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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post

    Yeah. First time I've tried. I've had a specific song in my head since Sunday that I really wanted to make a vid to so choosing the music is easy.. it's finding the right clips to put to it... and finding my way around the program.. and it's so slow to load stuff in for me to search for the clips...
    I'm sure it will work out in the end...
    How are you importing the epi into the one big file or??
    LC said she usually chooses when she imports it to split it in clips and in the end it's easier to work with... just a thought... she said it might take a little longer to import it but she feels it's easier to work with when editing...

    Listening to the problem makes me glad I don't work with it...even though yes I've had problems...but I think the problems I had with my Common Ground one was also because I tried to work with a whole episode in the now I just work with small clips...but that can be extra work in my program since I have to have another program to extract those clips... but hey we all do different things...
    Sigs by Scifan


      Originally posted by caty View Post
      Well, I'm gonna have to admit that I have been having Sheyla thoughts for quite some time now, I just didn't want to admit it *hangs head in shame*

      I'm not a shipper, but I do see some vibe and connection there...

      Puh, the storm has finally died down here... Wohoooo, I can open my window and let some fresh air in
      Maybe with the fresh air will come some brain cells that can help me concentrate on my studying...

      *sigh* Am I the only one who hasn't joined a shipping bandwagon? I can't even say i'm even leaning one way or the other either. huh, I guess I just never paid too much attention or cared about the vibes, undertones or whatnot to make me lean one way or another.

      i'm babbling. Guess that what happens from lack of whump.


        Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
        *sigh* Am I the only one who hasn't joined a shipping bandwagon? I can't even say i'm even leaning one way or the other either. huh, I guess I just never paid too much attention or cared about the vibes, undertones or whatnot to make me lean one way or another.

        i'm babbling. Guess that what happens from lack of whump.
        Hey it's okay GG...we can't all see or like everything the same way...but just so you know... I like you don't worry
        Sigs by Scifan


          Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
          *sigh* Am I the only one who hasn't joined a shipping bandwagon? I can't even say i'm even leaning one way or the other either. huh, I guess I just never paid too much attention or cared about the vibes, undertones or whatnot to make me lean one way or another.

          i'm babbling. Guess that what happens from lack of whump.
          ((HUGS)) GG. I'm not a shipper either!
          My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
            Can you tell me what eps those are from? I know some but not all. I need clips not pics cos I'm trying to make a vid.

            Yeah. First time I've tried. I've had a specific song in my head since Sunday that I really wanted to make a vid to so choosing the music is easy.. it's finding the right clips to put to it... and finding my way around the program.. and it's so slow to load stuff in for me to search for the clips...
            Umm..that's a really good if I only had a good answer, lol. I can't remember *hangs head in shame* i know a couple of them, but i'm not being much help am I *sigh*. I find it easier to go through the lyrics when beth and I do the vids. She's the brains, and i'm the lyrics girl, lol. I tried making one once and gave up after a few minutes it got on my nerves but I admire anyone who can make vids. OB1 was that your vid I saw earlier the Sheyla one...sorry i'm brain dead now. If it was it was great, loved all the Sheppy bits in it . Ali, I'll try and remember where they're from. Is there a particular one that suited your vid?


              Originally posted by NinaM View Post
              Hey it's okay GG...we can't all see or like everything the same way...but just so you know... I like you don't worry
              SQUEE!!! somebody likes me. I wa beginning to have my doubts about being liked lately.

              Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
              ((HUGS)) GG. I'm not a shipper either!
              Well then I'm in good company.


                Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                SQUEE!!! somebody likes me. I wa beginning to have my doubts about being liked lately.
                I'll let you know once we decide not to like the non-shippers anymore You're good for now...

                Oh no, since I'm not a shipper either, I'll have to hate myself then
                *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                  Originally posted by caty View Post
                  I'm glad you decided to keep watching! It is pretty sad at the moment, but I'm sure that'll pass.

                  My squee is slowly picking itself up from the floor and thinking about coming back...

                  Shep is too hawt (especially when whumped) to stop watching this show
                  i don't think my squea is back but i'm less depressed so thats a good thing

                  "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                  ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                  Card designed by Falcon Horus


                    Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                    *sigh* Am I the only one who hasn't joined a shipping bandwagon? I can't even say i'm even leaning one way or the other either. huh, I guess I just never paid too much attention or cared about the vibes, undertones or whatnot to make me lean one way or another.

                    i'm babbling. Guess that what happens from lack of whump.
                    Will these do S3 spoilers...


                    Just PIx


                      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                      I still love this show and am happy to be getting more of it...
                      i know its blasphme but for a day or two i wished it was cancelled i hate to see a show jump the shark, its sad.

                      I've smartened up though. I need to care for the ones left behind

                      "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                      ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                      Card designed by Falcon Horus


                        Originally posted by Astraldust View Post
                        I feel the same Ali. I know there seems to be a lot of changes in the works but I'll give the show a darn good chance before I'd stop watching it. If think Joe would have to go before that would happen
                        its not about not giving it a chance its about not watching something you love, being picked apart. But, i'll get over it...not much choice in the matter really

                        "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                        ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                        Card designed by Falcon Horus


                          ALI...if it not touch a thing....give it a second and it usually comes back....but dont touch anything or it f's it over!! You have to be really is a pain in the behind.


                            Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                            Umm..that's a really good if I only had a good answer, lol. I can't remember *hangs head in shame* i know a couple of them, but i'm not being much help am I *sigh*. I find it easier to go through the lyrics when beth and I do the vids. She's the brains, and i'm the lyrics girl, lol. I tried making one once and gave up after a few minutes it got on my nerves but I admire anyone who can make vids. OB1 was that your vid I saw earlier the Sheyla one...sorry i'm brain dead now. If it was it was great, loved all the Sheppy bits in it . Ali, I'll try and remember where they're from. Is there a particular one that suited your vid?
                            Yeah it was me


                              Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                              SQUEE!!! somebody likes me. I wa beginning to have my doubts about being liked lately.

                              Well then I'm in good company.
                              I dont like you though

                              JK: No i dont like ya, I love ya s'all


                                Originally posted by obsessed1 View Post
                                quick drabble for SUNDAY

                                “It hasn’t hit me yet…..not looking forward to when it does.”

                                Sheppard limped through the gate, heard it shut down behind him and felt his legs go before he could stop himself. His P90 clattered to the floor and with a sharp exhalation he managed to catch himself before he followed it.
                                He was aware of voices around him, pressure on his shoulder, somebody speaking to him as he blinked blood out of his eyes and frantically tried to stay focused around the unrelenting pain in his side.
                                “Somebody call Cars-“
                                Sheppard snapped his head up, the room silenced, and Mckay was kneeling beside him, his mouth opening and closing soundlessly at the realisation of what he had just said sank in.
                                Even amidst his strained breathing, Sheppard managed to reach out and catch the scientists shaking arm. There was a look of abject horror painted on his pale face.
                                “I didn’t mean-“
                                “It’s okay,” Sheppard nodded and found his eyes roaming around the room, to the upset eyes focused on them.
                                You could have heard a pin drop.
                                Mckay turned to Sheppard and he could see the watery reflection of his eyes.
                                Sheppard hadn’t cried. He’d avoided thinking about it. Thinking about Carson. Thinking about the explosion. Instead, he’d thrown himself into work, conducted safety checks, finished reports, ran, anything. Anything not to feel.
                                But now, something weighed down on him and made his chest swell.
                                The physical pain he felt only served to hammer home the undeniable truth.
                                Carson was gone.
                                He wasn’t going to race through to the gateroom in a flurry of activity to treat him. He wasn’t going to pester him throughout the day to make sure he was okay. He wasn’t going to be there. Full stop.
                                “What happened?”
                                Elizabeth’s voice cut through the tension in the air as she came to kneel beside the two men.
                                “We were ambushed,” Teyla answered.
                                “They were waiting for us…” Sheppard grit through his teeth.
                                “You need to get to the…..” Mckay’s voice broke, “…to the infirmary.”
                                “I’m fine,” Sheppard managed to grind out as he straightened experimentally.
                                The distant pull in his ribs reminded him he was alive. He was ok. Unlike………..
                                Carson was dead.
                                “I’ll call Doctor Biro,” Elizabeth said as she bought her hand up to her earpiece.
                                Even Elizabeth’s voice radiated pain. There was a hollowness to her eyes and a flatness to her voice that spoke volumes about her emotional state.
                                “No,” Sheppard barked. It was unintentional. He hadn’t meant to sound so desperate. So angry, but it was as if something within him….something…had snapped. The words he had spoken to Teyla, about it not having hit him yet, came back to haunt him.
                                He realised it was hitting him there and then, in the gateroom, surrounded by personnel, his friends, lying in the very spot where they had had Carson’s service.
                                “I’ll take him,” Ronon stated firmly and planted a heavy hand down onto Sheppard’s shoulder, “Come on.”
                                Sheppard took the help, stood slowly, bending double when his bruised ribs protested and managed a hollow smile, “I’m fine.”
                                Sheppard didn’t know if they could read between the lines, see that his resolve had finally broken, but without another word, they let him walk away.
                                Once the doors had closed behind him and he was on his own, he heard a strangulated sob escape his throat. He staggered into the bathroom and slammed his palm down onto the wall to activate the lights.
                                As his blurred vision cleared he stared at his reflection and found a haggard face staring back him.
                                He examined the cut on his hairline and cleaned it up.
                                It was only after he had cleaned himself up did he realise that his cheeks were slicked wet with spilt tears and he scrubbed at his face to remove them.
                                He felt overcome by emotion, a sensation so unfamiliar that his stomach was knotting and churning, and his eyes were still stinging.
                                “Stop it!” he ordered as he swiped away another treacherous tear.
                                His eyes burned, the tears still came.
                                “Stop it,” he groaned in a strained voice and leaning against the wash basin for support.
                                He sniffed and rubbed his eyes again, face creasing, nose wrinkling, heart hammering in his chest.
                                “No!” he snapped and slammed his fist down onto the basin.
                                Pain radiated up his arm. It wasn’t enough.
                                Sniffing angrily and looking back up at the mirror he watched as another tear rolled down his cheek and sighed defeated.
                                He knew he couldn’t pretend any longer. He knew he couldn’t avoid the raw emotion, mingled with the overwhelming feel of failure for not having prevented his death.
                                It was time.

                                nice job ob1....will some of you still write pre-sunday fics?

                                "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                                ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                                Card designed by Falcon Horus

