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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Squonk View Post
    Bournville in Birmingham is dry cos it's founders, the Cadbury's were Quakers and it was built to house the chocolate factory workers. Recently, the council tried to put a pub there and the residents (who aren't Quakers) went mad saying they liked it as it was!!
    Really? cool, I guess you must just get used to it, not that I am big on alcohol or anything, I think aside from last night the last time I had a drink was about 12 weeks ago, I don't like losing control so tend to just have the odd glass of wine, but unfortunately because I don't drink alot the odd glass of wine usually has the effect of a full bottle .

    So is anyone else writing anything at the moment? I am anxiously awaiting Ali and O1's next chapters, but was just wondering what everyone else is upto on the whump fic front? or can anyone suggest any good fics that i might not have read yet?


      Originally posted by wraithkeeper View Post
      I haven't read that one yet, but now I definitely plan to!

      Doctor Who has had a bit of whump lately, the last two episodes both had
      The Doctor screaming in pain.
      Does this ep have a lot of whump too? I won't be able to watch it until morning, so I'm getting anxious!

      Its worth a read just for the whump its a good book just doesn't read very smoothly jumps around a lot, but the whump is good.

      Dr Who was more emotional whump tonight, very sad made me cry


        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
        Oh I've loved this series so far - the only ones I found a bit *meh* were the Dalek ones. And BOY have we had some awesome whumpage this series!!

        Ep 1 - DEAD! And resuscitated and coughing and gasping for air
        Ep 2 - Heart stopped! And collapsed and then in pain when he tried to get up..
        Ep 3 - Choking in the fumes and needing oxygen when he got into the car.
        Ep 5 - Zapped by lightening and lying unconscious and wakes up with a headache.
        Ep 7 - Soooo much whumpage!! Screaming in pain and telling Martha he was scared and ooooh my, so wonderful!!
        Ep 8 - Flashbacks of mucho screaming as the chameleon arch changed him!
        Ep 9 - Major emotional whumpage.
        Has the new season come to sci-fi yet? Please tell me no because if it has I've missed all of the new episodes, and they all sound like great whumpy ones!

        ~credit to Lauriel for the sig, You rock Girl!!~


          Originally posted by Isolated_Fear View Post
          Has the new season come to sci-fi yet? Please tell me no because if it has I've missed all of the new episodes, and they all sound like great whumpy ones!
          I believe it is due to air in the US in June or July... can't remember which off-hand...


            Originally posted by Listy View Post
            Dr Who was more emotional whump tonight, very sad made me cry
            Oooh... can't wait!


              7,479 sodding words! Fiiiiiinally finished! Woohooo!

              Quick read-through and check and tweak and I'll get it posted.


                Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                For emotional whump I think that Phantoms had a pretty strong moment.
                **sorry Roo**

                When Teyla asked if his buddy had made it, the look on his face said it all.

                Even though the bit in Phantoms was very brief, for some reason it stands out in my mind. There were other, deeper scenes during the season. Sunday **sniff** comes to mind.

                Back to creating my slideshow. **sigh**
                you people can mention phantoms you know, im not going to explode LOL

                i quite like phantoms, its some good emotional whump!
                my fav emotional whumps are LFP, Sateda, Sunday and yes surprisingly pantoms...erm phantoms!
                if i had to i cant lol, probs a toss up between sateda and sunday.

                fav physical whump agains couldnt say..CG of course, 38 mins, siege 1....too many too choose from, not my fault joe does the whump so well!!
                Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                And The Real World, you're really not missing that much there............
                TRW SUCKS IMO, worst ep ever!!
                Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                I forgot about Phantoms! That was a great scene you mention! I actually really like Phantoms! Don't hit me Roo!!!!
                its ok really!!

                Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                Ep 1 - DEAD! And resuscitated and coughing and gasping for air
                Ep 2 - Heart stopped! And collapsed and then in pain when he tried to get up..
                Ep 3 - Choking in the fumes and needing oxygen when he got into the car.
                Ep 5 - Zapped by lightening and lying unconscious and wakes up with a headache.
                Ep 7 - Soooo much whumpage!! Screaming in pain and telling Martha he was scared and ooooh my, so wonderful!!
                Ep 8 - Flashbacks of mucho screaming as the chameleon arch changed him!
                Ep 9 - Major emotional whumpage.
                Doctor who has some great whumpage....but shep is stil the best lol
                didnt really like tonights ep all that much...this 2 parter didnt grab me at all tbh.

                now back to shep...erm YUM! lol
                all that stuff on JM's blog today has left me very squee!!



                  Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                  I believe it is due to air in the US in June or July... can't remember which off-hand...
                  That's good, I didn't miss anything! I think I'm starting to get my squee back. Give me a second... yes!
                  For 10th doctor whump!

                  I'm still kind of depressed, but writing some more, letting it all out on LJ, and thinking whumpy thoughts (thanks for the tip Linzi) has made me slightly happier. Yet another reason why LJ is better than therapy!

                  ~credit to Lauriel for the sig, You rock Girl!!~


                    Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                    you people can mention phantoms you know, im not going to explode LOL
                    Why is everyone afraid to mention Phantoms???? *iz confused* Did you not like it or something?

                    ~credit to Lauriel for the sig, You rock Girl!!~


                      all this Dr Who talk on the shump thread!!!!

                      I didnt watch it - oh well!!!!!

                      I may go and watch some SGA instead since I am out of the loop!


                        Originally posted by Isolated_Fear View Post
                        That's good, I didn't miss anything! I think I'm starting to get my squee back. Give me a second... yes!
                        For 10th doctor whump!

                        I'm still kind of depressed, but writing some more, letting it all out on LJ, and thinking whumpy thoughts (thanks for the tip Linzi) has made me slightly happier. Yet another reason why LJ is better than therapy!
                        We need some Sheppy whump to cheer you up - and to get back on topic!!!!

                        Here we go, I'll start:

                        Spoilers for everyone's season 3 whump favourite: CG




                          Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                          7,479 sodding words! Fiiiiiinally finished! Woohooo!

                          Quick read-through and check and tweak and I'll get it posted.

                          Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                          all this Dr Who talk on the shump thread!!!!

                          I didnt watch it - oh well!!!!!

                          I may go and watch some SGA instead since I am out of the loop!
                          don't go, sorry will stop now, I just wish we could get some of that for shep

                          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                          We need some Sheppy whump to cheer you up - and to get back on topic!!!!

                          Here we go, I'll start:

                          Spoilers for everyone's season 3 whump favourite: CG





                          guh!! nice i love to see shep whump


                            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                            Sorry hon, I forgot the spoiler tags! D'you want to edit my quoted bit in your post?

                            Oh I've loved this series so far - the only ones I found a bit *meh* were the Dalek ones. And BOY have we had some awesome whumpage this series!!

                            Ep 1 - DEAD! And resuscitated and coughing and gasping for air
                            Ep 2 - Heart stopped! And collapsed and then in pain when he tried to get up..
                            Ep 3 - Choking in the fumes and needing oxygen when he got into the car.
                            Ep 5 - Zapped by lightening and lying unconscious and wakes up with a headache.
                            Ep 7 - Soooo much whumpage!! Screaming in pain and telling Martha he was scared and ooooh my, so wonderful!!
                            Ep 8 - Flashbacks of mucho screaming as the chameleon arch changed him!
                            Ep 9 - Major emotional whumpage.

                            It's really odd! But the tour was *brilliant*!! Made more so by our awesome, hilariously-funny tour guide Bill who has lived his whole life in Tennessee and worked his whole life for JD and kept asking people on the tour, in his thick Tennesee accent, "Are y'all a whiskey drinker? D'you drink it straight from the bottle?"
                            No worries - and i've edited my post too

                            I'm getting bored of the Daleks always turning up now.

                            Ep 3 - i really don't remember it!!

                            But it has seriously picked up in the last three episodes

                            I want Shep to scream like that!

                            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                            7,479 sodding words! Fiiiiiinally finished! Woohooo!

                            Quick read-through and check and tweak and I'll get it posted.
                            The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                            l My LJ l


                              Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                              We need some Sheppy whump to cheer you up - and to get back on topic!!!!

                              Here we go, I'll start:

                              Spoilers for everyone's season 3 whump favourite: CG


                              Thanks for all of the great whump! Now I'm really getting my squee back, I might have to go and write more Shep whump. Wouldn't that be a shame!

                              ~credit to Lauriel for the sig, You rock Girl!!~


                                It's posted! Hurrah!!!

                                Chapter 8 of An Ill Wind That Blows.

                                Warning - it's a big 'un! And plenty whumpy too!

                                Now to update on LJ....

