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John Sheppard Whump

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    Hi all! *waves madly*


    Had a ball at the con yesterday! David Nykl, Rachel Luttrell and Tony Amendola were all wonderful to listen to and meet.
    My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


      Originally posted by CeeKay Sheppard View Post
      Hello, whumpers!

      Just got back from an unexpectedly hectic weekend at the end of a particularly streesful week––I feel whumped! I asked (read: guilt-tripped) to play a four-hour gig on trombone, while still having back problems, so I'm still in pain tonight. This gig of course, was immediately after a birthday party for my seven-year-old cousin. Then I had another performance tonight, on euphonium, fortunately, but this was my seventh performance this week. It's Sunday night, and I'm exhausted. This does not bode well for the rest of the week...

      On the up side, I have something to look forward to this Saturday––I just joined the Garden State Horror Writers, and I've got a meeting on the 11th. Should be fun.

      Lauriel: Any word on our clones? I could use a little company tonight...
      Hi CeeKay! Sorry to hear you had a rough weekend. Last I heard our clones the rescue attempt was successful but they were having trouble with the jumper. I haven't heard anything since. I'll have a hunt around for them. They're probably fine and blowing stuff up.
      Last edited by Lauriel; 05 November 2006, 07:21 PM.
      My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


        Found them CeeKay!

        Apparently they swiped the Daedulus..

        And ran into a hive ship, which they thought they’d blow up. They said something about safety of the Pegasus Galaxy, but I’m not buying it. They just wanted to shoot stuff..

        They’re back now, although CKSSC got a little singed..

        Sorry... He should be back to you shortly. He’s just stepping through the gate now.
        My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


          Got him––thanks, Lauriel. I'll have to give CKSSC a proper scolding for that little side trip in the morning––too tired right now.

          'Night, everyone!

          Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


            Originally posted by CeeKay Sheppard View Post
            Hello, whumpers!

            Just got back from an unexpectedly hectic weekend at the end of a particularly streesful week––I feel whumped! I was asked (read: guilt-tripped) to play a four-hour gig on trombone, while still having back problems, so I'm still in pain tonight. This gig of course, was immediately after a birthday party for my seven-year-old cousin. Then I had another performance tonight, on euphonium, fortunately, but this was my seventh performance this week. It's Sunday night, and I'm exhausted. This does not bode well for the rest of the week...

            On the up side, I have something to look forward to this Saturday––I just joined the Garden State Horror Writers, and I've got a meeting on the 11th. Should be fun.

            Lauriel: Any word on our clones? I could use a little company tonight...
            (((HUGS))) Hope you're feeling better soon. It's no fun being exhausted!!

            Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
            Hi all! *waves madly*


            Had a ball at the con yesterday! David Nykl, Rachel Luttrell and Tony Amendola were all wonderful to listen to and meet.
            SQUEE!!! Glad you had a good time at the con! Get any juicy details??


              CeeKay, you did have a marathon week and weekend! I hope you feel better soon. I had a horseback riding accident as a teenager, then a motorcycle accident at 21, both of which did damage to my back, so I understand a little of your pain.

              Thanks, Lauriel! And, many thanks for the clone story. I almost fell out of my chair! My clone is quite envious. I may need to whump him to keep him in line tonight.

              Glad you had a good time at the Con. They can be so much fun.


                Originally posted by CeeKay Sheppard View Post
                Got him––thanks, Lauriel. I'll have to give CKSSC a proper scolding for that little side trip in the morning––too tired right now.

                'Night, everyone!
                Night CeeKay!

                Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                SQUEE!!! Glad you had a good time at the con! Get any juicy details??
                I had a ball!

                Spoilers for OT:
                There were only about 200 people, so it was really laid back and relaxed. The guests were just awesome, really friendly and they stopped and chatted to everyone in the autograph time.

                David said he was in 14 eps in S3, so we should be seeing more Zalenka soon. I was wondering, as we haven't seen much of him this season. Also Rachel said there may be some more character development for Teyla in late S3 and S4, but she didn't really expand on that, so I'm not too sure of anything in that area. She brought her sister with her, and they got up and did a duet of Denver's Country Roads, which was pretty cool!

                Put my foot in it when I was talking to David - naturally! It was really hot and stuffy, so I said they need more fans in here. He gave me a funny look, and I realised what I'd said, and stammered an elaboration that I meant air conditioning -not us! So he wrote 'Thanks for being a fan' on my pic.
                My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                  Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
                  Night CeeKay!

                  I had a ball!

                  Spoilers for OT:
                  There were only about 200 people, so it was really laid back and relaxed. The guests were just awesome, really friendly and they stopped and chatted to everyone in the autograph time.

                  David said he was in 14 eps in S3, so we should be seeing more Zalenka soon. I was wondering, as we haven't seen much of him this season. Also Rachel said there may be some more character development for Teyla in late S3 and S4, but she didn't really expand on that, so I'm not too sure of anything in that area. She brought her sister with her, and they got up and did a duet of Denver's Country Roads, which was pretty cool!

                  Put my foot in it when I was talking to David - naturally! It was really hot and stuffy, so I said they need more fans in here. He gave me a funny look, and I realised what I'd said, and stammered an elaboration that I meant air conditioning -not us! So he wrote 'Thanks for being a fan' on my pic.

                  you're too funny! Better that happened with David and not Joe! Think how whumped you would've felt then.
                  Think of all the great smiles seeing that on your pix will cause though. So there's the bright side.

                  Did you read the Squee news that Linzi posted about latter half of S3 on Friday was it? I haven't as I want to stay spoiler free..but just thought I'd mention it cause it had the whumpers squeeing like mad!


                    Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                    you're too funny! Better that happened with David and not Joe! Think how whumped you would've felt then.
                    Think of all the great smiles seeing that on your pix will cause though. So there's the bright side.

                    Did you read the Squee news that Linzi posted about latter half of S3 on Friday was it? I haven't as I want to stay spoiler free..but just thought I'd mention it cause it had the whumpers squeeing like mad!
                    Yup. Trust me to do something like that! I was actually pleased I could speak without going bright red. Haven't caught up with the thread - what's the squee?
                    My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                      Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                      you're too funny! Better that happened with David and not Joe! Think how whumped you would've felt then.
                      Think of all the great smiles seeing that on your pix will cause though. So there's the bright side.

                      Did you read the Squee news that Linzi posted about latter half of S3 on Friday was it? I haven't as I want to stay spoiler free..but just thought I'd mention it cause it had the whumpers squeeing like mad!
                      GG, you try to stay spoiler free and I'll try to stay speculation free.

                      Lauriel, David probably thought it was sweet. What an intimate Con, though. Reminds me of the tiny Cons we used to have in Brisbane back in my Trek days. I think the special guests enjoyed them because it they were very calm and like a friendly party. Cool!


                        Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                        GG, you try to stay spoiler free and I'll try to stay speculation free.

                        Lauriel, David probably thought it was sweet. What an intimate Con, though. Reminds me of the tiny Cons we used to have in Brisbane back in my Trek days. I think the special guests enjoyed them because it they were very calm and like a friendly party. Cool!
                        I've given up on speculating too....that's just a bad road leading to self whump. I'd rather ensure that Sheppy is the one getting whumped.


                          Well folks, its late and I have to be up early tomorrow. So I'm outta here. Have fun whumping and I'll talk to you all later!!!


                            Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                            I've given up on speculating too....that's just a bad road leading to self whump. I'd rather ensure that Sheppy is the one getting whumped.
                            Good idea! I so dislike the crashing disappointment when things don't go like I imagined them. I've gotten into the mindset of not having high expectations about most things. I'd rather be pleasantly or happily surprised. (It's a sad way of looking at things, but it works for me when it comes to TV or movies or books or jobs.)

                            Anyway, Kids, I'm outta here for the night. I'm trying to write and if I have this open, I keep popping in to look. So, I'm not getting very far. Have a great whatever time of day it is where you are!


                              Originally posted by Salty View Post
                              I'm back!!!!!!!!!!! And to keep on topic before I start posting in the Thunk thread tomorrow when I"m recovered and have a chance to dl my pics and re-figure out photobucket.....

                              I"m whumped by all the fun this weekend and JOE IS ABSOLUTELY FREAKIN' BE-U-T-FUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Eye contact, hand shakes, "I remember, we met earlier", and arm around the waist. Big huge sigh!!!

                              More tomorrow - see, I can do cliffies too!!!!

                              And oh, GG - waves to pea in my pod!!!
                              Oooh sounds like you had a wonderful time Salty....looking forward to reading all about it!

                              Now...I need to go back and catch up on the thread!!


                                Originally posted by Salty View Post
                                I'm back!!!!!!!!!!! And to keep on topic before I start posting in the Thunk thread tomorrow when I"m recovered and have a chance to dl my pics and re-figure out photobucket.....

                                I"m whumped by all the fun this weekend and JOE IS ABSOLUTELY FREAKIN' BE-U-T-FUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Eye contact, hand shakes, "I remember, we met earlier", and arm around the waist. Big huge sigh!!!

                                More tomorrow - see, I can do cliffies too!!!!

                                And oh, GG - waves to pea in my pod!!!
                                We've been thinking about you all weekend! Sounds like you've been bitten by the Joe bug too! LOL! Everyone who meets him seems to be!!!
                                I can't wait to hear all about it!!!!!!!

