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John Sheppard Whump

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    Agh. My internet connection at work is so slow that it takes about five minutes to load each page on GW, so I tend to click on a link, then minimise it and go and do something else. Today, though, my boss appeared at my shoulder and to talk about something or other. "Just open up the file," he said, and proceeded to stand just behind me, reading this file on my screen. All the while, a little tab called "Shep Whumping" was open at the bottom.

    I don't think he saw - he didn't say anything if he did - but... eek! I really cannot think of any sort of good cover story.


      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
      I thought the Shrine might be one you're looking forward to! I agree with you on the Carson stuff.

      Kindreds, and The Seed, S and R:

      I did know Carson was going to be a clone. I'd worked it out. So I wasn't suprised that he wasn't coming back as the real Carson and it always bothered me as soon as I suspected that. It's not that the execution of his return as a clone in Kindred II was poorly done, I just found myself not caring, since it wasn't the real Carson. Above all else, I feel it cheapens Carson dying. I cried when he died, and I just accepted he'd died and moved on. Now I feel as if it's all a stunt to please a vocal group of fans, but even then they've not got what they wanted. They got Paul back as Carson clone. Now, don't get me wrong, I know the present show runners had nothing to do with Carson's offing. They've done their best to rectify a poor choice, IMO. But, it's all a bit shallow and pointless for me. Either bring him back as real Carson, as CMO, or don't have him at all. Concentrate on Keller as the new CMO and let Carson rest in peace.

      I suppose I'm just underwhelmed by it all. Then again, I discovered a while back that it's Carson in Fan Fiction I like, and not the real one so much, to be honest.

      As for Weir? I was never a big fan, but I didn't want her axed. However, it didn't upset me when she went. I quite liked the change, and feel it worked out well in the end. However, I'd never want her back now. The show has moved on, and if I'm honest, I like what thye've done with it. And yes, perhaps it's the same with Carson? I'm finally starting to accept Keller and seeing Carson not quite as he was, not in his former position just is looking backwards for me? He doesn't fit with the new look of the show? That's a great observation, and I think perhaps you're right there.

      The one thing I would say though, is that Carter coming was wasted. They should have thought ahead and got Amanda to commit to two seasons if they wanted her to come over in season 4. Because I felt let down when she went. Not because she made a choice. No, good for her. I wish her the best. But I felt I'd invested a lot in her in season 4, I'd grown to love her on the show and felt the potential was there for much more. Then she's not there and I have to get used to another leader. Then again, I have to say, I'm enjoying Woolsey.

      Me neither!
      Agree on all points.

      I also think it would have been better if Carson had remained dead, as I can't seem to get invested in this clone Carson. I had moved on and the show had as well, so seeing Carson now seems out of place. The Kindred ended up being all about him and the whole Michael/Teyla arc just fizzled out, when I thought they were going to be the most important eps of the arc.
      I don't miss Weir at all as I was never a fan of hers and the show has also moved on in that respect. But I totally agree about Sam, it does seem odd that Sam was only signed up for a year. I really loved her character and eventhough she got off to a slow start she really shined in her role by the end of season 4. I loved her as leader and it's jarring now trying to get used to another new leader. Woolsey did pleasantly surprise me though in the Seed but I'm still not convinced. I'm just wary that he will end up being a figure head like Weir was and Sheppard will run rings around him as well... Hopefully not, as he seems a fairly strong character. But maybe it will give us a little conflict between the two of them which I would like to see.


        Originally posted by SanGate View Post
        Know how you feel Cazz

        *joins in chant as well*

        In honour of the whump thread: Bunny whumps Shep

        Welcome to the whump thread Billy!!!


        ITA Linz!
        Thanks everyone. I have been out today in the daylight looking for the missing fingers. They aren't there and I can only assume my bunny ate them


          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
          I thought the Shrine might be one you're looking forward to! I agree with you on the Carson stuff.
          Am i that obvious?
          The Shrine pics
          I'll admit to a small melting moment seeing Teyla's hand on McKay's forehead

          But Shep was super sexy being nurse.
          The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

          l My LJ l


            Originally posted by BillyPrior View Post
            Thanks everyone. I have been out today in the daylight looking for the missing fingers. They aren't there and I can only assume my bunny ate them
            In my experience bunnies will eat pretty much anything so I wouldn't be surprised.

            Warning! Major spoilers for Remnants
            Perhaps this is how it happens in Remnants, Shep is attacked by a man eating bunny.

            Originally posted by Squonk View Post
            Am i that obvious?
            The Shrine pics
            I'll admit to a small melting moment seeing Teyla's hand on McKay's forehead

            But Shep was super sexy being nurse.
            The Shrine pictures:
            I love that pic of Teyla with her hand on Rodney's forehead, it melts my heart (I've always loved Teyla/Rodney interaction there isn't enough of it) and combined with Shep and Ronon looking all concerned it just makes me all warm and fuzzy with the team love.


              Welcome Billy!!!

              Carson talk with spoilers for The Seed and The Kindred:
              I never wanted him dead, but I also never wanted him back after he died. When you kill a character you should deal with the consequences it causes, especially fan wise, and move on. Bringing someone back makes me feel cheated and played. I feel bad, I cry and then all out of a sudden they are back, new and shiny. I didn't like The Kindred episodes at all. I actually saw them already hating it. I think this Carson feels a bit off too. I imagined it was because his time in captivity and definitely feel like they didn't address the issue enough in the show. I understand that he is a changed man, and this makes him different from the real Carson, but what bugs me is that I read somewhere an interview with PM saying he's playing Carson the exact same way he was before, and I don't agree. To me Carson is dead and this cheap copy should be offed too.

              In despite of my feelings I didn't really feel anything wrong with his actions in The Seed. I thought they were in character for what I know of this new Carson. Besides he wasn't 100% yet. And the fact he's going back to Earth, willingly, says that he's far from it. After spending over a year in prison with a monster, forced to work and do horrible things for him, I would want to stay home, and home is Atlantis. So it bugs me that he's going off so easily. So, I feel that TPTB are going somewhere with this. At least I hope so, I'd be very disappointed if it's just bad writing.

              My feelings about Keller are all over the place. First I liked her, then I proceeded to hating her, and now I don't hate her anymore, and actually like her again. But I don't like her so much at the same time. I think The Seed was a good episode for her.

              I'm really loving RP so far. I know he's in only one ep so far, but I've always felt his character would bring a nice interaction to our team. Woosley was a great choice to follow Sam and I think one season was enough of her. I like her, but her place is in the SGC with SG1.
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                Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
                The Shrine pictures:
                I love that pic of Teyla with her hand on Rodney's forehead, it melts my heart (I've always loved Teyla/Rodney interaction there isn't enough of it) and combined with Shep and Ronon looking all concerned it just makes me all warm and fuzzy with the team love.
                Oh absolutely, i love...Shrine pics...
                Shep's frown - all worried. *sigh*
                The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                l My LJ l


                  Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                  Two quick questions which are OT, but I can assure you that they are asked in the service of Shep whump: (spoiler for Travelers, but nothing else.)

                  1. Do Americans use "the kitchen sink" as a idiom - e.g. "he bought everything but the kitchen sink." Normally when I have a "do Americans use such-and-such an idiom?" question in writing (which happens a lot), I can get the answer fairly quickly from google, but I'm still not sure on this one.

                  2. Can Ronon's gun shoot through a stone wall? We've seen it (or a weapon like his, in Travelers) shoot a hole in a door after multiple blasts, but I'm wondering if that was by melting metal, or something like that. What would be the effect of him shooting repeatedly at a stone wall?

                  Yes to spoiler question number one.
                  Don't know about question number two.


                  I admit, i'm still angry that brought him back even in clone form. To me, dead is dead is dead and well, he should have stayed that way. The character seems like a buffoon as of late and his presence is waste of time. I really don't mean to insult anyone here BTW. But I'm not seeing any value his character is bringing to the season and, he is just too 'off' that I can't find Carson believable or enjoyable as I once did.


                    Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                    Agh. My internet connection at work is so slow that it takes about five minutes to load each page on GW, so I tend to click on a link, then minimise it and go and do something else. Today, though, my boss appeared at my shoulder and to talk about something or other. "Just open up the file," he said, and proceeded to stand just behind me, reading this file on my screen. All the while, a little tab called "Shep Whumping" was open at the bottom.

                    I don't think he saw - he didn't say anything if he did - but... eek! I really cannot think of any sort of good cover story.
                    What you might want to do is disable photos - pages will load a lot quicker - of course, no SHep whump pictures but if you want to just read text, that's the way to go.

                    Oh yes, those annoying little tabs at the bottom. Gah, gotta be soooo careful!


                      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                      I thought the Shrine might be one you're looking forward to! I agree with you on the Carson stuff.

                      Kindreds, and The Seed, S and R:

                      I did know Carson was going to be a clone. I'd worked it out. So I wasn't suprised that he wasn't coming back as the real Carson and it always bothered me as soon as I suspected that. It's not that the execution of his return as a clone in Kindred II was poorly done, I just found myself not caring, since it wasn't the real Carson. Above all else, I feel it cheapens Carson dying. I cried when he died, and I just accepted he'd died and moved on. Now I feel as if it's all a stunt to please a vocal group of fans, but even then they've not got what they wanted. They got Paul back as Carson clone. Now, don't get me wrong, I know the present show runners had nothing to do with Carson's offing. They've done their best to rectify a poor choice, IMO. But, it's all a bit shallow and pointless for me. Either bring him back as real Carson, as CMO, or don't have him at all. Concentrate on Keller as the new CMO and let Carson rest in peace.

                      I suppose I'm just underwhelmed by it all. Then again, I discovered a while back that it's Carson in Fan Fiction I like, and not the real one so much, to be honest.

                      As for Weir? I was never a big fan, but I didn't want her axed. However, it didn't upset me when she went. I quite liked the change, and feel it worked out well in the end. However, I'd never want her back now. The show has moved on, and if I'm honest, I like what thye've done with it. And yes, perhaps it's the same with Carson? I'm finally starting to accept Keller and seeing Carson not quite as he was, not in his former position just is looking backwards for me? He doesn't fit with the new look of the show? That's a great observation, and I think perhaps you're right there.

                      The one thing I would say though, is that Carter coming was wasted. They should have thought ahead and got Amanda to commit to two seasons if they wanted her to come over in season 4. Because I felt let down when she went. Not because she made a choice. No, good for her. I wish her the best. But I felt I'd invested a lot in her in season 4, I'd grown to love her on the show and felt the potential was there for much more. Then she's not there and I have to get used to another leader. Then again, I have to say, I'm enjoying Woolsey.

                      Me neither!
                      Carson, Carter and Keller
                      I wouldn't have minded if clone Carson had died in The Kindred, cos then we would have had all the angst of 'Carson's alive! No, he's just a clone, real Carson still dead' but not have him feeling out of place now. His fans would have been happy to see him again and his... non-save-carson-campaigners (?) would have been ok with it too I think.

                      On Carter... Hmm.

                      I was not happy with the news that she was coming and it had nothing to do with me liking the person she was replacing. Carter does the job of both McKay and Sheppard so I was worried that they would become obsolete and have nothing to do, in the end I was wrong cos it was Carter that had nothing to do. I think that Woolsey is a much better fit in terms of the show, he has his role of administrator and makes the final decisions but he has his technical advisors in Shep and McKay.

                      I originally quite liked Keller but I have gradually become to like her less and less, to me she was a completely different character in Trio than she was in Missing. I didn't dislike either version of her but I have no connection to her because I don't know who she is And I realised something after The Seed; I wouldn't have cared if she'd have died I cried when Carson died and he was no where near my favourite character. Whereas if Keller had died I would have just been looking forward to who would replace her.

                      What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                        Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                        Agh. My internet connection at work is so slow that it takes about five minutes to load each page on GW, so I tend to click on a link, then minimise it and go and do something else. Today, though, my boss appeared at my shoulder and to talk about something or other. "Just open up the file," he said, and proceeded to stand just behind me, reading this file on my screen. All the while, a little tab called "Shep Whumping" was open at the bottom.

                        I don't think he saw - he didn't say anything if he did - but... eek! I really cannot think of any sort of good cover story.
                        Heh - that tab sits at the bottom of my screen most the day - i'm sure my boss has seen it, i don't think he dares ask! Plus before now, i've turned to my other computer to do something and accidently left the GW page up with some whumpy pic or other which he's seen - which is why i think he's too scared to ask!
                        The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                        l My LJ l


                          A pleasant good morning Whumpers!

                          Yesterday, I got this message after posting something here:"This post is a duplicate of a post that you posted within the last 5 minutes." Seriously? I mean, WHAT? First of all, I was sitting here talking to GW saying, "Oh no it wasn't!", which of course hubby overheard.

                          Last night, we watched "Midway" and "TLM". I totally forgot about MIDWAY spoiler
                          the Shep Whump in this one! Even teh hair got a good whumping when he told Rodney to vent the atmosphere. SQUEEE!

                          DO you know what cracked hubby up? MIDWAY spoiler again
                          near the end, when Coolidge questioned Ronon, how Ronon takes that loooong dramatic pause, leans over to the microphone, and just says....."Yes".

                          And of course, that final scene is just classic! *giggle*

                          Hubby really enjoys the Shep/Rodney snark too.

                          "TLM" I told him to pay attention too, because he might get confused if he didn't.
                          he does not like time travel stuff

                          he loved how over the top Michael was! Knowing CT as basically a good guy from ENT, he was having fun watching him chewing the scenery. Then at the end he said, "Now just how in the hell do they get out of that?"

                          Off to catch up.



                            Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                            A pleasant good morning Whumpers!

                            Yesterday, I got this message after posting something here:"This post is a duplicate of a post that you posted within the last 5 minutes." Seriously? I mean, WHAT? First of all, I was sitting here talking to GW saying, "Oh no it wasn't!", which of course hubby overheard.
                            I've had that a couple of times - tis very confusing!

                            I yell at talk to the computer all the time - everyone just ignores it now.

                            Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                            DO you know what cracked hubby up? MIDWAY spoiler again
                            near the end, when Coolidge questioned Ronon, how Ronon takes that loooong dramatic pause, leans over to the microphone, and just says....."Yes".
                            Hee, love that bit...Midway...
                            Jason Momoa has brilliant comic timing.
                            The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                            l My LJ l


                              Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                              Two quick questions which are OT, but I can assure you that they are asked in the service of Shep whump: (spoiler for Travelers, but nothing else.)

                              1. Do Americans use "the kitchen sink" as a idiom - e.g. "he bought everything but the kitchen sink." Normally when I have a "do Americans use such-and-such an idiom?" question in writing (which happens a lot), I can get the answer fairly quickly from google, but I'm still not sure on this one.

                              2. Can Ronon's gun shoot through a stone wall? We've seen it (or a weapon like his, in Travelers) shoot a hole in a door after multiple blasts, but I'm wondering if that was by melting metal, or something like that. What would be the effect of him shooting repeatedly at a stone wall?
                              Rhymer, as an American, I can tell you the answer to to #1 is yes - my Dad's used it more than a few times to describe my mom's packing for vacation - 'you've packed everything except the kitchen sink.'


                       took forever for a few pages to load today!

                                WELCOME to our newest Whumper! Poor fingerless Shep AF!

                       it comes....and it's all GW's fault for being so slow to load this morning. I looked at the pics! For Shrine and GiTM!
                                I have a need for a male nurse all of a sudden.......

                                I am off to do Domestic Goddess (!!!!) RL-type thingees! Blech. Hope to be back later.


