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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
    Thanks! How are you, hon?

    Must have a good radar detector....

    Sorry to hear it. They are fairly adamant about stopping for school buses here. You may want to read through a list of US and Floridian driving laws. I have no idea how they compare to German ones, and there may be some other surprises.
    The thing is that our laws are usually more strict. For example, if you turn right at a red stop light in Germany and a police man sees that, you've just ran a red light.

    And I think everybody having to stop when a school bus stops is a little over the top. Are the kids supposed to learn that every car stops for them? If you ask me, that's more dangerous, because they'll feel too safe on roads.

    Well, it doesn't matter if I agree with the law or not and not knowing doesn't prevent me from being punished.

    I can only hope that this doesn't affect my visa status...

    Best thing was - the guy got irritated because I didn't know my height in feet...
    *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


      Originally posted by caty View Post
      I just had the day from hell..

      It's my third day of classes here in the US and I get pulled over by a police man on my way t school because I didn't stop for a stopped school bus, which I had no idea I had to do.

      Now I have to go to court... I feel like a criminal...
      Many counties/town/states consider it a big no-no for people to not stop for school buses. What will happen is you'll go to court, they'll tell you not to do it, etc. etc., and tell you to pay XXX dollars and you can leave. At least that's my memory of when I accompanied a friend to traffic court (speeding) and these two guys in front him were caught drag racing at 95mph on the highway. They got the max fine, sent on their way. As we on the highway going back, they tore past us doing at least 80mph if not more.


        Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
        ((HUGS)) caty. It sucks. Going to court for not stopping for a school bus? Is that such a horrible offence? The way law is in Brazil, if I ever go to another country I'll have to look out for these things... People here don't stop for anything. And if you stop for a pedestrian you get horned by a ton of angry drivers behind you.
        Traffic court is not the same as regular court. The police and community do take child safety fairly seriously though.

        Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
        *waves to RUFFLES* Today I feel like that line from Forrest Gump..."Life is like a box of never know what you're gonna get." Just when I think I know how something will play out......I get another surprise. BTW RUFFLES......I just noticed the new avatar you are wearing too. SQUEEEE!

        Shep Whumping is so much better than RL at the moment!

        They don't mess around with the stopping for school buses here either, but I don't honestly know what the fine is and I hope I don't find out.

        Was that a good surprise or a bad one?

        *grin* I love my avi. Thanks! I hope S4 will provide something equally as good.

        Originally posted by caty View Post
        The thing is that our laws are usually more strict. For example, if you turn right at a red stop light in Germany and a police man sees that, you've just ran a red light.

        And I think everybody having to stop when a school bus stops is a little over the top. Are the kids supposed to learn that every car stops for them? If you ask me, that's more dangerous, because they'll feel too safe on roads.

        Well, it doesn't matter if I agree with the law or not and not knowing doesn't prevent me from being punished.

        I can only hope that this doesn't affect my visa status...

        Best thing was - the guy got irritated because I didn't know my height in feet...
        You'll find A LOT of American laws/court decisions that don't make much sense. We tend to go a bit overboard (IMHO) in protecting the not-so-bright. Although, I'm rather for protecting children by having people stop for school buses. Be sure to watch out for school zones. They enforce that speed limit heavily.

        I did have to giggle about the height thing. Gotta love the US measurement system. I'm sorry the guy wasn't more understanding of your situation.
        Sig by Luciana
        My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


          Lately every surprise I've gotten is a bad one, I'm sorry to say.
          The latest was the bill for the cat scan I thought was covered by insurance.
          I am hoping that will work itself out after hubby talked with the company.

          I am about to pre-order SGA S-3 DVDs. I wanted to wait until it was closer to the release date so my order wouldn't get lost in the fray. "Common Ground" with no commercial interruptions......I could live with that!



            Hi there whumpers.

            Caty sorry to hear about the ticket. That really does stink. I don't think it will affect your Visa status. You would have to do something way more serious than that. We've all had tickets. The last ticket I got was from a drop dead gorgeous cop.

            Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
            AVI by *ERIKA*


              Sorry for the repeat in posts whumpers....not sure why it didn't post the first time.

              OK I"m so confused. First it's there, I delete it, it's still there and now it's gone.

              Hey has anyone heard from Josie? Haven't seen her on for awhile.

              Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
              AVI by *ERIKA*


                Caty, here you must stop because some children might have to cross the street/intersection, so it's a precautionary rule that exists in all 50 states. Don't sweat it, go to court and explain the situation. It won't affect your visa. There's a fair amount of stupidity in the USA but the most you'll get is a fine for not being up on the rules. I'm curious though, didn't you have to get a Driver's license? When we were stationed in Iceland we had to attend a class and learn the Icelandic road laws before we were granted our international license. Of course, it wasn't too hard. The key word to learn was 'lokid' for 'closed' LOL, and boy did we learn that one when we went down a road that was going to be used for a road rally. It had LOKID pasted all up and down it (but it was for the next day, not the day were were out sightseeing). That and we weren't used to round-abouts.

                I hope we get some set shots from Harmony, sounds like a nice location!


                  Originally posted by sherryw View Post
                  Sorry for the repeat in posts whumpers....not sure why it didn't post the first time.

                  OK I"m so confused. First it's there, I delete it, it's still there and now it's gone.

                  Hey has anyone heard from Josie? Haven't seen her on for awhile.
                  Josie has decided to break from GW. She is still on LJ though. Poor thing is just getting over being sick!

                  - sorry to hear about your ticket. I think there have been a few too many little ones hit while crossing the street in front of the bus. One is too many but drivers are in such a hurry sometimes and don't even slow down. It hasn't always been that way. I think that became law within my driving lifetime.

                  When will we start counting down in hours to S4? I am not that talented!


                    My "Casualties of War" book arrived!!! Wow, the author has very neat penmanship, too


                      How'd you get the book already? You'll have to give me the inside scoop if it's any good. I'm getting a bit pickier, still haven't ordered Roswell. Waiting for used copies to get dirt cheap as I'm not sure it's worth full price. But the Atlantis ones I'm more willing to spend for.


                        Originally posted by caty View Post
                        I just had the day from hell..

                        It's my third day of classes here in the US and I get pulled over by a police man on my way t school because I didn't stop for a stopped school bus, which I had no idea I had to do.

                        Now I have to go to court... I feel like a criminal...
                        Aw! ((HUGS)) Just explain your circumstances to the judge. Maybe they'll go easy on you ((HUGS))

                        *waves* Howdy Whumpers. Have plans to write and hopefully finish the next chappie of Alone tonight
                        My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                          Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                          Aw! ((HUGS)) Just explain your circumstances to the judge. Maybe they'll go easy on you ((HUGS))

                          *waves* Howdy Whumpers. Have plans to write and hopefully finish the next chappie of Alone tonight
                          *rubs hands* I'm waiting!

                          I'm off to bed. G'Night.
                          My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
                          Sig and avi by me


                            night! Sleep well.

                            Does that leave me here alone?
                            My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                              JF pics on JM's blog!!!


                              Sig by Luciana
                              My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                                Hugs, Caty! Go to the DMV and pick up a copy of Florida road rules. you might have a hefty fine and your insurance will be affected unless you can go to traffic school to negate it.

                                30 days
                                720 hours
                                43200 minutes
                                2592000 seconds

                                give or take, depending on your time zone

                                until we can

