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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Steve Austin View Post
    Hey! good evening everyone!

    So...nobody remembers that First Contact Tag ?
    It ends
    with Shep
    in the infirmary together with Daniel and they had a little talk in which Daniel realises Shep's math genius....just before Shep falls to sleep.
    It was such a perfect end for FC

    Hi Shep Whumpers. I have no idea how to do this so I'm winging it. I believe this is the fic you're looking for? Journey to the Center by Padawan_aneiki...

    So, I'm a long time lurker that's slowly trying to delurk. You whumpers are such a great bunch and I've been enjoying your conversations and your craziness. SGA and Shep Whump are my favorite hobbies. SGA totally usurped my love of SG-1. My favorite Shep whump epi would be Phantoms 'cause he does confusion and angst so well. Plus, he shoots everyone!! But 38 min (he's so stoic), Common Ground (angry and freaked out), and S&R (determined) are awesome too. And of course, he's so thunkable in The Storm/Eye, The Long Goodbye, Vegas.... everything!
    Hey, another Phantoms fan! I know a lot of people were disappointed in the whump, but I really like the angst and pain, and on a thunk note, Sheppard looks extra-specially handsome in that episode.

    And thanks for the fic link. That was a nice rebuttal to that annoying, condescending mensa mockery from McKay.


      Originally posted by Lorr View Post
      I'll try it this evening. thanks

      Loved the Vegas pics!

      I actually thought Remnants
      was poorly done. it was supposed to be a Shep heavy episode, but turned out to have a heck of a lot of McKay and Woolsey. I think Shep's part was ham-handed at best. I was incredibly disappointed. Whether it was the writing, the direction or the editing, Shep's part just didn't work for me at all. They McKay and Woolsey parts were much better done.

      Now Vegas was amazing, IMHO. That is what I call writing for Sheppard!

      Ow, Squonk! I can sympathize. Take care of it before moredamage is done!
      See, I heard Remnants was supposed to be a Woolsey ep and they added in the other parts to give it balance or something. To have more than just him seeing things. While hurt without comfort doesn't give me warm fuzzies, I was happy he chose Sheppard to be one of the recipients.

      It gives me a bit of hope that PM has done the beginning writing. If they work on it together, hopefully they will balance each other out. Together they wrote my favorite SG-1 ep of all time - Window of Opportunity. I have two lists of "wishes" for the movie - the "whumpy" list and the "what I think might actually happen" list. Great team moments and terrific action are on both.
      Sig by Luciana
      My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


        Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
        It gives me a bit of hope that PM has done the beginning writing. If they work on it together, hopefully they will balance each other out. Together they wrote my favorite SG-1 ep of all time - Window of Opportunity. I have two lists of "wishes" for the movie - the "whumpy" list and the "what I think might actually happen" list. Great team moments and terrific action are on both.
        Oh my goodness, how did i not know that?! Window of Opportunity is my joint fave SG-1 ep. (with Legacy - hmm, wonder why i like that one so much... )

        That makes me feel a little better. Though whether they can pull something as awesome as that out the bag again... i hope so!

        I'm sure we're going to get terrific action, and we had better get team moments. I really miss the team moments of the earlier seasons. And some lovely whump would be the icing on the cake.
        The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

        l My LJ l


          Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
          DRIPPY BLOOD!!!

          *happy sigh*

          I was just watching this vid:
          I love that vid

          Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
          SGAfan nice pics!!!

          I have a mixed opinion of 'Travelers' - there was a lot more they could have done, although I loved hearing from JF that he was the one pushing for Larrin to slap Sheppard around a bit...
          Really? Didn´t know that
          Though it doesn´t come as a big surprise ... the knee thwack in "Condemned" was all Joe as well.

          Speaking of which...

          for Squonk

          Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
          picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


            LOL!! Love the knee thwack!!

            And on that note, I'm off to clean the bathroom. Be back in a bit.


              Originally posted by Squonk View Post
              At the bottom of each post you see the three bottons? The "quote" one, one with the speech marks ("+) and, the quick reply one (QR). The "+ one is the multi quote one, it'll turn orange when you click on it to let you know you've quoted it and you can continue to catch up. Then when you click to reply, all the quotes you've gathered will be there!

              Hope that made sense...

              Pocus - nah, i'll still go to work. Like i said, tomorrow it's just me and the boss so i can't blow out on him. And then on WEdnesday it's just me and one other so i can't really land them in it either. But they're just going to have to do all the walking around and trips to the main building.
              Ta! Will give it a go when I'm feeling inordinately brave.


                Originally posted by Skylore View Post

                Hey, another Phantoms fan! I know a lot of people were disappointed in the whump, but I really like the angst and pain, and on a thunk note, Sheppard looks extra-specially handsome in that episode.

                And thanks for the fic link. That was a nice rebuttal to that annoying, condescending mensa mockery from McKay.
                Luffs Phantoms. Joe does a great job of looking slightly loopy and scaring the whatsit out of Teyla.


                  Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                  ooh, I see some people that aren't in the group to view the report. I"ll have to add you all. Are we mutual friends? I tried to grab everyone that was...

                  can you make sure you've all friended me? I'll friend you back and add you. There are a lot of people on LJ that have "friended" me that I don't really know, so the VanCon thread group came from mutual friends.

                  You all are friends here, so I'd be happy to add you so you can read it!

                  So far I have Lorr, Listy and Vecturist?

                  edit: Ya, I don't have any of you three on my friend list (how did that happen? ) anyway, friend me, I'll friend you and add you to the group!
                  Could you add me as friend?
                  I just friended you - my LJ name (id? probably it's really uncool of me not to know the correct term) is sabine_26.
                  And you know, no rush, I mean it's not as if I'm dying to read your con report or anything like that.


                    On a different note - OMG! The LFWS challenge is down to just two writers! Check it out by clicking on Erika's link below her sig - SGA h/c challenges. Thowwy, still can't c/p the URL on Sheppy the laptop.


                      Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                      hmm.. little spam before I go to bed...

                      spoiler for Vegas

                      Oh, ouch and also yum. Vegas still upsets me but even with tears in my eyes I can see how super hot Sheppard looks.
                      Thanks, as always, for the fantastic caps.


                        "True whump means never having to say you're sorry" ?
                        Luffs it, Rhymer! One teensy, tiny problemette - I'd whump the living daylights out of him, then tell him I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me, etc, etc, and look suitably contrite just to see the puppy dog eyes and the visible sense of relief. Yet it would be a mere ruse just to rest m' whippin' arm...
                        Of course, you are quite right. I obviously wouldn't have to say I'm sorry, but the whole lulling into a false sense of security would be sooo worth it.

                        OT for RL whump -
                        one of my parakeets/budgies died this w/e. Fubar has gone to meet his maker/push up the rose bush. Snafu is now all alone and looking somewhat confused. I'm providing him with extra mirrors and a string instrument as he loves to ping the bars of his cage. Here's hoping he gets his mojo back, and doesn't pine for the fjords...


                          Originally posted by Sabine View Post
                          Oh, ouch and also yum. Vegas still upsets me but even with tears in my eyes I can see how super hot Sheppard looks.
                          Thanks, as always, for the fantastic caps.
                          I peeked, too. Grr. I shouldn't do it to myself. *sniff*

                          reuschi - you lurker, you! Come out of lurkdom! We don't bite! Of course, we do tend to want to set nasty, bitey things on Sheppy, but whumpers is relatively safe!


                            Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                            SGAFan, my LJ name is Lorr54. I'm currently, and taking way too long, trying to post all my fics on there. I'm just so lazy. I'm posting the last of my 2005 stories tonight!

                            SA, to be honest about JM
                            there has been only speculation as to the relationship, or lack thereof, between him and JF. There may be creative differences, but it is only what has been assumed, perceived, possibly hinted at in his blog. Now, something may have been specifically stated by someone, but I know I have never seen anything.

                            I'm sure JM is professional enough to try to do a good job on the movie. A crappy job means it doesn't do well and his reputation would suffer, as well as his pocket.

                            My big problem is the concentration on a certain character and a certain ship.

                            I was not impressed with the SG1 movies, but JM wasn't responsible for those.

                            Now, if anyone knows of any real dirt, I would love to know!
                            OT for more movie talk

                            My biggest worry also is the heavy emphasis on McKay and McKay/Keller. At this point I'd rather check in on Everrett and see how things are going for that old geezer.

                            But I also find JM's lack of enthusiasm for Sheppard's character enthusiasm-dampening. I mean, even if he includes him, I want more than just Sheppard standing around firing a gun. I want some actual character exploration.

                            But hey, I'm under my incorrectness quota for the year, so maybe I'll be double wrong about the movie.


                              So exciting to catch up this AM. Love it that we are all such active little Shep Whumpers

                              Love Vegas so much and those pics are beautiful. So emotional and such great representations of JF's acting skill.

                              Originally posted by rhymer View Post

                              Well, JM wrote (season 5 spoilers)
                              Remnants, and JM came up with the plot idea and repeatedly said that he wanted to dig deeper into Sheppard's character and what made him tick. While we might think that it could have explored Sheppard better than it did, it's not the action of a writer who hates to write Sheppard and avoids him at all cost. Similarly, JM and PM wrote the final episode, in which Sheppard had tonnes of screen time - far more than anyone else.
                              Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                              Most of JM's scripts have focused either on the team or on Sheppard. He also wrote Travelers. The quality of the ep might be questionable, but it was undoubtedly a Sheppard ep. JM might be many things, but stupid is not one of them. He knows how popular Sheppard is and seems to have a good handle on what makes him tick.

                              Warning: wild speculation follows...

                              I doubt Ronon and Teyla have gone anywhere but perhaps Sheppard and McKay got recalled to the SGC to "work" while they're on Earth. Or perhaps Todd makes an escape and all four set out in different directions to search for him. Maybe there's some other kind of emergency (like the Replicator in Outcast) that takes them in different directions. Or maybe the SGC refuses to let Atlantis go back (at first). Remember, the chair platform has been destroyed so Earth has no Ancient defenses anymore. Sheppard is sent to the SGC. Rodney goes to Area 51. Teyla, Torren and Kanaan are sent home to Pegasus, and Ronon is Todd's personal guard until they figure out what to do with him.

                              Obviously, I have no idea. But there are lots of possibilities to play with on why the team might be separated.

                              I guess I took it as trying to get his brain in the right place. I'm certainly not a professional writer, but I know when I'm working on something, sometimes I just can't get into it. I need a break - a few hours of mindless TV, a hour or two with a book or talking with friends or something to let those creative juices get flowing again. He has been doing a lot of writing as you said. Maybe (hopefully) he just needed a little mental break to shift gears and focus on whumping writing Shep.
                              Such interesting movie talk here. I agree with much of what's been said both pro/con JM.

                              Spoilered for more movie talk...
                              The bottom line for me is I feel like he does "get" Sheppard but sometimes gets distracted in almost a fanboy way and stretches himself out too thin. He relates to McKay and sometimes falls back onto writing more for that character since it is easier and probably fun for him. He also likes Woolsey and does the same thing in relation to that character. He's talked about how complicated Sheppard is - a while ago he talked about the fact that a relationship for Sheppard would be so complicated and would have to be with someone that Shep knew or else he'd never be able to truly open up to them. It's stuff like that that tells me JM does "get" it. Sometimes I feel like in creating the character they made him the most complex and possibly the most difficult to write for as a result.

                              I'm hoping that the movie will free him and PM up to indulge themselves and give us more insight into our complex (and handsome) hero.

                              Pretty piccies

                              Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                              probably not...

                              oh well.... it´s the thought that counts huh?
                              Love the picfic SAF

                              Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                              Glad to see things have been a bit busier the last few days. Hope the whumpers have had a good Easter!

                              I've had mixed fortunes
                              Had a nice couple of days off with boyfy and of course it's been a scifi fest over the weekend here on Blighty with new Dr Who and new Red Dwarf.

                              But then, there had to be something to crap in my kettle.

                              On Thursday, i slipped on the way to work, but thought nothing of it - my knee was stiff, but that's nothing new in the current damp weather.
                              Friday, it was stiff and painful.
                              Saturday, we went for a walk and i was hobbling so much boyfy wanted me to go to A&E (which we were passing on our walk), i of course said no, it would pass.
                              Sunday, i could hardly walk at all.
                              Now it's Monday and i can't do stairs and i'm wishing i'd gone to A&E afterall! From where the pain is, i think i've done my ligament again - it's the same knee i buggered up (crushed cartilidge and torn ligaments) doing Jiu Jitsu.

                              I'll have to wait to see my GP after work tomorrow now cos it's only me and the boss tomorrow and i can't land him in it. *headdesk*

                              And my laptop crapped out as i hit the reply button, so i had to log in again soof course i lost all my quotes. I think i remember what i had to say...
                              Sorry you are in some pain. Sounds like time is going to have to be your healer. Good luck.

                              My RL whump story

                              Went running on Saturday and fell at the start. Once I got up and checked to see if anyone witnessed the carnage (no one that I am aware of saw it) - I found that I scraped my knees and my palms up but good. Decided I had to push on and finished the run. Have been sore all weekend but will survive to run again. Forgot how painful those rug burn type knee scrapes are though. How could such small little injuries hurt so much.

                              Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
                              DRIPPY BLOOD!!!

                              *happy sigh*

                              I was just watching this vid:
                              Always love that pic and such good drippy blood it is.

                              That video is seriously addictive. I watch it so much it is bordering on intervention time. My only wish is that the creator or some other video wiz (SGAfan???) would update it or re-visualize it to include more recent whump.

                              Originally posted by Strey View Post
                              And now for some fic rec - go to, whump peeps, and check out coolbreeze1's Shep whumpy fanfic. Just reread Leave No Man Behind. A must-read for fans of head injuries. Loads of other cool stuff, too.
                              I was trying to figure out why I knew the name Coolbreeze - wow I love your writing. Thanks for helping jog my memory Strey.

                              Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
                              I wasn't so impressed with Remnants.
                              I agree that the whump was gratuitous and a little pointless. It did show a side of Shep that I love, that is what goes on in his head, but the physical whump and the lack of comfort just didn't satisfy me. It was yummy, but it didn't have so much depth and poorly written and executed. That Kolya didn't sell and his plan was very poorly thought of. I liked the idea and what we saw about Shep's strength and determination, his guilt trip and all the angst and emo whump, but it could have been a lot more if a better writer had written it. The lack of fallout left a bitter taste and they dealt a lot better with Woolsey's side of the episode, so for me that was a Woolsey episode and not a Sheppard one. I felt that Shep was only there to be eyecandy for the whumpers. Still I can appreciate the whumpy bits, but mostly only in pics because it's been a long time since I watched the episode, the cutting and editing makes me too angry.
                              Totally agree with you on this point. It was such a bittersweet epi with so much lost potential for not only whump but good character development.
                              Last edited by maggs; 13 April 2009, 09:51 AM. Reason: forgot to spoiler some stuff


                                OK - finally got through my multi quote rally and have a couple additional thoughts.

                                Anyone follow the Somali pirates situation? I'm assuming yes... well reading the paper this AM the captain of the ship reminded me of Sheppard. So heroically letting himself get taken as a hostage so his crew could go free. Not often that real life is so dramatically played out for the world to witness.

                                I know a totally random thought but nonetheless I'm sharing....

