he tries to make sense of his surroundings. GUH! Seriously, fanfic come to life! *bounces*

                It absolutely brought the viewer right into things and made his confusion and pain palpable - oh and Joe's acting... *flails* When Sheppard tries to move and stops with a grimace of pain and then he's kinda breathing heavily, like panting from the pain, as he says to Ronon, "I think I'm..." and I LOVE tyhat he doesn't need to finish the sentence, that Ronon just agress with him, knowing what he means (that's he stuck on something!). Such awesome teamy luff and interaction!


                  Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                  Oh my, the (S&R spoilers)
                  breathing in the infirmary scene! When he's talking with Keller and he's all breathless and he's holding himself kinda stiffly on the infirmary bed and is so obviously in pain but trying to hold it together and he's breathing too quickly and you can see his chest rising and falling and gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!! *dies*
                  *dies along*

                  Oh goodness! Thanks so much for the heads-up! I much have accidentally lopped off a closing tag when I was quoting! Fixed now. Hope I didn't spoil anyone!
                  Don't think so hun! Wasn't there long, and I bet most of the lurkers here are here because they saw the ep and wanted to join the squee, albeit in a lurking fashion

                  Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                  Can you believe my hubby was unimpressed with this ep? He just kept looking at me (who had a big arse grin on my face a continuous muttering of Squee) and just shook his head. Yeah, he knows I'm a committed Shep whumper and there's nothing he can do about it now.

                  I think my favorite part (well, one of them ) is when Shep first comes too and we actually see his blurry vision!! SQUEE!!! Then the confusion..then he tries to move and gives a grunt of pain.

                  What really worked for me, is that Joe delivered this so perfectly, I could actually feel the pain, tenseness and realness of it all. GUH!!!
                  No I cannot believe that! My dad loved it! He seriously wants to see it again! Really! My dad has such good taste

                  ITA on S&R
                  Sigs by me, CazzBlade, Luciana, csom, scifan, sgmajorshipper, x_stargatergirl_x and LJ's glaringcandle
                  Save Our Seeker!
                  LotS on LJ.


                    Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                    Thanks Ali! I just snurtched your pixs. Even have one as desktop background now.

                    I think you're right, this ep has easily toppled 38 Minutes from the top spot. Who would've thought that could happen?? And we'd have to wait till S5 for it!

                    Ditto. Thanks Ali!

                    Oh heck yes! 38 Minutes has been toppled for me! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

                    I can't wait for The Seed too! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE again. I think we're the luckiest fans in the whole universe at the moment. Let's hope we keep feeling like that, because, I think as you said, GG, the bar has been set pretty high, hasn't it?

                    Oh, I got another season 4 dvd today, and I listened to the Outcast commentary. Well, I'm half way through. But AM and AM, , both say how wonderful Joe was in the eppie. Spoilers for the commentary.:
                    That he was tremendous and always is, but especially so here. That he gave so much etc... And that in all the cuts from the very beginning, it was Joe's performance that really made the episode so wonderful, throughout all the cuts etc.

                    So, that made me really happy to hear!


                      Well Whumpers.....I'm off for a day of geocaching. So i'll talk to ya all tonight!

                      Keep the Squee!! (Likes its hard not too)


                        If anyone wants caps of S&R (well, of the whumpy/Sheppard bits anyway ) there's a massive spam of them on my LJ here and here. You're welcome to snurch. I went a bit crazy and made a shedload - but it's not my fault! It's Joe's! He's such a darn good actor and whumps so well that I just had to capture each minute nuance of expression on his face!


                          Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                          Woohoooooooooooooooooo!! It's S&R day and the whumpers are full of squeeeeeeeeee!!

                          Finally we can gush openly about this freaking awesome episode! I swear to goodness - Shep whump fanfic come to life.. in the best possible way!

                          Oooh and also, I can now post some of these:

                          S&R Spoilers:
                          OH MY GOOOOOOD, Ali!!!

                          I saw the ep, but these pics

                          Thanks!!!! (( HUGS ))!


                          Nope, not at all impressed!!

                          Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
                          picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


                            Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                            Ditto. Thanks Ali!

                            Oh heck yes! 38 Minutes has been toppled for me! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

                            I can't wait for The Seed too! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE again. I think we're the luckiest fans in the whole universe at the moment. Let's hope we keep feeling like that, because, I think as you said, GG, the bar has been set pretty high, hasn't it?

                            Oh, I got another season 4 dvd today, and I listened to the Outcast commentary. Well, I'm half way through. But AM and AM, , both say how wonderful Joe was in the eppie. Spoilers for the commentary.:
                            That he was tremendous and always is, but especially so here. That he gave so much etc... And that in all the cuts from the very beginning, it was Joe's performance that really made the episode so wonderful, throughout all the cuts etc.

                            So, that made me really happy to hear!
                            Hu, so much for "give us a whumped Shep soon, and we´ll be happy afterwards with less"
                            But ITA, it´s gonna be tough to keep that up, but if this goes on, who cares we won´t be getting a Shepisode in the first half?? I think it makes up pretty good for that!!!

                            And thanks for sharing re Outcast commentary! Can´t wait to finally watch that ep!

                            So - what about the deleted scenes?? Anyone watched them yet??
                            Let me guess, all about McKay, huh?!

                            Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
                            picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


                              Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                              Well Whumpers.....I'm off for a day of geocaching. So i'll talk to ya all tonight!

                              Keep the Squee!! (Likes its hard not too)
                              Have fun! We will be off soon to pick out pavers for our new patio!! Somehow I think you will be having more fun!

                              Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                              If anyone wants caps of S&R (well, of the whumpy/Sheppard bits anyway ) there's a massive spam of them on my LJ here and here. You're welcome to snurch. I went a bit crazy and made a shedload - but it's not my fault! It's Joe's! He's such a darn good actor and whumps so well that I just had to capture each minute nuance of expression on his face!
                              Ali, ALL of your caps are wonderful. I was up at 4:30 this morning because of a stoopid cough, so I spent the time enjoyably snurching pics from your LJ!! Next on the list is to read you tag!!!

                              My two favorite pics are


                              One shows the pain getting to him while the other shows how determined he to not let the pain interfere!

                              JF's acting in this ep is just awesome!


                                Originally posted by cc_mac View Post

                                Agree with your whole list, but add...Heroic staggering!!!!
                                Oh yes!!! The only thing that would have made the ep better is
                                seeing Shep getting out of the dart and collapsing

                                Originally posted by CKO View Post
                                yes... two whumpy eps in a row... what more could we wish for
                                20 whumpy eps?

                                Originally posted by caty View Post
                                I thought it was
                                "You don't have to do everything..."
                                It definitely was and I loved that - it shows
                                that the team sees John as taking on everything!

                                Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                                Woohoooooooooooooooooo!! It's S&R day and the whumpers are full of squeeeeeeeeee!!

                                Finally we can gush openly about this freaking awesome episode! I swear to goodness - Shep whump fanfic come to life.. in the best possible way!

                                Oooh and also, I can now post some of these:

                                S&R Spoilers:

                                Oh the team luff in this episode was just incredible, from
                                Ronon fighting to keep Sheppard conscious and focused, refusing to leave him, to Sheppard showing a rare moment of aching honesty when he tells Keller just why he is going after Teyla no matter what, to the boys in the jumper worried about Shep and Ronon nudging McKay to say something, to Ronon taking the C4 off Sheppard and telling him "You don't have to do everything.." *dies* So freaking awesome!!


                                Indeed! This = best season opener ever! Possibly even best Shep whump episode ever! Yup, that's right... I think this has knocked 38 Mins off the top spot for me!

                                OMG! Really?!! Okay okay so I was naughty and I gave in and clicked on that one spoiler tag and OMG REALLY?!!! I'm SO incredibly excited for next week now that I feel like I'm gonna burst!

                                Oooh I'm so glad you got to watch it live! Love ALL of what you quoted above!

                                Oh wow, me too! Reading that stuff makes me feel all excited and whumpy!
                                What you said!! ALL of it!! I'm so glad I waited to watch and I stayed spoiler free, and it was so wonderfully wonderful and I can't wait to watch it again, and you guys were all great about the spoiler tags, and now I get to squeeeee with you all!!

                                BTW I did watch the preview for next week, and that's all the spoilers I will do!

                                Hey Ali, Knightie called me after the ep last night and made me promise to take a gander at your LJ to read your recap so I can watch it again and see all the lovely little details

                                Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                                Oh and the way (S&R spoilers)
                                his voice is all rough and croaky, almost a whisper, afterwards when he asks "What the hell was that?!" *dies*
                                That was one of my fave things about the ep -
                                John's raspy voice throughout the whole ep, the not 100% sound of him. SQUEEEEE!

                                Oh, and welcome to any newbies and returnees - I've been MIA the last week because I just couldn't handle the anticipation! And then I was too excited to join in the squeeee so I haven't been bothered to go back over all the posts
                                Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007

