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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
    Okay _ I will see what I can do !!!!! hehehehe!!!!

    that is sooooooooooo funny!!!!!!!! I knew there was a reason I was doing all those badges!

    I started life as a Kelpie so maybe the mix of the two is similar to being a pixie?

    I guess there wasnt an intubation badge????

    Actually I took my brothers stamp collection in order to get a collectors badge
    Brownies and Guides were expected to construct what they needed from what they found around them *remembers making a stretcher from 2 coats and 2 broom handles- those were the days sigh*..., sooooooo, I suppose we could always have made an intubation kit from a balloon, some rubber garden hose, an old gas mask and sticky tape!!!!...Do you think I would have got my badge for that.....

    my fan fiction place


      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
      *Ahem* I direct your attention to ye WASP Oath of yore... though it has fallen into disuse in recent years, there are yet those of us on the thread who remember swearing our allegiance...

      Place your right hand on the SG: Atlantis Season 1 Episode Guide and repeat after me:

      "I [insert name], do solemnly swear to uphold the whump to the best of my ability... to read and/or write [delete as applicable], swoon over and generally bask in whumpy fanfic... to seek out and post for the enjoyment of others whumpy pictures of one Lt. Col. John Sheppard... to devote the majority of my spare time to discussing issues of whumpage on this forum... and to generally and specifically promote the cause of Shep-whumpage wheresoever I may go... in the name of the ancestors, forever until ascension, so there."

      YEA!!! The WASP oath!!! Lauriel and I joined at the same time last year. Or was that two years ago??? *feels like a bad whumper for not knowing*

      Brownies? I was one of those. And a girl scout. I got lots of badges, but alas, no whump badge. I think I would've excelled in that one.


        Originally posted by bebop View Post
        Brownies and Guides were expected to construct what they needed from what they found around them *remembers making a stretcher from 2 coats and 2 broom handles- those were the days sigh*..., sooooooo, I suppose we could always have made an intubation kit from a balloon, some rubber garden hose, an old gas mask and sticky tape!!!!...Do you think I would have got my badge for that.....
        You're completely nuts! But in the best possible way!

        My desert island whump? A combination of S and R and 38 Minutes... I can't choose between them!

        I want a badge too!

        Can I have a surgery badge? I'm sure I could dig a bullet out of Shep's left arm out in the wild woods of the Pegasus Galaxy!


          Originally posted by bebop View Post
          Brownies and Guides were expected to construct what they needed from what they found around them *remembers making a stretcher from 2 coats and 2 broom handles- those were the days sigh*..., sooooooo, I suppose we could always have made an intubation kit from a balloon, some rubber garden hose, an old gas mask and sticky tape!!!!...Do you think I would have got my badge for that.....
          Oh I think that would be just fine!!!!


            Originally posted by rhymer View Post
            I suddenly had a horrible thought: mushroom brownies. I'm staying next week with a friend who loves cooking brownies, and loves putting odd things in them (she's made chili brownies, and keeps meaning to make edible-bug brownies). I'm sure that if she were reading this, mushroom brownies would be on the menu next week.

            Are you sure that's our fault? Absolutely sure?
            That's hilarious, because I was thinking the same thing. Mushroom brownies could be used in different ways.

            Sheppy and team go off planet and meet the habitants who want Shep to take place in a welcoming ritual. Please take this mushroom brownie, it will make you one with the spirits. A few hours later after all the hallucinations are gone, they are now welcomed traders. *sorry if I repeated what anyone said*

            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
            *Ahem* I direct your attention to ye WASP Oath of yore... though it has fallen into disuse in recent years, there are yet those of us on the thread who remember swearing our allegiance...

            Place your right hand on the SG: Atlantis Season 1 Episode Guide and repeat after me:

            "I [insert name], do solemnly swear to uphold the whump to the best of my ability... to read and/or write [delete as applicable], swoon over and generally bask in whumpy fanfic... to seek out and post for the enjoyment of others whumpy pictures of one Lt. Col. John Sheppard... to devote the majority of my spare time to discussing issues of whumpage on this forum... and to generally and specifically promote the cause of Shep-whumpage wheresoever I may go... in the name of the ancestors, forever until ascension, so there."
            I remember that. Thanks for posting that Ali.

            Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
            YEA!!! The WASP oath!!! Lauriel and I joined at the same time last year. Or was that two years ago??? *feels like a bad whumper for not knowing*

            Brownies? I was one of those. And a girl scout. I got lots of badges, but alas, no whump badge. I think I would've excelled in that one.
            Hey I was a brownie and girl scout too. Though I don't think I still have my uniform. Maybe my mom does though. It would probably just fit on my head for a nice hat.

            Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
            AVI by *ERIKA*


              Originally posted by bebop View Post
              Brownies and Guides were expected to construct what they needed from what they found around them *remembers making a stretcher from 2 coats and 2 broom handles- those were the days sigh*..., sooooooo, I suppose we could always have made an intubation kit from a balloon, some rubber garden hose, an old gas mask and sticky tape!!!!...Do you think I would have got my badge for that.....
              Imagine what the Blue Peter presenters would have made of that. Sticky back plastic, and all. And yogurt pots. They always seemed to come into things somehow.

              Though Blue Peter makes me think of "down, Shep!" which suddenly takes on a whole new, different meaning...


                Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                Imagine what the Blue Peter presenters would have made of that. Sticky back plastic, and all. And yogurt pots. They always seemed to come into things somehow.

                Though Blue Peter makes me think of "down, Shep!" which suddenly takes on a whole new, different meaning...


                  Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                  Imagine what the Blue Peter presenters would have made of that. Sticky back plastic, and all. And yogurt pots. They always seemed to come into things somehow.

                  Though Blue Peter makes me think of "down, Shep!" which suddenly takes on a whole new, different meaning...


                    Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post

                    Um... I don't see what's so un-PG about making a reference to a wounded Shep lying on the floor, desperately trying to get up and save the day, and being told, sternly, to lie down, Shep.

                    (positively glowing with virtuous innocence, me.)


                      Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                      Um... I don't see what's so un-PG about making a reference to a wounded Shep lying on the floor, desperately trying to get up and save the day, and being told, sternly, to lie down, Shep.

                      (positively glowing with virtuous innocence, me.)



                      Excuse me, you dropped something!!



                        Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                        You know, I am much in awe of you amazing spoiler-free folks, heroically resisting clicking on spoiler tags, and it seems such a shame that we're spending most of the time chatting about things you can't join in with. You're the updated version of medieval hermits, nobly and virtuously resisting the wiles of worldly temptation (which, I guess, makes the rest of us fallen women )

                        In the interests of providing spoiler-free conversation, what is everyone's Desert Island whump episode? Imagine you were stranded on a desert island, where you'd been washed up with trusty DVD player, and… er… managed to produce electricity using... er... coconuts and… er… monkey dung. Which one – only one – SGA episode would you take to help you pass the long years before rescue? (Only one, because all your other discs on your boxed sets got washed away in the tempest, and a passing piece of driftwood put a gouge over your one remaining DVD, so only one episode is viewable. You know, I bet the producers of Desert Island Discs never feel my obsessive need to rationalise the set-up)

                        Also, while you're at it, what one thing would you most like to happen to Shep if he happened to end up washed up on the shore of a desert island? (A different one from you, I hasten to add. This is a PG forum)
                        Ok this depends, would it be an official SGA disc or one single episode, because if its one single episode it would be 38 minutes, but if it was a disc I would go for S&R because The Seed would be on the same disc so double whump

                        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                        My one Desert Island Shep whump ep? It's a toss up between 38 Minutes and S&R. I'm going to have to go with.... S&R.

                        The one thing I'd like to have happen to Shep if he happened to end up washed up on the shore of a desert island..? Catch a tropical fever and spend a few days sweating and shivering and delirious .
                        oooo yes I wants that for Shep toooo

                        Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                        wow thanks, got your message OT
                        my biggest problem is there's only 4 of us in the office and it's a seperate building to the rest of the organisation so it'll be pretty obvious who called. I may have a word with my boss though, tell him it's a serious issue. If that doesn't work i'll go to the Union.

                        I do have pics, but i'd have to wait till i got home to access them. It's only in the loo, which is tiny, so you have to get very close to them to use the loo which just grosses me out. I'm guessing it's a bigger problem tbh, it's an old building and they found a big leak in there the last time it happened.

                        Soooo - Shep whumped by mushrooms anyone? lol
                        He could hallucinate, get bad poisoning, nearly die - it could be fun!
                        sheppy hallucinating on mushrooms, hilarious!! I would love to read a fic about that jsut for the comedy value

                        Originally posted by prion View Post
                        Oh man, which episode would I bring? I'd have to say... "RIsing," cuz I get two hours and it does give us Shep. Or "38 Minutes" if you're gonna be picky

                        Meanwhile, I'm sitting there minding my own business, having my slave monkeys crack open my coconuts and fan me with palm fronds (and in payment, I pick insects off them and comb their hair), when all of a sudden, a hunk of wood, I mean, a hunk washes ashore. Does he need artificial respiration? Okay, can try it until he pushes me away and moans "ack, clingy fans!" And then... oh wait, he's on a different island, like a stone's throw away? or really far away? Oh, I'm not in the scenario? Geez...grumble grumble...

                        Okay, shep washes up, all alone, battered but not broken, but we'll take care of that in short order. He decides to spear himself some food and oh yeah, he lost his boots somewhere in the water, so he steps on say, oh, a stonefish. besides excruciating agony, I suppose he's rife for all sorts of infection (I won't give him necrotizing fascitis after reading the treatment for that!), and well, if not that, he can always fall out of a tree trying to collect coconuts (all islands have coconuts - it's a law of tv physics) or he gets bonked partially on the noggin with one, concussing him badly, maybe giving him temporary blindness, or hallucinations about rodney stomping around moaning about no electricity or worse, seductive alien princesses on a nearby island beckoning him over but there's a huge man-eating whale in between the islands, blocking him.

                        or he eats the wrong part of a fish and gets paralyzed, and then the crabs spy him and think "dinner!" so while he's lying there paralyzed, but totally aware, the crabs are pinching his toes.

                        and oh, lunch hour over, that's it for my scenarios...
                        mmmmmmm sounds fun, mmmmm feet..... wait no no no no, no crabs pinching his toes... can Listy's pinch his toes instead ?

                        Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                        So you were a gnome? There goes my theory that all whumpers were pixies. You appear to have won lots of whumper badges, anyway. My only interpretation of the top one is that it's the "shutting your Shep in a cage" badge, and the one under it seems to be the "hitting him over the head with a saucepan" badge. Then there's the "doing unnatural things with scissors" badge, and the "setting ferocious felines on him" badge. There's the "giving him a nice cup of tea and cossetting him after the whump" badge, and the "writing whumpy stories" badge, and finally, the first aid badge. See? Whump, every one of them.
                        Makes me kind of wish I had been a brownie....... I could have gotten a Shep comfort badge for sure, I would loving mop his brow and pour antiseptic on his wounds altough I may miss one so that I can get my caring for Sheppy with a infection badge

                        Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                        Imagine what the Blue Peter presenters would have made of that. Sticky back plastic, and all. And yogurt pots. They always seemed to come into things somehow.

                        Though Blue Peter makes me think of "down, Shep!" which suddenly takes on a whole new, different meaning...
                        *chokes on coffee*

                        Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                        Um... I don't see what's so un-PG about making a reference to a wounded Shep lying on the floor, desperately trying to get up and save the day, and being told, sternly, to lie down, Shep.

                        (positively glowing with virtuous innocence, me.)
                        oh yeah totally what I was thinking.....*adjusts halo*


                          Originally posted by sherryw View Post
                          Speaking of impalement I was looking for a fic, maybe one of you can point me to it. It's when Shep is in a certain area of the city when a dart crashes into it. He's impaled and stuck in a room with the wraith pilot. Does anyone recognize this fic?
                          I've read that! It was great ... but it was before I started saving fics so I can't remember who wrote it or what it was called

                          Oo, I was a pixie too

                          What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                            Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                            Excuse me, you dropped something!!

                            Not me. It must belong to someone else. My halo's still firmly in place, and has been there for many, many years. *beams innocently*

                            Originally posted by Listy View Post
                            Ok this depends, would it be an official SGA disc or one single episode, because if its one single episode it would be 38 minutes, but if it was a disc I would go for S&R because The Seed would be on the same disc so double whump
                            Nah. That's cheating. The stray piece of passing driftwood (en route to impaling Shep on his island) gouges your disc and makes it so only one episode is viewable.

                            Originally posted by Listy View Post
                            oh yeah totally what I was thinking.....*adjusts halo*
                            Yes! You see? Nearly everyone on this thread is totally innocent, but certain people keep twisting their words and making shocking insinuations. Er... so I think. I don't understand them, being innocent.

                            Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                            Oo, I was a pixie too
                            Ooh, I think we've almost got enough for an entire Six now: the pixie-whumpers. ("Whump Shep, not pixies")

                            *slaps hand firmly and reminds self that is supposed to be writing at the moment*


                              I wasn't a brownie, or a guide or anything. No one would have me.


                                Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                                In the interests of providing spoiler-free conversation, what is everyone's Desert Island whump episode? Imagine you were stranded on a desert island, where you'd been washed up with trusty DVD player, and… er… managed to produce electricity using... er... coconuts and… er… monkey dung. Which one – only one – SGA episode would you take to help you pass the long years before rescue? (Only one, because all your other discs on your boxed sets got washed away in the tempest, and a passing piece of driftwood put a gouge over your one remaining DVD, so only one episode is viewable. You know, I bet the producers of Desert Island Discs never feel my obsessive need to rationalise the set-up)

                                Also, while you're at it, what one thing would you most like to happen to Shep if he happened to end up washed up on the shore of a desert island? (A different one from you, I hasten to add. This is a PG forum)
                                Desert Island disc - It's a toss up between CG and S&R.... CG is my favorite whump but it's not the whole ep.... So I'll choose S&R (which of course has a certain scene from The Shrine pasted onto the end).

                                As for poor Shep, when his jumper falls out of the sky, his ribs are cracked and he's very woozy. But the island he stumbles upon is inhabited by an extremely superstitious tribe who've only seen the Wraith fly in ships. Sheppard is on the run for his life, his injuries causing him to stagger heroically, until his team arrives.
                                Sig by Luciana
                                My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics

