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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by ladyjanus View Post
    And thanks for the encouragement. I have been reading and thoroughly enjoying fan fiction for a couple of years now and just a few months ago finally tried my hand at writing and posting. I would write more if real life would allow, but I have a couple of pieces in the works and one of them lead me to the question of Sheppard's scars (wanted to be as accurate as possible). So now I'm curious and maybe feeling the whump a little more after visiting this thread and I think I need to go back and fine-tune the one piece and add a touch of Shep-whump...hhhhmmmm....

    Again, Thanks.
    Looking forward to your fics! Glad this thread's been an inspiration!

    It's Shep! Whump him then love him!

    Originally posted by Lythisrose View Post
    @Ali that was a terrific list! Very exhaustive (and exhausting for Shep, I bet).
    Just a note to say that JM actually wrote Joe's name on his blog today (in a list of contributed items for Michael Shanks MS auction) and it didn't burst into flame!

    Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
    Semi-whump related. This interview was posted on one of the JF yahoo groups. It's a little old, but worth a read.
    Thanks for finding this. I joined the fandom years after SGA started so it's always a plus to find older material.

    Originally posted by Lythisrose View Post
    Thanks so much for this! I don't think I ever read it.

    And, while his character of John Sheppard has the opportunity to sow his wild oats via intergalactic adventure, The Man is keeping Joe down. "My contract has barred me from many of my major interests namely surfing, skiing but also motocross, and rock climbing," he reveals. "I have tried to get some adrenaline rushes by drinking lots of coffee. Bad idea. In the absence of those endorphins I have chosen more urbane hobbies such as golf. And I always have reading. I like history and politics."
    Apparently coffee's not enough anymore. From certain vacation pics, he's graduated to drinking Red Bull too!!
    I never knew that his contract forbade him dangerous sports and activities.
    And I still get a kick that he uses words such as "urbane" in casual conversation.
    And "morose" too!

    Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
    I think I read a comment by him that he and Jason had found a nearby skateboard park and were putting it to good use - but hoped they weren't found out...
    They are such kids!
    Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
    Some interesting tidbits on JM's blog tonight on the portrayal of female characters.
    Thanks Ruffles. I haven't ventured into his blog since that last disaster.
    It's interesting what he wrote. Although Sam got more character development in SG-1 than any woman in the franchise, in the end, she still was third and sometimes fourth string in the team. And Sam in SGA was not developed well. As for Teyla, her character's development was disappointing. She was relegated to the backburners worse than Teal'c as the token alien resident. It would have been interesting to have seen how they would have developed her arc in S4 if RL wasn't pregnant. They were planning to explore her darkside, which they ultimately did but only in Missing and Kindred I. I guess perhaps the original arc would have remained the same with Michael taking the Athosians and Teyla turning dark to try and get her people back.

    Originally posted by Lorr View Post
    Thanks, Ruffles.
    I'm not really surprised at the "stock answer" answers. They're going to write what they want to write and what they are most comfortable with and attached to. And they have their reasoning for not going outside the box. Ken C came close with CG, but I still think Rob Cooper was the only one who really stepped out with Vegas.

    Whether it was down to the writers or interference from producers, other writers, MGM and/or SciFi, it was a sad waste of great characters and a setting that had huge potential.
    Last edited by Skylore; 09 June 2009, 11:39 PM. Reason: placing spoilery tags


      Thanks for the comments and the green for the interview peeps.

      I'll keep badgering to find out when and how and what-not. I'll see if i can get a transcript too (that way you don't have to listen to my bumblings )

      Not sure why i can't share much of what was said, cos tbh, it's hardly ground-breaking, but i have been given to ok to share this... but be warned, it's not so good.
      RE: the movie.

      While Rachel had heard about a November shoot, she'd also heard that they're planning to make the SG-1 movie first - shooting in November.
      So she's not sure if shooting will be this year or next year... or at all.

      But then, bare in mind, the cast aren't exactly in the loop.

      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
      Phew! That took a while! And I have to say, boy, has that boy been stunned a lot!
      And knocked out a lot! I'm suprised the poor boy doesn't have brain damage!

      GReat list though, brought back some fond memories. I keep saying i'll re-watch them all from the start, and i really do have to! lol

      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
      Malcolm always tells everyone off. When I was in the line later he was telling off two girls who were talking really quietly. I guess he's the type of guy who doesn't want to be disturbed while practicing his art?
      That must be it. I don't remember him telling people off at Chevron, but then i guess the queue was in the corridor where he couldn't hear us!

      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
      Nothing mentioned about that scene at all, other than Rachel wanted to re-do it as she wasn't happy with some bits of it. There was one funny thing from TLT commentary though:

      Andy Mikita and Martin Gero were amazed Joe agreed to lie on top on David Nykl in the scene where Shep has shielded Zelenka from the blast. They imitate Joe, saying, in his voice, "You want me to do WHAT?' and 'I'm not doing that!!!!' It actually really made me laugh, as I can really imagine Joe saying those things, in exactly that tone of voice!
      Bless him, i can so see that.

      Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
      Semi-whump related. This interview was posted on one of the JF yahoo groups. It's a little old, but worth a read.
      Always worth a read, no matter how old Thanks for that.

      Originally posted by Lythisrose View Post
      Thanks so much for this! I don't think I ever read it.

      And, while his character of John Sheppard has the opportunity to sow his wild oats via intergalactic adventure, The Man is keeping Joe down. "My contract has barred me from many of my major interests namely surfing, skiing but also motocross, and rock climbing," he reveals. "I have tried to get some adrenaline rushes by drinking lots of coffee. Bad idea. In the absence of those endorphins I have chosen more urbane hobbies such as golf. And I always have reading. I like history and politics."

      I never knew that his contract forbade him dangerous sports and activities.
      And I still get a kick that he uses words such as "urbane" in casual conversation.
      From what Joe told us at Chevron, i'm not sure how much notice he took of that though. Unless his ideas of dangerous sports aren't quite the same as other people's...

      Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
      Some interesting tidbits on JM's blog tonight on the portrayal of female characters.
      thanks for sharing, it certainly was interesting.
      The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

      l My LJ l


        Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
        huh? Shep turned cat fic? where?
        Originally posted by Lythisrose View Post
        Oh, for SAF, here is a link to the Checkmate 'verse, where Shep is turned into a slinky black cat (it's McShep).
        Oh, for a non McShep, Shep turned dog fic... Dog Day by kashkow

        Ate too much so I can't seem to sleep. I'm catching up with season 4's disc 2. Found this in the blooper segment.

        spoilered for size?

        Sorry quality not so good. Can't figure out how to get sharper images out of my caps.
        Last edited by Skylore; 10 June 2009, 01:20 AM.


          Originally posted by Lorr View Post
          OMG, Ali! That whump list is astounding. My question is, was the time taken up researching and remembering all that or just typing it up as the memories spilled out in a torrent?
          Most of it was from memory. It was only really seasons 4 and (especially) 5, which I realise I have not re-wacthed as often. where my memory needed a bit of a boost - hence checking the GW transcripts.

          Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
          I think I read a comment by him that he and Jason had found a nearby skateboard park and were putting it to good use - but hoped they weren't found out...
          I think Jason told a story about that at a convention, didn't he? I seem to recall watching a vid of it online... and him cllaiming that Joe had told him if Jason injured himself and got in trouble with the producers, Joe was gonna deny all knowledge and claim he was never there!

          Originally posted by Squonk View Post
          GReat list though, brought back some fond memories. I keep saying i'll re-watch them all from the start, and i really do have to! lol
          Doing the list brought me to a rather sad realisation... that I have really only rewatched Season 4 eps a couple of times and Season 5... I think most of them I have only watched them the once, when they were first aired. Earlier season eps I could practically quote half the script but later seasons... I guess my love was waning a bit...

          Originally posted by Squonk View Post
          That must be it. I don't remember him telling people off at Chevron, but then i guess the queue was in the corridor where he couldn't hear us!
          He had the stewards at the bag desk and managing the queue/taking the tickets doing it for him.


            Morning Whumpers!

            Bad start to the day.......I'm as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs this morning. Hopefully I can calm down or I'm going to have a heart attack. ::deep breaths::

            Maybe some Shep Whump will help. Off to catch up.



              Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
              Morning Whumpers!

              Bad start to the day.......I'm as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs this morning. Hopefully I can calm down or I'm going to have a heart attack. ::deep breaths::

              Maybe some Shep Whump will help. Off to catch up.

              Hope everything is ok!


                Maggs, good to hear Plato is doing better.

                Skylore, thank you for that pic! Looks like he was having fun.

                Squonk, that you for that bit from the interview. I think we've heard/surmised that anyway from what's been said at cons or by JM.

                I hope things are okay, IHS!


                  Originally posted by Squonk View Post

                  Not sure why i can't share much of what was said, cos tbh, it's hardly ground-breaking, but i have been given to ok to share this... but be warned, it's not so good.
                  RE: the movie.

                  While Rachel had heard about a November shoot, she'd also heard that they're planning to make the SG-1 movie first - shooting in November.
                  So she's not sure if shooting will be this year or next year... or at all.

                  But then, bare in mind, the cast aren't exactly in the loop.
                  hmmm.... movie spoilers...


                  I always assumed they'd shoot both at the same time. it made sense because they'd have the crews there and we all know its almost a given that AT will be in the SGA movie, so she'd already be there shooting the SG1 movie, they're on hiatus from SGU... all the logistics made sense.

                  Not good to hear I tell ya, if they do another SG1 movie and axe the SGA movie, they'll lose my support for sure. No SG1 no SGU. I'll retreat to my fanfic and fandom and wave bye bye to TPTB. After all, everything BW said about painting Atlantis on a bigger canvas and assuring fans they'd do movies, were lies.

                  sorry... think I'm a little grouchy this morning.
                  My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                    Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                    hmmm.... movie spoilers...


                    I always assumed they'd shoot both at the same time. it made sense because they'd have the crews there and we all know its almost a given that AT will be in the SGA movie, so she'd already be there shooting the SG1 movie, they're on hiatus from SGU... all the logistics made sense.

                    Not good to hear I tell ya, if they do another SG1 movie and axe the SGA movie, they'll lose my support for sure. No SG1 no SGU. I'll retreat to my fanfic and fandom and wave bye bye to TPTB. After all, everything BW said about painting Atlantis on a bigger canvas and assuring fans they'd do movies, were lies.

                    sorry... think I'm a little grouchy this morning.
                    I never assumed they would shoot at the same time. Word came out a few months ago that the SG-1 movie had been greenlit by MGM. The same has not been said about the SGA movie. From what I've read JM and PM are moving forward as if the SGA movie will be made (writing the script, etc) but the studio hasn't actually made a move in that area.

                    Plus, AT is shooting Sanctuary also so she should be easily accessible to shoot what I thought would be a cameo for the SGA film. The SG-1 films shot a lot on location, didn't they? The Arctic, etc. So they might not be able to shoot both at the same time.
                    Sig by Luciana
                    My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                      Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                      I never assumed they would shoot at the same time. Word came out a few months ago that the SG-1 movie had been greenlit by MGM. The same has not been said about the SGA movie. From what I've read JM and PM are moving forward as if the SGA movie will be made (writing the script, etc) but the studio hasn't actually made a move in that area.

                      Plus, AT is shooting Sanctuary also so she should be easily accessible to shoot what I thought would be a cameo for the SGA film. The SG-1 films shot a lot on location, didn't they? The Arctic, etc. So they might not be able to shoot both at the same time.
                      I kind of thought
                      they'd either film them together or one right after the other - save time getting the crew and overlapping stars together. I just wish they'd give us more info straight up, instead of dancing around the issue.


                        Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                        Semi-whump related. This interview was posted on one of the JF yahoo groups. It's a little old, but worth a read.

                        thanks for that. That was funny

                        Originally posted by Lythisrose View Post
                        Oh, for SAF, here is a link to the Checkmate 'verse, where Shep is turned into a slinky black cat (it's McShep).

                        Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                        I think I read a comment by him that he and Jason had found a nearby skateboard park and were putting it to good use - but hoped they weren't found out...
                        They´re such kids together, you gotta love them

                        Originally posted by Skylore View Post

                        They are such kids!

                        Thanks Ruffles. I haven't ventured into his blog since that last disaster.
                        It's interesting what he wrote. Although Sam got more character development in SG-1 than any woman in the franchise, in the end, she still was third and sometimes fourth string in the team. And Sam in SGA was not developed well. As for Teyla, her character's development was disappointing. She was relegated to the backburners worse than Teal'c as the token alien resident. It would have been interesting to have seen how they would have developed her arc in S4 if RL wasn't pregnant. They were planning to explore her darkside, which they ultimately did but only in Missing and Kindred I. I guess perhaps the original arc would have remained the same with Michael taking the Athosians and Teyla turning dark to try and get her people back.

                        I so wish we´d gotten that storyline

                        Originally posted by Skylore View Post
                        Oh, for a non McShep, Shep turned dog fic... Dog Day by kashkow

                        Ate too much so I can't seem to sleep. I'm catching up with season 4's disc 2. Found this in the blooper segment.

                        spoilered for size?
                        Sorry quality not so good. Can't figure out how to get sharper images out of my caps.
                        That´s a cute pic
                        and thanks for the link

                        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                        Most of it was from memory. It was only really seasons 4 and (especially) 5, which I realise I have not re-wacthed as often. where my memory needed a bit of a boost - hence checking the GW transcripts.

                        I think Jason told a story about that at a convention, didn't he? I seem to recall watching a vid of it online... and him cllaiming that Joe had told him if Jason injured himself and got in trouble with the producers, Joe was gonna deny all knowledge and claim he was never there!

                        Not that anyone would believe him, after all, he got the blame when Jason was partying all night, even though Joe himself didn´t even know their house was full of ppl (good earplugs , LOL)

                        I really wish these two work together again, they´re a great team

                        Doing the list brought me to a rather sad realisation... that I have really only rewatched Season 4 eps a couple of times and Season 5... I think most of them I have only watched them the once, when they were first aired. Earlier season eps I could practically quote half the script but later seasons... I guess my love was waning a bit...
                        You´re not the only one

                        Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
                        picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


                          Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                          I kind of thought
                          they'd either film them together or one right after the other - save time getting the crew and overlapping stars together. I just wish they'd give us more info straight up, instead of dancing around the issue.
                          I'm not sure
                          they have an answer to give. They can't make plans until MGM says they can. I have no idea what MGM is waiting on. Imagine how frustrating it must be to the cast and crew.
                          Sig by Luciana
                          My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                            Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                            I'm not sure
                            they have an answer to give. They can't make plans until MGM says they can. I have no idea what MGM is waiting on. Imagine how frustrating it must be to the cast and crew.
                            I'm just worried
                            if they delay too long the actorrs may either be unavailable or so fed up they won't want to be a part of it. From the sounds of it, people have been approached, but there's nothing in writing.


                              Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                              I'm not sure
                              they have an answer to give. They can't make plans until MGM says they can. I have no idea what MGM is waiting on. Imagine how frustrating it must be to the cast and crew.

                              I totally agree they should finally get their date going. Didn´t JM kinda say not too long ago that "next week" he´ll have a production date? Well, hopefully? guess that was a bust

                              Last edited by SheppAddictedFangirl; 10 June 2009, 12:05 PM.

                              Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
                              picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


                                Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                                I'm just worried
                                if they delay too long the actorrs may either be unavailable or so fed up they won't want to be a part of it. From the sounds of it, people have been approached, but there's nothing in writing.
                                Oh, I agree,
                                though I'm not sure they would be fed up. They know what the business is like. Plus, I think they appreciate the fan base and know we are almost as anxious as they are (if not more!) for a movie. Here's hoping for some good news soon.
                                Sig by Luciana
                                My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics

