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John Sheppard Whump

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    Happy Birthday GateGeek!!

    Originally posted by scifan View Post
    Hey Whumpers, I know I've been a stranger lately, Sorry about that. RL has been crazy. I know most of you understand.

    Hey Peggy. How are you feeling? I hope good.

    Awesome caps everyone.

    Blue that Wallie is Awesome.

    SAF: I'm so behind on you're funny adventures.

    And Happy Belated Birthday GG, LtCdrFlygirl, and SheppyD

    Here's some presents, I hope you dont' mind.




    I'm working on yours later.
    These are gorgeous Sci!!
    Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
    It's an sga fic-athon on LJ with I think a 40,000 word minimum. I know kristen999 and Sholio (friendshipper) are participating.
    Thanks for the link.


      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
      Well I guess it's a positive side effect of being spoiler-free that I don't read the spoilers and sides and don't know anything about proposed plot lines so I don't get worked up if they don't sound like something I'd like. I also like to remember that some episodes that we've thought were not going to be good have turned out great (remember Midway and how everyone thought there was hardly going to be any Shep in it cos the spoilers etc didn't mention him?) and overall I guess I just want my fandom to be a positive thing right now. I've got enough negative stuff in RL as it is - as far as fandom goes I'm happy to enjoy the good bits and stick my head in the sand as far as possible bad bits goes. I'm floating happily on that river in Egypt...
      Originally posted by Squonk View Post
      I feel the same - i don't want to get all stressed or worked up over something that's meant to be my escapism, i get enough of that sort of thing at work. As you said, in the past we've got all worked up over eps that turned out to be corkers!
      I never thought i could manage being as spoiler free as i am, but i'm loving it. I'm much more laid back about this season. I might not be getting as excited about eps because i don't know what's going to happen - but i like that i've got no preconceptions that might be dashed, and i'm excited about that instead. I'm excited about the unknown rather than the known. Does that make any sense?
      RL is about to get more challenging for me so I may have to try to adopt your no-spoilers policy. I used to be good about not looking for spoilers, but somewhere along the way I fell off the wagon and turned into a spoiler hound.
      Sig by Luciana


        Originally posted by scifan View Post
        Hey Whumpers, I know I've been a stranger lately, Sorry about that. RL has been crazy. I know most of you understand.

        Hey Peggy. How are you feeling? I hope good.

        Awesome caps everyone.

        Blue that Wallie is Awesome.

        SAF: I'm so behind on you're funny adventures.

        And Happy Belated Birthday GG, LtCdrFlygirl, and SheppyD

        Here's some presents, I hope you dont' mind.





        I'm working on yours later.
        Awesome ones as always.... love your sigs.. they are fantastic

        And no worries about mine.. my birthday isn't yet and well you know where you can usually find me
        Sigs by Scifan


          Well spoilers are missleading at get sides and spoilers and those are for like a very short period of time in the epi...look at the spoilers and sides that came out on S&R and all I could hear was groan from people.. why this , why that,, why no Sheppard in the spoilers.. and then boom look what kind of an epi we got.. it souded like a large part when you read the spoilers and then it turned out to be what.. 3 minutes of the epi or something.. *lol*

          Funny enough I've been more relaxed with the Atlantis spoilers even though some of it has not been my cup of tea... but knowing it doesn't paint the whole picture.. I went into Midway with basically with disliking it and then it ended up a very good epi for me.. so I've been more calm about the spoilers for SGA.. while I've ranted and gotten seriously pissed and dissapointed with spoilers for CSI NY season 5.. I'm going into every epi on SGA with a wait and see approach while I go in the a total lack of any expectations for the epis of CSI NY and instead hope they can surprise me..or they might lose me depending how things work out... but so far for me this time...SGA has gotten to a really good start in season 5...and I hope it keeps up that way...

          and then a little something since I'm not usually on here so much anymore..

          Sigs by Scifan


            Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
            Guess what????? Our brand new laptop will not boot up!!! We were having some slight glitches with it yesterday when trying to install a program and now today...the black screen of death. So needless to say, its back to the 10 year old desktop that freezes every five minutes.
            Urk!! Brand new, you say? Back to the shop I think!!

            Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
            Okay I haven't read through the whole thread (my brain isn't firing on all cylinders today this year) so here's my tuppence worth on a couple of things.

            1. We thought The Seed was going to be Keller centric and that Shep wouldn't feature heavily and look how that turned out, so I'm going with the wait and see approach (though I personally like Keller well enough and hope they are going to develop her more this season.)
            Indeed. That's the way I'm looking at things too. And, oh MY, didn't The Seed turn out wonderful?!!


              Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
              I completely agree! I've never liked any of the comedy eps in either SG1 or Atlantis, off the top of my head the only one I found funny was The Other Guys in S6 of SG1. The rest I tend to cringe at My Mum's reaction is always the same, she rolls her eyes and says 'It's a silly one' then picks up a magazine to read while me and my dad watch it

              Oh, I am definately more worried about what I've read will be in the ep *cringe, cringe cringe* The only ep I'm worried about the lack of Shep in is Brain Storm, I have this horrible feeling that its going to be this years Trio and Shep won't be in it and if he's not, I doubt I will watch cos I know I will throw up if I do, and I've never missed an ep before

              How did you get in my head??? You are saying exactly what I'm thinking

              What? You mean no one liked SG-1's 200th ep.
              I really loved the farscape and thunderbird bits.
              Just kidding.

              Originally posted by prion View Post
              MGM has put up some PR stills from Ghost in the Machine


              going there just shows you thumbnails, nothing spoilerish. Some nice Shep shots. What I like is that these thumbnails are perfect for LJ icons...

              not sure if there's whump after watching both MGM and skiffy videos
              Thanks Prion of the link.
              I love all the nice caps of Shep and the gun porn.

              Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
              Hey Everyone!! THANKS for the birthday wishes!!!

              Guess what????? Our brand new laptop will not boot up!!! We were having some slight glitches with it yesterday when trying to install a program and now today...the black screen of death. So needless to say, its back to the 10 year old desktop that freezes every five minutes.

              So, I think I will spend the day, watching some whump and cursing computers. Just not sure what episode to start with.
              Oh No!!!!
              That sucks. I hope things go better today and not worse. Enjoy watching Whump though.

              Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
              Okay I haven't read through the whole thread (my brain isn't firing on all cylinders today this year) so here's my tuppence worth on a couple of things.

              1. We thought The Seed was going to be Keller centric and that Shep wouldn't feature heavily and look how that turned out, so I'm going with the wait and see approach (though I personally like Keller well enough and hope they are going to develop her more this season.)

              2. If Hexed was a comedic episode then I'm glad it wasn't made, the out and out comedy episodes are usually cringeworthy - SGA is at its funniest when it mixes humour with action or drama.

              3. Regarding "Vegas" there was a funny quote in SFX this month from Joe F
              Spoilers for Vegas

              Aw! Poor Jason.

              Happy B-day GG! *hugs*
              Very good points PS.
              And thanks for the insert. Do you have the whole interview.
              Did that mean that Jason isn't in the ep If it's 100 ep it should be the whole team. IMO

              Originally posted by cc_mac View Post
              Happy Birthday GateGeek!!

              These are gorgeous Sci!!

              Thanks for the link.
              Thanks CC

              Originally posted by NinaM View Post
              Awesome ones as always.... love your sigs.. they are fantastic

              And no worries about mine.. my birthday isn't yet and well you know where you can usually find me
              Thanks Nina and yes I do know.
              I'm glad that I have until the 30th.


                Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                Urk!! Brand new, you say? Back to the shop I think!!

                Indeed. That's the way I'm looking at things too. And, oh MY, didn't The Seed turn out wonderful?!!

                Brand new as in just purchased last week! At least its all under warranty.

                Oh, the Seed was wonderful!! Especially when I didn't know much about it and the ending...SQUEE!!! SQUEEE!!! SQUEE!!!

                Well, no whump watching yet. Geeklet is watching the Olympics. Field hockey or something. He's rooting for the Brits.


                  Originally posted by scifan View Post

                  Very good points PS.
                  And thanks for the insert. Do you have the whole interview.
                  Did that mean that Jason isn't in the ep If it's 100 ep it should be the whole team. IMO
                  No it doesn't mean that at all:

                  Minor spoilers for Vegas and 100th ep
                  The hundredth ep will follow on in some way from Vegas (though they are not a two-parter in the traditional sense) and there will be some scenes filmed in Las Vegas for the 100th ep but that is only part of the plot the rest will be in the Pegasus Galaxy. JM described it as having the best of both galaxies.

                  I'm sure that they will feature everyone in the 100th ep and will no doubt try and fit in as many recurring characters as possible too.

                  It wasn't a Joe interview just a set visit article with a few quotes from the actors/Brad Wright - I'll scan it and post it up on my LJ if anyone is interested.


                    Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                    Brand new as in just purchased last week! At least its all under warranty.

                    Oh, the Seed was wonderful!! Especially when I didn't know much about it and the ending...SQUEE!!! SQUEEE!!! SQUEE!!!

                    Well, no whump watching yet. Geeklet is watching the Olympics. Field hockey or something. He's rooting for the Brits.

                    Does your new laptop have Vista? I had to reset my PC to factory settings only 1 week after I brought it because of Vista issues.


                      HAPPY BIRTHDAY GG!!

                      And Happy Belated Birthday to LtCdrFlyGirl and SheppyD

                      Actually if Hexed was going to be comic then I'm not so disappointed that it won't happen.

                      As for the Keller heavy episodes
                      I think I'm more worried that they'll turn out like Missing or Trio and not The Seed but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. The episode I'm least looking forward to is Tracker because I have a feeling Sheppy isn't in that one much. I won't see that one anyway until two weeks after it's aired because I'll be in Portugal. Hopefully relaxing on the beach and dreaming about whumped Shep. (I'll be missing episode 10 too).

                      Sorry to hear about your lappy GG. You need Rodney to fix it. As far as Vista is concerned I know quite a few people who have taken it off and gone back to XP.


                        Originally posted by Astraldust View Post
                        HAPPY BIRTHDAY GG!!

                        And Happy Belated Birthday to LtCdrFlyGirl and SheppyD

                        Actually if Hexed was going to be comic then I'm not so disappointed that it won't happen.

                        As for the Keller heavy episodes
                        I think I'm more worried that they'll turn out like Missing or Trio and not The Seed but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. The episode I'm least looking forward to is Tracker because I have a feeling Sheppy isn't in that one much. I won't see that one anyway until two weeks after it's aired because I'll be in Portugal. Hopefully relaxing on the beach and dreaming about whumped Shep. (I'll be missing episode 10 too).

                        Sorry to hear about your lappy GG. You need Rodney to fix it. As far as Vista is concerned I know quite a few people who have taken it off and gone back to XP.

                        Vista definitely takes some getting used to, especially the numerous prompts everytime you make a move on the thing. And it's still not compatible with a lot of programs. Not exactly happy with mine.


                          Happy Birthday to YOU
                          Happy Birthday to YOU
                          Happy Birthday to GG, SheppyD and LCFG,
                          Happy Birthday to YOU!!!!!!

                          my fan fiction place


                            Happy Birthday GG!!!!!
                            Hopefully you can get your laptop to cooperate.


                              Originally posted by Astraldust View Post
                              HAPPY BIRTHDAY GG!!

                              And Happy Belated Birthday to LtCdrFlyGirl and SheppyD

                              Actually if Hexed was going to be comic then I'm not so disappointed that it won't happen.

                              As for the Keller heavy episodes
                              I think I'm more worried that they'll turn out like Missing or Trio and not The Seed but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. The episode I'm least looking forward to is Tracker because I have a feeling Sheppy isn't in that one much. I won't see that one anyway until two weeks after it's aired because I'll be in Portugal. Hopefully relaxing on the beach and dreaming about whumped Shep. (I'll be missing episode 10 too).

                              Sorry to hear about your lappy GG. You need Rodney to fix it. As far as Vista is concerned I know quite a few people who have taken it off and gone back to XP.
                              Oh you are not late for me- it isnt until tomorrow


                                Thanx for th GitM pics Prion, I haven't looked but people on the JT thread have said there are some good Shep pics

                                For anyone interested, this was posted in the comments on JM's blog regarding Keller:
                                I have to wade in with regards to the debate about Keller. Lets just step back a minute people and weigh up the whole picture. We, as fans, are extremely familiar with life in the Pegasus Galaxy and have become, I feel, somewhat inured to the experience. Keller has been introduced as a complete ingenue. Lets face it people, NOTHING in this universe could possibly prepare a gal for the Pegasus Galaxy and that is where Keller is at the moment, still trying to fit in, still trying to fill Beckett’s boots and trying also to assimilate the entire experience with nothing to use as a comparison! Keller has to develop her Pegasus Galaxy legs so to speak. Lets be honest with ourselves and admit how difficult it would be for us to adapt to oh EVERYTHING! I know I’d be gibbering quietly in a corner for the first few months and quite possibly wondering who’d slipped what in my drink. So with respect I wish everyone on a downer about Keller would step back and give the girl a chance!

                                To those who can’t find any humanity in them to do this I’d say if it pisses you off that much find something else to watch and quit whining!

                                What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!

