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John Sheppard Whump

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    Forgot to welcome back BEBOP Welcome back sweetie!


      Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
      BEBOP's back!!! *waves*

      RUFFLES - take care and have fun!

      GG- feeling better?

      I'm not certain if
      Connor is in the same episodes with Carson or not. All I know for sure is he mentioned he'll be back at work at SGA soon. I gather that's all he said.....he was being rather vague. I think he was just happy since he likes playing Michael so much and shared the news. Sorry if I sounded like I knew for certain which shows because I don't.
      Josie, PM'd ya. Let me know if you need more help than that.
      Thanks! I've got in touch with A4T and hopefully he'll let me ask on HoT if anyone has got a good con report we can site as a source.


        Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
        Missed you loads!!!

        Well indeed I at least managed a bit of a squee today. Hopefully those clients know whats important and will leave me alone for a while. I will of course give you updates should the position take a turn for the worse!
        That is much appreciated hon. Can you do me a favour when you're kicking off at your clients can you come over and sort my lot out they're becoming extremely boisterous, and I don't want to use my whip unless I really have to... they're so opinionated and vocal. I have no idea why they're like that! Cheeky lil Devils! OMG i've been cloned!

        Talking of which...

        With Michael returning *squeeeeeeeeeeee for the possibiltiy of more bug whump* I wonder if thats how Carson comes back? oh how great would that be? Sheppy getting whumped and waking up to see Carson leaning over him! Oooh think of the angst!

        Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
        Originally posted by Josie View Post
        I think it's pretty definite that it's going to happen in Midway.
        And considering it's supposed to be the "big crossover episode" and we know that Mitchell, Vala and Jackson will NOT be appearing in SGA it not being Teal'c either would make the "big crossover" a big disappointment.
        I don't think it's going to be a
        big crossover either

        Okay, this is freaking me out,
        I keep hearing crying... or humming outside my window.. or inside the house.

        *tries not to panic*


          OT but interesting and made me think of Sheppsrd
          I was listening to a radio interview with Werner Herzog who directed a Vietnam POW (American) escape film ("RESCUE DAWN") and googled the name of the real-life pilot on which the movie is based- this is just a tiny bit of it:
          " Dengler was known to his shipmates as something of a renegade; the ops officer was always after him to get a haircut and Dengler was forever in trouble over his uniform or lack of military manner. In his German accent, he would protest, "I don't understand." But Dengler was a good pilot, although his flying career was brief. "

          Sound familiar?



            PEGGY - you are hilarious! Thanks for making me laugh. NAKED SHEP NAKED where did that come from? I feel like chanting all of a sudden.

            Guess I'll go spend some time with the spousal unit. Later my friends!



              I'll go now, be back tomorrow.
              My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
              Sig and avi by me


                Heeee. Apparently Joe takes his French bulldog surfing...


                  Wow, the SG Con being held in NJ this November is going to be the last SG Con to be held there. They promise to go out with a 'bang'. But hey, despite all that Creation may do, if JF isn't there, it'll be more like going out with a puff.

                  Oh, please add me to the chant of NEKKID SHEP!! I mean with the oppressive temps and humidity, Shep could easily get heat stroke..and well lets face it, in temps like this, clothes just get sweaty and cling....... Oh, I'm liking that image too.


                    Originally posted by Josie View Post

                    Actually wrong on both accounts.
                    It looks like Teal'c will show up in Midway and that's when we'll get to see him spar with Ronon and the episode with the Sheppy blood is This Mortal Coil.
                    Sheppy blood??? Sheppy blood?????

                    What have I missed????

                    about Joe taking his dog surfing!
                    *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                      Originally posted by Elinor View Post
                      I think the working title is
                      'Sexyhotlantis guy and his earthbound adventures'.
                      I LIKE that title!!

                      Originally posted by bebop View Post
                      Hi peeps....long time no posty, but I really hope everyone is OK. Sorry that I've been absent without leave for a while, but the old bod has been a bit temperamental of late and I had to sort of stop everything for a while to catch up...stress is SO not a wonderful thing!!

                      Just seen that theres to be a Shep back story...***picks self up from floor***...WOW!!!

                      Can I just say that I have MISSED you guys!!!!!!....but Labyrinthitis is an absolute pile of CARP..and doesn't let go easily.
                      Hey, Bebop, it is really good to see you back! I hope all is well soon, sweetie.


                        Originally posted by Kristen999 View Post
                        I asked a pal of mine who got to go on a set visit last Wednesday about Joe's sprained wrist and she said you couldn't tell if he had one because he was moving stuff around the set all day and wasn't wearing any type of a brace.

                        Once she blogs her set report, I'll put a link up, but she said the cast was great. She was up there in 2005 and Joe was pretty shy, but she said he wasn't this time around and got to talk to him several times.

                        Going to work, have a great day everyone.
                        Oooh, I'm on a list with her! I'm so waiting for her report! I'm trying so hard not to nag her

                        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                        Oooh can't wait to read that! Man, it seems like they do loads of set visits... how on earth does one get to be one of the chosen few?!
                        You meet a friend at a con, become really good friends, and luck out!

                        Originally posted by bebop View Post
                        Thanks Ruffles, I've missed you guys too!
                        Hi bebop!!!!

                        Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                        For anyone looking for a whumpy fic to read, try Descent by T'Pring.
                        Is it finished?

                        Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                        Oh we definately need a good shower scene, but only for medicinal purposes of course, and it has to be after whumpage, because what's the best way to tend to bumps and bruises and torn muscles? A hot shower! So I can just picture it now, particularly after DG.

                        After being zapped by the crystal entity Shep is thrown back into the bushes and whumps himself. And we know how painful self-inflicted whump is. Dizzy and disorientated he can't stand up on his own and has to be carried via a fireman's lift or even better Keller has to come out and check he hasn't suffered any spinal injuries from being thrown at such a distance. As a precautionary measure he's strapped down to a backboard and neck brace and taken to the infirmary. There he's given the all clear, but starts to feel those aches and pains. Keller suggests a massage and a hot shower... *volunteers her services as a trained first aider* *cough* So there he is in the shower letting the water cascade over his head falling ever so graciously over his bruised, battered and nekkid body. He stands there for oh at least 30 minutes as the entity starts bombarding his mind. He shakes it off, disorientated and confused at the images assualting his mind and heads for bed where he lies restlessly, before succombing to a troubled sleep with evil Shep assaulting all his senses.... End of Part 1

                        Only in my dreams
                        So I see you're a closet
                        Shep/Keller shipper?

                        Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                        Crikey! I was all set to print something, and now the printer isn't corresponding with the computer. That male voice told me so! When I pressed the Print button.....he came on with "The computer is not corresponding with the printer" and it gave me a list of things to check. I checked them all and it still won't work. Technical stuff! *pulls hair out* Hubby will be soooo thrilled wen he gets home.

                        YOu need to load a Shep wav on your computer so when you have problems, it's Shep's voice you hear! Makes the problems so much easier to deal with

                        Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                        Wow, the SG Con being held in NJ this November is going to be the last SG Con to be held there. They promise to go out with a 'bang'. But hey, despite all that Creation may do, if JF isn't there, it'll be more like going out with a puff.
                        GG - at least we have this November! I'm so bummed! It's not just the talent at the cons, it's the friends who go I'm holding out hope if Joe is doing ComicCon, he hasn't given up on appearances! Maybe he just likes to do last minute entrances - such a diva!
                        Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007


                          Diva? That's too much DH! **ducks Hewlett fans**

                          BTW - I love DH - just not as much as JF!


                            Originally posted by prion View Post
                            You need MONEY. Alas, you'll need at least a couple THOUSAND dollars to win the bid, and hotel/airfare is paid by you as well, so figure another thousand there, minimum (unless you live nearby). I've been following at least one site that does charity auctions but alas, probably found it after they did it. I did find one set visit, but gee, you needed to be a resident of Dubai to win! It's too bad that MGM doesn't publicize these auctions. Not that it's in my budget...
                            sorry to be so behind. Trying to catch up. I have given up on the vacation stuff -way too many pages.

                            IT took over a year for me to find a way to obtain a set visit. SOme folks are going in August from London that I know of but they won it at Gmx in Manchester via a raffle I think. So you have to be really really lucky.

                            I just check youtube. No S4 trailer yet. Hopefully someone was taping Dark Angel and can get on youtube. I have no idea how to do that if I ever tape anything.



                              Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                              Wow, the SG Con being held in NJ this November is going to be the last SG Con to be held there. They promise to go out with a 'bang'. But hey, despite all that Creation may do, if JF isn't there, it'll be more like going out with a puff.

                              I just found out about just when I got a really neat seat. Hey Gategeek I may just have to become a chicao con person next year. Closer for you.

                              I wonder why they cancelled it. Not enough fans or guest that don't want to go to NJ?

                              Maybe they will surprise us ? Naw


                                Hey, knightie!! I hope you are well.

                                I just popped in to say goodnight. I have just starte dwriting a new fic and am trying to work things out. I know where I want to go, but need to be very careful about setting it up. I have a lots of faux physics to work out and have to make it sound not faux. lol

                                My brain is just too weary tonight, so I am going to take a break and go read for a while.

                                See you all tomorrow!

