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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by SGAFan View Post

    WHumping... I think I might be met with intervention and padded rooms if that tibit came to light.. LOL

    Character development! LOL! Love that!

    Yeah me too. It's so hard to explain to someone why it's such a turn on to see a hottie get whumped! And even though I might attempt to explain the character development and the way it challenges the actor, how do I explain that it's only for the hot guys? Who cares if the female is challenged? Or if the ugly guy has character development? See the problem?
    Best to keep it to myself
    Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007


      Originally posted by Salty View Post
      Yeah me too. It's so hard to explain to someone why it's such a turn on to see a hottie get whumped! And even though I might attempt to explain the character development and the way it challenges the actor, how do I explain that it's only for the hot guys? Who cares if the female is challenged? Or if the ugly guy has character development? See the problem?
      Best to keep it to myself
      See what you mean. Big, big problem. And here's how much I'm stressing over it ----->


        Originally posted by Salty View Post
        Yeah me too. It's so hard to explain to someone why it's such a turn on to see a hottie get whumped! And even though I might attempt to explain the character development and the way it challenges the actor, how do I explain that it's only for the hot guys? Who cares if the female is challenged? Or if the ugly guy has character development? See the problem?
        Best to keep it to myself
        Ah, see, whump is one of my guilty pleasures in life. I only share it with my fellow whumpers. Explanations only litter up the enjoyment. If someone has to ask, they wouldn't understand. And I kinda like having a secret hobby. Somehow it makes it more fun.

        Is that weird?
        Sig by Luciana
        My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


          Agh. I walked home from work with story writing merrily in my head. When I got home, I found that my husband had set up my new computer - the one that refused to boot up last week after I got it, but has since been back to the shop and been "fixed." I sit down to use it... find that all the settings are wrong. I'm fussy about such things, so had to restore all my custom colours before I could look at the screen without it hurting my eyes, and then had to copy over all my autocorrects etc. I then had to restart for some reason... and it refused to boot up.

          Meanwhile, all the story that was in my head, desperate to get out, has... slowly... withered... away... and... died. Words all gone now.


            Originally posted by rhymer View Post
            Agh. I walked home from work with story writing merrily in my head. When I got home, I found that my husband had set up my new computer - the one that refused to boot up last week after I got it, but has since been back to the shop and been "fixed." I sit down to use it... find that all the settings are wrong. I'm fussy about such things, so had to restore all my custom colours before I could look at the screen without it hurting my eyes, and then had to copy over all my autocorrects etc. I then had to restart for some reason... and it refused to boot up

            Meanwhile, all the story that was in my head, desperate to get out, has... slowly... withered... away... and... died. Words all gone now.
            Yikes - for both your computer and losing a story!


              Originally posted by rhymer View Post
              Agh. I walked home from work with story writing merrily in my head. When I got home, I found that my husband had set up my new computer - the one that refused to boot up last week after I got it, but has since been back to the shop and been "fixed." I sit down to use it... find that all the settings are wrong. I'm fussy about such things, so had to restore all my custom colours before I could look at the screen without it hurting my eyes, and then had to copy over all my autocorrects etc. I then had to restart for some reason... and it refused to boot up.

              Meanwhile, all the story that was in my head, desperate to get out, has... slowly... withered... away... and... died. Words all gone now.
              Oh no! Tell me they aren't dead, Jim. Maybe we can coax them back to life...


              Sig by Luciana
              My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                Indeed. I know it's not exactly the same issue, but that's what I got very strongly out of Remnants.
                A lot of people across the fandom were saying how this showed how messed up and tormented Sheppard is, just barely avoiding cracking up completely under the weight of his endless misery, but I saw it as precisely the opposite. I saw it as someone who does feel guilty, yes, and who does blame himself for "failing" others, even if he actually did everything he could... but, ultimate, I think it showed a survivor. He hallucinated torture, yes, but he hallucinated standing up to it so much that his torturer said he'd never seen anything so strong, and he hallucinated escaping and breaking free. A truly broken man would have hallucinated the torture and just given into it.
                Absolutely 100% agree - watched it again the other day and that's the conclusion i came too as well.

                Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                oooh, just found this on the thunk thread
                re Joe´s career ...
                Thanks for that! So he could have something in the pipeline working with David AND something with Jason too. Cool!

                Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                Actually, it has already been written very close to that, by STEALTH DRAGON
                Castles in the Sky * complete, too

                Thanks for the link!

                I've been reading this at work because by some small miracle FanFiction is no longer blocked! So i'm marginally saner now.

                Originally posted by Lythisrose View Post
                Another twitter from DH!
                And thanks for that too.

                Something else i discovered isn't blocked is dgeek - i think they're going by url where forums are concerned, so if there's "forum" in the address, it gets blocked. The dgeek forums do not have "forum" in the address and i reckon that's how it's escaped - DH is a clever clever boy.

                Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                Is it bad I am thinking about going to the Chicago con to see Joe again? Maybe if I have luck with my summer teaching assignments...
                Uh.... NO!! I'm thinking about seeing Joe again, and i don't even know when or if that will happen again! lol

                Originally posted by SanGate View Post
                Morning whumpers!

                BUSTED yesterday morning You probably know where this is going I had turned my computer on yesterday morning, and went away for breakfasy. So I hear my mum enter my room, realising that I had not touched it for more than 10 mins So I had to get dressed to get to uni, and walked below the stairs, not hearing a single stir coming from my room... hmmm... *alarm bells going off* I had a huge grin on my face so I had to walk a round through the house first Then I went up, peeked around the door, and saw her standing in front of my computer watching As I came in, she gave me a look and said 'right..' then walked out She knows I'm weird. Better not to ask questions I think me demanding to see NCIS' SWAK on Sunday evening with serious Tony whump gave me away as well
                D'OH!! Mind you, sounds like she had a good old gawk before you walked in if she was up there that long.

                Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                Hee! I think we need to campaign for an International Whump Awareness day, where we encourage people to run consciousness-raising events. Any whumper is the closet will be encouraged to come out to their families. ("Mum, Dad... I've got something to tell you. I... I... I'm a... whumper.")

                And think of all the fund-raising things we could do for the cause. Anyone for Sponsored Stagger?
                Well staggering is pretty much my default setting till about lunch time, so might as well get some money for it!

                Originally posted by Pocus View Post

                Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                We will whump him on the beaches, we will whump him on the landing grounds, we will whump him in the fields and in the streets, and we will never let him surrender.
                Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                But if we're on to wartime recruitment slogans...

                Women of Britain say "Whump!"
                Whump for victory!
                Careless whump costs lives
                Oh geez - you know i have to listen to that speech and pass those posters every day right?!

                Still, at least now i'll have some interesting thoughts when i see them! lol

                Dammit - now i've got "Run Rabbit" in my head - fancy reworking that?

                Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                Agh. I walked home from work with story writing merrily in my head. When I got home, I found that my husband had set up my new computer - the one that refused to boot up last week after I got it, but has since been back to the shop and been "fixed." I sit down to use it... find that all the settings are wrong. I'm fussy about such things, so had to restore all my custom colours before I could look at the screen without it hurting my eyes, and then had to copy over all my autocorrects etc. I then had to restart for some reason... and it refused to boot up.

                Meanwhile, all the story that was in my head, desperate to get out, has... slowly... withered... away... and... died. Words all gone now.
                Argh - bummer! Hope it comes back to you!
                The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                l My LJ l


                  Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                  Absolutely 100% agree - watched it again the other day and that's the conclusion i came too as well.

                  Thanks for that! So he could have something in the pipeline working with David AND something with Jason too. Cool!

                  Thanks for the link!

                  I've been reading this at work because by some small miracle FanFiction is no longer blocked! So i'm marginally saner now.

                  And thanks for that too.

                  Something else i discovered isn't blocked is dgeek - i think they're going by url where forums are concerned, so if there's "forum" in the address, it gets blocked. The dgeek forums do not have "forum" in the address and i reckon that's how it's escaped - DH is a clever clever boy.

                  Uh.... NO!! I'm thinking about seeing Joe again, and i don't even know when or if that will happen again! lol

                  D'OH!! Mind you, sounds like she had a good old gawk before you walked in if she was up there that long.

                  Well staggering is pretty much my default setting till about lunch time, so might as well get some money for it!


                  Oh geez - you know i have to listen to that speech and pass those posters every day right?!

                  Still, at least now i'll have some interesting thoughts when i see them! lol

                  Dammit - now i've got "Run Rabbit" in my head - fancy reworking that?

                  Argh - bummer! Hope it comes back to you!
                  Woohoo - you found something not blocked!!!


                    Random whump thought of the day - yes, this pooped into my head randomly - Sesame Street stuff. Anyone know the Rubber Duck song? Y'know, Ernie and Bert? Now change the lyrics/2-word refrain to 'drippy blood'...
                    'Drippy blood, dri-ppy blood, blood, drippy blood... '

                    Did I happen to mention perchance that I am an inveterate drippy blood whumper?


                      Well, my computer is working... for now. It refuses point blank to boot up when sitting in my computer's normal place - in a little niche in my desk, just nicely shuttle-sized - but when moved to the top of my desk, it works. How odd.

                      It is currently refusing to remember any of my passwords, and it refuses to let me set a sensible resolution for the desktop - i.e. one that doesn't result in a squashed Shep with a head that looks as if it's got squished in a clamp - but at least it's working, which is a start.

                      Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                      Oh no! Tell me they aren't dead, Jim. Maybe we can coax them back to life...

                      <snip for pics>
                      Ooh, very nice! The second one is actually remarkably relevant for the scene I'm trying to write.

                      Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                      Dammit - now i've got "Run Rabbit" in my head - fancy reworking that?
                      That rings a very strong bell, so I think I've probably already done it. I know I've done dozens of filks that I forgot to save, which are lost somewhere in the depths on this forum. I seem to remember it started, rather predictably, with "Run, Sheppy, run, Sheppy, run, run, run, do let the whumpers have fun, fun, fun."


                        Originally posted by Strey View Post
                        Random whump thought of the day - yes, this pooped into my head randomly - Sesame Street stuff. Anyone know the Rubber Duck song? Y'know, Ernie and Bert? Now change the lyrics to 'drippy blood'...
                        Drippy blood, dri-ppy blood, blood, drippy blood...
                        I don't know that song... but for some reason your post has put the Monty Python spam song into my head: "Lovely whump! Wonderful whump!... Whump, whump, whump, whump, whump, whump, whump, whump... "


                          Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                          Woohoo - you found something not blocked!!!

                          Now i've got a very bare LJ, FF, imdb, dgeek, wikipedia and yahoo (so long as i stick to email and the news). But not a hell of a lot else.

                          Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                          I don't know that song... but for some reason your post has put the Monty Python spam song into my head: "Lovely whump! Wonderful whump!... Whump, whump, whump, whump, whump, whump, whump, whump... "
                          Of course, there's the Medicinal Love Song - full of whump, but not sure i'm so keen on the thought of Sheppy suffering from those sorts of things...

                          We could rework that to something more palatible!

                          As for the rubber ducky song
                          Sheppy, Sheppy,
                          you're the one,
                          You make whumping
                          so much fun!
                          Sheppy, Sheppy,
                          I'm awfully fond of you...

                          link to the rubber ducky song for the uninitiated.
                          Last edited by Squonk; 10 March 2009, 11:56 AM.
                          The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                          l My LJ l


                            Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                            I don't know that song... but for some reason your post has put the Monty Python spam song into my head: "Lovely whump! Wonderful whump!... Whump, whump, whump, whump, whump, whump, whump, whump... "
                            Yeah, but - 'Whump, whump, whump, whump, whump, whump, intubation, green infirmary sheets, heroic staggering without the whump, please!' Uh? Gimme a bloody break!

                            Oh, do google the Rubber Duck song. It's the best! Takes some keeping up with, mind you.


                              Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                              Of course, there's the Medicinal Love Song - full of whump, but not sure i'm so keen on the thought of Sheppy suffering from those sorts of things...

                              We could rework that to something more palatible!
                              Ah, memories of my old Monty Python Sings cassette...

                              There would be, of course, the song "A man called Sheppard", theme of the movie "The Life of Sheppard." ("He's not a colonel; he's a very naughty boy.")

                              I can't work out how to make Eric the Half-a-bee work, though, since I don't fancy bissecting as a fate for Shep.

                              "I'm a whumper lass and I'm okay / I whump all night and I whump all day"

                              "Every Shep is sacred / Every Shep is good / Every Shep is needed / With his drippy blood."


                                Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                                "Every Shep is sacred / Every Shep is good / Every Shep is needed / With his drippy blood."

                                "Let the whumpers whip him on mountain hill and vale
                                God shall strike them down for each whump that's lost in vain!"
                                The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                                l My LJ l

