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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
    Gah. Too hot.

    Apparently this last weekend we had the hottest day so far this year in the UK - and London was the hottest place in the country. Guess where I was (and still am) this past weekend?!

    Nice to have nice weather of course but it's so darn warm that just walking and moving about drains all your energy... and of course we went to the theatre twice over the weekend - sitting for hours along with several undred/thousand other people in old Victorian buildings with very little air conditioning! Gah!
    I know it's been 34 degrees here today!!

    Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
    ^We've had it ridiculously hot here too, this room feels like a sauna - why do we have to wear clothes? Its all that Eve woman's fault.
    Clothes are overrated, just be one with nature, and give the neighbours an eyefull! Sometimes people need these cheap thrills.

    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
    Oh dear god no! Believe me, no-one wants to see me walking around nekkid!

    Now... if it was a hot day in Atlantis maybe... and a certain Lt Colonel found wearing clothing just too restricting....

    *ahem* PG thread... PG thread... PG thread....
    *takes a look at semi-nekkid self* No one wants to see me nekkid either, but in this heat, I could give a flying fig.

    Oh darn it Ali ya just had to mention it.... as if it wasn't hot enough!! *sees a cold shower in her future*

    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
    Well, the one I've posted above is perfectly safe to look at, unless you pass out from womanly lust!

    Blame me. I can take it!
    When do you not pass out from womanly lust?

    I snurched some DV pics through... i'm labeling them as uuummmmm angsty. Cos they're just too hot not to post. There's no spoilers in these gems.

    DV Pics
    click attachment for bigger pics.



    DV Promo spoiler
    Did anyone else notice that Shep got caught up in the explosion? *squee* could this be whump?

    Ooooooh for those that have Sky, Tabula Rasa is on at 7pm on Sky Two.

    Feel better IHS and Listy. *gentle hugs for both of you*
    Last edited by Pegasus_SGA; 28 July 2008, 09:29 AM.


      Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
      I know it's been 34 degrees here today!!
      Clothes are overrated, just be one with nature, and give the neighbours an eyefull! Sometimes people need these cheap thrills.
      Morning Peg! I think it's about 34 here now, I think its supposed to hit about 40 degrees later, which is actually a cool spell.

      As far as running around without clothing (and given how little some of the female undergraduates on campus wear) - just think of it as 'truth in packaging/labeling' - what you see is what you get.


        Hiya hon. 40 degrees?!! Now that's some serious wheather... i'm having thoughts of sheppy caught up in the desert, shirtless of course, getting all hot and bothered in sweltering heat, dehydrated, hot, sweaty... did I mention shirtless?

        I don't think i'll be doing much running. Waddling maybe.


          Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
          Hiya hon. 40 degrees?!! Now that's some serious wheather... i'm having thoughts of sheppy caught up in the desert, shirtless of course, getting all hot and bothered in sweltering heat, dehydrated, hot, sweaty... did I mention shirtless?

          I don't think i'll be doing much running. Waddling maybe.
          Why have I had the same thoughts over the last few freakin' hot days?

          Did I read shirtless? I did read that correct right? I like that idea yes, I do very much
          Sigs by me, CazzBlade, Luciana, csom, scifan, sgmajorshipper, x_stargatergirl_x and LJ's glaringcandle
          Save Our Seeker!
          LotS on LJ.


            Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
            Hiya hon. 40 degrees?!! Now that's some serious wheather... i'm having thoughts of sheppy caught up in the desert, shirtless of course, getting all hot and bothered in sweltering heat, dehydrated, hot, sweaty... did I mention shirtless?

            I don't think i'll be doing much running. Waddling maybe.
            Yep, the joys of Arizona - we've actually days where it has hit 48 degrees C, but I think the record for this years is 44.

            Nice visions of a hot, sweaty Sheppard in the desert - besides the threat of dehydration and sunburn, there's plenty of nasty things - cacti with thorns, poisonous spiders, and rattlesnakes all to up the whump...


              Sorry for the interruption....

              Just thought I'd post my new John and Teyla Challenge in my Beya LJ community. I know that most of you guys probably don't ship this duo but it matters not, this is about also seeing them as a team and as, I hope you decide to participate.

              You do have to become a member to post, but if you don't want to become a member and want to create something simply PM me and I will post it and give you the credit.

              Check it out and let me know if you are interested.

              Please continue with your regular postings!


                Originally posted by SanGate View Post
                Why have I had the same thoughts over the last few freakin' hot days?

                Did I read shirtless? I did read that correct right? I like that idea yes, I do very much
                With me, it's always shirtless... the day it actually happens i'll be on the floor. And pardon me for being a muppet today, but my brain has melted... is it dessert or desert? Either will of course do, but somehow shep getting whumped by hot chocolate fudge pudding would be a new one... it can't of course meet the same standard as muffin whump, or cannonball cabbage whump. But i'll take what I can get....

                Did I mention i've fried a few braincells today?


                  Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                  Yep, the joys of Arizona - we've actually days where it has hit 48 degrees C, but I think the record for this years is 44.

                  Nice visions of a hot, sweaty Sheppard in the desert - besides the threat of dehydration and sunburn, there's plenty of nasty things - cacti with thorns, poisonous spiders, and rattlesnakes all to up the whump...
                  oooooh nice, I like that, why doesn't he ever get bitten by something poisonous? The bug doesn't count. Scorpions, spiders, mosquito's filled with malaria.... and of course he'd have to get bitten in an inaccessible spot.


                    Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                    With me, it's always shirtless... the day it actually happens i'll be on the floor. And pardon me for being a muppet today, but my brain has melted... is it dessert or desert? Either will of course do, but somehow shep getting whumped by hot chocolate fudge pudding would be a new one... it can't of course meet the same standard as muffin whump, or cannonball cabbage whump. But i'll take what I can get....

                    Did I mention i've fried a few braincells today?
                    My weird mnemonic: - desert - (where I live) - because one is enough
                    dessert (chocolate) - two are delicious


                      Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                      With me, it's always shirtless... the day it actually happens i'll be on the floor. And pardon me for being a muppet today, but my brain has melted... is it dessert or desert? Either will of course do, but somehow shep getting whumped by hot chocolate fudge pudding would be a new one... it can't of course meet the same standard as muffin whump, or cannonball cabbage whump. But i'll take what I can get....

                      Did I mention i've fried a few braincells today?

                      I read: Teh Flan and then yellow, hot, sandy landscape, but I'm a Johnny Foreigner, so don't pin me down on it

                      Shirtless.. I seriously just took a cold shower, but I think I can go back and take another..

                      Cannonball cabbage whump? Love to see how they play that out

                      Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                      oooooh nice, I like that, why doesn't he ever get bitten by something poisonous? The bug doesn't count. Scorpions, spiders, mosquito's filled with malaria.... and of course he'd have to get bitten in an inaccessible spot.
                      Oh that would be good
                      Sigs by me, CazzBlade, Luciana, csom, scifan, sgmajorshipper, x_stargatergirl_x and LJ's glaringcandle
                      Save Our Seeker!
                      LotS on LJ.


                        Gah! What a day! I trudged through the searing heat to the station with my wheely case and bags, survived the busy, sweltering Tube to get to King's Cross... and find that my train to Leeds had been cancelled!!

                        So I go to the information desk and get told to take the train at platform 8 that's leaving in 6 minutes!! So I make haste, despite the heat, to platform 8... and find a couple of people asking a member of the train staff if they (also booked onto the cancelled train) could get this train and being told no! I pointed out that the information desk were telling people yes! He insisted he'd been given no instructions that tickets from any other trains would be valid on this one and we'd have to ask the guard.... who was at the front of the train (ooooh about 8 carraiges away down the platform! So with time running out I head down that way and ask the guard and he says YES! So I jump into the nearest door just as they start closing the doors and not allowing any more people onto the train! Yeesh! By this point I am a sweaty pile of goo and all I can say is thank god I managed, by sheer chance, to find a seat cos if I'd had to stand up all the way to Leeds, I'd have died!

                        Also - the free internet on the train is being crap and slow. But hey... it's better than the NO internet I'll have when I get home!


                          Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                          Gah! What a day! I trudged through the searing heat to the station with my wheely case and bags, survived the busy, sweltering Tube to get to King's Cross... and find that my train to Leeds had been cancelled!!

                          So I go to the information desk and get told to take the train at platform 8 that's leaving in 6 minutes!! So I make haste, despite the heat, to platform 8... and find a couple of people asking a member of the train staff if they (also booked onto the cancelled train) could get this train and being told no! I pointed out that the information desk were telling people yes! He insisted he'd been given no instructions that tickets from any other trains would be valid on this one and we'd have to ask the guard.... who was at the front of the train (ooooh about 8 carraiges away down the platform! So with time running out I head down that way and ask the guard and he says YES! So I jump into the nearest door just as they start closing the doors and not allowing any more people onto the train! Yeesh! By this point I am a sweaty pile of goo and all I can say is thank god I managed, by sheer chance, to find a seat cos if I'd had to stand up all the way to Leeds, I'd have died!

                          Also - the free internet on the train is being crap and slow. But hey... it's better than the NO internet I'll have when I get home!
                          Glad you made it!!! And crappy internet is better than no internet.


                            Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                            My weird mnemonic: - desert - (where I live) - because one is enough
                            dessert (chocolate) - two are delicious
                            And, just to complicate things further: if Shep is very, very bad and receives the punishment he deserves, he gets his "just deserts", with "just" one s - spelled like "desert," pronounced like "dessert", but with a different root from either. Aint the English language fun!

                            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                            Also - the free internet on the train is being crap and slow. But hey... it's better than the NO internet I'll have when I get home!
                            Yay for the internet, even if slow! (and Boo! for hot trains. I had to stand all the way from Newcastle to Reading once, in August heat, with millions of Reading festival-goers packed around me like sardines. It well nigh killed me - though the last part of the journey to So'ton was lovely and empty once they'd all got off.)

                            My desktop computer seems to have totally mislaid the internet, though the laptop can find it just fine. My computer room is also furnace-like at the moment, although there's a nice and growing breeze everywhere else in the house. The sun's gone, too. I think a storm might be on the way. (Just as long as a party of Genii don't come along, too...)

                            However, although it's been too hot for me to get any writing done this evening (and I'm out dancing in 20 minutes), I might actually have this weekend at home to do nothing but write! Part of my writing deadline problem came form the fact that I was away this weekend, but it now looks as if that won't happen. *is hopeful* It would have been a fun weekend, but the timing was wrong. I might actually now finish my story before my holiday... and perhaps even have some free time to do other stuff, too.


                              Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                              My weird mnemonic: - desert - (where I live) - because one is enough
                              dessert (chocolate) - two are delicious
                              That's probably why I always forget, I don't do deserts normally, cheese and crackers... and i'm so off topic.

                              *cough moving on to food whump *

                              Originally posted by SanGate View Post

                              I read: Teh Flan and then yellow, hot, sandy landscape, but I'm a Johnny Foreigner, so don't pin me down on it

                              Shirtless.. I seriously just took a cold shower, but I think I can go back and take another..

                              Cannonball cabbage whump? Love to see how they play that out

                              Oh that would be good
                              I can't remember who did them, I think GG still has them, there was muffin whump and cabbage whump... I think we were getting a bit desperate for whumpage so created our own. Nothing new there.

                              Hon, I tell ya if there ever was a shirtless ep, i'd eat my shoe. Seriously, i'm having to contend with the fact that we'll just have to have peekage from this point forward. But scrubs peekage works very well for me.

                              Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                              Gah! What a day! I trudged through the searing heat to the station with my wheely case and bags, survived the busy, sweltering Tube to get to King's Cross... and find that my train to Leeds had been cancelled!!

                              So I go to the information desk and get told to take the train at platform 8 that's leaving in 6 minutes!! So I make haste, despite the heat, to platform 8... and find a couple of people asking a member of the train staff if they (also booked onto the cancelled train) could get this train and being told no! I pointed out that the information desk were telling people yes! He insisted he'd been given no instructions that tickets from any other trains would be valid on this one and we'd have to ask the guard.... who was at the front of the train (ooooh about 8 carraiges away down the platform! So with time running out I head down that way and ask the guard and he says YES! So I jump into the nearest door just as they start closing the doors and not allowing any more people onto the train! Yeesh! By this point I am a sweaty pile of goo and all I can say is thank god I managed, by sheer chance, to find a seat cos if I'd had to stand up all the way to Leeds, I'd have died!

                              Also - the free internet on the train is being crap and slow. But hey... it's better than the NO internet I'll have when I get home!
                              Never mind hon, you're on your way home now and that's the main thing. At least you've got internet so can get your fix, then all will be fine in work tomorrow.

                              Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                              And, just to complicate things further: if Shep is very, very bad and receives the punishment he deserves, he gets his "just deserts", with "just" one s - spelled like "desert," pronounced like "dessert", but with a different root from either. Aint the English language fun!
                              I think I blew a few more braincells.

                              Yay for the internet, even if slow! (and Boo! for hot trains. I had to stand all the way from Newcastle to Reading once, in August heat, with millions of Reading festival-goers packed around me like sardines. It well nigh killed me - though the last part of the journey to So'ton was lovely and empty once they'd all got off.)

                              My desktop computer seems to have totally mislaid the internet, though the laptop can find it just fine. My computer room is also furnace-like at the moment, although there's a nice and growing breeze everywhere else in the house. The sun's gone, too. I think a storm might be on the way. (Just as long as a party of Genii don't come along, too...)

                              However, although it's been too hot for me to get any writing done this evening (and I'm out dancing in 20 minutes), I might actually have this weekend at home to do nothing but write! Part of my writing deadline problem came form the fact that I was away this weekend, but it now looks as if that won't happen. *is hopeful* It would have been a fun weekend, but the timing was wrong. I might actually now finish my story before my holiday... and perhaps even have some free time to do other stuff, too.
                              Shep struck by lightening... hmmm that's a new one.

                              TR is on *squee* And shep isn't
                              feeling so good, bless him. SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


                                Agh! You know that "growing breeze" I was just talking about...? It just grew. It just grew enough to take all my hand-written notes for my next few chapters of story and whisk them out of the patio doors and half way across the back garden, where they flurried a bit, crying, "Freedom! Freedom!" and eyeing the fence between us and next door. I of course gave chase... wearing only a short night-shirt (with a penguin on it), which I'd put on after my earlier cold shower, on the grounds that it was Too Hot for clothes, and that I had to get changed into Morris kit soon, anyway. I got them back... but a neighbour was in their upstairs window looking out, and saw it all happen.

                                I live in dread of losing my "little notes," even though I seldom actually refer to them after writing them; it's the process that matters. I once lost some between work and home, and I spent literally hours searching for them, mortified in case someone should read them. I doubt they'd really be able to work out what they were about, but statements like "S is staggering along now, really in pain" is not really what you want flying around the neighbourhood in your handwriting, especially not when you're the neighbourhood respectable library lady.

                                Must go out dancing now. After putting on clothes, that is,

