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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
    Yes! Looking forward to it.
    Thanks! Proofing now

    err.. I feel out of touch, but when was JF sick. How did you know? DId I miss that in JM's blog?
    My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


      Originally posted by caty View Post
      I wonder about these kinds of things, too.. Poor Joe will probably not go home this weekend, as they're having a night shot Friday.
      Is Labor Day a holiday in Canada??
      I don't think so caty. I only think that's a US holiday. I'm hoping my boss let's us out early on Friday.

      Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
      AVI by *ERIKA*


        for anyone interested, chapter 3 of Alone is posted. It's not that long.. sorry. Had to do a fair bit of research to get my bearings on where I'm going with this story. More to come soon

        Alone Ch. 3

        My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


          Originally posted by sherryw View Post
          I don't think so caty. I only think that's a US holiday. I'm hoping my boss let's us out early on Friday.
          Oh, I forgot about getting out early! That's a squeeable event if it happens!

          SGAFan, JM said the shoot was called off, but not why. DH twittered that JF was sick with food poisoning. He actually does look a little wan in the pic on JM's blog tonight.

          Hey, knightie!


            thanks Lorr, I was wondering oh, and Congrats on 2700!
            My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


              Congrats on 2700 Lorr!!

              Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
              for anyone interested, chapter 3 of Alone is posted. It's not that long.. sorry. Had to do a fair bit of research to get my bearings on where I'm going with this story. More to come soon

              Alone Ch. 3

              Woo hoo!! Excellent chapter. Read and reviewed.

              I bid you all goodnight.
              Sig by Luciana
              My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                Congrats, Lorr, on 2700 !!

                Originally posted by Salty View Post

                Thanks for the headsup and welcome!!! I will wait with baited breath for you to finish since I hate WIPs!

                Thank you for the welcome.

                The fic is nearly finished, and I should be finished posting it next week, after the holiday weekend.

                I totally understand about WIPs -- I hate to be left hanging if a good fic never gets completed.


                  Thanks, everyone!

                  I'll wait (impatiently) for you to finish Alone before I read it, SGAFan! I don't do well with WIPs.

                  I have been trying to write tonight, but I'm in a difficult area so I haven't accomplished much. I think I need to go think about it for a while.

                  Good night!


                    Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                    Congrats on 2700 Lorr!!

                    Woo hoo!! Excellent chapter. Read and reviewed.

                    I bid you all goodnight.

                    Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                    Thanks, everyone!

                    I'll wait (impatiently) for you to finish Alone before I read it, SGAFan! I don't do well with WIPs.

                    I have been trying to write tonight, but I'm in a difficult area so I haven't accomplished much. I think I need to go think about it for a while.

                    Good night!
                    LOL well, its not looking like its going to be too terribly long. Probably about the length of Cold Race The one I have in mind next however...

                    sheesh, already have one novel length story going... question is, can I juggle 2? hehehe

                    I'm off to bed. Night!
                    My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                      I've been in and out reading, but I'm heading out to bed. Hope you whumpers have a nice evening. SGA I'll read your chappie tomorrow. TTFN!!!!!

                      Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
                      AVI by *ERIKA*


                        Mornin' all! Haven't caught up yet so sorry if this has been posted already! There's an interview with Joe in the new Starburst mag. Morjana posted on the Stargate News forum. Must buy that!

                        Also read that there'll be an interview in the Stargate mag after this current issue (the latest one has Sam and Jack on the cover). Sorry, don't know the dates!

                        Lovely Joe pics on JM's blog. Glad to see him out and about!

                        Last edited by Elinor; 29 August 2007, 10:40 PM.


                          Originally posted by caty View Post
                          I just had the day from hell..

                          It's my third day of classes here in the US and I get pulled over by a police man on my way t school because I didn't stop for a stopped school bus, which I had no idea I had to do.

                          Now I have to go to court... I feel like a criminal...
                          Originally posted by caty View Post
                          No, in Florida you have to go to court for passing a stopped school bus. I asked the police man how much the ticket was and he just said 'This violation is mandatory court appearance'. Apparently, it is really bad to do that here and the fine is 250$.

                          What can I say? We don't stop for school buses in Germany, they have divided bus stops off the road. I just didn't know...
                          Sorry to hear about your problem caty. Hope it works out for you and you don't end up with a fine. I didn't know that rule, so hubby and I will have to watch out for stopped school buses when we're touring the New England states for three weeks from Sept 1st.

                          Good to see JoeF back on location.

                          Congrats to Lorr on 2700 posts.


                            Originally posted by sherryw View Post
                            Hey has anyone heard from Josie? Haven't seen her on for awhile.
                            Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                            Josie has decided to break from GW. She is still on LJ though. Poor thing is just getting over being sick!
                            Yeah, she's still about on LJ and stuff and happy to chat to people over there. She's just taken the decision that GW is not the place for her to be right now.

                            Originally posted by IWantToBelieve View Post
                            I hope we get some set shots from Harmony, sounds like a nice location!
                            From your lips to JM's ears! Heee! Such awesome pics!

                            Originally posted by Salty View Post
                            That he does!! He really does have a lovely smile - more so in person
                            Hmm, smile on the show more? That would mean he wouldn't be whumped though. Choices, choices
                            Oh my yes! His smile in person is just wonderful.... heck, HE in person is just wonderful!

                            Originally posted by knightie View Post
                            Here is my question. I wonder who Joe F called to call in sick. Did they stop the entire production. He must have started the process before DH went out to set. I wonder does he call JM or who? This must have set them back a pretty penny. I wonder how they make up the time.
                            I would think they would reschedule stuff and film other scenes - stuff they don't need Joe for. They are constantly filming second unit stuff and bits from other episodes etc anyway so I would think they wouldn't simply take the day off entirely but would film what other stuff they could. If your lead guy is sick, then he's sick. Not much that can be done about that... just a shame, production-wise, that is happened when they were obviously due to be filming a whole day of Sheppard-McKay scenes for a Sheppard-McKay-heavy ep.

                            Originally posted by knightie View Post
                            I am off to watch the Ark with Knightie JR. She went yesterday without watching an SGA and is in withdrawal. OK, so I created an addict.
                            Heh. Good for you!

                            Originally posted by Elinor View Post
                            There's an interview with Joe in the new Starburst mag. Morjana posted on the Stargate News forum. Must buy that!
                            Yeah, I saw that info posted too and have already decided I gotta get that mag!


                              CONGRATS TO LORR ON 2700!!

                              Originally posted by Listy View Post
                              Has anyone tried the Ben and Jerry's 'Wich? Its fab cookie and iceream sandwich, so moreish!!

                              Ha I didn't dream of blue jelly but I did have a whump dream it was nice, I think I must have seen this somewhere before in a movie or another tv show or something, can't rememer where though?? anyway it was appealling!

                              Sheppard was in a bath tub fully clothed except for bare feet and someone had slipped him some drug that had made him paralysed and the tub was filling with ice cold water and it was getting higher and higher and he was going to drown and the water went up over his face, so he was dying, but the ice cold water had slowed his body down enough that when someone got to him they managed to revive him but he ended up intubated in the infirmary, with hypothermia and he was nekkid under an infirmary sheet...... I think someone might have put that in my head.... wonder who it could have been.... *cough-SheppyD-cough* well Sheppard didn't enjoy it but I found it quite a good dream just wish I could remember where I had seen that before??? must have been a scifi show or a movie, I don't often watch much else..... its gonna really bug me until I remember

                              Ooo i tried the 'Wich at the Ben and Jerry's festival - gorgeous!

                              And i love your dream! I want dreams like that. I had a weird Sanctuary dream the other night - and i haven't watched that since the second episode!

                              Caty - i'm so sorry to hear that! That really sucks. I wouldn't have known you can't do that either. I agree it seems daft tbh. From what everyone else has said, i think you're best bet is to ask for traffic school - at least that way you can learn all the laws while you're at it. *hugs*

                              Well - i did it again
                              Long story short, April of last year i damaged two vertebrae in the base of my spine and the surrounding muscles and spent several months in agony and even longer in physio. Yesterday, i fell down the stairs and aggrevated it again. By the time it came time to go to bed last night i couldn't get off the sofa and today it's bloody killing. Sometimes, being this accident prone sucks

                              Still on the plus side, my toe is down to a dull ache.
                              The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                              l My LJ l


                                Congrats Lorr on 2700 and Squonk on 2100!!!

                                Hello Salty and knightie!!! And WTG knightie on creating another SGA addict!!!

                                Off to read Alone!
                                My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
                                Sig and avi by me

