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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
    Oooh now that's a fabby idea! Yay for the Archos! I can carry the pic with me wherever I go!
    OMG see its already happening, Sheppy Security blankies!!!!!!

    *hides favourite ragged blankie that has a half stitched on patch of said pic*


      Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
      You mean by having it as your desktop wallpaper at home and at work, and then getting the magnifying glass out to look over it square inch by square inch. Then compaing that pic, with the other two that were posted onto Mr M's blog, then blowing them up (although not literally) and looking at it longingly whilst thinking up whumpy scenarios. Then once you've done that, compare the artwork and pics upside down, side by side, before then getting out the photoshop to overlap and merge the two pics.

      Then of course once they're merged, pray and hope that the pic actually gets on the ep, and that this isn't some whump fantasy as you'd never get over it. So you stare longingly at it for hours thinking how it came to be, what happens next, will what you want to happen happen, or will you be disappointed. Then when going to work you think of the pic and you smile and try not to look like a nutter, but somehow you've got a spring in your step and people are asking you why you look so happy....

      You mean that????

      Nah, sorry, hon, you're absolutely whacko! I've not felt like that at all.

      *goes back to work*

      I'm so glad I'm not the only one!


        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
        Yes. Sit yourself down on a comfy sofa, if at all possible with a large supply of maltesers and champage, and watch any - or all - of the following Stargate: Atlantis episodes:

        38 Minutes
        The Defiant One
        Common Ground
        The Ark
        Tabula Rasa
        The Last Man

        Repeat as necessary.
        Phew!..Thank you so much, I thought there was no cure and I may have to be like this for EFFER!!!!!!...if the wind is blowing in the right direction and my luck is REALLY good..

        Originally posted by Listy View Post
        Not being a whumper, I wouldn't know, however it seems like quite a severe condition, I think you may need professional help, I would try and get a consultation with one of the professionals, maybe Dr Linzi, Consultant Peggy, Professor SheppyD or many of the other professionals who wander into the threads they are well versed on these things and sometimes spend time on the threads for reasearch purposes
        Could I book a consultation please, I believe I have a terrible case of Whumpitis!!!!!

        my fan fiction place


          I thought about taking advantage of my company's employee assistance progran for about 3 seconds. Why on Earth would I want to give up the fine obsession!!!


            Originally posted by Linzi View Post
            I have to ask my fellow whumpers a very serious question.

            Is anyone else totally obsessed by the artwork and subsequent piccies on JM's blog concerning S and R, or is it just me who stares at them, comparing, speculating and just going googley eyed?

            I really am starting to get out of control here!!!! Is there a detox programme suitable to help me?
            Originally posted by Listy View Post
            Do I have to say yes if I have the concept art as my desktop? I am a little worried that we have four months for obsessions to grow, will it come to the whumpers taking a picture of it with them everywhere, dragging it around with them like a toddler with a security blanket ? Maybe we should only be allowed to look at it on Mondays and Fridays and in between we have to look at regular whump pics?
            I thought about putting it as my cell phone wallpaper but the kids at school like to see which pic of my dogs I have on there. I wouldn't want to scare them.


              Originally posted by bebop View Post
              Phew!..Thank you so much, I thought there was no cure and I may have to be like this for EFFER!!!!!!...if the wind is blowing in the right direction and my luck is REALLY good..

              Could I book a consultation please, I believe I have a terrible case of Whumpitis!!!!!
              Now are you sure you want to find the cure for this? It can be arranged, but, that would mean an end to whump in all its glory? I think there is a slot free two years on Tuesday at 3.30pm if thats any good?

              supernatural is just coming on and I am giggling it maybe march but its "A Very Supernatural Christmas" I think I may get comfy and watch this. Take care peeps!!!



                Originally posted by Listy View Post
                Now are you sure you want to find the cure for this? It can be arranged, but, that would mean an end to whump in all its glory? I think there is a slot free two years on Tuesday at 3.30pm if thats any good?

                On second thoughts, I think I may be busy that day...

                BRING ON THE WHUMP!!!!!

                my fan fiction place


                  I have no idea what picture you are all talking about!!!

                  Oh and as for this whump word- what does it mean?

                  Is it something to do with liking Sheppy getting hurt????? Thats kind of sick isnt it?!?!?!

                  You wont find me lurking in these parts or spending hours looking at any pics!!!! No, no never!!! Never even ever!


                    Originally posted by Linzi View Post

                    I'm so glad I'm not the only one!
                    Oh I wasn't describing me, I was describing a friend of mine, she's also been suffering from squee overload. It's a hopeless case.

                    Originally posted by bebop View Post
                    Phew!..Thank you so much, I thought there was no cure and I may have to be like this for EFFER!!!!!!...if the wind is blowing in the right direction and my luck is REALLY good..

                    Could I book a consultation please, I believe I have a terrible case of Whumpitis!!!!!

                    Could you tell me what was it that precipitated this wonderfully fabulous terrible affliction? Was this a predisposing condition or an actual event that triggered this? Or were you simply brainwashed into loving bleeding, whumped, beaten shot, bruised and broken Shep, who looks fantastic when whumped? Or is it just about the caring and you want to feel the luff? Therefore the only way to achieve this euphoric feeling is to have Sheppy whumped to oblivion?

                    Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                    I thought about taking advantage of my company's employee assistance progran for about 3 seconds. Why on Earth would I want to give up the fine obsession!!!
                    Never a truer word was spoken!!

                    Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                    I thought about putting it as my cell phone wallpaper but the kids at school like to see which pic of my dogs I have on there. I wouldn't want to scare them.
                    Hehehehe I thought they were mini whumpers in training?

                    You guys are not helping with my workload.

                    THANK YOU!!!


                      I almost prefered it when i didnt give a crap about season 5 because then i didnt care when it was on............but that damn SR pic that i keep obsessing over (linzi youre def not alone there!) ..has made me so ridiculoisly excited abotu season 5, well that ep at least (still pissed JM wont tell us the shepisode title!), and all i keep thinking is how the hell am i gonna make it to july without squeeing myself into a coma, and what if theres all this build up and then the ep disappoints.......arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!



                        Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                        I have no idea what picture you are all talking about!!!

                        Oh and as for this whump word- what does it mean?

                        Is it something to do with liking Sheppy getting hurt????? Thats kind of sick isnt it?!?!?!

                        You wont find me lurking in these parts or spending hours looking at any pics!!!! No, no never!!! Never even ever!
                        Not a spoiler of any kind, just a rebuttal for SheppyD



                          Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                          Not a spoiler of any kind, just a rebuttal for SheppyD



                            Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                            I almost prefered it when i didnt give a crap about season 5 because then i didnt care when it was on............but that damn SR pic that i keep obsessing over (linzi youre def not alone there!) ..has made me so ridiculoisly excited abotu season 5, well that ep at least (still pissed JM wont tell us the shepisode title!), and all i keep thinking is how the hell am i gonna make it to july without squeeing myself into a coma, and what if theres all this build up and then the ep disappoints.......arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!
                            Well, we're just gonna have to keep asking. That's what I'm planning on doing anyway. Cause there has to be one in the first half. Otherwise, he wouldn't keep ignoring us but just tell us no. He's playing with us...
                            *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                              Originally posted by caty View Post
                              Well, we're just gonna have to keep asking. That's what I'm planning on doing anyway. Cause there has to be one in the first half. Otherwise, he wouldn't keep ignoring us but just tell us no. He's playing with us...
                              i noticed hes been asked a few times and has ignored it......i mean its not giving a lot away is it......a damn title.....and if hes ignoring it because there isnt one, im going to be even more pissed than i am now, because im sorry but the LEAD of this show should be getting his ep first..!! anyway, he should just tell us, if thats the case because its better than being played with like this....



                                Originally posted by bebop View Post
                                Phew!..Thank you so much, I thought there was no cure and I may have to be like this for EFFER!!!!!!...if the wind is blowing in the right direction and my luck is REALLY good..
                                Oh nonononono. Sorry if I mislead you. This isn't a cure. I'm afraid there's no cure for Shep whumpitis, it's a lifelong afflication. The technique I suggested is merely a fairly effective method of alleviating the worst symptoms and preventing a dangerous side-effect known as "squeeee overload". Sadly the treatment's effects are only temporary hence the need for repeated treatments!

