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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Lorr View Post
    Sorry, maggs. I cannot find the link and I don't have the vid. They were guests on an LA morning show and it was sometime before they were married. I believe her parents were on for part of the segment. They were very sweet and he was easily embarrassed.

    They still have the big TV, don't they?
    That sounds like such a cute interview. Can't even begin to think about what show it could have been but I'm a bit obsessed now.

    Thanks for checking Lorr.


      Originally posted by maggs View Post
      That sounds like such a cute interview. Can't even begin to think about what show it could have been but I'm a bit obsessed now.

      Thanks for checking Lorr.
      I just remember seeing it on youtube, but when I followed the link I had, it had been pulled.


        Originally posted by maggs View Post
        That sounds like such a cute interview. Can't even begin to think about what show it could have been but I'm a bit obsessed now.

        Thanks for checking Lorr.
        I've asked over on the thunk thread.

        Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
        I just remember seeing it on youtube, but when I followed the link I had, it had been pulled.
        I think there was originally a link that wasn't YouTube. Someone may have actually DLed the vid.


          Well, I bought my plane ticket to the LA Con. I was getting a ticket to go see my brother at Christmas, so thought I'd get both of them. It's too soon to be excited, but I am! I will be a wreck by the time November gets here.

          I'm outta here. Goodnight!


            Originally posted by maggs View Post
            Nice story sneak peek SGAFan. Thanks for sharing. Can't wait to read more.

            Lorr - did you mention pre- trip that you might have that TV interview with JF and his wife? I think someone hear did. Just popped back into my brain for some reason.

            Hope everyone is doing well.
            thanks. its due 9/30. I plan on having it done by then

            It was me that mentioned that I might have that interview you were looking for. Unfortunately, I can't find it but I'll check with someone that I know who might
            My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


              Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
              thanks. its due 9/30. I plan on having it done by then

              It was me that mentioned that I might have that interview you were looking for. Unfortunately, I can't find it but I'll check with someone that I know who might
              Also intrigued.


                Originally posted by syble View Post
                Okay, here the bit I promised. Beware, it's very raw, no beta, no rewrite, nada.

                John looked up at the clear blue sky admiring the odd yet beautiful clouds. They looked like soap bubbles with their swirling rainbow effect.

                Then the world shuddered and toppled as he tried to comprehend the hard surface now under his right side. His shocked senses registered the smell of dirt before pain lanced through him and his military training kicked in. He was on his back, knife in hand raised to block another attack, before his thinking mind had even processed that he was on the ground.

                Teeth raced for his head and was stopped by his right arm. Adrenaline, now coursing through him, prevent him from feeling the teeth as they buried themselves in the flesh of his arm. His body jerked across the ground, his tac vest pulled up and behind him, pressing against his neck. Something heavy and sharp was trying to scraped it's way through the side of his vest. He grabbed onto it with his left hand but was unable to pull it away. He felt the shock of his right forearm snapping as it was pulled back and twisted violently. The scream in his throat was cut off as he tried to gasp anew as pain flood through his left thigh. He could feel the force of something jerking him from side to side.

                The tugging on the top of his tac vest stopped as something hot, wet and very rough dragged across the side of his head.

                He mind froze, darkness crepting around the edges of his vision. He knew then that this was it. There was nothing he could do, no time left. He had feared that one day he would die shriveled and dried, but not this, not torn apart. He could feel the jerks as his body was tossed about, but he felt nothing more. He watched the rainbow clouds above him as the world darkened around him and wondered if this wasn't the better of the two ways to go.

                Just... wow!

                Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                *Waves at whumpers*

                Remember me? Nah, I don't either!
                And you are?

                *massive hugs*

                Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                on a slightly OT note, just watched Supernatural ep 5.02, I can´t stop wondering what THOSE writers could have done with SGA...
                Dammit! I'm really going to have to watch this at some point aren't i?

                Originally posted by RinkRat View Post
                This is not a bad work weekend! Two concerts and a hockey game. Enjoyed the concert last night and tonight is the same one. Tomorrow is a Flames game, so taht is alright too!
                It is October that is a bad month. I work every Saturday and Sunday except Oct 3rd. A real Whump type month
                Bleurgh, i hate working weekends. Mostly because we don't get the time back so we don't have any time off for two weeks and also because any overtime i earn goes straight to the Student Loan Company. *sigh*

                Got to a Sunday soon, which should be interesting, cos i'm going out the night before...

                Originally posted by Elanthra View Post
                Nothing to do with anything really... a horoscope for Capricorns (i.e. Joe if you don't already know!) this coming week (Sunday Telegraph, so not your tabloid stuff)

                "Looks as if there's going to be a key breakthrough at work. Mercury hooking up with Saturn suggests that one last push is going to get you what you've been working towards over these past few weeks."

                Good old Mercury hooking up with Saturn is what I say!
                Cool! Fingers crossed it pans out.

                Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                Hubby watched 2 more episodes of S-5 last night. We watched "Infection" and "Identity". SPOILER FOR HUBBY In-DEPTH analysis (cackle)
                he wondered how the puddlejumper just flew in the hive ship. And he is not a Keller fan either. He says she isn't "believable" as a doctor and prefers "the Scottish dude". Next up: "Vegas" and this should be good. I didn't mention it before but he didn't understand "Remnants" at all. He doesn't like the mental stories....he prefers physical episodes.
                As he is going back to work next week, we are trying to finish up the series. Did I mention we somehow missed viewing "Brain Storm"? I bad.
                Your hubby rocks.

                Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                *waves at thunkers* Haven't had a chance to watch Storm/Eye yet. Hopefully will in a few minutes but might have to leave to take BIL back home. The taking BIL home might mean questions will be posted a bit late tonight. But they will be up sometime.

                My goodness I hope this upcoming week is a bit less hectic and stressful

                OT Last week
                Was a crazy mess. Hubby had applied for a new position in his company doing a completely different job. He was supposed to find out last Monday if he got it. He found out that it was between him and one of his best friends. Well, they knew they were applying so it was fine with them. Still is. Wednesday he found out his friend got the job. Then Thursday he found out that his whole current team is being let go as of January. Working conditions are so bad that he was planning on quitting if he didn't get the other job. Now he will quit before the severance package takes affect. *sigh*
                *hugs* for you and hubby, hopefully that position on his friends team will come to something.

                Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                Little whumpy to whet appetites.... my, its been a while since I've written a whump fic, hasn't it? Blame Kristen and the very cool pic challenge. hehehe



                Distantly, he heard Teyla's voice break on his name. He wanted to answer her, reassure her that he was okay, that everything was fine, but all he could manage was a groan.

                "Be strong, John."

                "Tey…la," he whispered. He drew in a hoarse breath before exhaling; breathing being the only thing he was strong enough to do… and a task he wouldn't surrender.

                okay, so I cut the spoilerish stuff out, but you get the point.. the boy is whumped!
                *flails again*

                And, just... wow... again!

                Off to ponder the Storm/Eye questions.
                The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                l My LJ l


                  Originally posted by Pocus View Post

                  My goodness I hope this upcoming week is a bit less hectic and stressful

                  OT Last week
                  Was a crazy mess. Hubby had applied for a new position in his company doing a completely different job. He was supposed to find out last Monday if he got it. He found out that it was between him and one of his best friends. Well, they knew they were applying so it was fine with them. Still is. Wednesday he found out his friend got the job. Then Thursday he found out that his whole current team is being let go as of January. Working conditions are so bad that he was planning on quitting if he didn't get the other job. Now he will quit before the severance package takes affect. *sigh*
                  That´s such a rotten situation! *hugs to the both of you!*

                  Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                  Discussion Questions for The Storm and The Eye
                  It´s a bit long, so under the cut

                  1-5 are from SAF and 6-8 are from Lorr. 9-11 are mine. SAF and Lorr both asked about the Athosian with the GDO so I did remove one of the questions.

                  1. What did you think of the Manarians asking for something of value in return for letting the Lanteans stay overnight?

                  A bit borderline. I think this shouldn´t have been "too much" to ask, especially since it was made clear that it would have been temporary. On the other hand, such a vicious storm could have destroyed Atlantis and meant a much longer stay. But since Sheppard told them that there were other options they would try if they won´t agree, I found the "but who will?!" statement a bit too hostile to come from a "befriended" world. But they completely lost my sympathy when the first thing they do next is to betray Atlantis to the Genii. So short after "Underground", it does suggest that Pegasus is just full of traitors

                  2. Do you think this experience made the expedition more careful about who would receive a code (GDO) in the future?

                  I do.

                  3. What was your first impression of Kolya?

                  A guy you just love to hate

                  4. Sora seemed a grey area character, hellbent on getting revenge for her father, but at the same time conflicted about Kolyas cruelty towards the rest of the Lanteans. Do you think she was supposed to be back for later episodes?

                  Well, I for one, thought we´d see her again. Having her locked up in there (the only Genii captured?) and never mentioned again just didn´t seem right. It would have made for a good follow up, and with her backstory (esp with Teyla) and her reactions in this two-parter, I thought she might play a role in later events.

                  5. Why did Kolya tell Sheppard that Weir was dead?


                  6. I am wondering how the Athosian, who obviously can't hold alcohol, has responsibility for an IDC and the code to dial into Atlantis. Did the expedition take so many with them to Pegasus that they can hand them out to all Athosians? Wouldn't it have been more likely that 2 or 3 were given to leaders only?

                  That was my question too! It certainly should have only been Halling (as Teylas second?) having the code. I doubt he would have given it to them though. Well, the expedition seemed a bit naive back in season one (if that guy was just another Athosian with no leadership role...)

                  7. Did you find it annoying that Carson was made out to be a blithering idiot? I know he is a doctor, but he is also supposed to be intelligent and able to deal with emergencies. He was written here as constantly talking and being generally clueless about how to act more quietly? As a matter of fact, everyone except Teyla seemed to just prattle on, and quite loudly, when they should have been quiet. Yes, they had life signs detectors, but the team also kept saying they needed to be quiet.

                  Yes. Though I didn´t much care for Fords arrogance either. An attitude like that would have anyone riled up, including Carson apparently...

                  8. Even though there wasn't a lot of time, couldn't Sheppard tell the Manarians that the time needed there was very brief and that they were going to send envoys to other planets immediately to find more places to shelter expedition members if it was needed?

                  It probably would have helped.

                  Also, wouldn't the Athsoians, particularly Teyla, know of people that would willing help?

                  After the backfire that were the Genii, I am not sure if they (and she herself for that matter) would trust their intel on that. After all, for all her life, she thought the Genii trustworthy and fair.

                  9. Why did Koyla tell Sheppard Weir was alive?


                  10. What did you think of Ford in this episode?
                  see under 7. Unlike Sheppard, when he´s in charge, he´s just annoyingly bossy-for-the-sake-of-it instead of motivating. But maybe that´s just me ...

                  11. This ep had lots of missed Shep whumped opportunities. List 3 you would have liked to see.

                  1. Gunshot injury (lots of bullets fired in his direction, none hit?)
                  2. Some bruising would have been nice, there had been fights!
                  3. Perhaps he could have seen Teyla and Carson getting attacked by Sora on his way back, and instead of Sora just leaving the knife where it was, she had picked it up again to run after Teyla to be stopped by Shep, who would have then had to wrestle it free of her, getting cut in the process before succeeding and making a run back to the control room.

                  Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                  Yay! added to my queue. Have Home to watch as well. Hmm.. might do that tonight!

                  or I might wallpaper if the fancy strikes me.

                  but the writing muse is done for the day. Its okay, we made progress!

                  just a little piece of what's up, spoiler tags if you don't want to be spoiled, though its not that spoilerish

                  Little whumpy to whet appetites.... my, its been a while since I've written a whump fic, hasn't it? Blame Kristen and the very cool pic challenge. hehehe



                  Distantly, he heard Teyla's voice break on his name. He wanted to answer her, reassure her that he was okay, that everything was fine, but all he could manage was a groan.

                  "Be strong, John."

                  "Tey…la," he whispered. He drew in a hoarse breath before exhaling; breathing being the only thing he was strong enough to do… and a task he wouldn't surrender.

                  okay, so I cut the spoilerish stuff out, but you get the point.. the boy is whumped!
                  that´s a nice little preview!

                  Originally posted by Squonk View Post

                  Dammit! I'm really going to have to watch this at some point aren't i?
                  Only if you like the hottie lead beaten, bleeding, shot at, attacked by vicious things that go bump in the night, tied to chairs, gagged and cut into on a regular basis while dealing with heartbreaking emotional stress all the time on top of it.
                  Last edited by SheppAddictedFangirl; 21 September 2009, 04:25 AM.

                  Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
                  picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


                    Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                    Only if you like the hottie lead beaten, bleeding, shot at, attacked by vicious things that go bump in the night, tied to chairs, gagged and cut into on a regular basis while dealing with heartbreaking emotional stress all the time on top of it.
                    Gah!! Stop tempting me, you evil temptress you!

                    Storm/Eye Questions.

                    1. What did you think of the Manarians asking for something of value in return for letting the Lanteans stay overnight?
                    I thought they were being a little greedy, it was only for a couple of days at most after all. Sure if they’d ended up there longer, then i could have excused them for wanting something in return. Course they soon showed just how greedy they were when they contacted the Genii so i guess they were bad eggs all around.

                    2. Do you think this experience made the expedition more careful about who would receive a code (GDO) in the future?
                    Well i would hope so!

                    3. What was your first impression of Kolya?
                    I can’t remember what my first impression was now! Probably the same as my second, third and every other impression since – evil b*****d!

                    4. Sora seemed a grey area character, hellbent on getting revenge for her father, but at the same time conflicted about Kolyas cruelty towards the rest of the Lanteans. Do you think she was supposed to be back for later episodes?
                    It’s possible, she did seem conflicted about the whole thing didn’t she? But geez, was she a whiny brat. “You killed my father, you killed my father.” Never have i ever shouted at a TV screen (or anywhere else for that matter, just to clarify!) “For God’s sake, stab her already!”

                    5. Why did Kolya tell Sheppard that Weir was dead?
                    To wind him up! I think he hoped he’d be so angry that he’d come out into the open for revenge (well, it seems to be how the Genii roll, he obviously thought the Lanteans were just as dense...)
                    And/or be so emotionally compromised that he’d make a mistake that would help them capture him.
                    But mostly, just to be evil.

                    6. I am wondering how the Athosian, who obviously can't hold alcohol, has responsibility for an IDC and the code to dial into Atlantis. Did the expedition take so many with them to Pegasus that they can hand them out to all Athosians? Wouldn't it have been more likely that 2 or 3 were given to leaders only?
                    Don’t, just don’t. This was one part of the story i can’t be reconciled with, just... gah!

                    7. Did you find it annoying that Carson was made out to be a blithering idiot? I know he is a doctor, but he is also supposed to be intelligent and able to deal with emergencies. He was written here as constantly talking and being generally clueless about how to act more quietly?
                    Yeah, he did seem a little OOC. Maybe the fact that the emergency situation wasn’t a medical one, he felt out of his depth. And it’s well established that he hates using Ancient tech and especially hates flying. He’s still jittery in S5! Lol.
                    That was my take on it, but it did grate a little.

                    As a matter of fact, everyone except Teyla seemed to just prattle on, and quite loudly, when they should have been quiet. Yes, they had life signs detectors, but the team also kept saying they needed to be quiet.
                    Lol. They certainly lost a bit of discipline didn’t they! Lol. I try not to think about those aspects too much, it makes my brain hurt...

                    8. Even though there wasn't a lot of time, couldn't Sheppard tell the Manarians that the time needed there was very brief and that they were going to send envoys to other planets immediately to find more places to shelter expedition members if it was needed? Also, wouldn't the Athsoians, particularly Teyla, know of people that would willing help?
                    The very first thing i thought when the Manarians were being such jerks was “Surely the Athosians know someone!” In fact, i’d have thought they’d have known a fair few someone’s. But i guess that wouldn’t have helped the plot along any would it? *sigh*

                    9. Why did Koyla tell Sheppard Weir was alive?
                    To get him to do what he wanted. Seemed a bit daft “She’s dead... she’s alive!” How was Shep meant to take his word for anything! But i guess Kolya would be hoping (correctly) that Shep wouldn’t take the chance that he was lying about her being alive.

                    10. What did you think of Ford in this episode?
                    Cheeky wee bugger! He was quite good actually, very efficient and finally showing why he’s there. His attitude could have done with refining, but i suppose that would be something a young soldier learns with experience. He got the job done and he was only ever thinking of saving his people, so he’s forgiven.

                    11. This ep had lots of missed Shep whumped opportunities. List 3 you would have liked to see.
                    Ooo, Shep could have got electrocuted, just a bit at least.
                    And c’mon, was it so hard for him to take a little fire?
                    A fist fight would have been nice too, actually going hand to hand against one of the Genii.
                    The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                    l My LJ l


                      Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                      Gah!! Stop tempting me, you evil temptress you!
                      Well, I got roped into this (and didn´t regret ) might as well try to do it to others
                      And I noticed that a healthy bunch of the most (vicious) whumpy episodes were written by female writers!
                      Whumpers rule!

                      Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
                      picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


                        Morning Whumpers!

                        SGAFan........OH MY! I adore what you've written so far. More please!

                        Well, as Shep would say, "This can't be good." RL SPOILER
                        Connor Joe got out this morning.....and was running around like an idiot.....right at what is considered rush hour in town. I live on one of the busiest streets too. YOu should have seen hubby and me trying to get him back in the house. I am too old for this!

                        I tried to get hubby to watch "Vegas" the other night but he said he wanted to wait for later. I have a sneaking suspicion he doesn't want the show to end either.

                        Have a good day! I am off to get through the day.



                          I'll be posting my Shep whumpy flashfic pic challenge over on sheppard_hc in a day or so, entitled Kinder To Their Own. It's a 5,000-word fantasy AU. I couldn't resist. The photo I was allotted was just too inspiring. Actually, it was quite innocuous, but my whumpy muse kicked in, and I ran with it. Anyone else here plotting to post? SGAFan, methinks.


                            Originally posted by Strey View Post
                            I'll be posting my Shep whumpy flashfic pic challenge over on sheppard_hc in a day or so, entitled Kinder To Their Own. It's a 5,000-word fantasy AU. I couldn't resist. The photo I was allotted was just too inspiring. Actually, it was quite innocuous, but my whumpy muse kicked in, and I ran with it. Anyone else here plotting to post? SGAFan, methinks.
                            I have one that's plotted but not written yet. Big Bang is kicking my tail right now. But I'll have it done before the deadline. *stares at calendar* I hope.
                            Sig by Luciana
                            My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                              Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                              Well, I bought my plane ticket to the LA Con. I was getting a ticket to go see my brother at Christmas, so thought I'd get both of them. It's too soon to be excited, but I am! I will be a wreck by the time November gets here.

                              I'm outta here. Goodnight!

                              Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                              Only if you like the hottie lead beaten, bleeding, shot at, attacked by vicious things that go bump in the night, tied to chairs, gagged and cut into on a regular basis while dealing with heartbreaking emotional stress all the time on top of it.
                              Yeah - that about covers why I've been watching since the beginning. It is never too late to jump in.

                              Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                              Morning Whumpers!

                              SGAFan........OH MY! I adore what you've written so far. More please!

                              Well, as Shep would say, "This can't be good." RL SPOILER
                              Connor Joe got out this morning.....and was running around like an idiot.....right at what is considered rush hour in town. I live on one of the busiest streets too. YOu should have seen hubby and me trying to get him back in the house. I am too old for this!

                              I tried to get hubby to watch "Vegas" the other night but he said he wanted to wait for later. I have a sneaking suspicion he doesn't want the show to end either.

                              Have a good day! I am off to get through the day.

                              So Connor Joe is ok right? Sounds like a close call.

                              I don't blame hubby for not wanting the show to end. Love that he's caught up.


                                Originally posted by Strey View Post
                                I'll be posting my Shep whumpy flashfic pic challenge over on sheppard_hc in a day or so, entitled Kinder To Their Own. It's a 5,000-word fantasy AU. I couldn't resist. The photo I was allotted was just too inspiring. Actually, it was quite innocuous, but my whumpy muse kicked in, and I ran with it. Anyone else here plotting to post? SGAFan, methinks.
                                That's exciting. Please let us know when you post.

