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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
    Doppelganger is a big one for me simply for the line...
    ..."I'm the one thing you are afraid of."

    Guh! That line kills me every time.

    And the
    broken, shocked look on his face when he thinks Rodney's dead, that's he's failed him.... *huggles angsty Sheppard*


      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post

      And the
      broken, shocked look on his face when he thinks Rodney's dead, that's he's failed him.... *huggles angsty Sheppard*
      That's it - i'm so re-watching DG over the weekend!!

      Course hopefully there'll be a new ep to squeee about by then.... *crosses fingers*
      The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

      l My LJ l


        I lost all my season four episodes when my old computer died.


          Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
          I lost all my season four episodes when my old computer died.

          I live in fear of that happening before the boxset comes out.
          The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

          l My LJ l


            Originally posted by Squonk View Post

            I live in fear of that happening before the boxset comes out.
            I've only got them on the computer since my Archos was stolen.. and I'd gotten used to being able to watch them on the TV.


              Good morning Whumpers!

              Hubby did not do anything regarding the computer yesterday. Figures.

              {{{LORR}}} - after I got offline yesterday I remembered I didn't do that.

              Let's see.....last night in our S-4 DVD viewing, hubby and I watched "Tabula Rasa" and then "Missing". Hubby was soooo confused with "TR".......*giggle*
              in the tease when Rodney was looking at the pic of Teyla he was saying, "Wait....why does he have that pic of her and why does he have to find her?" THEN when it got to when Ronon stunned Shep and then tied him up in the puddlejumper and Ronon said "Never gets old"......hubby said, "What did he say?" Then he did an audible "Ouch!!!" when Ronon pulled Shep's hair.

              I think he really got into "Missing"
              with the girls kicking ass!

              Let's see if I can catch up with the pages I missed so far.



                Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                38 Mins and S&R top my Shep whump chart (with S&R I think just edging into first place) followed by CG and maybe Conversion....

                Actually, there's an idea for a wet and dreary Thursday afternoon... I'm going to think about and create my Top 10 Shep whump eps in order of preference!
                Huh!! What happened to the weather .. I have a day off and it's horrrible outside... whilst I nearly died of the heat in work on tuesday/ job involves being outdoors a lot..

                Speaking of fav whump....

                Search and Rescue ... my new all time fav whump episode and all round excellent ep...
                . this gets first place because I enjoyed the entire episode and not just the odd whump bits and I found the whump very realistic and well done... only teeeny little nitpick was the second infirmary scene... with Sheppy looking a little too perky.. but I can overlook this due to the awesomeness of the rest of the eppi.

                Conversion.... 2nd place because again I liked most of the storyline and enjoyed the physical and emotional pain displayed by poor Sheppy and loved the team love.

                38 Minutes.... 3rd place because of the delicious whump, chest peekage, screaming Shep in pain, but I find myself fast forwarding a lot of this episode as the whump scenes were really the only scenes that interested me.

                The Defiant One... not a whole lot of whump but the bit we got was great... shot by real bullets .. hope we get to see this again... watching Sheppy run around injured and all sweaty in the desert never gets old..

                Common Ground -- only 5th place hmmm...... The feeding scenes were some of the best whump we have seen this far and they were awesome, but I have to admit these were really the only scenes that I loved about this ep.. any scene with Shep and Todd was great and I loved their interaction but the ep was lacking for me. .... Very little team love I felt and Weir gave up on Sheppy far too quickly for my liking... and the total lack of reprecussions was a big disappointment..

                I didnt really think the aging was done all that well either... on the second feeding we see Shep with some grey hair and on the next feeding its back to black.... but the actual feeding scenes are probably my all time favourite..

                Tabula Rasa .. 6th place..
                .. the whump was unexpected and we had lots of little gem moments of sheppy getting worse throughout the ep.. I loved the whole episode as well and not just the whump bits.

                Doppleganger... again I can only put this in 7th place..
                As whump goes I found this episode disapppointing.... Shep fighting his nemesis just didn't do it for me at all ... and again the whole thing having no reprecussions just takes away from my enjoyment of it.. overall not a bad episode but not my fav on the whump front.

                not bad whump but not enough of it... and I think the whole lighthearted feel to the ep took away the danger aspect of the episode.. so I never really felt that Shep was in any real danger. Not enough team love...

                Echoes.... Lovely little whumpy bits.... in an all round great episode.

                The Arc ..... Shep slowly falling to the ground unconsious also never gets old.. sigh. Nice little piece of whump and a very enjoyable episode.
                Last edited by bluealien; 17 July 2008, 07:05 AM.


                  ^Hey Blue.. I know we're only talking fairly vaguely here but could you please still spoiler tag the stuff referring to Season 4 eps?


                    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                    ^Hey Blue.. I know we're only talking fairly vaguely here but could you please still spoiler tag the stuff referring to Season 4 eps?
                    Yup, noticed that after I had posted so just fixed it...


                      Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                      Yup, noticed that after I had posted so just fixed it...
                      Cool. Cheers babe.

                      P.S. Loving the new "Burden of command" sig!


                        hmm top ten sheppy whump eps eh...


                        1. Search and Rescue
                        2. 38 Minutes
                        3. Conversion
                        4. Defiant one
                        5. Common Ground
                        6. Conviction (i mean c'mon tied up and bondage sheppy... whats not to love)
                        7. Tabula Rosa
                        8. Dopplaganger
                        (i mean double shep is always nice, and he's whumpin himself.)

                        9. Travelers
                        10. Insinct


                          I forgot to mention......and I am cautiously optimistic.....I may get to see "The Seed" as it airs tomorrow night! SQUEEEEE Two episodes IN A ROW and I will see them LIVE. I think we're going to mom-in-law's over the weekend for a visit so hubby said I could see "my show", as he calls SGA. If only that were the truth and SGA was really mine.

                          1) "38 Minutes" first taste of Shep Whump. And it was good......very good.
                          2) "The Defiant One"
                          3) "Conversion".....come on.....Buggy!!!Shep!
                          4) "Echoes"
                          5) "Common Ground"
                          6) "Doppelganger"
                          7) "Travellers"
                          8) "Tabula Rasa"
                          9) "Search and Rescue"
                          10) "Outcast"
                          for the emotional whump-when he's standing by his father's casket
                          and "Sunday"
                          again, for the emotional whump at Carson's memorial

                          In no particular would be easier to list episodes I wouldn't watch again.



                            For IHS - Outcast spoiler:


                              I've got a couple of reasons for putting DG up so high.
                              One, the beginning...that whole being tossed back and Rodney shocked and 'what'd you do that for!' cause it freaked him out and John's pained 'I said I don't know!' It was so cute! Then the next morning when Teyla's rattled and Shep's all 'she's not mad at me because of her dream is she' and his omg, girlz! face when he realizes she is and the team love when Rodney gleefully tells Sheppard about Teyla's dream. *snicker* Lorne holding him at gunpoint. The entire ending from when John gets hooked into Rodney's psyche to the dumping the two specimens back on the blanket and it lighting up like a Christmas village around them.

                              For me, the whump I enjoy, but there's got to be the story/interaction to make it work. I do like TDO but I wouldn't put it up there with the whumpy episodes simply because though there was whump it wasn't ever an issue. It was just there. I like that episode more for the 'captain kirk, i'm gonna kick your *censor* for messing with my people and my ship' and the little things like 'remember where we parked' homage to ST and the floating bugs and Rodney realizing just how much he'd changed and the omg, stargate did a DARK moment with Gaul! A very grown-up moment.


                                Originally posted by IWantToBelieve View Post
                                I've got a couple of reasons for putting DG up so high.
                                One, the beginning...that whole being tossed back and Rodney shocked and 'what'd you do that for!' cause it freaked him out and John's pained 'I said I don't know!' It was so cute! Then the next morning when Teyla's rattled and Shep's all 'she's not mad at me because of her dream is she' and his omg, girlz! face when he realizes she is and the team love when Rodney gleefully tells Sheppard about Teyla's dream. *snicker* Lorne holding him at gunpoint. The entire ending from when John gets hooked into Rodney's psyche to the dumping the two specimens back on the blanket and it lighting up like a Christmas village around them.

                                For me, the whump I enjoy, but there's got to be the story/interaction to make it work. I do like TDO but I wouldn't put it up there with the whumpy episodes simply because though there was whump it wasn't ever an issue. It was just there. I like that episode more for the 'captain kirk, i'm gonna kick your *censor* for messing with my people and my ship' and the little things like 'remember where we parked' homage to ST and the floating bugs and Rodney realizing just how much he'd changed and the omg, stargate did a DARK moment with Gaul! A very grown-up moment.
                                Exactly how I feel, I need to be emotionally invested in the story for the whump to really work, its why I loved CG, Outcast, Phantoms and Doppelganger.

                                Truth is I'll take emo-whump over the physical stuff any day of the week - I love my tortured heroes - of course if I can get both...

