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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
    Welcome back Listy! Glad that you got home okay! It was fabulous meeting you and I am so pleased that you bought your P4 ticket already!!!!

    You were very brave with those con dances (the ST one is very dangerous!)!!!
    She was indeed an absolute star! Very talented and put the rest of us to shame

    No longer a con virgin (Bebop too) you will all be old pro's next year!

    Pic spoilered for size only!

    sig by SheppyD
    Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

    I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
    So he just looks crazy


      morning whumpers
      Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


        Welcome back Listy!!!!! And Bebop too, if you're around and not chasing after your two big puppies!

        Originally posted by McKayRocks! View Post
        She was indeed an absolute star! Very talented and put the rest of us to shame

        No longer a con virgin (Bebop too) you will all be old pro's next year!

        Pic spoilered for size only!
        Be still my heart! What a fabby piccie! Sigh...'re simply a whump tart!

        Oh yes, Listy is SUCH a brilliant dancer. I was just gobsmacked how good she was! Oh dear, what can I say about me? Hmmmm, well, I still can't do the Macarena... The Star Trekkin' one looked positively leathal to me Listy was so talented though.

        At P3 they even showed some vids with Sheppy whump in them, with clips from 38 Minutes, CG and TDO! The whumpers here would have been of the noise emanating from us con goers...or humiliated!

        I have to say, poor Mx nearly passed out when Rodney whump came up on the screen - the scene from the Hive where he's all sweaty and delirious. I honestly thought we'd have to call Carson to come and tend to her! I'm sure Carson would have enjoyed that!!!!!

        Bebop and Listy were awesome people. Totally fabby. I met many others who were terrific too, such as AP, Squonk and PJ42, FF as well as meeting up with the wonderful old pros again as well!

        I feel I made some wonderful friends this weekend! ((((Hugs all the whumpers and hope to meet them ALL one day))))

        Now, I understand there's an eppie on this Friday that some whumpers might be interested in. What's it called again? Er, Out something...Outside, Out of this world, Out of Gas, oh I wish , hmmm, what's it again?

        Edit: forgot to say to Astral, I hope your cat gets better soon! It was Astral, right?



          Am home. Am shredded. Con was brilliant. Got soooooooo many photos and it's going to take me DAYS to write up my detailed con report.. oh but just so much fun and lovely guests and photos and autographs and just fabness. Kavan is waaay cute, Torri's a sweetie, Andee is just absolutely irrepressible and *so* much fun, Dean is just lovely and Paul was hilarious. Fab weekend.

          Righto. Off to catch up on about a gazillion pages worth of posts and then I'll be back to gossip and chat about cons, harmony, whump, Outcast promos (we watched them at the con on Puddlejumper42's laptop! Eeep! ) and so on....


            Originally posted by Susnn View Post
            Hi, All

            Coming out of lurkerdom to say Hi and wish everyone well. Have fun at P3. As for Harmony....
            Welcome to the bestest thread around!!!

            Originally posted by McKayRocks! View Post

            Just back from P3 with SheppyD, Linzi, Bebop, Listy and Peggy!

            We whooped everytime Joe appeared on the con vids (of course I also whooped when someone else appeared but I won't talk about that here!) and badgered anyone who would listen to say we wanted Joe at P4!!

            I am remaining spoiler free like SheppyD as it really makes the ep much better when you have no idea what is going to happen! But I see you are all squeeing for next week so I have got a wee bit excited too

            May the whump be with you!

            Originally posted by Linzi View Post
            HELLLO Whumpers!

            I'm baaaaack!

            How is everyone?

            Well, I had a blast! the guests were awesome. Andee was such a hoot, Kavan and Dean were sweeties! Paul was incredibly entertaining...a hilight was when he hopped on a gurney with his kilt on, not realising the camera for the screen behind him gave us a lovely view of, um, what was under his kilt! When I told him that, and that no doubt it'd all be on You Tube soon, he was delighted! In fact, he said I'd made his weekend for telling him that. I'm not sure he was sincere about that! Torri was incredibly sweet and fun.

            I do believe it's the 23-35th January for P4, though I'm not positive that's been confirmed as yet.

            Peggy won a competition! Woo hoo! She was up on stage and all famous! I'll let her fill you in on all the details! But, I captured it on her camcorder, so she could be on You Tube soon!

            I loved Harmony. I don't know what others thought, but I laughed so much at times, that I nearly needed to go to the loo!

            I have seen the Outcast promos, and I'm staying calm...yeah, right!


            I had a blast meeting up with the whumpers. Yes, we told the important people we were whumpers. Kavan left our table pretty quickly....funny that! Andee has promised, as SheppyD has said, to rip off Shep's shirt and throw him round a bit next opportunity she gets as a wraith queen. And I've seen Kavan's signed photo. He WILL shoot Sheppy! We proudly displayed our black arm bands, courtesy of the lovely Ali, and let me tell you, everytime Shep came on screen, we whooped with delight!

            I loved meeting Listy, Bebop - who are delightful. I bumped in to Arctic Penguin and dear Squonk too!

            So, are the whumpers excited then?
            It was absolutely AMAZING meeting everyone at the con!...I would just like to say a heartfelt thank you to SheppyD, Linzi, Peg, Mx and Listy for their friendship and help to this poor con were all FABBY!!!!!

            Originally posted by Linzi View Post
            Welcome back Listy!!!!! And Bebop too, if you're around and not chasing after your two big puppies!
            Thanks mateypeeps!!!....

            I have to say that I was GOBSMACKED at how funny and friendly the guests were. Andee Frizzell and Paul McGillion had me in stitches, they were so relaxed and full of fun, and Kavan, Torri and Dean were lovely.

            I booked my ticket for P4!....I still can't believe it myself...but thanks again to the warm hearts of the whumpers for making it so much fun!!!

            my fan fiction place


              After all the bouncy excitement and squeeing over Outcast this weekend I'm actually feeling kind of deflated today, maybe because its been so quiet I confess I've been bored. I'm trying to do some art work - a kind of illustration for one of my fics but its not going very well.


                Originally posted by Josie View Post
                It's ridiculously quiet in here today.

                It is a lovely pic isn't it? Maybe we'll get a similar big version when we eventually get some promo shots.

                I see another one made it back in one piece, glad you had a good time.
                Hey josie it was so much fun I am just trying to catch up on stuff, thanks for the links I am gonna go take a peak

                Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                Welcome back Listy! Glad that you got home okay! It was fabulous meeting you and I am so pleased that you bought your P4 ticket already!!!!

                You were very brave with those con dances (the ST one is very dangerous!)!!!
                yeah the ST one was definitely a whump risk can just imagine Shep running in there and hitting Ronon at full force bouncing off and landing on the floor dazed

                Originally posted by McKayRocks! View Post
                She was indeed an absolute star! Very talented and put the rest of us to shame

                No longer a con virgin (Bebop too) you will all be old pro's next year!

                Pic spoilered for size only!
                yay I lost my con virginity

                I wouldn't say talented, just managed to stay on my feet and not land on my backside

                oooh nice pic Mx Have you recovered from all of the fabby McKay whump vids?

                the whumpers certainly did let their squee escape whenever we got a vid showing Shep (and McKay - Linzi is right, Mx was in need of medical help after one particular vid the whumpers got some good clips ) whump

                Yay!!! P4 is going to be fab A whole set of new guests to convince to join the darkside and campaign for Shep whump

                edit: forgot to say I thought the guests were fab, so polite and grateful to be there, and they must have been so tired all of the photo's and signatures and they all remained so patient and polite, it was fab. I got my pic taken with Kavan, Paul and then got a group one, so much fun!!
                Last edited by Listy; 28 January 2008, 08:47 AM.


                  Originally posted by Linzi View Post

                  Bebop and Listy were awesome people. Totally fabby. I met many others who were terrific too, such as AP, Squonk and PJ42, FF as well as meeting up with the wonderful old pros again as well!

                  Now, I understand there's an eppie on this Friday that some whumpers might be interested in. What's it called again? Er, Out something...Outside, Out of this world, Out of Gas, oh I wish , hmmm, what's it again?

                  Edit: forgot to say to Astral, I hope your cat gets better soon! It was Astral, right?

                  Am I an old pro?????

                  Have no idea what ep you are talking about!

                  Originally posted by bebop View Post
                  Welcome to the bestest thread around!!!

                  It was absolutely AMAZING meeting everyone at the con!...I would just like to say a heartfelt thank you to SheppyD, Linzi, Peg, Mx and Listy for their friendship and help to this poor con were all FABBY!!!!!

                  Thanks mateypeeps!!!....

                  I have to say that I was GOBSMACKED at how funny and friendly the guests were. Andee Frizzell and Paul McGillion had me in stitches, they were so relaxed and full of fun, and Kavan, Torri and Dean were lovely.

                  I booked my ticket for P4!....I still can't believe it myself...but thanks again to the warm hearts of the whumpers for making it so much fun!!!

                  Welcome back bebop!!

                  It was just fab meeting you!

                  I am glad that you enjoyed yourself and are going to come to P4 too!!! Yay!

                  Originally posted by Listy View Post
                  Hey josie it was so much fun I am just trying to catch up on stuff, thanks for the links I am gonna go take a peak

                  yeah the ST one was definitely a whump risk can just imagine Shep running in there and hitting Ronon at full force bouncing off and landing on the floor dazed

                  yay I lost my con virginity

                  I wouldn't say talented, just managed to stay on my feet and not land on my backside

                  oooh nice pic Mx Have you recovered from all of the fabby McKay whump vids?

                  the whumpers certainly did let their squee escape whenever we got a vid showing Shep (and McKay - Linzi is right, Mx was in need of medical help after one particular vid the whumpers got some good clips ) whump

                  Yay!!! P4 is going to be fab A whole set of new guests to convince to join the darkside and campaign for Shep whump

                  edit: forgot to say I thought the guests were fab, so polite and grateful to be there, and they must have been so tired all of the photo's and signatures and they all remained so patient and polite, it was fab. I got my pic taken with Kavan, Paul and then got a group one, so much fun!!

                  Woo hoo!!!!!! P4 - squeeeeeee!!!! Only have a year to wait! i hope that we get something else to go to before then! like an Expo where Joe is a guest!!!!!!


                    Ahhh. Finally caught up.

                    I see reactions on Harmony were mixed. I enjoyed it personally.. and my god, it's SO much fun (and so exciting and giggly) to watch new SGA with a group of fans, where all of you get the excitement of a new ep and love and enjoy the show. We had 3 Germans, 2 yanks and um... I think 4 Brits! And we laughed so much we had to keep rewinding cos we'd missed what was said next!


                    It was a fun, light-hearted episode and I enjoyed the humour and the banter and Shep was great in it - loved him being the man in charge and getting to see competent soldier Shep again.. with his slipping away from the group silently cos he detected the enemy soldiers and circling around to get silently into position to take them out with 3 well-placed shots... GUH!

                    Oh and I know for a fact (cos we had one in the room with us!) that the McShep folks will all have been utterly swooning when McKay called Sheppard John for a second - and then third and fourth! - time, all within the space of a minute and all concerned for him! I'm sure hearts were aflutter all across fandom!

                    I thought Jodelle was just right, she was the annoying, slightly spoiled brat who's been brought up with power and the typical teenager playing one adult off against another. I found her as annoying as I think the writers intended her to be - basically an amusing annoyance - and not more than that. So colour me happy, I enjoyed the ep and will happily watch it again.

                    Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                    Hopefully in Harmony
                    being in the woods and having to defend a little girl will bring out a nice military side of Shep.
                    And indeed it did!

                    Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                    As for the Outcast trailer for next week,
                    not one mention of why John is on Earth.
                    It actually says why in the writing along the bottom of the vid screen - a kind of one line summary of the ep.

                    Originally posted by Josie View Post
                    As for Harmony well I obviously haven't watched it yet but...
                    ...I'm not bothering about avoiding spoilers for this one as the plot was already obvious. It seems general reactions are more positive than expected but I'm cringing just reading about most of it so I'm not sure how I'll react to actually watching it. I don't find "comedy" that makes you cringe or feel embarrassed for the characters/actors funny.

                    It's why Irresistible is so painful to watch - though at least in that episode they didn't make Shep look too silly unlike everyone else. I'm still convinced I'm going to hate this episode.
                    I *hate* the kind of comedy that makes you cringe or makes me feel embarassed for the actors/characters... I really can't stand it. My friends too me to see Mickey Blue Eyes and in the scene where Hugh Grant's character is doing his terrible Italian-American accent and trying to pretedn to someone who knows him that he isn't who they think, I literally had to close my eyes and put my hands over my ears to block it out and ask my friends to tell me when that bit was over. I can't watch that kind of comedy. But I enjoyed Harmony. So the point of that long waffle was to say that the humour in Harmony, imo, is not that kind of cringe-making humour.

                    Originally posted by Josie View Post
                    You see this is what I don't get not only did we have that scene in
                    Letter's From Pegasus where he said he didn't want to send a message home but we also had the scene in Sateda where he told Teyla he'd never really had a family.

                    Maybe his mother died young and his father didn't know how to show emotion, perhaps he was more authoritarian than fatherly. So he never felt like he had a "real" family at least not how he pictures a real family being.

                    I think maybe that's it, John has this picture in his head of how a family should be and how they should behave toward one another, he's very much an idealist in many ways. And for some reason his family has never lived up that ideal. Something must have happened for him to feel so hurt and rejected by them and it must have been something that happened when he was quite young - hence the "never really having a family".

                    I'm a little worried that tptb are going to drop the ball continuity wise and conveniently forget the conversation in Sateda etc It would be very disappointing if they contradict what's come before.
                    Sateda and Outcast:
                    He didn't say he'd never had a family in Sateda though, he merely told Teyla that she and the team etc were the closest thing he had to a family (not that he'd ever had, just a family:

                    SHEPPARD: "You, Elizabeth, Ronon, Carson, even Rodney, are the closest thing I have to a ...

                    TEYLA: A family?

                    SHEPPARD (nodding): I'd do anything ... for any one of you. If I had to give up my life the way Ronon was going to, I would.
                    To me, this isn't saying he never had a family.. just that right now in his life, these guys are the closest thing he has to a family. Which, if he is so estranged from his own family that he wouldn't send a good bye message in LTP, makes sense.

                    Originally posted by PuddleJumper42 View Post
                    Hello from P3! I'm here with Ali, Arctic Penguin and Squonk.

                    Ali says pretteh Sheppard (spelling mistakes are due to alcohol consuptmpitojn), funny ep, laughed sp much we had to keep rewinding. The Brits loved it, the Yanks loved it and the Geeeeerrrrrrrmans loved it!

                    P.S. I might be drunk.

                    Squonk says - yah think?!

                    Arctic Penguin says I'm so sorry, but its okay Ali has gone to dance to Greased Lightening........

                    We now return you to your regularly scheduled whumping.
                    Whoops! What happened to my typing?

                    Originally posted by Josie View Post
                    Ooooh, can someone write that up in a con report so I can add that little snippet to the spoiler comm? Or maybe I could just link to your post?
                    I'll try and get my report done asap so you can link to it - there's also another spoiler which I've emailed you details of. Don't know it you want to put the spoilers up giving details of the source and then adding a link when the report(s) are available?

                    Originally posted by caty View Post
                    Joe is so sweet!

                    I couldn't help but notice that he doesn't address Sheppard in the third person, he uses "my backstory" and "my family situation"... Actors don't normally do that, do they?
                    Joe does that a lot. He did it during his Q&A at London Expo.


                      Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                      Am I an old pro?????

                      Have no idea what ep you are talking about!

                      Welcome back bebop!!

                      It was just fab meeting you!

                      I am glad that you enjoyed yourself and are going to come to P4 too!!! Yay!

                      Woo hoo!!!!!! P4 - squeeeeeee!!!! Only have a year to wait! i hope that we get something else to go to before then! like an Expo where Joe is a guest!!!!!!
                      That woul dbe fantastic!! I would love to meet Joe


                        Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                        Am I an old pro?????

                        Have no idea what ep you are talking about!
                        Not much you don't!

                        Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post

                        Welcome back bebop!!

                        It was just fab meeting you!

                        I am glad that you enjoyed yourself and are going to come to P4 too!!! Yay!

                        P4 - YAY!!!!!!!!!! I've got my ticket too, courtesy of one very generous lady!
                        Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post

                        Woo hoo!!!!!! P4 - squeeeeeee!!!! Only have a year to wait! i hope that we get something else to go to before then! like an Expo where Joe is a guest!!!!!!
                        I want to go to another con now! *Stomps feet* Joe WILL come over to a con here soon. My spideysense is tingling again


                          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                          Not much you don't!

                          P4 - YAY!!!!!!!!!! I've got my ticket too, courtesy of one very generous lady!

                          I want to go to another con now! *Stomps feet* Joe WILL come over to a con here soon. My spideysense is tingling again
                          Yep I agree - within the next twelve months I think we will see Joe again!!!

                          ( hehehe I am in and out cooking myself some food - need something to eat today other than chocolate !)


                            Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                            Not much you don't!

                            P4 - YAY!!!!!!!!!! I've got my ticket too, courtesy of one very generous lady!

                            I want to go to another con now! *Stomps feet* Joe WILL come over to a con here soon. My spideysense is tingling again
                            *sigh*...I hope you are right Linz, we need Joe NOW!!!!!!..*stomps feet in time with Linzi*

                            my fan fiction place


                              Originally posted by Listy View Post
                              That woul dbe fantastic!! I would love to meet Joe
                              You will, sweetie!

                              I want some whumpidoodles!

                              Self-inflicted whump:

                              Water whump: (spoilered for size)


                              Desert whump:

                              Emo Beckett whump:

                              The ultimate whump:



                                Oh that last one makes you blush doesnt it!

                                sig by SheppyD
                                Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

                                I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
                                So he just looks crazy

