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John Sheppard Whump

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    Hello my Whumpers!

    May I ask a favor? Can someone put up the cap of
    Joe and his boys
    . I thought I had saved it but apparently did not since I can't find it.

    Welcome PUTCHSKI (hope I spelled that right)

    DANG! I have a bunch of catching up to do!



      Originally posted by Squonk View Post
      Then again, i think you and Erika will get along just fine!
      Good to know

      Originally posted by iheartshep View Post

      Welcome PUTCHSKI (hope I spelled that right)
      Hi!! It's not exactly's putschki but that's okay! It's a very difficult name

      Well, I'm off for the night...Good night to all you nice whumpers!!!!
      My absolutely amazing sigs are by the very talented CazzBlade, scifan, Susanne, Fainne, Gate Medic, kali1, Pandora, AddyQ, Pic, csom, Stef, Spacemonkey_J., Icarium, Donna Booth, Rachel-Kree, Jill, Torri,
      Achaja, LiliJ, Kazbaby, Dr. Jackson, Maccie, Snowball, Camy, CKO and Luciana!!!


        Originally posted by Squonk View Post
        don't worry, you're safe with me - tis only Shep's blood i'm after

        Erika on the other hand...............

        ARGH!!!! don't go there. That was scary!!!

        IHS..... (Kindred spoilers)




          OT but still some kind of link to JF

          Just saw this in a mail I got from Ausiello on TvGuide

          Question: What's the buzz on the new-and-improved Women's Murder Club? — Lisa
          Ausiello: The buzz is that new show-runner Robert Nathan is on the prowl for a new love interest for Angie Harmon.

          So I'm not 100% sure but it sure sounds like they might be trying to search for someone to take up the part they can't have Joe in anymore... since wasn't he considered to be the potential love intrest for Angie's character...
          Sigs by Scifan


            Evening whumpers, just a quick hello and only 16 days till I fly to Vancouver. WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            Thinking of getting a tattoo done in Van, the Atlantis badge. Any of you guy's got a tattoo?
            I got Queen tattooed on my right shoulder, did not hurt as much as I thought it would.


              SQUUEEEEE!!!!! I am the first person to comment on JM's blog today!!!

              My hubby says that proves I'm a Geek!!

              *sings in Homer Simpson voice...I am a geek... G-E-E-K. I am a geek... G-E-E-K*..

              *runs off to the looney bin*


                Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                SQUUEEEEE!!!!! I am the first person to comment on JM's blog today!!!

                My hubby says that proves I'm a Geek!!

                *sings in Homer Simpson voice...I am a geek... G-E-E-K. I am a geek... G-E-E-K*..

                *runs off to the looney bin*
                Well you seem to be very happy in that looney bin! There isn't Shep whump in there is there?

                What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                  Whew! That took a while to catch up.

                  GG.....Thanks soooo much for the pic! I have it saved now (I hope). Computer moron strikes again!

                  Ahhhh.....yessssss.......Jobs I would Like to have: (1) Knife Placement Specialist for John Sheppard; (2) Boxer Peekage Specialist for John Sheppard; (3) Whumpage Makeup Artist for John Sheppard. That would be such a SQUEEEEE job......I'd almost do that for free.

                  I really REALLY will have a problem with this wait for the new season! I really should
                  be placed in stasis with Shep
                  to pass the time.

                  Dagnabit.......I may have to go in a minute.



                    Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                    Whew! That took a while to catch up.

                    GG.....Thanks soooo much for the pic! I have it saved now (I hope). Computer moron strikes again!

                    Ahhhh.....yessssss.......Jobs I would Like to have: (1) Knife Placement Specialist for John Sheppard; (2) Boxer Peekage Specialist for John Sheppard; (3) Whumpage Makeup Artist for John Sheppard. That would be such a SQUEEEEE job......I'd almost do that for free.

                    I really REALLY will have a problem with this wait for the new season! I really should
                    be placed in stasis with Shep
                    to pass the time.

                    Dagnabit.......I may have to go in a minute.


                    Now they sound like fabulous jobs!!! If only!!!


                      Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                      Whew! That took a while to catch up.

                      GG.....Thanks soooo much for the pic! I have it saved now (I hope). Computer moron strikes again!

                      Ahhhh.....yessssss.......Jobs I would Like to have: (1) Knife Placement Specialist for John Sheppard; (2) Boxer Peekage Specialist for John Sheppard; (3) Whumpage Makeup Artist for John Sheppard. That would be such a SQUEEEEE job......I'd almost do that for free.

                      I really REALLY will have a problem with this wait for the new season! I really should
                      be placed in stasis with Shep
                      to pass the time.

                      Dagnabit.......I may have to go in a minute.



                        Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                        Well you seem to be very happy in that looney bin! There isn't Shep whump in there is there?

                        I can't answer that question. Cause if I said Hell'd all be in here and then I'd have to share. answer you're question, no. There is no Shep whump in the looney bin.


                          Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                          Whew! That took a while to catch up.

                          GG.....Thanks soooo much for the pic! I have it saved now (I hope). Computer moron strikes again!

                          Ahhhh.....yessssss.......Jobs I would Like to have: (1) Knife Placement Specialist for John Sheppard; (2) Boxer Peekage Specialist for John Sheppard; (3) Whumpage Makeup Artist for John Sheppard. That would be such a SQUEEEEE job......I'd almost do that for free.

                          I really REALLY will have a problem with this wait for the new season! I really should
                          be placed in stasis with Shep
                          to pass the time.

                          Dagnabit.......I may have to go in a minute.


                          I want those jobs too!!


                            Originally Posted by rhymer
                            Eek! No, men really don't seem to get it. I think we need to write a "Whumping for dummies" guide and distribute it to our significant others. "So you want to date a whumper. Here's what you need to know." (Rather like those guides animal charities give you if you want to adopt a cat.)
                            Its not only men that don't understand ~ I swear my family think I am nuts as I get excited over my favourite characters coming to harm or I watch certain scenes/episodes for the nth time

                            Originally Posted by iheartshep
                            Whew! That took a while to catch up.

                            Ahhhh.....yessssss.......Jobs I would Like to have: (1) Knife Placement Specialist for John Sheppard; (2) Boxer Peekage Specialist for John Sheppard; (3) Whumpage Makeup Artist for John Sheppard. That would be such a SQUEEEEE job......I'd almost do that for free.
                            I'm on the hunt for a new job, hhmm wonder if its worth enquiring at job centre


                              Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                              The ultimate answers to life, the universe and everything are hidden within those little tears, I'm sure of it! And if I just stare at them long enough, I'll find those answers....
                              I agree and I took every opportunity at work to sit and stare at it to find those answers, I think I need to study a little more, I haven't quite found all of the answers yet

                              Originally posted by Linzi View Post

                              Well yes. We have been disappointed, you're right. It DOES seem too good to be true, I agree. So I do understand where you're coming from, because part of me thinks we couldn't possibly be that lucky! But, it is genuine I'm sure. It's a pretty big part of an episode to cut out, I think. It'd change the whole story, I think. So I do believe it was filmed. Now, whether it's as bad as we hope or not...well, that's another thing altogether. My whumpy little heart has faith in JM.

                              Originally posted by bebop View Post
                              Morning peeps...and I have to say I fell asleep last night with..
                              pic spoilers s5
                              images of debris filled holes, broken limbs and blood seepage running through my naughty whumpy little brain...and it was FABBY!!!!!!!......

                              I'm STILL on a squeee high even now..even after a good nights sleep!!. I've now got to go out and brave the gales!!!!...Later peeps.
                              nice images to fall asleep with

                              Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                              Wouldn't that be a dream job for any whumper? (No spoilers, really, but grew out of comments about that picture, so behind a cut just to be safe.)
                              Scene at a dinner party:

                              Guest: So what do you all do?"

                              (various guests say they're accountants, lawyers, teachers etc. There is a buzz of polite conversation)

                              Whumper: Me? I'm the official Slapper-On of Fake Blood on Sheppard in Stargate Atlantis. (They call me The Slapper for short.)"

                              Guest: Er... Okay. I suppose someone's got to do it. It's like fire fighting or sewer emptying. The world needs this service. Thank goodness there are people like you prepared to do it.

                              Whumper: Yes. Yes. It's a real chore.

                              Whumper's eyes go distant. The screen goes all wibbly-wibbly with impending flashback. We see glimpses of happy moments from her job:

                              Whumper: Oh no! Look over there! Whatever can it be?
                              (JF looks round. Whumper darts in and dabs fake blood on his cheek.
                              Cut to whumper looking gleeful and filming carries on and no-one notices it.)

                              Whumper stands on edge of set with a paintbrush filled with red paint. Whumper flicks paint and it lands on JF's chest.
                              Cut to director: "We're on a tight schedule here. There's no time to get those clothes washed. We'll just have to go with the "wounded" angle here. Let's do that scene again, but add some pained whimpers.

                              Whumper: I'm really sorry. My hand slipped. The... er... the stress of... er... a difficult upbringing, and... er... troubles at home. My hamster, it's... No, I can't talk about it. So my hand shook with angst and I... er... accidentally tipped the entire tin over him instead of the one little drop you asked for, and then my hand slipped and I... er... accidentally opened three more tins and tipped them on. Please don't tell me off! *weeps*
                              Director: It's okay. No, please, don't cry. No, please, don't. (director has that caught in the headlights look of a man facing a crying woman.) We'll make the best of it. We'll cope. No harm done.
                              Whumper: But... but... I know the script only called for Sheppard to have a paper-cut
                              Director (after quick consultation with writers, who hastily scribble a new draft.) Paper-cut? No, it's a sword-thrust. Two sword-thrusts. (studies amount of fake blood.) Three. Now, please stop crying. Please.

                              Originally posted by putschki1969 View Post
                              Hello everybody!

                              I've been a lurker for quite some time now and finally decided to make myself known

                              I love whump in all its shapes and forms and I can't imagine a life without it
                              Shep is certainly one of the most whumpable characters I've ever come across and believe me, I have whumped my fair share of hawt men in my lifetime (which doesn't necessarily mean anything because I'm only 19 but who cares )

                              And because everyone talks about it: The Ark of Truth
                              I also want the Cam-whump for Shep!!!! I not only want it, I crave it! Not that I don't enjoy a nice piece of Cam-whumpage as well
                              Welcome to the whump thread Wow so many Shiny newbies I am gonna lose track

                              Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                              I'm home from work and got just a bit beofre heading off to the astronomy club meeting later.

                              WELCOME to PUTSCHKI!!! Gah! i'm not gonna remember that. i'll go with the suggestion schki!

                              I am now downloading the video. can't wait to watch it!! And I got the pix I emailed to myself on my computer now. So all I need is more whump and i'll be good to go.
                              The vid is too big for my rubbish dial up *iz sad cos wants to see whump

                              Originally posted by Wabit View Post
                              Evening whumpers, just a quick hello and only 16 days till I fly to Vancouver. WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Thinking of getting a tattoo done in Van, the Atlantis badge. Any of you guy's got a tattoo?
                              I got Queen tattooed on my right shoulder, did not hurt as much as I thought it would.
                              Lucky lucky you. Er a few of the whumpers have tattoo's
                              Ali has a few, Peg has a really fab one on her back, I have a pretty average little butterfly on a vine across the bottom of my back (I am planning my next tat, but can't get the design work how I want it so its still on hold), I think Erika has one and I know I am missing someone else.... is it GG??? not sure can't remember now. Is that right??..... I can't remember, I am sleep deprived...

                              Well a total flyby post tonight, I am still so very very very full of squee I may have tired myself out from being so hyper all day So I am off to bed


                                Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                                I want those jobs too!!
                                So do I it would be fab, nothing like job satisfaction

