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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
    Just thought I'd pop in and say hello. I'm still feeling really positive about season five and looking forward to it a great deal. I'm sure we have lots of good things to look forward too.

    First off though, let me add to the congratulations for Peggy and Linzi. I hope the experience is everything you hope for and more.

    I think you're probably right. JM has said on several occasions that he only photographs people with their permission, it could just be JF hasn't felt like having his picture taken, even actors are camera shy sometimes.
    WB Josie! And, thanks for the good wishes.

    Maybe JF has got tired of the camera being waved in front of him? It perhaps could be a bit irritating if you're feeling in a bad mood or something to have to try and look cheerful for a piccie!
    Originally posted by Elinor View Post

    Actually, I feel like I'm almost at the stage of not wanting to read it on a regular basis to. Trouble is, I'm always frightened I might miss something!! Interesting that his post count has gone down. I'm not surprised at all.

    Yippeeee!! Wonder if you'll get to sample the wonderful meals that the caterers are supposed to provide, when you have lunch with Joe, or will you have to take your own sandwiches!!

    I do visit sometimes, and leave quickly, or check here. Lorr and Kristen always seem to report anything of interest there
    Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
    Hi right back!

    I'm feeling very chipper and positive this morning.

    VERY VERY minor season five:
    I've been thinking about "Hexed" and the way I see it this episode idea has been kicking around since the end of last year, they have a major hitch in actually producing it but still five or six months later they haven't abandoned the idea. That tells me that they really want to make this episode, they are enthusiastic enough about it that they haven't given up. I don't know about you but that leaves me feeling pretty positive.
    I'm actually really interested to know what the creative snafu is concerning Hexed. I mean at least it's not been written off altogether, but also it doesn't seem to have been worked on yet. I have the feeling they'll have another look at it if they're desperate to fill a spot and can't come up with any other ideas. For some reason I just don't get the feeling they're busting their creative guts to sort out the problem. Hopefully, if it doesn't work out, they can salvage the Extreme mental and physical Shep whumpage and put it into another episode. Still, I'm intrigued by Hexed and very much hope it works out. Fingers crossed!


      Originally posted by Anouke View Post
      Happy Anniversary Salty!!

      Just gotta say also, I love your necklace in this picture of you and Joe! It's so pretty!
      Anouke, could you remove the IMG tags from the piccie you've quoted, and replace them with URL's please? ( Literally you delete the [img] bit and replace them with [url]). It's just Tame has been in the JFT to tell folks to please make sure they don't repost piccies when quoting. Apparently it uses up bandwidth, whatever that is , and makes it difficult for dial up users to load up pages. Thank you!


        Originally posted by rhymer View Post
        So tired, as a result of getting up at 3.45, then doing a full day's work...

        Anyway... Pirate Shep is now complete and has launched. Since the idea was spawned here, I thought I'd better announce it here. However, be warned:
        - It's 42,000 words, so not a quick read.
        - It isn't a continuation of that fragment I posted the other week, but a different story in a similar, but not identical, setting
        - Most of the story is told from Rodney's POV. However, I'd definitely say that Sheppard's the focal character, even when others are telling his story
        - There is definitely Shep whump, but that's not the main point of the story

        But if anyone wants to read on, it starts here. I also posted it as a bonus story to the gen ficathon, since one of the prompts there was what caused me to turn that initial pirate Shep fragment into a proper story.
        Ooo, like everyone else - bookmarked it for the weekend. Looking forward to reading it!

        Originally posted by Salty View Post
        Today is my 15th wedding anniversary and he's still as caring and sweet to me now as he was 15 years ago!! He even gets the whole SGA obsession! Now if I let him know about the whump obsession, hmmm.........

        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
        I don't even enjoy looking at JM's blog anymore. It just makes me feel frustrated and gives me a sinking feeling in my stomach. I have a suspicion that JF has asked not to be photographed at present, perhaps? I don't know why I say that, it's just a suspicion really - a feeling I get. And if that's the case, I really do understand why, and respect JF in this matter.
        I get the feeling JF doesn't like being photographed anyway. But if the reason there's no photo's of him on JM's blog is cos he's asked not to be photographed, whatever the reason i respect that too. I think you're right, i think he's asked not to be photographed.
        The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

        l My LJ l


          Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
          Hi right back!

          I'm feeling very chipper and positive this morning.

          VERY VERY minor season five:
          I've been thinking about "Hexed" and the way I see it this episode idea has been kicking around since the end of last year, they have a major hitch in actually producing it but still five or six months later they haven't abandoned the idea. That tells me that they really want to make this episode, they are enthusiastic enough about it that they haven't given up. I don't know about you but that leaves me feeling pretty positive.
          Glad you're feeling good today

          And reading your spoiler, i think you're right, if so much effort has gone into realising this ep, then i think it's got to be a good'en!!
          The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

          l My LJ l


            Originally posted by Linzi View Post
            I don't even enjoy looking at JM's blog anymore. It just makes me feel frustrated and gives me a sinking feeling in my stomach. I have a suspicion that JF has asked not to be photographed at present, perhaps? I don't know why I say that, it's just a suspicion really - a feeling I get. And if that's the case, I really do understand why, and respect JF in this matter.

            I don't understand, however, why JM can talk about four minor characters and Beckett all the time without mentioning Shep, but I'm certainly not going to let it bother me. Whether JM is making some sort of point or just being his usual delightful, fandom-stirring self, who knows? I don't care. I'm not going to let his blog spoil my anticipation for season 5 - so there!

            I used to love reading the blog, but this season it's definitely lost its allure. In fact it makes me feel down, I don't find it entertaining any more and I'm finding I'm better off not going there - and when I recently took a look there I noticed his post count is way down. Obviously I'm not the only one who just doesn't feel they want to contribute anything there. I doubt I'll ever post there again or ask about Sheppard. Of course I could change my mind! Who knows? I want to enjoy the lead up to season 5, not get frustrated because there's no mention of my fav character at all. It's better to let it go and move on, for me, anyways!
            I don't know, that's a possibility.. But for some reason, I just can't see JF doing that. You guys have met him, so you should know better than me. But I never got the impression that he's camera shy before..
            Another good question to ask him when you're having lunch with him.

            As I said on JM's blog, Jm just strikes me as the type that enjoys having fun messing with people. We over-interpret everything and we know he'd messed with us good in the past.
            Again, I could be wrong, but I cautiously believe that the "problem" is on JM's side, not on JF's...
            *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


              Happy Anniversary, Salty!!

              Originally posted by Listy View Post
              Well..... you see....... I kind of get...... well a bit over excited, when I watch Conversion, I do adore buggy shep, its an unhealthy obsession I know but I just can't help myself so it would be difficult for me to articulate any coherent thoughts
              Hmm, okay then..... you´re forgiven (and I don´t blame ya, the stunts in that ep are AWESOME! plus, the make-up needs double attention.... hehe, it just wouldn´t be fair to Joe for having to sit through all those hours to get stuff in his face if his fans don´t suck it up, eh???? ... huh, somehow, that came out a lot dirtier than intended

              Originally posted by caty View Post
              Did you guys see this on JM's blog?

              Ahem writes: “But despite your assurances that Joe F., is/was on the set, we have yet to see even one photo of him. Is there some reason you will not post his photos despite the many pleas from readers?”

              Answer: Yep. The reason I haven’t posted any photos is because I haven’t taken any.

              Originally posted by Linzi View Post
              I don't even enjoy looking at JM's blog anymore. It just makes me feel frustrated and gives me a sinking feeling in my stomach. I have a suspicion that JF has asked not to be photographed at present, perhaps? I don't know why I say that, it's just a suspicion really - a feeling I get. And if that's the case, I really do understand why, and respect JF in this matter.
              I agree, too! I haven´t ever been much to that blog so I don´t really miss out (do enjoy spoilers here though) but based on what I heard from people here, it´s not much to miss anyway (for a Shep fan, that is). But maybe a little fact has been forgotten about Joe here: he is still grieving his father, right?! So, maybe he doesn´t feel like being all chipper for a blogger´s blogging picspam at the moment. If that´s the case, then I really don´t blame him and respect that Joe M respects that.

              As for s5, I don´t think we have anything to worry about. First half of the season had already given enough spoilers to know

              that it will have not one, but two Ronon eps, and I can´t remember a Ronon ep where Shep wasn´t part of it. On the contrary, BT seems to be very focused on Ronon AND Shep, and I remember a mention that GitM is also a good ep for Shep. Then there is the sure-fire thing about getting a Shepisode in the second half, not one but actually, potentially, probably even two (might even be three, if guesses about Inquisition turns out right) and if they had to take time out out of filming "The Seed" (like Rachel mentioned), than Shep is DEFINETELY a big part in that too, or they would have filmed around it.

              That said, I think that even if Joe F doesn´t feel like anticipating in a producer´s blogging hobby at the moment, he´ll still do an awesome job as the lead of SGA. Remember the panic for s4 (I found it on this forum while reading older posts (lots to catch up too!!) and it almost had me drowned in WTF are they doing to the show???? (the writers, not you guys!) but then I remembered that I already know most of it and love it!! I´m pretty sure the same will happen with s5. If not, I will be among the first to write and send some megasized bag of angry letters to TPTB. You can be sure of that!!

              Originally posted by Linzi View Post
              Anouke, could you remove the IMG tags from the piccie you've quoted, and replace them with URL's please? ( Literally you delete the [img] bit and replace them with [url]). It's just Tame has been in the JFT to tell folks to please make sure they don't repost piccies when quoting. Apparently it uses up bandwidth, whatever that is , and makes it difficult for dial up users to load up pages. Thank you!
              "Bandwidth" - is the amount of website space saved and paid for to store data by the webmaster who is running the site. The more is used, the more expensive it gets, and the remaining gets limited for use (remember "Childhood´s End" with the power shield being limited, and if people grow too much apart, it just doesn´t cover them anymore? Well, it´s something like this, and picture upload takes a HUGE amount of data, so repeated postings of them means basically "busting the budget" ... I suck at explaining, so I hope that made at least a little sense....
              Last edited by SheppAddictedFangirl; 02 May 2008, 08:33 AM.

              Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
              picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


                Originally posted by knightie View Post
                I am not sure if anyone answered already. So excuse me if they did.

                Shoreleave is a Scifi convention held at Hunts pt Md (near Baltimore). David Hewlett is one of the guest.
                aboleyn provided me with a link to shoreleave's website already, but I appreciate you answering my question just the same. It sounds awesome, maybe next year I can check it out, since I don't live far from where it's at(I'm from Pennsylvania)
                I'm attending Gatecon this year, don't think I have it in my budget to do both, unfortunately. speaking of Gatecon, is there any other whumpers heading to Vancouver in August?

                Originally posted by caty View Post
                I don't know, that's a possibility.. But for some reason, I just can't see JF doing that. You guys have met him, so you should know better than me. But I never got the impression that he's camera shy before..
                Another good question to ask him when you're having lunch with him.

                As I said on JM's blog, Jm just strikes me as the type that enjoys having fun messing with people. We over-interpret everything and we know he'd messed with us good in the past.
                Again, I could be wrong, but I cautiously believe that the "problem" is on JM's side, not on JF's...

                I have to say, Caty, I think I'm in agreement with you here, especially with the part I bolded in your comments. Although, he hasn't really taken photos of any of the main cast lately, just a ton of pictures of those 4 women in Whispers. So who knows what's really going on! All I know is that I hope we get to see a picture of him, and soon
                Thanks to Dunc for my pretty aurora and Muse sig. He had no part in the Twilight one


                  Originally posted by Aurora1101 View Post

                  Although, he hasn't really taken photos of any of the main cast lately, just a ton of pictures of those 4 women in Whispers. So who knows what's really going on! All I know is that I hope we get to see a picture of him, and soon
                  Hello Aurora! I have to agree with you here! JM's inundating us with pictures of the "all girl team" when I'd much rather see the main cast. A whumpy Shep pic would be heaven...but right now I'd settle for any he can give us!

                  Here's a bit of Shep whump

                  sigs by the talented CazzBlade, elephantgirl,CKO, kali1, csom, Luciana, Torri012 and rachel d..thanks so much!


                    Originally posted by caty View Post
                    Did you guys see this on JM's blog?

                    Ahem writes: “But despite your assurances that Joe F., is/was on the set, we have yet to see even one photo of him. Is there some reason you will not post his photos despite the many pleas from readers?”

                    Answer: Yep. The reason I haven’t posted any photos is because I haven’t taken any.

                    Well, here's my HOPEFUL take on this:

                    He daren't take any because Shep has been whumped so much in this season's filming, they would be instant spoilers! So much blood, so many splints and IV's and intubation kits...

                    Now wouldn't that be great?

                    The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread... Keeping the dream alive.


                      Originally posted by fuchsia View Post
                      Well, here's my HOPEFUL take on this:

                      He daren't take any because Shep has been whumped so much in this season's filming, they would be instant spoilers! So much blood, so many splints and IV's and intubation kits...

                      Now wouldn't that be great?
                      That is my personal theory as well. Pics would be too spoilery.
                      Sig by Luciana
                      My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                        Originally posted by fuchsia View Post
                        Well, here's my HOPEFUL take on this:

                        He daren't take any because Shep has been whumped so much in this season's filming, they would be instant spoilers! So much blood, so many splints and IV's and intubation kits...

                        Now wouldn't that be great?
                        Thats my favourite theory!!!


                          Hello Whumpers! *waves*

                          Not much going on in my own personal part of the Galaxy today.

                          I do agree that JM likes messing with us, and the reason he hasn't posted any pics of Shep is because they'd give too much away (so she says in her whumpy fantasy world)

                          I'm off to catch up.


                          ETA: LINZI AND PEGGY.....Question du jour for JF
                          Your wife is also an actress. Has she ever given any thought to appearing on SGA?
                          Last edited by iheartshep; 02 May 2008, 12:11 PM. Reason: today's Joe Flanigan question


                            What happened, guys?? No posts in 6 hours????

                            Shep is feeling abandoned and wants to be whumped!
                            *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                              Well, better break out the tumbleweed pic. It is lonely around here. Maybe I should toss some thorns and sharp objects in the little weed and it can bump into Shep a couple of times so I can break out the antiseptic and bandages to care for him.

                              Better run. Pocus got out the sharp tumbleweed!

                              Is she coming yet?

                              She snuck up behind me!!!!!

                              Well at least she only got my left arm this time

                              I'm ready for her now!


                                Lovely pics, Pocus!
                                I've been watching Rising on the big screen tonight... not a lot of whumping there,, what a difference from the t.v.!
                                On a proper speaker system you get the full effect of the soundtrack and amazing picture quality even on a screen that's 7x5 feet.
                                (The house was shaking!)
                                Now I just need to persuade hubby to set me up for some of 'The Greats' like 38 Mins or TDO.
                                Big screen Shep whumping!!*Woot!*

                                The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread... Keeping the dream alive.

