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John Sheppard Whump

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    G'day, Whumpers!

    All this talk of ST brings back memories, good and bad. I remember watching the first run of the original. Loved it and TNG. DS9 not so much. Got bored with Voyager after the first couple of seasons. Barely watched any Enterprise.

    I really enjoyed SG1 when I finally stumbled on it one day in S5, I think.

    I was hooked on SGA from the promos. And, Shep. Sigh...

    Need whump now.



    That's Fall, Pants, Fall - teehee

    Another Conversion

    Now I need brunch.

    Eep! Congrats on 1200, Squonk!!!


      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
      How strange again! It's rare that I ever like the lead guy either. Shep and Joe are just awesome, and I'm so pleased Joe was cast as Sheppard. I really can't imagine anyone else in the role. It's funny, though I do like Mitchell, and BB, I just don't get that lovely feeling in my tummy when Cam is whumped. Now, I don't deny that I don't find BB as attractive as Joe, because, who is? Joe has the typical looks I go for, and is not disimilar to hubby. But, I quite enjoyed Crichton whump, so why am I not thrilled by Mitchell whump that much? It doesn't make sense.
      I know I don't enjoy any character getting whumped as much as Shep - I never have and I don't think I ever will again, but I still enjoy other character whump. I think I'm weird!
      I'm such the same way!! I loved Crichton whump - got the tummy tumbles and everything over it! But Mitchell whump does NADA for me! Big whoop. It's just the Shep whump that gives me the sweats and the clammy hands, and the tummy tumbles. It must be Joe's performance in the whump moments.

      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
      How wonderful! Happy Mother's Day. We had ours back in March, but as my brother lives in the US I knew it was today. Have a wonderful day. Your gift sounds wonderful. Have you got a piccie of it? I'd love to see it!
      This is it....
      He got me the SGA one

      Originally posted by Linzi View Post

      I so want an episode where they're stuck somewhere together and their roles are reversed. Where Rodney has to be the brawn, because, Shep is obviously whumped. In return Shep has to sit quietly and use his brains. I know it won't happen, but I live in hope...

      I want an ep like that too!! Maybe if we all hope together, we can send psychic vibes to the writers to give us an ep like that!

      I'm off to the Outback Steakhouse for a nice Mother's Day meal!!!
      Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007


        Happy Mothers' Day!
        To all Moms, Mums, Madres, Moeders, Mardi, Mères, Mütter!

        Edit - GW couldn't write a couple of them!


          Originally posted by Salty View Post
          This is it....

          He got me the SGA one
          Wow thats fab


            I'm feeling kinda like this ->

            I've done next to nothing all day, I've read a little and watched a little TV and made a couple of animated Supernatural avs, neither of which is very good and that has been the sum total of my day. I am so frustratingly knackered.


              Afternoon Whumpers! *waves*

              Ah.....I see we're talking Trek. I have to admit......I've watched em all, but my least favorite was TNG. More on that when I catch up. Anyway, I first found out about JF when I was over at TrekBBS and saw a picture of him. I had no idea who he was but I sure did ask. I was thrilled to bits when Connor Trinneer was announced as guest starring on SGA.....that gave me another reason to buy S-1 DVDs and find out all about Shep and what was what in Atlantis.

              Anyhoo.......last night when hubby got home from work, I was telling him about Joe on the skateboard on the cell phone. Without missing a beat, he says, "Was he drinking coffee too?" Now.....that scared me.....he may have actually been listening when I was telling him Joe drinks as much, if not more, coffee than he does. I's almost 90 here, and he's drinking coffee right now.



                Originally posted by Josie View Post
                I'm feeling kinda like this ->

                I've done next to nothing all day, I've read a little and watched a little TV and made a couple of animated Supernatural avs, neither of which is very good and that has been the sum total of my day. I am so frustratingly knackered.
                Oh I hate days when you feel like you haven't accomplished much and still feel tired, but some days you just need to kick back and do not much of anything.

                Plus hunny you are still getting back into the swing of work again and you are bound to feel tired so maybe a relaxing day was better for you than you think even if it was very frustrating, you have done more than me, my day consisted of walking lots and being on here


                  LMAO, IHS! Your Hubby has been listening! That can actually be a little scary. You have to watch what you say!


                    Hello peeps

                    Well i've finally done some of my jobs and finished of my new chapter, so that's one less thing to do now

                    So if anyone is still reading Chapter 12 Brothers in Arms

                    Oh and if anyone still hasn't been able to watch G4 Atlantis set visit, here ya go, Morjana posted this on SG1- Spoilergate.

                    Big file (26.3 MB)

                    Lil file (10.4 MB)


                    And is that SD I see posting? Ya know i'm gonna bear tackle you, don't ya hon? *runs and flings herself at SD*

                    Glad to see you out playing hon, we missed ya *hugs*

                    Right, gonna go play catch up, i'm not doing the whole quoting thing cos i'll probably be here all night


                      Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                      voyager was my fav star trek.....and i quite liked enterprise too (for trip and archer-not to fancy but because i used to love quantum leap!)....not old enough to have seen the original series, although ive watched some (TRIBBLES!), didnt like DS9 at all....generation was ok but i didnt fancy anyone in it shallow you know this by now. (i do love that ep where picard draws a smiley face in that plasma cloud...makes me lmao every time!)

                      ive watched all kinds of scifi over the years....sliders, jake 2.0, farscape, sg1.....ive just never loved one and been as obsessed with one as much as atlantis!
                      I fancied Data in TNG! Didn't really fancy anyone in DS9 but I loved the character of Odo (I always seem to find the "outsider" character most interesting/attractive.. maybe that's part of why I love Sheppard so much?). DS9 was fantastic at times though I kinda lost interest again in later series..

                      I loved Jake 2.0! I got really into that and that was probably my first taster of online fandom... shame it got cancelled so quickly...

                      Originally posted by Josie View Post
                      Voy was a series with great potential and an interesting premise that they just pissed away. I never watched beyond the first three seasons or so. I am a fan of TOS, TNG and DS9 the latter of which achieved moments of utter brilliance, as for Enterprise well I did watch most of it but again it was a case of massively wasted potential. It's so frustrating when that happens to a show.
                      I'm same as you with VOY I think.. liked it at first but lost interest. TNG and DS9 remain my favourite Treks.

                      I'm lucky really in that I am pretty much a multi-thunker/whumper. Obviously I have my faves but I am able to enjoy and squee over others too. Sheppard is far and away my favourite but with no new eps for so long I am lucky to be able to enjoy other whump in the meantime. My love for Sheppard remains true - - and I can't wait for new eps so I can have something to really squee over again.

                      In the meantime, I enjoy thunking and whumping (to a lesser extent than with SGA but enough to keep me happy) for The Dresden Files (Harry), Dr Who (10th Doctor) and now SPN (Dean). Oh and, to a lesser extent, House which was the show that really got me involved in online fandom and started me writing fanfic... before SGA came along and took over my life!!

                      I just love my whump! Shep whump is the whump of choice but I'm happy to enjoy other whump in the meantime...

                      Originally posted by Josie View Post
                      I'm feeling kinda like this ->

                      I've done next to nothing all day, I've read a little and watched a little TV and made a couple of animated Supernatural avs, neither of which is very good and that has been the sum total of my day. I am so frustratingly knackered.
                      Sorry to hear you're feeling fed up and tired, hon. I've done sod all all weekend so you've achieved more than me. I've not even done any writing. I've left the house once to buy bread and milk and put petrol in the car. All I've really done all weekend in play online and watch SPN! At least you've created something.. *hugs*


                        Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                        Hello peeps

                        Well i've finally done some of my jobs and finished of my new chapter, so that's one less thing to do now

                        So if anyone is still reading Chapter 12 Brothers in Arms

                        Oh and if anyone still hasn't been able to watch G4 Atlantis set visit, here ya go, Morjana posted this on SG1- Spoilergate.

                        Big file (26.3 MB)

                        Lil file (10.4 MB)


                        And is that SD I see posting? Ya know i'm gonna bear tackle you, don't ya hon? *runs and flings herself at SD*

                        Glad to see you out playing hon, we missed ya *hugs*

                        Right, gonna go play catch up, i'm not doing the whole quoting thing cos i'll probably be here all night

                        Thanks Peg!!!!!! I of course missed you too


                          Originally posted by Salty View Post
                          I'm such the same way!! I loved Crichton whump - got the tummy tumbles and everything over it! But Mitchell whump does NADA for me! Big whoop. It's just the Shep whump that gives me the sweats and the clammy hands, and the tummy tumbles. It must be Joe's performance in the whump moments.
                          Glad it's not just me! Joe is just wonferful!

                          Originally posted by Salty View Post
                          This is it....
                          He got me the SGA one
                          Oh that is just stunning! Really beautiful!
                          Originally posted by Salty View Post
                          I want an ep like that too!! Maybe if we all hope together, we can send psychic vibes to the writers to give us an ep like that!

                          I'm off to the Outback Steakhouse for a nice Mother's Day meal!!!
                          I hope that works! Have a great meal!


                            I'm just really fed up I can watch shows & DVD's on my computer but I'm getting really fed up with not having a TV now. I don't watch much television but it's so frustrating knowing something you want to watch is on but you can't see it.


                              Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                              Hello peeps

                              Well i've finally done some of my jobs and finished of my new chapter, so that's one less thing to do now

                              So if anyone is still reading Chapter 12 Brothers in Arms

                              Oh and if anyone still hasn't been able to watch G4 Atlantis set visit, here ya go, Morjana posted this on SG1- Spoilergate.

                              Big file (26.3 MB)

                              Lil file (10.4 MB)


                              And is that SD I see posting? Ya know i'm gonna bear tackle you, don't ya hon? *runs and flings herself at SD*

                              Glad to see you out playing hon, we missed ya *hugs*

                              Right, gonna go play catch up, i'm not doing the whole quoting thing cos i'll probably be here all night
                              Peggy! Helloooo!

                              Chapter 12? Woo hoo!

                              Yes, SheppyD is back!!! I've missed you SheppyD so much!!!! Woo hoo!!!

                              Thanks for the G4 info!!


                                Originally posted by Josie View Post
                                I'm feeling kinda like this ->

                                I've done next to nothing all day, I've read a little and watched a little TV and made a couple of animated Supernatural avs, neither of which is very good and that has been the sum total of my day. I am so frustratingly knackered.
                                i feel like poo trying to write this essay but i just cant get into it, doesnt help ive gotta write 4000 words on boring ancient portraiture...ive just had enough of coursework now...
                                Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                                I fancied Data in TNG!

                                I loved Jake 2.0! I got really into that and that was probably my first taster of online fandom... shame it got cancelled so quickly...
                                EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!! is what i say to that hehe

                                ahh yes jake 2.0 was great... he got whumped loads, although those bloody nanites always healed him too quickly!!!

                                SIG BY MY SISTER OBSESSED1! WHEN SHEP GOES WHUMP I GO THUNK! My LJ

