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John Sheppard Whump

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    Hey peeps!!

    Congrats to any milestoners I have missed.

    (((hugs))) to those still affected by hurricanes and tropical storms, stay safe!!

    Originally posted by prion View Post
    With SGA biting the dust in January, Stargate Atlantis Action Figure Theater has put out another episode to satisfy the appetie of whumpers.

    So, toodle over to for the latest installment and duh, yes, of course, there's Shep whump
    awesome.....but eeeeeuuuuuuwwwwwwwwww!!!

    Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
    *sneaks on*

    Since we always talk about Shep and bugs. I thought I might tell you about the Spider that has invaded Liverpool... all 40 tonnes of it. I can just imagine, Sheppy waking up and seeing a spider that has crawled out of the construction holes that are scattered throughout the city.

    Anychance I can get Sheppy to rescue me from this replicatorspider?Apparantly it's heading into the heart of the city tomorrow!!! And she's due to have babies on Sunday!!!!

    *giggles* True story happening as we speak.
    I saw that on the news it looked truly awesome, I have to admit to wondering how Sheppy would react to it, I am guessing he wouldn't be too pleased

    Originally posted by rhymer View Post
    Yay! Another two recruited for our evil cult the noble cause.

    Now, onto silliness... We've done whumpy nursery rhymes here, but what about whumpy playground games? I was putting together a collection of books for a teacher on singing and dancing games, and I then amused myself during the rest of the morning (mostly spent putting together collections of books on Christmas! ) coming up with Shep whumpy versions. For example: (cut for silliness)

    Colonel Shep is falling down
    Two people make an arch. Everyone else staggers (heroically) in turn under the arch, as the two arch-makers slightly raise and lower their hands, as in Oranges and Lemons. Everyone sings:

    Colonel Shep is falling down,
    Falling down, falling down,
    Colonel Shep is falling down,
    Poor, whumped Sheppy!

    On the final "Shep", the arch is lowered, catching one of the people walking through. This person then has to suggest a way that Shep can be whumped. This becomes the second verse. e.g.

    Whump him with a scary bug,
    Vicious bug, scary bug,
    Whump him with a scary bug,
    Poor, whumped Sheppy!

    or Thump him hard with sticks and stones...
    or Put him under sheets of green...

    The remaining players have to stagger a little more with each verse, until everyone ends up "dead" on the floor.

    Sheppard's in a cell
    (Tune: The Farmer's in his Den)

    One person is chosen to be Sheppard. S/he slumps disconsolately in the centre of the ring of the other players, who dance round gloatingly, singing:

    Sheppard's in a cell,
    Sheppard's in a call,
    Eee! Ow! Eee! Ooh!
    Sheppard's in a cell.

    Shep wants a team... etc. (Four people are chosen to join Shep in the circle, to worry about him.)

    The team wants a doc...

    Doc wants a nurse...

    Nurse needs a bed...

    Bed needs some tubes...

    And so on until bored, although the last verse is:

    We all whump the Shep,
    We all whump the Shep,
    Eee! Ow! Eee! Ooh!

    Gah. It look like forever for me to be able to preview this post and check my tags (something I obsessively do for every single post. I really probably shouldn't bother), and lots more posts have appeared during this time. But - GRRR! - I can't view pics at work, so the Prodigal pics will have to wait.
    *giggles* Would love to see inside your head I think it would be so much fun

    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
    I just found this interview with Joe that Morjana kindly posted the link to. Now, the interview is very similar to the other recent one from IGN. But, it's the interviewer's comments about Joe I find so interesting.... and pretty spot on, in my opinion and from my limited experience of meeting and chatting to Joe!

    Here's the excerpt I'm talking about, with the link to the interview underneath. Makes interesting reading, IMO.


    Sheppard, Colonel Sheppard. The coolest Colonel in two galaxies. Or is he just a big dork?

    We found out in our chat with him on the set of Stargate:Atlantis.

    (Turns out not that much of a dork, to be perfectly honest.)

    Obviously with the recent news of SGA having its final full season with Season 5, the glory and the glamour of Atlantis will only return in movie-length form, so our trip to Vancouver now has something of a cherished, bittersweet feeling about it. What was interesting about meeting Flanigan was the way his onscreen persona and his off screen persona seemed to coincide. He's likeable, relaxed, easy going, yet underneath it all there's something a little bit more going on.

    There may be just a hint of the guy who know's he's smart, but is also smart enough not to lord it over ever one else (a la David Hewlitt's character, Rodney McKay) but there's also the strong streak of 'well, this is who I am, I'm reasonably happy with it, you can take it or leave it', which among actors is not a common trait. At all.So an interview has more in common with a bus stop chat than some kind of weird hypefest.

    Hopefully you'll soon get a feel for the real Colonel Sheppard, Joe Flanigan, and decide for yourself...

    Link to interview, thanks to Morjana:
    That is so good! I love those comments, thanks for the link
    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
    I forgot to mention earlier. I have a wonderful ficcie to rec. It's by our very own Kristen and is called "Black Water". Wonderful characterisations, exciting plot, and my oh my, gut wrenching Sheppy whump! Enjoy!
    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
    Another ficcie rec! I don't think this has been linked!

    Rhymer has written a wonderful Shep whumpy story and it deals with some issues from The Shrine. A very powerful read, IMO. It's called "Never say goodbye".

    Thanks for the rec's some new fic to read I can't wait and thanks to everyone for the links to some awesome fics I can't wait to re-read

    Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
    Hey there Whumpers!

    It's your favorite hurricane evader, home once again. We got home late last night. No damage to our house so we are extremely lucky. I hope all those other storms decide to go out in the Atlantic and die out.

    Just a short post......I have a ton of errands to run since we're back. I hope to have more time to catch up later.

    RUFFLES - thanks so much for the call! That made the stay away from home easier.

    Glad you are safe and well!

    Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
    Dont know if you have seen this video- the cast comment on the cancellation

    btw Whispers

    awesome eye whump Peggy!!!!! I think I also saw some little finger whump too!!! Okay Revels are on you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thanks for the link havebookmarked it because I can't get the damn vid to work, will try again later when I get chance and have more patience


      Originally posted by aboleyn24 View Post

      I think we are saying the same thing. I too know that there is no hope for a repreive. The decision has been made and that is that. I agree that it is a financial decision. I also know BW has to try and put a positive spin on it, but the condesending way he is doing it is creating more bad feeling than dispelling them. I think what I was trying to say and doing so poorly apparently is that a more heartfelt statement instead of the susy sunshine act might have been a less bitter pill to swallow. You can still put a positive spin on it without being so smarmy. I confess I will probably watch SGU at least the pilot and first or second ep. I will watch because I have loved both SG-1 and even more SGA so the fact that they have a good track record will earn the show a chance. When I find a writer, producer or actor that I really like and I see their name attached to a new project it does get my attention. I watched Firefly based on Joss Whedon alone and it became my favorite show of all time. But if a show isn't my cup of tea I won't stick with it. Intellectually I understand the decision. Emotionally I still reject it. I will probably always think poorly of BW and the way he has handled this, but I don't want to blame an entire cast and crew of a new show because of this. If its a good show and it captures my imagination I will watch because quite frankly my not watching accomplishes nothing. I don't have a Neilson box so if I watch or don't watch only affects me. If its not a show I care for no amount of Stargate in the title will retain me.
      I agree with you concerning BW. I think if he had been more honest with us things may have been slightly better.
      But the way it's been handled makes the whole thing feel like one big con. Listen all you SGA fans, we've cancelled your favourite show because we want our shiny new toy to be aired but if you're good little fans and buy plenty of DVD's when the SGA movie comes out, then we may reward you with more. Sounds a little like blackmail to me. What worries me is the fact that it will air on Scifi first, which means the movie will be free to, you know what, on the Net. Then it will go to DVD. How can they expect the sales to be as good as SG-1's movies??

      As for SGU, I'll reserve my judgment until after it comes out. I'm not saying that I won't watch it or I may end up with egg on my face but at the moment I just can't see that it will come anywhere near being as good as SGA. It has one important element missing for me and that's JF. I mean I loved watching SG-1 but it was just another scifi show for me. I never felt the need to join a forum or write a story around any of the characters. Then as late as Feb 2005, RTL2 in Germany announced that they would be showing the new Stargate show. I didn't even know there was one at that time. Anyway, hubby and I watched the pilot film and from that moment on I was hooked mainly because of Joe. I just can't see that happening again, especially if the cast are all fresh faced kids just out of college.


        Originally posted by aboleyn24 View Post

        I think we are saying the same thing. I too know that there is no hope for a repreive. The decision has been made and that is that. I agree that it is a financial decision. I also know BW has to try and put a positive spin on it, but the condesending way he is doing it is creating more bad feeling than dispelling them. I think what I was trying to say and doing so poorly apparently is that a more heartfelt statement instead of the susy sunshine act might have been a less bitter pill to swallow. You can still put a positive spin on it without being so smarmy. I confess I will probably watch SGU at least the pilot and first or second ep. I will watch because I have loved both SG-1 and even more SGA so the fact that they have a good track record will earn the show a chance. When I find a writer, producer or actor that I really like and I see their name attached to a new project it does get my attention. I watched Firefly based on Joss Whedon alone and it became my favorite show of all time. But if a show isn't my cup of tea I won't stick with it. Intellectually I understand the decision. Emotionally I still reject it. I will probably always think poorly of BW and the way he has handled this, but I don't want to blame an entire cast and crew of a new show because of this. If its a good show and it captures my imagination I will watch because quite frankly my not watching accomplishes nothing. I don't have a Neilson box so if I watch or don't watch only affects me. If its not a show I care for no amount of Stargate in the title will retain me.
        You said this so well that I don't have to now!!!

        Hope everyone is doing well. We are in for a nice, long, soaking, drenching, Tropical Storm Hanna. At least the winds aren't too bad. What a great excuse to stay home and read fanfic, play on the internet, watch Whispers, snuggle with my puppies.

        OT sad
        I am a bit sad today. It is the one year anniversary of saying good bye to my girl Snitch. The rain kinda reflects my mood for that.

        But I am going to be in a good mood anyway. I have decided!!!!

        Off to finish Rhymer's fic!!


          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
          Whispers, yes, I had another thought:
          Why did the hybrid wave around the light stick? If he/she is blind, how could he/she know it emitted light? So, firstly, how would they find it in the first place, and secondly, how would it know what its purpose was?
          Like Lorr said, Teldy stabbed the glo-stick into the hybrid's shoulder.

          Originally posted by Astraldust View Post
          And over on Scifi the latest video for The Queen ends with these words.

          Get into the best season of Stargate ever!

          Then why the **** have they cancelled it????
          I noticed that too. I had to restrain myself from throwing things at the TV. I keep waiting for them to say "The final season of Atlantis" but they haven't yet.

          Originally posted by bluealien View Post
          Yep that's exactly how I saw it..

          I had no problem with this at all.. they didnt like the fact that Shep was going to be carrying out the plan himself..... but that is what Shep does.. he will always be the one to put himself in the line of fire.. I thought it was perfectly in character for him..

          I really didnt find Shep out of character in this ep at all and out of interest was wondering what other instances you felt he was....

          Not knowing he had an all female team maybe.... but as someone else said it could just have been he didnt know the gender and had only seen names... I got the impression that Shep had just asked Teldy recently to pick her team and she probably just sent Shep their names and not gender... I don't find that too unbelievable..
          I've been thinking on this, and I think you're right. I think he didn't realize they were all girls until he saw them together. I guess I had always assumed that Sheppard and Lorne put the teams together - looked at abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. But Teldy does say she picked her team. I would still expect Sheppard and Lorne to approve the team make up. Teldy seemed new to Pegasus (at least to me). In my happy place, she came on the Daedalus with Carson. She met Sheppard and picked her team. Sheppard has been busy with Carson being "in town" so he's let Lorne handle the paperwork this week. After all, that's what 2ICs are for.

          Also, Shep might not have known who Porter was since she's a scientist. It just disturbs this fanon image I have of Sheppard who takes time to know the make up of the teams and who is on what duty.

          Of course, Rodney gives us this fabulous timeline at the beginning of the ep (it's been six months since The Seed). Perhaps Sheppard was injured and has been recuperating in the infirmary. I know that turtleneck (jumper?) was covering the bruises on his neck from that crazy guy who tried to choke him to death. Keller released him a few days ago, and he's terribly behind on his paperwork. Yeah, that's what I'm going with.
          Sig by Luciana
          My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


            So I have been thinking about whump....ok so if I am honest I think about whump 98% of my time .....anyway was interested to hear other peoples thoughts on a few things, so if you ahve any opinions/answers I would be curious to see what they are.....

            1. If you could have a combination of bits of all the whump we have seen so far, what would you pick?

            I would have to have the 38 minuts scream in there somewhere as well as a some of the Conversion side-effects. A bit of angst in there too from lots of the eps we have seen wouldn't go amiss either.

            2. If you could chose any character to whump Sheppy who would it be?

            I think it would be interesting to see how he would react to Teyla kicking the carp our of him, would he fight back? would he take the blows?

            3. If you could pick any character to provide the comfort to Sheppy who would it be and in what situation?

            I would love to have seen McKay providing a bit of comfort for Sheppy, maybe in a situation that looked like they weren't getting out, watching Rodney coping with blood, infection etc, while trying to fight his negative side and stay positive for Sheppy.... oo or maybe Sheppy going loopy, and trying to get away from Rodney who is trying to help him, that would be so frustrating for Rodney.

            4. What new whump would if you could have anything would you choose?
            Tough one, I kind of think I would like to have seen Sheppy maybe a drift in the water somewhere on the planet, weak but holding on maybe with another character, Sheppy coming of worse than the other person though, maybe wondering if the rest of his team are dead or in the same predicament, Atlantis having no idea where they are or that they are even hurt. It would obviously be winter and so hypothermia is a must, maybe somethign nasty in the water be it alive or a bug/infection of some kind and getting to the point where Sheppy can't hold on any longer, I want to see him struggle to survive, for nto jsut humsefl but the person he is with and him ultimately realising he just can't anymore, pushed right to the limits with a nice helping of angst.

            5. What would you like to see happen to Sheppy in the infirmary?

            Hee hee..... er I think Intubation would be good or I would liek to See Sheppy getting up against medical advice for something really trivial, not for some life or death thing for someone else and collapsing before he takes three steps, I think he would hate that, being helpless

            6. Is there such a thing as too much whump or any part of Shep that you could no watch being whumped (pg forum!)

            His hair or his lovely feet (I always cringe at foot whump, once saw someone stand on a nail and I thought I was going to hit the deck, felt so ill!!

            7. Weapon of choice for Shep whump?

            Gunshot is always good but not in the left arm!! or maybe some nice blunt for trauma to the head, something big and heavy shoudl do the trick

            any thoughts?


              Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
              I've been thinking on this, and I think you're right. I think he didn't realize they were all girls until he saw them together. I guess I had always assumed that Sheppard and Lorne put the teams together - looked at abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. But Teldy does say she picked her team. I would still expect Sheppard and Lorne to approve the team make up. Teldy seemed new to Pegasus (at least to me). In my happy place, she came on the Daedalus with Carson. She met Sheppard and picked her team. Sheppard has been busy with Carson being "in town" so he's let Lorne handle the paperwork this week. After all, that's what 2ICs are for.

              Also, Shep might not have known who Porter was since she's a scientist. It just disturbs this fanon image I have of Sheppard who takes time to know the make up of the teams and who is on what duty.

              Of course, Rodney gives us this fabulous timeline at the beginning of the ep (it's been six months since The Seed). Perhaps Sheppard was injured and has been recuperating in the infirmary. I know that turtleneck (jumper?) was covering the bruises on his neck from that crazy guy who tried to choke him to death. Keller released him a few days ago, and he's terribly behind on his paperwork. Yeah, that's what I'm going with.
              I adore that final explanation!
              Yeah, I do accept now the reasoning for Shep not knowing the female team BUT it took a lot of thinking about and the casual viewer doesn't spend anywhere near as much time thinking about Sheppy as we do (I know! There's got to be something wrong with them ) and I feel that Shep would just come across as incompetant that his didn't know his men (women as the case is )

              What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                You said this so well that I don't have to now!!!

                Hope everyone is doing well. We are in for a nice, long, soaking, drenching, Tropical Storm Hanna. At least the winds aren't too bad. What a great excuse to stay home and read fanfic, play on the internet, watch Whispers, snuggle with my puppies.

                OT sad
                I am a bit sad today. It is the one year anniversary of saying good bye to my girl Snitch. The rain kinda reflects my mood for that.

                But I am going to be in a good mood anyway. I have decided!!!!

                Off to finish Rhymer's fic!!
                Sorry to hear about your sad anniversary, Pocus, and the rain doesn't help. Hope watching Whispers, reading fic's and snuggling those puppies has helped lighten your mood. ((HUGS))

                Congrats on 7000 posts.

                Listy -
                I always wanted to see Shep get a more serious gun shot wound and then by cared for by his team. I guess that will never happen now.


                  Originally posted by Astraldust View Post
                  Sorry to hear about your sad anniversary, Pocus, and the rain doesn't help. Hope watching Whispers, reading fic's and snuggling those puppies has helped lighten your mood. ((HUGS))

                  Congrats on 7000 posts.

                  Listy -
                  I always wanted to see Shep get a more serious gun shot wound and then by cared for by his team. I guess that will never happen now.
                  Thanks for the thoughts. Rain is actually helping, believe it or not. I LOVE rainy days when I can stay home and be lazy. My other two dogs seem to be extra lovey today so that helps too.

                  Thanks for the congrats. I still can't believe I have yacked this much on a forum!

                  Listy - great questions. Will get back to you in a bit with some answers. Must contemplate them for a bit!

                  We were bad!! We just ordered delivery lunch. We will tip well!!


                    Originally posted by Astraldust View Post
                    Listy -
                    I always wanted to see Shep get a more serious gun shot wound and then by cared for by his team. I guess that will never happen now.
                    That would have been good. It would have nice to have seen Sheppard relying on his team and them all taking care of him.

                    Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                    Thanks for the thoughts. Rain is actually helping, believe it or not. I LOVE rainy days when I can stay home and be lazy. My other two dogs seem to be extra lovey today so that helps too.

                    Thanks for the congrats. I still can't believe I have yacked this much on a forum!

                    Listy - great questions. Will get back to you in a bit with some answers. Must contemplate them for a bit!

                    We were bad!! We just ordered delivery lunch. We will tip well!!
                    Sorry about your sad anniversary, its not easy remembering the loss of a family member and dogs are most definitaley family members, I still miss my little guy and I can't believe it was so long ago (four years) seems like yesterday.

                    Lol I have been contemplating them a lot but I am just so indecisive I want everything and anything all wrapped into one I think of one and am convinced that is my choice and then I think of something equally good


                      Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                      Thanks for the thoughts. Rain is actually helping, believe it or not. I LOVE rainy days when I can stay home and be lazy. My other two dogs seem to be extra lovey today so that helps too.

                      Thanks for the congrats. I still can't believe I have yacked this much on a forum!

                      Listy - great questions. Will get back to you in a bit with some answers. Must contemplate them for a bit!

                      We were bad!! We just ordered delivery lunch. We will tip well!!
                      I know what you mean about the rain, it does have a few good points. It's raining here at the moment but it's also getting dark early because of it. Very miserable looking.

                      Isn't it great to be bad sometimes!! We don't order out very often but when we do I always enjoy it. I'm not fond of cooking anyway. I do it because I have to but I'm no Martha Steward or Jamie Oliver.



                        I wasn't that gripped, to be honest. I've nothing against the new characters, who I felt were well done, as one-off characters go, but with only half a season of episodes left, I want every minute of that time to focus on the main team. It also bothered me that no-one seemed remotely sad about the fact that Vega had died. I can understand that they needed to push it away and focus on staying alive, but even in that scene when they were walking away, thinking all the bad guys were dead, no-one mentioned here, said anything about going back for her body, or looked remotely sad. What about leave no man behind, eh, Shep?

                        Originally posted by Listy View Post
                        So I have been thinking about whump....ok so if I am honest I think about whump 98% of my time .....anyway was interested to hear other peoples thoughts on a few things, so if you ahve any opinions/answers I would be curious to see what they are....
                        (Answers put behind a cut for space.)

                        1. If you could have a combination of bits of all the whump we have seen so far, what would you pick?

                        (S&R spoilers)
                        Well, S&R, really, as is. (Heroic staggering!) but I'd add in some team worry and near-deathness after he's finished flying the jumper

                        2. If you could chose any character to whump Sheppy who would it be?

                        Oh, anyone. I'm not fussy.

                        3. If you could pick any character to provide the comfort to Sheppy who would it be and in what situation?

                        Probably McKay, since he'd freak out and panic. I'd have them alone, stuck in a very dangerous situation, but because McKay was panicking, Sheppard wouldn't be able to relax, as he might do if Ronon was there with him, but would be trying to stay conscious and struggle through his pain - trying to talk McKay down from his panic; trying to keep on guard in case the bad guys approached; trying to protect McKay.

                        Either that, or I'd like a total newbie - some native, or a newbie scientist, or someone - someone that Sheppard needs to protect, even as he's bleeding all over the place. This person wouldn't know first aid, so Shep would have to talk them through treating him, and try to keep them calm, and would have to heroically stagger... and this person would end up totally hero worshipping Shep, for putting their safety first, even as he was badly hurt.

                        4. What new whump would if you could have anything would you choose?

                        Um... Well, really, as above. Wounded badly while out in a dangerous situation with someone in need of protection. Having to keep going, even as blood seeps through the hand he has pressed to his side.

                        Oh, and let's add: being far worse wounded than anyone else realises, so when they finally reach home, everyone else is all happy because everything ended well... and then he slowly, unnoticed by anyone for a while, sinks to the ground, and people realise quite how badly hurt he's been while saving the day, and they feel all guilty and bad.

                        5. What would you like to see happen to Sheppy in the infirmary?

                        Just to wake all, all woozy, and have his team around his bed - and for it to be clear that they've been there for hours as he slept, because they love him (in a platonic, teamy way.)

                        6. Is there such a thing as too much whump or any part of Shep that you could no watch being whumped (pg forum!)

                        Eyes! I can cope with blindness from very vague causes, but I don't want to even consider anything - *whimper* - impaling or stabbing or... *runs away, whimpering*

                        (By the way, whenever I try to write "whimper" it comes out "whumper.")

                        7. Weapon of choice for Shep whump?

                        Gunshot wound or stabby knife.


                          Rhymer you made a good point about

                          But don't forget when it was filmed they were hoping for a sixth season. As for poor Vega, I expect they took her home but I guess JM and PM thought it wasn't necessary to show it or mention it. I wish they weren't the ones writing the SGA movie.


                            Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                            (Answers put behind a cut for space.)

                            1. If you could have a combination of bits of all the whump we have seen so far, what would you pick?

                            (S&R spoilers)
                            Well, S&R, really, as is. (Heroic staggering!) but I'd add in some team worry and near-deathness after he's finished flying the jumper

                            2. If you could chose any character to whump Sheppy who would it be?

                            Oh, anyone. I'm not fussy.

                            3. If you could pick any character to provide the comfort to Sheppy who would it be and in what situation?

                            Probably McKay, since he'd freak out and panic. I'd have them alone, stuck in a very dangerous situation, but because McKay was panicking, Sheppard wouldn't be able to relax, as he might do if Ronon was there with him, but would be trying to stay conscious and struggle through his pain - trying to talk McKay down from his panic; trying to keep on guard in case the bad guys approached; trying to protect McKay.

                            Either that, or I'd like a total newbie - some native, or a newbie scientist, or someone - someone that Sheppard needs to protect, even as he's bleeding all over the place. This person wouldn't know first aid, so Shep would have to talk them through treating him, and try to keep them calm, and would have to heroically stagger... and this person would end up totally hero worshipping Shep, for putting their safety first, even as he was badly hurt.

                            4. What new whump would if you could have anything would you choose?

                            Um... Well, really, as above. Wounded badly while out in a dangerous situation with someone in need of protection. Having to keep going, even as blood seeps through the hand he has pressed to his side.

                            Oh, and let's add: being far worse wounded than anyone else realises, so when they finally reach home, everyone else is all happy because everything ended well... and then he slowly, unnoticed by anyone for a while, sinks to the ground, and people realise quite how badly hurt he's been while saving the day, and they feel all guilty and bad.

                            5. What would you like to see happen to Sheppy in the infirmary?

                            Just to wake all, all woozy, and have his team around his bed - and for it to be clear that they've been there for hours as he slept, because they love him (in a platonic, teamy way.)

                            6. Is there such a thing as too much whump or any part of Shep that you could no watch being whumped (pg forum!)

                            Eyes! I can cope with blindness from very vague causes, but I don't want to even consider anything - *whimper* - impaling or stabbing or... *runs away, whimpering*

                            (By the way, whenever I try to write "whimper" it comes out "whumper.")

                            7. Weapon of choice for Shep whump?

                            Gunshot wound or stabby knife.
                            Awesome, I love to read about what people would love, there are so many posibilities

                            ..... hmmmm Heroic staggering for you then my dear and OMG Ick for eye whump, never thought about it, but ouch....not good!

                            whimper and whumper..... well what can I say, itmust be the whumper in you hun, it gets all excited about the thought of whumpering, it means there is whump around


                              Great questions, Listy!

                              1. If you could have a combination of bits of all the whump we have seen so far, what would you pick?

                              The mind-blowing pain of CG (so bad he can't scream) combined with the slow decline in S&R and the need for assistance in The Seed.

                              2. If you could chose any character to whump Sheppy who would it be?

                              Someone he trusts - his team, Keller, Zelenka, etc.

                              3. If you could pick any character to provide the comfort to Sheppy who would it be and in what situation?

                              Someone unexpected - Zelenka, Woolsey. Someone out of their depth and skill set. My other choice would be the team love we saw in The Shrine directed at Shep.

                              4. What new whump would if you could have anything would you choose?

                              A deliberate blow to the head - golf club, tree limb, rock. Woozy, disoriented, double vision

                              5. What would you like to see happen to Sheppy in the infirmary?

                              round-the-clock comfort for his splitting headache and concussion

                              6. Is there such a thing as too much whump or any part of Shep that you could no watch being whumped (pg forum!)

                              Nothing that remotely resembles rape. Ever.

                              7. Weapon of choice for Shep whump?


                              Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                              I adore that final explanation!
                              Yeah, I do accept now the reasoning for Shep not knowing the female team BUT it took a lot of thinking about and the casual viewer doesn't spend anywhere near as much time thinking about Sheppy as we do (I know! There's got to be something wrong with them ) and I feel that Shep would just come across as incompetant that his didn't know his men (women as the case is )

                              I completely agree. Then again, would the casual viewer consider something to be amiss?
                              Sig by Luciana
                              My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                                Originally posted by sherryw View Post
                                Thanks for posting the link. It was nice to finally see something from the cast about it. However, they didn't need to bring in BW. Just the cast would have been fine. We didn't need to see him rubbing our noses in it again about how much better things will be for the fans of Atlantis. Everytime he talks I just want to do , considering that's what he's been doing with his fans. He doesn't listen to them and that's too bad, since we are the ones that make his show successful. At least the cast realized that, too bad BW doesn't.
                                It should have been the cast. Period. Not the writers, producers, etc.

