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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Pocus View Post
    **waves at Lorr**

    I've been napping, doing laundry, reading SGAFan's fic, napping, doing laundry, reading SGAFAn's fic.

    Now I have to figure out dinner.
    hehehe.. hope you liked it!

    *waves* its dang cold outside (just drove home) its about 3 degrees above zero and only getting colder. They're predicting -16 by Friday night.

    Where's my Shep clone when I need him?
    My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


      Monday all over again tomorrow. Moanday is right, Pocus. LOL

      Stay warm, SGAFan and everyone in the colder latitudes. (((HUGS)))


        wow... quiet. LOL *waves at Lorr and anyone around*

        Time to go bundle up under my covers and go to sleep. Night Whumpers! *hugs*
        My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


          Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
          As for Infection tags, hm, I tried one ... don´t slaughter me though Just a filler until the real writers have time/mercy with us

          I'm looking forward to reading that!

          Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
          Totally OT but
          I just finished with S-2 of "Torchwood". They whump the crap out of all their characters, especially Capt. Jack. Only thing with him is.....he can't die. He can't even suffer...much.

          the whole not being able to die thing is a double edged sword - on one hand you can go to town on him and know that if he dies, he'll just come back and you can start again! But on the other hand - he can't die! It's just not the same as whumping a mortal...

          Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
          doin good, just COLD! turned the heat up. *winces at the thought of her next power bill...*
          Glad you're doing ok!

          Heating - ah yes, i remember that.... someone who shall remain nameless still hasn't got ours sorted... and that same someone has also given me his cold!

          Originally posted by Pocus View Post
          My thought....
          Cut the romance give us whump. I do think that more people enjoy the action than romance. Not that there isn't room for it. It is a natural part of human interactions. I don't mind a bit of it, but there is a place for it and for me it isn't when their lives are literally crashing down around them. Give some action so you can have the romance in the infirmary.
          Absolutely! My thoughts exactly!

          Originally posted by Pocus View Post
          Spray cleaner without proper ventilation and need to be intubated from lung damage
          My sister did this one but without the intubation. She burned the lining of her lungs, lost her voice and needed to be on antibiotics for a long while.
          Yee gods! Glad she's ok now!

          Righto, off to die slowly do some work *le sigh*
          The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

          l My LJ l


            Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
            hehehe.. hope you liked it!

            *waves* its dang cold outside (just drove home) its about 3 degrees above zero and only getting colder. They're predicting -16 by Friday night.

            Where's my Shep clone when I need him?
            I loved it. Left you a comment.

            Stay warm!! Sounds like you will need to.

            Squonk stay warm too. Think of a whumped Shep! That may help get the blood moving!!


              Originally posted by Pocus View Post
              Yes she has. It was years ago when her youngest was little. She tried to clean a high chair in the bathroom with a strong cleaner and the fumes got her. A lesson she will not let anyone else forget. I know I won't.

              Night all! Time to get ready for Moanday (as it is known in this house)
              Good grief! What sort of cleaner was it that it could do all that damage? How frightening to think fumes could do that?

              Hmmmm, Shep's taking a swim in the newly discovered Atlantis pool... and is overcome by chlorine fumes as Woolsey ordered the pool to be chlorinated to fit in with health and safety regs and someone got the quantities wrong! It'd be nice to see Shep flat on his back needing intubating while wearing his swimming gear!


                Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                Good grief! What sort of cleaner was it that it could do all that damage? How frightening to think fumes could do that?

                Hmmmm, Shep's taking a swim in the newly discovered Atlantis pool... and is overcome by chlorine fumes as Woolsey ordered the pool to be chlorinated to fit in with health and safety regs and someone got the quantities wrong! It'd be nice to see Shep flat on his back needing intubating while wearing his swimming gear!

                which is not good since I am supposed to be leaving for work!


                  Originally posted by Pocus View Post

                  which is not good since I am supposed to be leaving for work!

                  Maybe you could tell the kiddies a nice little story about the dangers of swimming alone? Poor handsome, buff Lt.Col John Sheppard ... all alone in that bad swimming pool wearing his very clingy swimming shorts. Nice doctor Beckett has run in and give him oxygen and sadly stick a nasty old tube down John's throat to help him to breathe. If only John had not gone swimming alone and had taken Rodney and Ronon with him he wouldn't have found himself in such a dangerous position. Sadly if he had taken them with him us whumpers wouldn't now be day dreaming about it! I really need to get out more!


                    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                    Good grief! What sort of cleaner was it that it could do all that damage? How frightening to think fumes could do that?

                    Hmmmm, Shep's taking a swim in the newly discovered Atlantis pool... and is overcome by chlorine fumes as Woolsey ordered the pool to be chlorinated to fit in with health and safety regs and someone got the quantities wrong! It'd be nice to see Shep flat on his back needing intubating while wearing his swimming gear!
                    I wake up and read this?? Now my mind is total mush and well, can't count on it for anything productive today. Thanks.

                    BRR!! It's cold out here today! Yesterday it was 40 degrees, now its 3 degrees with windchills of -23. Gotta love winter, which, astronomically speaking, hasn't even started yet. Yup, think I'm just gonna curl up with some hot apple cider and watch some classic whump eppys today.


                      Spoilered for SGU off-topicness
                      I promised myself I'd never go in the SGU folder again, and I haven't been in in months But I saw somebody reading a thread about who they've cast

                      No, no, no, no, no! Aparantly they've cast Robert Carlyle!! He plays a Blade in The Full Monty, he's a legend! Please don't taint him with SGU It's been reported in several places though

                      What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                        Morning Whumpers!

                        Wow it's eyes are barely focusing.

                        It is fairly warm here today.....we're expecting rain. Again.

                        I didn't get to watch any more whump yesterday.....been getting rid of stuff in case we have to move.

                        I am off to catch up.



                          Oh my.........just the thought of a bathing suit.....did I mention wet?....and needing medical mind will be on that for the rest of the day. **fans self**

                          How about white shirt Shep in S&R? Could someone put that 'cap up? Pwease?

                          Self-Whump.......I did the allergic to dust thing with moving stuff. My eyes are not happy and my throat is scratchy. Hubby has even MORE stuff he's moving and going through....and he's kicking up more dust. Ack!



                            Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                            Spoilered for SGU off-topicness
                            I promised myself I'd never go in the SGU folder again, and I haven't been in in months But I saw somebody reading a thread about who they've cast

                            No, no, no, no, no! Aparantly they've cast Robert Carlyle!! He plays a Blade in The Full Monty, he's a legend! Please don't taint him with SGU It's been reported in several places though

                            Er, who?

                            I saw that all over LJ. He was in 24: Redemption (and was good), but I don't think I know him otherwise (haven't seen The Full Monty). What else has he been in?
                            Sig by Luciana
                            My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                              About SGU
                              has Robert Carlyle been confirmed or is that just a rumor? I think Carlyle has also been in "Angela's Ashes", which is soooo depressing and I remember seeing after surgery in a haze of pain meds (hubby thought it would cheer me up!). "Full Monty" has already been mentioned. Let me think of what else.

                              Back to cleaning out stuff. *sigh*



                                Originally posted by Linzi View Post

                                Maybe you could tell the kiddies a nice little story about the dangers of swimming alone? Poor handsome, buff Lt.Col John Sheppard ... all alone in that bad swimming pool wearing his very clingy swimming shorts. Nice doctor Beckett has run in and give him oxygen and sadly stick a nasty old tube down John's throat to help him to breathe. If only John had not gone swimming alone and had taken Rodney and Ronon with him he wouldn't have found himself in such a dangerous position. Sadly if he had taken them with him us whumpers wouldn't now be day dreaming about it! I really need to get out more!
                                Nie thought to wake up to. I woke up this morning with no heat -@#$% batteries in the thermostat died - which meant the heat shut off. It's not extreme, but almost enough to make me want to dive back under the covers instead of getting ready for school - where I have to proctor my students' final.

