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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
    I think the article I saw in the NYT commented that SciFi cannot be trademarked because it is a 'generic' term while SyFy can be - and apparently they think it's time for a re-branding. (I give them a little credit - they do realize that there are women who watch the channel, but was interesting to see subscriptions are down).
    Subscriptions down, eh? I made a dent!


      OT, but - my daughter's calling our eminently whumpable hottie 'teh Sheppeh'... She's 10 and I forgive her...
      LOL Sheps. Hm.
      Last edited by Strey; 16 March 2009, 06:12 PM.


        Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
        I think the article I saw in the NYT commented that SciFi cannot be trademarked because it is a 'generic' term while SyFy can be - and apparently they think it's time for a re-branding. (I give them a little credit - they do realize that there are women who watch the channel, but was interesting to see subscriptions are down).
        I'm not surprised by the lower subscriptions. The content is about 98% drivel now that SGA is gone. That's not going to change anytime soon, either, unless they pick up JF's idea (and, do it right).

        Originally posted by Strey View Post
        OT, but - my daughter's calling our eminently whumpable hottie 'teh Sheppeh'... She's 10 and I forgive her...
        That's so cute!


          Okay, it's been ages since I tried to post pics because my old computer was so slow. This one is a little swifter. Being random here...


            Not bad random set of pics, Lorr!


              Thank you! I'm glad I was able to post a couple. I love them all, but you can see the fear in the last one. JF does fear really well. He portrays it differently when it's in a human setting as opposed to the Wraith or mutant bugs in Vengeance.


                Quick flyby post. I haven't posted in here for a while! Hello to fellow whumpers. *waves*

                Random pics.

                Thanks to Jumble for the icon and siggy.
                My My Own Website


                  I know this is from last August, but for anyone who may not have seen it, or would like to read it again. This is a CinemaSpy interview with JF. It's worth reading.



                    Worn out from an afternoon of teaching lab (and arguing with students). Must think more about potential teacher!Shep whump.

                    Catch you guys on the flip side.


                      Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post

                      errr. Ladies?? PG!


                      [ *oh well.... do whatever you like!*

                      *fill in the blanks with whatever happens next ....*

                      Squonk *** hugs*** hope you feel better now, but boo about no GW. I don´t have it at work either Well, I would have.... but witnesses

                      Originally posted by Listy View Post
                      San I missed your post earlier about your dad I send hugs and well wishes your way sweetie!

                      Ih that had potential, why do we always end up waking up at the good bits I am seriously considering taking some nightall or something to knock me ou tlong enough to enjoy a full sheppy whump dream.... knowing my luck he would probably find a way to escape and avoid any decent whump, sometimes my mind is against me!!!

                      euuuggghhhhh!!!! children are just germ incubators, hope you don't suffer too much ;(

                      ITA, just when I think I can't be disappointed by JM any more he goes and proves me wrong yet again. I can't help feeling cheated and angry and to be honest his behaviour is not conducive to promoting a new show especially to loyal viewers who have invested time and money into a show and its characters.

                      Exactly, everyone's opinion counts esepcially if they can give a reason for the opinion and are not just saying it for the sake of saying something even if its not somethign you agree with if they are willing to quanitfy it then any adult should show respect.

                      Sounds like you are having a truly sucky day hun! well at least it can only get better!!
                      ITA! And yes, children ARE germ incubators!
                      Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                      thanks! I was just going to give it a wide berth, but I'll watch with the sound off, except the laughing.

                      I have worked with some of the most obnoxious, nasty, selfish people you could ever find, but I have always given props where they are due. If a person does a good job, I will say it no matter what I think of them personally.

                      I am getting less and less likely to bother with SGU. I've heard nothing more that inspires any level of excitment. I'll probably wait for it to go into syndication.
                      ITA, Lorr!
                      Originally posted by Sabine View Post
                      I think you're being too kind to Mallozzi. I would say BW fails at promoting the franchise, in that he tries to but does not always (often? ever?) succeed in generating any enthusiasm.
                      Mallozzi is in a whole other league. He is so busy with his personal issues concerning JF that MGM ended up with this video on their website that is missing one of the major selling-points of SGA - Joe Flanigan. He is immensely popular and appeals to all sorts of fans. It could only help SG's image to highlight JF's talent and charm in the video.
                      That kind of large and deliberate omission is more than just failing at PR. Entertainment must be a very tolerant business if people are allowed to let their petty personal feelings dictate how products are presented to potential buyers.
                      Originally posted by Steve Austin View Post
                      Good evening whumpers!

                      My day off would be over soon ...

                      Pocus and Squonk, you two feel better soon!!
                      And Thanks for the pics Blue and Pocus...

                      I love the caption in TDO, when he looses the glasses!

                      After that vid...all that is left is witness how JF gets a wooonderful, amazing, challenging role for his next project so they can see the piece of gold they actually had...

                      Thanks for the rec!

                      I'm glad it was useful, and I'm glad you did not have to go through the expectation you know? 'cause that was me, staring with a big smile in my face, waiting and then...nothing! bwah!!

                      Anyways, as I've said, let's just whish Joe's success finds no limits!!

                      Yeah! *raises hand*
                      Originally posted by lily View Post
                      I've been busy with other stuff and I need to do a lot of catch up with this thread.

                      I skimmed through the last few pages (I'll go back and read all the pages I've missed in the next few days).

                      Re: MGM vid

                      I haven't watched it yet. But it doesn't surprise me. I've never seen a lead actor been treated so poorly before.

                      Re: SGA movie

                      I have no idea whether it'll be done or not. And, to be honest, I don't care whether we ever get an SGA movie or not anymore... As long as we do get to see the SGA actors as regulars in other shows, I'm OK with it. I was pretty happy with season 5 up to and including The Queen (up to that point, the season only had one episode I didn't like much, just as the previous 4 seasons, where I liked 18 or 19 episodes out of 20). After The Queen, I loved/liked some episodes and absolutely hated others.
                      what pisses me off more about all this at this point is how TPTB have treated the fans and how SGA always get screwed up. But other than that... The movie will be just like a 2-parter episode, in my opinion (and there's no guarantee we won't get a continuation of the direction season 5 took especially since 5x09). Based on s5's direction, I doubt it'd be a movie with a strong plot and focused on John, Ronon, Rodney and Teyla with a side order of Woolsey, Carson, Radek, Todd and Lorne. And do I really want more of the kind of story telling we got in more than a half of season 5, following up the McKeller adventures and now also the Ronon&Amelia adventures? No, I don't. In my opinion, the writers destroyed the show after 5x08. I don't think I want to see the writers destroying it any further.

                      If the choice is between nothing (i.e. actors not getting anything new) and the SGA movie, I choose the SGA movie, because I rather watch them in something than in nothing. If the choice is between watching the actors in their new shows and watching them in an SGA movie, I have to say that I choose watching them in new projects.I rather see the actors in something else than in a 2-parter episode that continues what the writers did with SGA in most of s5.

                      I'm certainly FAR more excited about the possible projects the actors have talked about at the conventions than an SGA movie (even if an SGA movie ever gets made, I don't think there's much of a chance in hell they'll ever make a second movie). I'm especially excited about the projects the actors mentioned that could get Joe and David, and Joe and Jason working together (two different projects).
                      I rather see them working in those projects than in an SGA movie or anything that has to do with the Stargate PTB.

                      That's just my preference. I will always support SGA and any SGA movie. I'll watch it on TV and buy the DVD. But if given the choice...

                      Re: SGU

                      Not watching it. I never was interested in it. I'm not a fan of the franchise. I'm a fan of Atlantis. Period. TPTB can do whatever they want with SG-1, SGU and any other SG show. I won't watch anything Stargate related that is not SGA. I only care about Atlantis and won't be watching or reading about any other show they produce. I'll follow Joe Flanigan, David Hewlett, Rachel Luttrell and Jason Momoa in their future projects.
                      Originally posted by prion View Post
                      I watched MGM's vid on Goodbye Atlantis and it's really, really weird that they give all that time to Jewel staite (on show for one year) and zip to Joe Flanigan? Gah. I mean I like the rest of the cast but it really does a disservice to not even mention his name.
                      It's pathetic and so juvenile, IMO. MGM really need a swift kick up the pants for allowing such a glaring omission. If anyone finds an email addy, let me know because I'd love to email them with my complaint.
                      Originally posted by maggs View Post
                      Catching up and finally have a chance to post. I admit that I fully agree with Prion and all the others that have posted regarding JM's video.

                      Spoilered for my personal rant
                      I do always try to stay positive but that vid is just reprehensible. It could have so easily democratically included JF. JM could have mentioned Joe without gushing about how much he loves him. Seems childish on his part and the fact that MGM would post the video as is makes them seem like idiots. I am truly confounded.

                      I noticed that a few people have very innocently commented on JM's blog about the oversight and though I know many on this and the thunk thread avoid JM's blog I feel like we should take the time to do the same. I'm not saying we should flame him - just very logically point out the oversight. Just a thought...
                      I'm totally against any sort of flaming, and I won't personally post on JM's blog anymore, which is a shame really. I guess I just don't care about his opinions any more. Not after his silly JF snubbing and gushing Keller/Jewel stuff. It just is so sad, it's funny!
                      Originally posted by Lorr View Post

                      They wouldn't give a rat's a**.

                      Did you come to San Francisco for the day? You should have called! I think there is always a full moon here!

                      I absolutely loved JS in Firefly and can still watch her in it because the character is fixed in my mind.
                      New stuff, though, I doubt it. Nothing aganst JS, it's just the whole band taste left in my mouth after SGA is going to take a very long time to wash out.

                      Were the rest of the cast, except maybe DH, so disliked? Was something happening on set that we never heard about, even from all the fan set visits?

                      I think it might just add fuel to the flames. If we want to see more than 5 minutes of JF in the hypothetical movie, you'd have to be very polite. Punishment for voicing disappointment may be 120 minutes of McKeller and 6 minutes of team. *shudders* at the thought.
                      What a horrible thought! I think a lot has gone on we don't know or can't talk about online....
                      Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                      I know this is from last August, but for anyone who may not have seen it, or would like to read it again. This is a CinemaSpy interview with JF. It's worth reading.

                      Thank you! That's wonderful.
                      Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                      Worn out from an afternoon of teaching lab (and arguing with students). Must think more about potential teacher!Shep whump.

                      Catch you guys on the flip side.
                      teacher!Shep whump? I love it!


                        Originally posted by Lythisrose View Post
                        I do agree with you. Everything about how JM has handled this sucks lemons.
                        I tried to find an email on the MGM site to tell them what I thought about this vid, but couldn't. I would have thought someone would have noticed this and done some kind of "fix." Although, maybe not, these guys have never outdone themselves when it comes to promoting Atlantis.
                        If you still want to contact MGM Lythisrose here's a few email addresses you could try.

                        [email protected], [email protected], and lastly this is Mr. Cohen's address [email protected]

                        I haven't written yet but I might later today.


                          Originally posted by Astraldust View Post
                          If you still want to contact MGM Lythisrose here's a few email addresses you could try.

                          [email protected], [email protected], and lastly this is Mr. Cohen's address [email protected]

                          I haven't written yet but I might later today.
                          I've written to this email [email protected]


                            I gotta say, ITA on all that's been said. You guys are way better at wording things than I am, so I'll just say I think it's ridiculous and unprofessional from JM's side to exclude his leading man from it. In my head I keep making the comparison to RDA, and it keeps bugging me (pun unintended) that they obviously do not have the respect for Joe as they did for RDA, and the same actually counts for their characters story-wise

                            And thanks again my dear whumpers for your sweet words *huggles whumpers*

                            Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                            *sneezes on San's Shep clone* he should be well infected now. Let me know how high his temp goes. Mine is hovering around 101. Dr. said no decongestants because it will just slow things down. Hands San a box of Decongestants to use with clone! We don't want him to heal to quickly!
                            Go Shep, go lay in my bed and I'll give you some good TLC!

                            Hope you feeling better today Pocus?

                            Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                            I don't think I want to see or think about how much lower JM could sink.

                            After hearing JF talk, I understand that he could rub someone the wrong way - he's certainly opinionated about things, but even if I didn't agree with him, I'd have to respect him because he does give good reasons and back ups his opinion (or as one of my profs used to say, qualifies his opinion).

                            Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                            San´s Shep clone on his way back ...



                            you know what was missing in that ep? The guy suffered from a cold (the ONLY one on the base btw how´s THAT for a mystery? LOL) but never once blew his nose
                            Cheater !!
                            So true But Joe did do sneezing pretty well I thought

                            AND! We so need a gif of that sneeze!!
                            And stare at it for comfort when we're sick ourselves

                            you know, JF made no secret out of being Anti McKeller...
                            And, as some fans recently had to learn the hard way, that´s a big old "you don´t count"
                            Haha, so right!!!

                            Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                            So, between the washing, cleaning, flooding the kitchen... having to visit the lauderette (due to flooded kitchen) and a migraine, i didn't get a chance to come on here the weekend. And then i get to work today to find they've "fixed" the problem they'd had with the latest internet update and that once again, i've lost GW. Looks like for good this time
                            No GW anymore at work?!? That sucks
                            Sigs by me, CazzBlade, Luciana, csom, scifan, sgmajorshipper, x_stargatergirl_x and LJ's glaringcandle
                            Save Our Seeker!
                            LotS on LJ.


                              .morning whumpers..

                              quick stop to whish you all the best day!
                              off to catch up.

                              Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                              Thank you! I'm glad I was able to post a couple. I love them all, but you can see the fear in the last one. JF does fear really well. He portrays it differently when it's in a human setting as opposed to the Wraith or mutant bugs in Vengeance.
                              Ow! JF really knows how to fear, get angry, be funny, be in pain....*sighs* (not
                              Good day Lorr, thankas for the pics!, cool you can post them now.

                              Originally posted by Stargate78fan View Post
                              Quick flyby post. I haven't posted in here for a while! Hello to fellow whumpers. *waves*
                              Thanks to you too. *waves back*

                              Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                              Worn out from an afternoon of teaching lab (and arguing with students). Must think more about potential teacher!Shep whump.

                              Catch you guys on the flip side.
                              I'll be the first in the class Vect, just let me know.

                              Originally posted by SanGate View Post
                              I gotta say, ITA on all that's been said. You guys are way better at wording things than I am, so I'll just say I think it's ridiculous and unprofessional from JM's side to exclude his leading man from it. In my head I keep making the comparison to RDA, and it keeps bugging me (pun unintended) that they obviously do not have the respect for Joe as they did for RDA, and the same actually counts for their characters story-wise

                              And thanks again my dear whumpers for your sweet words *huggles whumpers*
                              Hey San!

                              have a nice day.

                              Ok, have to run!


                                ...morning whumpers..

                                quick stop to whish you all the best day!
                                off to catch up.

                                Hi Strey, hey:

                                sorry, not pushing anymore

                                Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                                Thank you! I'm glad I was able to post a couple. I love them all, but you can see the fear in the last one. JF does fear really well. He portrays it differently when it's in a human setting as opposed to the Wraith or mutant bugs in Vengeance.
                                Ow! JF really knows how to fear, get angry, be funny, be in pain....*sighs* (not
                                Good day Lorr, thankas for the pics!, cool you can post them now.

                                Originally posted by Stargate78fan View Post
                                Quick flyby post. I haven't posted in here for a while! Hello to fellow whumpers. *waves*
                                Thanks to you too. *waves back*

                                Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                                Worn out from an afternoon of teaching lab (and arguing with students). Must think more about potential teacher!Shep whump.

                                Catch you guys on the flip side.
                                I'll be the first in the class Vect, just let me know.

                                Originally posted by SanGate View Post
                                I gotta say, ITA on all that's been said. You guys are way better at wording things than I am, so I'll just say I think it's ridiculous and unprofessional from JM's side to exclude his leading man from it. In my head I keep making the comparison to RDA, and it keeps bugging me (pun unintended) that they obviously do not have the respect for Joe as they did for RDA, and the same actually counts for their characters story-wise

                                And thanks again my dear whumpers for your sweet words *huggles whumpers*
                                Hey San!

                                have a nice day.

                                Ok, have to run!

