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John Sheppard Whump

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    You know I think Ali is going to get to her post target first...


      Originally posted by Linzi
      Well, there's always multi tasking!
      That's my aim! I've just written another 20-30 words, taking a quick break to post in here and then back to the grindstone!

      Originally posted by McKayRocks!
      It is a dance best performed after a couple of glasses of your favourite tipple and is formally known as the Whumpango! Jumping up and down, clapping and squeeing are all moves you will need to master. It can be performed by individuals or couples but I prefer the group Whumpango a la line dancing!

      I give classes in my local community hall every Wednesday night!!!
      You..... crack me up!


        Originally posted by Allestian
        You know I think Ali is going to get to her post target first...

        I'm reknowned for my loquaciousness!

        Or, put more simply, I'm famous for being a gobby cow!


          Originally posted by McKayRocks!
          I am just bursting with curiosity now!!!!

          Burst no more!



            Originally posted by Linzi
            OMG - of course I have read her fic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            *bows low and with reverence*

            Excellent stories!! I spent the whole morning in bed a couple of Saturday's ago reading And the Sky was Dark!!! Sheer bliss!!

            *gladly relinquishes title as Inspirer of the Whump*

            sig by SheppyD
            Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

            I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
            So he just looks crazy


              Eeeeek, yes, I'm a little bit shy. I was off going over a fic for errors but McKayrocks can keep the title, I'm not good at doing my part lately in anything, but I'd love to be more active in posting, especially to this thread as I adore Shep whump and I adore Shep/McKay whump *laughing*...

              One thing that I think is awesome from this thread is how it's brought out more writers and gotten them to post and Linzi, I might have given you the safety net but the rest is all you!


                Originally posted by McKayRocks!
                OMG - of course I have read her fic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                *bows low and with reverence*

                Excellent stories!! I spent the whole morning in bed a couple of Saturday's ago reading And the Sky was Dark!!! Sheer bliss!!

                *gladly relinquishes title as Inspirer of the Whump*

                Oh, that was a brilliant one, wasn't it? I just adored that! She writes for Sheppard and McKay so beautifully, and did you know Kodiak has been nominated for 10 fan awards? I just found out, she's so modest that she's never told me! (Naughty girl!).
                My favourite though, and I have many I re-read and adore, is I Am, and yet Kodiak doesn't like it that much. It would make such a great episode!!!!


                  Originally posted by McKayRocks!
                  OMG - of course I have read her fic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  *bows low and with reverence*

                  Excellent stories!! I spent the whole morning in bed a couple of Saturday's ago reading And the Sky was Dark!!! Sheer bliss!!

                  *gladly relinquishes title as Inspirer of the Whump*

                  OMG is that the one I gave you the link for????? I LOVE that one soooooo much
                  poor whumped blind shep
                  just the mention of it makes me want to read it again and again!!!!!!


                    Originally posted by IWantToBelieve
                    Eeeeek, yes, I'm a little bit shy. I was often going over a fic for errors but McKayrocks can keep the title, I'm not good at doing my part lately in anything, but I'd love to be more active in posting, especially to this thread as I adore Shep whump and I adore Shep/McKay whump *laughing*...

                    One thing that I think is awesome from this thread is how it's brought out more writers and gotten them to post and Linzi, I might have given you the safety net but the rest is all you!
                    As Linzi's fabulous beta, I bow down and worship you cos anything that encourages her to write and post her fic is a wonderful thing!

                    I've read some of your fics (and jeepers are you prolific!!) and am happy to list The Reluctant Hero as one of my fave fics that I've read recently!


                      Originally posted by Alipeeps
                      As Linzi's fabulous beta, I bow down and worship you cos anything that encourages her to write and post her fic is a wonderful thing!

                      I've read some of your fics (and jeepers are you prolific!!) and am happy to list The Reluctant Hero as one of my fave fics that I've read recently!
                      *blushing* I've read your Hypoglaecemia and loved it.

                      I admit I've not been a good reader in a few months. About Feb/Mar I got really busy around home and it's been kind of nonstop but every now and then I'll take a day and try to read some.

                      Linzi's dragged me out lurkdom today though while I've been working on some fic, and she had to go and send me that shep whump pic yesterday which made me all dying now for July 14th.

                      And now you all know my secret identity! *hides*


                        Originally posted by SLC
                        OMG is that the one I gave you the link for????? I LOVE that one soooooo much
                        poor whumped blind shep
                        just the mention of it makes me want to read it again and again!!!!!!

                        Yes it is!!

                        It is a very funny feeling talking to someone that you have only known as an author before. Especially if it is someone you admire!! With Ali and Linzi and Josie - I knew you before your fic as it were!! I too loved the Reluctant Hero and I haven't read I Am so am off to save that to favourites right now!!

                        I too think it great that this wonderful thread has given writers the confidence to post their work.

                        Keep it coming ladies!!

                        sig by SheppyD
                        Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

                        I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
                        So he just looks crazy


                          Originally posted by SLC
                          OMG is that the one I gave you the link for????? I LOVE that one soooooo much
                          poor whumped blind shep
                          just the mention of it makes me want to read it again and again!!!!!!

                          You sent someone a link to one of my fics?

                          *smuggles SLC into my closet*


                          I have no idea where SLC went...that's my story and I'm sticking to it!


                            If you're planning to keep SLC in your closet you'd better have a DVD player in there and the SGA season 1 boxset and a whoooooole lot of whumpy fic for her to read or you'll just get no peace!

                            Oh and you've gotta let her out in February for P2 cos me and her are getting drunk together and squeeing over JF (if he's there - please let him be there!! )

                            Heee! I've just checked and it turns out I've got no less than SIX of your fics in my faves on ffnet!


                              Originally posted by IWantToBelieve
                              You sent someone a link to one of my fics?

                              *smuggles SLC into my closet*


                              I have no idea where SLC went...that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

                              Please give her back - she makes all my sigs!!!

                              You got me into trouble that day Kodiak cos hubbie kept coming in the bedroom and saying "aren't you getting up yet?" and I kept saying "I have to finish this story"!!

                              I blame him for going wireless in the house!!

                              sig by SheppyD
                              Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

                              I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
                              So he just looks crazy


                                Oooh lookit. I went past 1,400 posts without even noticing!

                                Come on 1,500!!


