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John Sheppard Whump

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    Congrats on 100 CAS!!

    I liked it! I've lived in fear since I heard the first spoilers especially about McKay and Sheppard being "smitten" with the older princesses. I didn't see that at all! Loved Sheppard getting in a strategic military position to shoot all 3 Genii with one shot. LOVED the kid stealing the PowerBar and blaming it on McKay. She was so manipulative (of course, she was 13). The snark between him and Harmony was hilarious. Rodney becoming a first-class tracker following the food was great as was him covering her when the Genii attacked. Sheppard's reaction to her asking him to be king was priceless, but her changing her mind to McKay was even better. And I howled at the painting! Rodney is NEVER going to let him live that down. If the man has a camera in that pack you know that's going to be emailed to the entire expedition. Not the greatest ep ever, but a lighthearted romp (WAY better than The Tower).
    Sig by Luciana
    My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


      I'm still chuckling. There were some good serious moments with Shep being all commando, but there were also some very funny moments. I think TPTB struck a decent balance.

      As Ruffles said, not the greatest ep, but it was worth watching. Jodelle Ferland is an amazing actress. She held her own very well throughout, especially with Rodney.

      I must away. Goodnight!


        As for the Outcast trailer for next week,
        not one mention of why John is on Earth.
        Last edited by Ruffles; 25 January 2008, 10:28 PM. Reason: added link for trailer
        Sig by Luciana
        My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


          ^The trailer is a little disappointing in some ways but it still looks incredibly cool, maybe we'll get a different MGM trailer or a preview clip somewhere.

          As for Harmony well I obviously haven't watched it yet but...
          ...I'm not bothering about avoiding spoilers for this one as the plot was already obvious. It seems general reactions are more positive than expected but I'm cringing just reading about most of it so I'm not sure how I'll react to actually watching it. I don't find "comedy" that makes you cringe or feel embarrassed for the characters/actors funny.

          It's why Irresistible is so painful to watch - though at least in that episode they didn't make Shep look too silly unlike everyone else. I'm still convinced I'm going to hate this episode.


            I've just watched the Outcast promo a few dozen more times and its actually better than I first thought.
            Look at the beginning with Shep standing on his own staring at the gate and looking all sad and dazed and lonely. But then Ronon is there too, makes me wonder if Ronon does just decide to join him off his own back, turning up in the gate room at the last minute and not giving Shep a choice, it looks like Ronon goes through the gate first.

            And there's that line at the end of the promo when Ronon turns to Shep and says "A hell of a week huh?"

            I really, really hope I'm going to get my emo-whump.


              Originally posted by Josie View Post
              I've just watched the Outcast promo a few dozen more times and its actually better than I first thought.
              Look at the beginning with Shep standing on his own staring at the gate and looking all sad and dazed and lonely. But then Ronon is there too, makes me wonder if Ronon does just decide to join him off his own back, turning up in the gate room at the last minute and not giving Shep a choice, it looks like Ronon goes through the gate first.

              And there's that line at the end of the promo when Ronon turns to Shep and says "A hell of a week huh?"

              I really, really hope I'm going to get my emo-whump.
              Josie- I just saw both the SciFi and MGM promos for Outcast. I think us whumpers will be very happy. Desperately trying to manage expectations!
              Lost In Space - wherever I am is where I'm supposed to be (aka my geek blog)

              Thanks to ileliberte for permission to share her amazing art


                Originally posted by lostinspace View Post
                Josie- I just saw both the SciFi and MGM promos for Outcast. I think us whumpers will be very happy. Desperately trying to manage expectations!
                Is the MGM promo up anywhere, is it different. Is it? Huh? huh? huh?

                Not that I'm all that interested or anything.

                EDIT: I just found it and OMG!!!
                emo-whump and physical whump!!!

                Okay deep breaths calm down.


                  Originally posted by Josie View Post
                  Is the MGM promo up anywhere, is it different. Is it? Huh? huh? huh?

                  Not that I'm all that interested or anything.

                  EDIT: I just found it and OMG!!!
                  emo-whump and physical whump!!!

                  Okay deep breaths calm down.
                  Yep Josie I'm having a huge SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE about that and I just can't wait for OUTCAST!!

                  As for Harmony

                  A most enjoyable filler episode. I loved all of it and the relationships between the three of them were just perfect and totally in character. Poor John rejected by the Princess. I bet he was relieved. The picture was so funny. I wonder if Shep will ever want to visit that planet again? Especially as the Queen seems to consider him a coward. Unjustly of course. Oh well that's life.


                    Originally posted by causeAscene View Post

                    There's hardly anything new on and I'm quite happy there's new episodes of my current favorite show. And like you said, Harmony will hopefully be refreshing. Quarantine was as well, the only problem there was that there wasn't much Shep in it. Harmony, on the other hand, should have more Shep.

                    Of course, I'm looking forward to Jericho starting back up and I think House has a few new episodes coming up so...

                    But, we can always count on SGA, so I'm just happy its still up and running.

                    Oh and... SQUEEE!!! 100'th POST!

                    Exactly 36 minutes until Harmony!
                    Happy 100th Whumpy Post!!!

                    I'll get to watch Harmony tomorrow night after work. Have to wait for iTunes to finish downloading... and I plan to be in bed before that happens. I see the SQUEES and cannot wait.

                    Thank you for the sig, SciFan!

                    Thank You Sheyla Fan!



                      If anyone is interested I've made some caps and a transcript of the MGM Outcast promo - you can find them on my LJ here


                        Originally posted by Josie View Post
                        Is the MGM promo up anywhere, is it different. Is it? Huh? huh? huh?

                        Not that I'm all that interested or anything.

                        EDIT: I just found it and OMG!!!
                        emo-whump and physical whump!!!

                        Okay deep breaths calm down.
                        Deep breaths Josie *lol*

                        And yes there seems to be both kind of whump for John in this one.. and as we were speculation he gets told on Atlantis about his father.. so it atleast starts with that instead of being on earth right away...
                        Sigs by Scifan


                          ^Actually when I looked at the bits and pieces on the spoiler comm, thre are tons of images for Outcast but one of them is...
                          ...a plan of John's quarters, so I really should have known that it would start on Atlantis. Doh!

                          I like that we get the scene where he is notified and I hope that the expression on his face as he is waitin gto go through the gate is as heartbreaking as it looks in the crappy quality Skiffy promo.


                            Originally posted by Josie View Post
                            ^Actually when I looked at the bits and pieces on the spoiler comm, thre are tons of images for Outcast but one of them is...
                            ...a plan of John's quarters, so I really should have known that it would start on Atlantis. Doh!

                            I like that we get the scene where he is notified and I hope that the expression on his face as he is waitin gto go through the gate is as heartbreaking as it looks in the crappy quality Skiffy promo.
                            *lol* You are right..then again I hardly remember every pic I've seen there and where they belong...

                            Yeah you see also when Sam tells him he's like oh what and then when she tells him what happened you see his face .. so it's going to be intresting to see... and I was like hey I know that guy that plays his brother.. and John and Ronon seems to be getting a little roughed up by the Replicator..
                            Sigs by Scifan


                              Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                              *lol* You are right..then again I hardly remember every pic I've seen there and where they belong...

                              Yeah you see also when Sam tells him he's like oh what and then when she tells him what happened you see his face .. so it's going to be intresting to see... and I was like hey I know that guy that plays his brother.. and John and Ronon seems to be getting a little roughed up by the Replicator..
                              I know.
                              He looks kind of confused and dazed when Sam tells him - its obviously come right out of the blue for him. I'm guessing at the end we'll get a scene of him at his fathers graveside regretting that they never had a chance to reconcile.

                              And there is lots of potential for physical whump too.

                              Where do you know his brother from? I was saying on my LJ that they could have found someone who bore a passing resemblance to Joe F, I have a hard time buying that guy as his brother - maybe they are half-brothers or even stepbrothers. Also - Shep's definitely the good looking one in the family.


                                Originally posted by Josie View Post
                                I know.
                                He looks kind of confused and dazed when Sam tells him - its obviously come right out of the blue for him. I'm guessing at the end we'll get a scene of him at his fathers graveside regretting that they never had a chance to reconcile.

                                And there is lots of potential for physical whump too.

                                Where do you know his brother from? I was saying on my LJ that they could have found someone who bore a passing resemblance to Joe F, I have a hard time buying that guy as his brother - maybe they are half-brothers or even stepbrothers. Also - Shep's definitely the good looking one in the family.

                                *lol* Yeah Shep is the good looking one of the family *lol*
                                I think they always seems to have a hard problem with finding people that looks like the other if they are playing brother or sister or whatever...I've seen it in CSI NY too... looking nothing like for me to believe they would be yes who knows,, half-brother or stepbrother,,who knows..
                                His name is Dylan Neal.. I've seen him in passing in Hyperion Bay, Dawson's Creek, some soap my mom used to watch, among others...
                                Sigs by Scifan

