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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Stricken View Post
    Well CG for obvious reasons

    I don't think your brining the mood down at all, and I'm only in a good mood because I'm not writing, I'm finding that when I write I get incredible down about it all.
    Well for me, it's:
    CG, Echoes, The Ark, Vengeance, Submersion, Tao of Rodney, Phantoms, Sateda, Return I, First Strike, Sunday...not necessarily in that order. I actually only don't like 2 episodes very much in season 3. So it was a really hit with me!!!


      Originally posted by twinchaosblade ½ View Post
      WBAW is right and I just wanted to second that.
      There's got to be a way to advertise this idea enough to get some uni offering that. Maybe some Open University?

      I've got a feeling we're all by far up to majoring in that, perhaps even earn a doctorate?!

      How does Doctor Whump sound to your ears? Has a certain ring to it...
      What a great idea!! I'm gonna go talk to the Dean of the Bonn University about it tomorrow!! I'm sure he'll be head over heels!!!

      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
      Well, I'm feeling pretty squeetastic, but a bit concerned about what Canadian said over at the DG thread.
      He/she has said the whumpage is to do with Ronon, but then when questioned, hinted that Ronon is whumped by sheppard! So now I'm confuzzled!!! I just hope Ronon isn't whumping someone who looks like Shep but isn't him! Oh well, we'll just have to wait and see. I'm just trying to figure out how the Doppelganger bit fits into the story!!!
      Just a question: Who is this Canadian-person? Did he/she say where he/she got the info from?
      *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


        Originally posted by caty View Post
        What a great idea!! I'm gonna go talk to the Dean of the Bonn University about it tomorrow!! I'm sure he'll be head over heels!!!

        Just a question: Who is this Canadian-person? Did he/she say where he/she got the info from?
        No, he/she didn't, so we have no idea if they are giving us correct spoilers. My gut instinct tells me they are though. Maybe they got a glimpse of the script or something? It's all very mysterious!


          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
          No, he/she didn't, so we have no idea if they are giving us correct spoilers. My gut instinct tells me they are though. Maybe they got a glimpse of the script or something? It's all very mysterious!
          See, that's why I don't get... Why would he/she tell us spoilers like that, but not say where they got it from? It's all very confusing...
          *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


            Originally posted by caty View Post
            See, that's why I don't get... Why would he/she tell us spoilers like that, but not say where they got it from? It's all very confusing...
            It is, isn't it? Maybe he/she has inside info? I love a good mystery!!!


              Originally posted by Elinor View Post
              I'm glad JM is going to put a stop to some of those comments on shipping was all just going around in circles!
              It remains to be seen if people actually abide by his request. I am actually disgusted at some of the things people have posted on there - some people just seem to have no internal censor/no understanding of what is and isn't appropriate. I sure JM has no flipping interest in seeing people talk about real person fic (which is a concept that most people find abhorent). I know the people talkign about it were condemning it ect but really, it's not even an appropriate thing to *mention* on the blog of someone who WORKS with the people in question!!

              Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
              *runs through the thread*
              Ooooh Doppler-effect squee!

              Originally posted by Josie View Post
              I think I'm going to back away from GW for a while, you're all in such great moods and I'm just bringing everyone down so I think it's best if I'm not here.
              Aww don't go honey. I know how you feel but we're here for each other whether happy or sad and you shouldn't have to feel you can't be here because you're not super giddy. We can have squee and seriousness and support of our friends etc all at the same time. You're not bringing anybody down...


                Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                It remains to be seen if people actually abide by his request. I am actually disgusted at some of the things people have posted on there - some people just seem to have no internal censor/no understanding of what is and isn't appropriate. I sure JM has no flipping interest in seeing people talk about real person fic (which is a concept that most people find abhorent). I know the people talkign about it were condemning it ect but really, it's not even an appropriate thing to *mention* on the blog of someone who WORKS with the people in question!!

                Ooooh Doppler-effect squee!

                Aww don't go honey. I know how you feel but we're here for each other whether happy or sad and you shouldn't have to feel you can't be here because you're not super giddy. We can have squee and seriousness and support of our friends etc all at the same time. You're not bringing anybody down...
                I don't know about JM, but I certainly have no interest in real person fic, in fact I had no idea it existed until then. It was totally inappropriate to bring that up there, and it had nothing to do with anything anyway. I'm pretty easy going and liberal, but some things geniunely do baffle me!
                Anyway, let's move on to more exciting things...such as Sheppy whumping!!!!



                  Originally posted by Listy View Post
                  Cool - am bookmarking it and will read it once its complete I have so many WIPs flying around my head at the mo have goteen completely befuddled so write faster
                  Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                  Woo hoo!!!!
                  Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                  That is fabulous!!!!!
                  Originally posted by sherryw View Post
                  Read and reviewed what can I say except for SSSQQUUUEEE!!!!! That was great!
                  Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                  Bebop - is not allowing me to damn well review again. I'm getting really fed up with this!!! Anyway, suffice it to say I loved chapter 2. Well done, and more please!!!!
                  Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                  Whooohoooooooooooo such a busy whumper
                  [QUOTE=Ruffles;6466903Yea!!! Great chapter. Read and reviewed.[/QUOTE]

                  Originally posted by twinchaosblade ½ View Post
                  Bebop, just before I forget to mention it: You are my hero for the ‘Travellers’ story! Great job!!! I liked the introductory two chapters very well. I’ll send you a review once I’m back on

                  Oh, and Congrats to all the milestones I probably have missed!
                  Thanks to everyone who has read and reviewed..*bows down before the whumpers*..

                  Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
                  *runs through the thread*
                  ROFLMAO..that is brilliant Lauriel!!!!

                  Originally posted by Stricken View Post
                  I'm not sure why....but I decided to watch all of season three again
                  And you need a reason!??

                  Originally posted by Josie View Post
                  I think I'm going to back away from GW for a while, you're all in such great moods and I'm just bringing everyone down so I think it's best if I'm not here.
                  NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Josie arn't bringing the mood down at all, we need you here ..

                  my fan fiction place


                    Hmmmm!!! whumping.....*deep and luxurious sigh of contentment at picspam*

                    I'm sitting here eating a salad I bought this morning and I've just pulled a long blond hair out of the lettuce...Ack!!!! ..mine is short and dark, so its not mine...Blah!!!!

                    my fan fiction place


                      Originally posted by bebop View Post
                      Hmmmm!!! whumping.....*deep and luxurious sigh of contentment at picspam*

                      I'm sitting here eating a salad I bought this morning and I've just pulled a long blond hair out of the lettuce...Ack!!!! ..mine is short and dark, so its not mine...Blah!!!!


                        I know!!! whumped by a lettuce!!!

                        my fan fiction place


                          Originally posted by bebop View Post
                          Hmmmm!!! whumping.....*deep and luxurious sigh of contentment at picspam*

                          I'm sitting here eating a salad I bought this morning and I've just pulled a long blond hair out of the lettuce...Ack!!!! ..mine is short and dark, so its not mine...Blah!!!!
                          I hate it when that happens!!!! YUK!!!!


                            Does anyone have any idea what Sheps military serial no. is. I've looked in the omni' but it's not there?

                            my fan fiction place


                              Originally posted by bebop View Post
                              Hmmmm!!! whumping.....*deep and luxurious sigh of contentment at picspam*

                              I'm sitting here eating a salad I bought this morning and I've just pulled a long blond hair out of the lettuce...Ack!!!! ..mine is short and dark, so its not mine...Blah!!!!
                              Oh yuck...
                              Sigs by Scifan


                                Originally posted by bebop View Post
                                Does anyone have any idea what Sheps military serial no. is. I've looked in the omni' but it's not there?
                                I don't think we've ever been told.

