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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
    Guess what? My mom arranged a job interview for me on Tuesday for an English teacher position in the language school I studied. I'm so excited about it! *crosses fingers*

    Here have some Shep whump:
    That's exciting news. I hope things work out well for you!


      Originally posted by Kristen999 View Post
      Hello whumpers.

      Is my off day of course RL has gone to hell in and hand basket..BUT I did get "Entanglement" in the mail and about to sit down and read it, while checking out all the blog links to Comi Con. Guess I'll spend a few hours in front of my computer.

      Should be a laid back day.

      Hopefully in a few hours we'll have some fun stuff to discuss.
      I certainly hope we do have something good to discuss soon from Comic Con! Hee hee!

      Sounds like you've got a nice relaxing day planned.


        Skiffy’s comic con blog said [Strigl Checking In]
        The Stargate Atlantis event at 1:15pm should be a real eye-opener. This year marks the first time ever that Amanda Tapping will be joining the Atlantis panel. Former Firefly / Serenity star Jewel Staite will also share her excitement about joining the SGA team…. AND don't forget about some of our favorite Atlantis veterans, Joe Flanigan & David Hewlett, who will also be on hand.

        Ah, nice they remembered Joe F and David….


          Originally posted by Pocus View Post
          That is so cool. Will you be able to do both jobs at the same time? At least you would have some money coming in until your practise gets going!
          Working as an english teacher is very good hours. A couple of hours during two or three days a week.
          My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
          Sig and avi by me


            I love the don't forget part, when talking about Joe and yeah those are the two we would rather hear from.


            Originally posted by prion View Post
            Skiffy’s comic con blog said [Strigl Checking In]
            The Stargate Atlantis event at 1:15pm should be a real eye-opener. This year marks the first time ever that Amanda Tapping will be joining the Atlantis panel. Former Firefly / Serenity star Jewel Staite will also share her excitement about joining the SGA team…. AND don't forget about some of our favorite Atlantis veterans, Joe Flanigan & David Hewlett, who will also be on hand.

            Ah, nice they remembered Joe F and David….
            My fanfic-


              Originally posted by Kristen999 View Post
              I love the don't forget part, when talking about Joe and yeah those are the two we would rather hear from.

              Yup. I'd rather just hear from Joe and David, and the rest, next year, although I suspect Mallozzi and any other producer types probably did the most talking.

              Willing to bet the first half of the panel (now over) was spent pushing the 'shiny new toys' and how 'fresh' it will be (oh, god, I hope they don't do that, like they did with SG1). I hope the Save Carson Beckett people get some licks in Don't know if any save Weir people will be there. Ah, to be a fly on the wall, or better yet, a fan with a digital camcorder!


                Afternoon Whumpers!

                It's another rainy day here in la la land.

                This morning hubby and I watched THE ultimate not-Shep-but-good-JF-Whump episode of "Tru Calling". Hubby said, "That was a good show!" after it was over. I'll turn him into a JF fan yet.

                I hope we hear some ComiCon goodies soon.

                I'm off to catch up.



                  Wow! Things are really dead in here tonight.

                  I've been out most of the day but I'm back now and bored again already.


                    I've returned to say so long for now. We have a major storm here.



                      Good God! Where is everybody? It's a Friday night, there's normally someone in here.

                      Edit: Hello IHS, goodbye IHS! *sigh*


                        Originally posted by Josie View Post
                        Good God! Where is everybody? It's a Friday night, there's normally someone in here.

                        Edit: Hello IHS, goodbye IHS! *sigh*
                        I'm back... kind of. I went to the market and froze outside (12C), came back home for a hot shower and a hot tea, and now I'm making myself a sandwich.
                        My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
                        Sig and avi by me


                          Sooooooo tired*! Must sleeeeeeeeep...

                          *(and sunburnt!)

                          Coupla quick thoughts before bed:

                          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                          The second one is lovely. The first is striking, but manips of characters/actors aren't allowed on GW anymore, so it'd be best to tell the poster who did it to put up a link for it, in case it gets modded.
                          I think manips are allowed... as long as they don't show the actor involved doing anything they would not normally do/being in a situation they would never normally be in (e.g. kissing someone they have never kissed etc). Changing someone's hair and eye colours I think is permissable as it's fairly innocuous...

                          Originally posted by bebop View Post
                          Unfortunately I've suffered from Labrinthitis on and off for about 10 years, so I've gotten used to the symptoms of an attack coming on....there is nothing that you can do to alleviate the symptoms, you just have to give in and rest as much as possible until it settles down. This attack has been with me for about a 2 weeks so far......hey ho, such is life.
                          Sorry to hear that hon. I hope this attack settles down soon... *hugs*

                          Righto. Am shredded. Hitting the sack now. Hope for COmicCon goodies tomorrow..

                          Gnight all...


                            Anybody around...hellooooo...echo, echo, echo.

                            It's been super quiet here today.....only 2 pages to catch up on.

                            Well let's start the night off with some pics. That should wake some people up.



                            Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
                            AVI by *ERIKA*


                              Yeah my internet just came back on! First storm we have had in weeks and it knocks the cable out **sigh**

                              Looks like I am on my own though! Nice pics Sherry!

                              Ali- glad you had a great time!

                              Josie- sorry you are bored!


                                Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                                I think manips are allowed... as long as they don't show the actor involved doing anything they would not normally do/being in a situation they would never normally be in (e.g. kissing someone they have never kissed etc). Changing someone's hair and eye colours I think is permissable as it's fairly innocuous...
                                Manips are allowed as long as they're family-friendly (no slash) and in good taste and not inappropriate. So, if you want to manip Sheppard's face onto your cat, that's okay as far as I know, but don't manip Shep kissing McKay... or manip the *actor* into kissing someone they didn't, etc. Sure, you can turn Sheppard's hair green (for St Patty's Day)

