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John Sheppard Whump

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    Ugh ... I don't where to rant about this, so forgive me if I'm out of topic - I just came from the Irresistible episode discussion thread

    and I'm just sick that some people are insisting that there was rape involved. Remember the time during the Conversion episode where they accused Sheppard of attacking and sexually harassing Teyla? I suppose the only consolation this time is that Sheppard is not the target but the villain of the week is.


    End rant.

    Please continue with Shep adoration now.


      Good afternoon whumpers!

      I can't stay for too long, but I couldn't resist popping in for a little while! I actually have RL stuff today.. ick! But I'll be back tonight to whump my little heart out, and I'll be on mum and dad's broadband, so I won't have to wait half an hour for each page to load.

      LSC: Oh, God! I forgot! It's Sunday!
      Lauriel: Yes baby. High speed whumpage.
      LSC: *whimper*
      Lauriel: I'll tuck you up in the infirmary and wipe your brow. Promise.
      LSC: Oh. In that case.. I don't feel to good..
      My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


        Originally posted by Alipeeps
        I've been into quite a few online fandoms and I have just never known one as negative as GW. My other main fandom atm is House and there is an awful lot of quite intense analysis and critical debate of episodes and characters etc on the House forums (and yeah a certain amount of bashing) but you do get the feeling that everyone pretty much really loves the show and loves to discuss it and are happy to state things they don't think are good or need work but generally without being utterly utterly negative. By contrast, there are people on GW who i see posting a lot, always in the same threads and I have yet to see them ever make a postive post - and they seem to be negative about every single aspect of the show. It really just makes me wonder a) why they are watching it if they dislike it so much and b) why they would devote so much of their time to posting on a fandom about something they don't seem to like. If I don't like something, I avoid it. I don't spend hours reiterating how awful I think it is....

        I guess, at the end of the day, it's just not a mindset I can ever hope to really understand.

        I only seen one worse for negativity... it was/is absolutly horrible...
        but out of all the fandoms i've been to say that fact 'that i've only seen one worse'.... is kind of sad... i never did get why the negativity shows up... if i don't like a show... i just ignore it... i don;t hunt down a place where all the fans of the show hang out so i can dis it.... its truely something i will never understand

        "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
        ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
        Card designed by Falcon Horus


          Originally posted by Lauriel
          Good afternoon whumpers!
          Hey, you must be in Australia - or my part of the world!


            SQUEAAAAAAAAAAAAA just found out i'll be able to see the two episodes tomorrow... you guys won't be talked out by then will you?... i always feel a bit ignored and out of the loop cause of my time zone and when i get to see the episodes....

            I hope people will start postiing fic soon

            SQUEAAAAAAAAAA! is it tomorrow yet? (bounce bounce bounce)
            Last edited by parisindy; 29 July 2006, 09:27 PM.

            "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
            ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
            Card designed by Falcon Horus


              Originally posted by wyndhamfan
              Hey, you must be in Australia - or my part of the world!
              *waves wildly* Good afternoon from Down Under! Where are you, Wyndhamfan?
              My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                Originally posted by parisindy
                SQUEAAAAAAAAAAAAA just found out i'll be able to see the two episodes tomorrow... you guys won't be talked out by then will you?... i always feel a bit ignored and out of the loop cause of my time zone and when i get to see the episodes....

                I hope people will start postiing fic soon

                SQUEAAAAAAAAAA! is it tomorrow yet? (bounce bounce bounce)
                We never get talked out when it comes to Shep! you are gonna love those episodes!!

                So sorry you feel a bit ignored hon. We'll do our best to fix that. We're here to whump Shep, not each other.


                  Originally posted by parisindy
                  SQUEAAAAAAAAAAAAA just found out i'll be able to see the two episodes tomorrow... you guys won't be talked out by then will you?... i always feel a bit ignored and out of the loop cause of my time zone and when i get to see the episodes....

                  I hope people will start postiing fic soon

                  SQUEAAAAAAAAAA! is it tomorrow yet? (bounce bounce bounce)
                  I haven't seen them yet either. I have high hopes for Monday night though! Mind you, it doesn't stop me opening my big yap and talking all night. 3 hours sleep last night.. most of the night spent in here making sporking jokes. I'm sure I used to have a life...
                  My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                    Originally posted by Lauriel
                    I haven't seen them yet either. I have high hopes for Monday night though! Mind you, it doesn't stop me opening my big yap and talking all night. 3 hours sleep last night.. most of the night spent in here making sporking jokes. I'm sure I used to have a life...
                    Yes, you know one's life is over when one is reduced to sporking jokes.

                    Ya gotta admit, it's been some great insanity though!!


                      *scratches head* Yes, rather funny insanity around here

                      Keeps me giggling every time I come around to check in
                      My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                        Just a quick hello and good day to everybody! Well, ladies, I see you last thing before I go to sleep, first thing when the new day begins. That's what is having a life!


                          Well its after 1:00 AM. I need to hit the hay. See all ya whumpers tomorrow.

                          Sweet Sheepy Whump Dreams to those where it is bed time.

                          Here's some pixs to leave ya all with.

                          spoilers for size only.



                            G'night GG! nice whumpy dreams!

                            PS. Im off to RL for a while! see you later!


                              Originally posted by Gate Geek
                              Well its after 1:00 AM. I need to hit the hay. See all ya whumpers tomorrow.

                              Sweet Sheepy Whump Dreams to those where it is bed time.

                              Here's some pixs to leave ya all with.
                              Ohh! Yummy pics! This one is how Ali delivered my Sheppy clone! The poor baby was out like a light! Hehe..*rubs hands together, evil madman style* It was terrible..

                              Good night GG! Pleasant dreams.
                              My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                                awwww thanks guys... i'm sorry i whined

                                i can't wait to see it... and i love sporks..though i've always been a bit partial to spoons LMAO...i think i've watched a bit too much of 'The Tick'

                                GG you always have the best picks and always seem to have ones i've never seen before so cool and thanks!

                                "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                                ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                                Card designed by Falcon Horus

