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John Sheppard Whump

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    Well, it's 11pm here so I'm going to beddybyes now.

    I wrote a quick 'Rising' tag, so if anyone wants a quick squiz, it's over on my LJ here

    I'll join in the chatter again tomorrow. Night all!
    Last edited by shepsgirl72; 26 July 2009, 08:44 PM.
    My Fan Fiction Page
    My LJ Fics


      Originally posted by shepsgirl72 View Post
      Well, it's 11pm here so I'm going to beddybyes now.

      I wrote a quick 'Rising' tag, so if anyone wants a quick squiz, it's over on my LJ here

      I'll join in the chatter again tomorrow. Night all!
      and goodnight to you!


        Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
        There's an episode of SG-1 (can't remember the title) where they are training possible SG team members. All done on Earth with some special effects to approximate goa'uld, etc. I'm sure Sheppard went through some kind of training like that, but he obviously didn't go through the gate. I'm sure he had lots of mission reports to read and tests (psychological, physical, etc) to take before they left. I got the impression he and Sumner hadn't actually met until the gate room.
        I remember that ep. It was a good one.

        I am sure he got some training but not as much as the other military personnel that went.

        Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
        I think she probably really had the best and the brightest in their respective fields from several different countries. Not every brilliant scientist in the world was taken. Only those who agreed to go with no knowledge of where they were going until they signed the non-disclosure agreement.

        I read/heard somewhere that Simon was intended to be Weir's husband. Then when they had the opportunity to bring him back in S2 and they hadn't actually called him "Simon Weir" or whatever, they changed it to being her boyfriend. Perhaps him being her spouse (and her being the personal selection of the US President) allowed him the opportunity. My biggest beef was someone sending him a tape/DVD to watch at home. What? If they were going to show him the message she left, they should have taken him to a secure location where he couldn't post it to youtube 15 minutes later.

        Pocus - I see you've posted discussion questions. I'll send you a couple more in case we need more to talk about later in the week.
        Good point on the youtube thing. I would've thought he would have lots of questions to ask and to leave him there alone in the house wasn't a secure thing to do. *snerk* at the youtube idea.

        I got your questions. They are good ones too. I can make another post in a day or two if anyone has any more questions that arise. Maybe Tues? That way we won't run out of character space to reply.

        Shepsgirl I couldn't use your link to LJ. It sent me to a listing of http places.

        ETA I found your fic by doing a search for you. I friended you too. Look for Abracah to show up! Now off to read it.
        Last edited by Pocus; 26 July 2009, 02:25 PM.


          Originally posted by shepsgirl72 View Post
          Well, it's 11pm here so I'm going to beddybyes now.

          I wrote a quick 'Rising' tag, so if anyone wants a quick squiz, it's over on my LJ here

          I'll join in the chatter again tomorrow. Night all!
          Link no workee...


            Originally posted by Strey View Post
            Link no workee...


            If it doesn't work you might have to be a friend on lj to see it. I did a search to find it.


              Originally posted by Pocus View Post


              If it doesn't work you might have to be a friend on lj to see it. I did a search to find it.
              That'll be it. Thanks! I realise we hadn't friended each other. Well, that was an oversight! I'm not active on lj, but I'm more than happy to be friended by whumpers!

              I'm on lj as sterenyk_strey, peeps! Friend me!


                Originally posted by Strey View Post
                That'll be it. Thanks! I realise we hadn't friended each other. Well, that was an oversight! I'm not active on lj, but I'm more than happy to be friended by whumpers!

                I'm on lj as sterenyk_strey, peeps! Friend me!
                Glad it worked for you!! I am pretty sure we are already friends.

                My fic is now up on Fanfiction

                Into the Night


                  Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                  Glad it worked for you!! I am pretty sure we are already friends.

                  My fic is now up on Fanfiction

                  Into the Night

                  *rushes to the link*


                    Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                    Glad it worked for you!! I am pretty sure we are already friends.

                    My fic is now up on Fanfiction

                    Into the Night
                    We are - Abracah, right?
                    *beetles off to read fic*


                      Originally posted by Strey View Post
                      We are - Abracah, right?
                      *beetles off to read fic*
                      Yes we are!


                        Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                        Discussion Questions for Rising Rewatch

                        1 and 2 are from Lorr. 3,4,5 and 6 are from Shepsgirl. 7,8, 9 are from me.

                        3. In the scene in the helicopter when the Ancient drone is chasing them, was the fact that Sheppard did the exact opposite of O'Neill's instructions each time it buzzed them an attempt to show that he doesn't always follow orders, that he is an even better pilot than O'Neill, or foreshadowing that he has a strong intuitive connection with Ancient technology because of his Ancient gene?

                        4. The scene in the abandoned city where Sheppard find's Teyla's necklace and puts it on her seems a deliberate hint at shipping. Why do people think this wasn't really taken any further until much later in the show?

                        5. The Wraith Caretaker seems to die quite easily at the end considering the fact she has fed on two life forces. Is it just convenient to the story, or do people feel it was insinuated in her words that she sacrifices herself because it will wake the others?

                        6. The obvious question, where did you feel there were missed opportunities for whump?

                        7. Why do you think Elizabeth sent Sheppard on that first mission through the Gate. He was a relative unknown and she knew he had problems with authority.

                        8. Sumner seemed to give up his talks with the Athosians very quickly. Why do you think he let Sheppard take over? He had already said he didn't trust him.

                        9. What did you like about the Wraith the most?
                        I deleted mine, but I'm going to take a whack at the others...

                        3 - I don't think he would've risked their lives to disobay. I think it was very intuitive flying. He would have been doing a lot more flying that O'Neill, especially in helicopters. And, he wasn't very far removed from combat flying.

                        4 - I didn't take it as shipping. I thought it was Shep trying to further the connection, continuing the iea that he didn't look right through her like Sumner did.

                        5 - Shep did skewer the Keeper with a rather larger weapon. Would she have needed to die just to wake up the other Wraith?

                        6 - I need to ponder that one!

                        7 - Perhaps she was hoping they would find Ancient tech he could access. That was my take, anyway.

                        8- That stumped me, too.

                        9 - They're in it for the food as far as humans are concerned. They treat us like we treat our food. Kind of puts the shoe on the other foot, doesn't it?

                        Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                        That's the way I interpreted it as well.

                        My opinion has always been that it's the same day but several hours have passed. Weir would have been able to access his file via computer I'm sure.

                        There's an episode of SG-1 (can't remember the title) where they are training possible SG team members. All done on Earth with some special effects to approximate goa'uld, etc. I'm sure Sheppard went through some kind of training like that, but he obviously didn't go through the gate. I'm sure he had lots of mission reports to read and tests (psychological, physical, etc) to take before they left. I got the impression he and Sumner hadn't actually met until the gate room.

                        I think she probably really had the best and the brightest in their respective fields from several different countries. Not every brilliant scientist in the world was taken. Only those who agreed to go with no knowledge of where they were going until they signed the non-disclosure agreement.

                        I read/heard somewhere that Simon was intended to be Weir's husband. Then when they had the opportunity to bring him back in S2 and they hadn't actually called him "Simon Weir" or whatever, they changed it to being her boyfriend. Perhaps him being her spouse (and her being the personal selection of the US President) allowed him the opportunity. My biggest beef was someone sending him a tape/DVD to watch at home. What? If they were going to show him the message she left, they should have taken him to a secure location where he couldn't post it to youtube 15 minutes later.

                        Pocus - I see you've posted discussion questions. I'll send you a couple more in case we need more to talk about later in the week.
                        Wasn't the training eps the one with the kids?

                        Maybe they gave Simon a tape or DVD that could be played only once and not copied? I would hope, too, that he had more sense and honesty than to share it. For him to have clearance, he would have needed to go through background checks and the rest of it. Despite Weir's influence, the government would make sure of him.


                          Originally posted by Lorr View Post

                          Maybe they gave Simon a tape or DVD that could be played only once and not copied? I would hope, too, that he had more sense and honesty than to share it. For him to have clearance, he would have needed to go through background checks and the rest of it. Despite Weir's influence, the government would make sure of him.
                          Great answers! You should put your thoughts for your questions too. I will probably do mine but wait until tomorrow.

                          Now I hear the Mission Impossible Music and Simon needs to have fire extinguisher to put out his flaming television as his tape self destructs.

                          dun dunna dun dunna dun dunna dun dunna dinna na dinna na dinna na.....


                            Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                            Great answers! You should put your thoughts for your questions too. I will probably do mine but wait until tomorrow.

                            Now I hear the Mission Impossible Music and Simon needs to have fire extinguisher to put out his flaming television as his tape self destructs.

                            dun dunna dun dunna dun dunna dun dunna dinna na dinna na dinna na.....

                            Did you get rid of the headache?


                              Originally posted by Lorr View Post

                              Did you get rid of the headache?
                              Um.. mostly. Today my head feels bruised. It has been my tummy giving me fits today. I know what it is. I don't want to go back to work tomorrow. I want vacation to last a few more weeks.

                              Thanks for asking!


                                Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                                Maybe they gave Simon a tape or DVD that could be played only once and not copied? I would hope, too, that he had more sense and honesty than to share it. For him to have clearance, he would have needed to go through background checks and the rest of it. Despite Weir's influence, the government would make sure of him.
                                Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                                Now I hear the Mission Impossible Music and Simon needs to have fire extinguisher to put out his flaming television as his tape self destructs.

                                dun dunna dun dunna dun dunna dun dunna dinna na dinna na dinna na.....
                                Ahahahaaaa! I had exactly the same thought but Pocus beat me to it!

