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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Josie View Post
    How long before you get the results?
    I'm not sure. Hopefully I'll hear something today, but most likely next week.

    So, are you making any progress on your writing? Or are you just taking it easy today?


      Morning non-P3ers. How's everybody? Wet and chilly in Big D today. Of course, it's supposed to be in the 60s this weekend.

      I'll be out tonight so it'll be late when I get to watch Harmony, but I am hoping it will be better than I expect.

      And I'm happy to say that I haven't seen the spoiler pic on JM's blog although all the frowny faces above concern me. That JM is a sneaky devil though. Things are usually not what they appear to be. Keeping my fingers crossed for a thrilling and enjoyable rest of the season.





      Sig by Luciana
      My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


        Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
        I'm not sure. Hopefully I'll hear something today, but most likely next week.

        So, are you making any progress on your writing? Or are you just taking it easy today?
        I've made some progress on Chapter 7 of Under the Surface. I think one of the things that was holding me back on the other fic was guilt that I hadn't finished this one so I'm going to really get stuck in and try and have at least one chapter finished by the time Ali gets back on Monday, if I get on well enough I could even have the whole fic finished by then.

        Once I've finished UtS I won't feel so guilty.


          Hm, I can't help myself, but
          the Sheyla shipper in me is happy!
          *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


            Originally posted by caty View Post
            Hm, I can't help myself, but
            the Sheyla shipper in me is happy!
            It's no surprise to me and hell that's been pretty much my feelings before I even saw this..since I knew that was pretty much where it was headed anyway

            Congrats to 4500 posts!!!
            Sigs by Scifan


              Yeah I knew...
     guys would be happy and if you get some shippy squee out of it then I'm pleased for you but for someone who wanted to see something more out of this Teyla arc I'm disappointed that tptb have taken such a predictable and easy way out.


                Originally posted by Josie View Post
                Yeah I knew...
       guys would be happy and if you get some shippy squee out of it then I'm pleased for you but for someone who wanted to see something more out of this Teyla arc I'm disappointed that tptb have taken such a predictable and easy way out.
                Yeah I know...

                The thing is I don't have an attachement to that guy no matter if I'm a shipper or not... I really don't know a damn thing other then he is seeing Teyla and is the father of her all for me that just another device for the pregnancy to even have him there... so I really don't see the point.. I've seen people say there is more to Teyla then just playing up the pregnancy...well Kanan is part of that so that like taking more into the pregnancy plot some are already tired off... hell I'm tired of it...I rather had seen something way more intresting for Teyla then the whole idea of getting her pregnant...I know it was because of Rachel ... but it seems the plot on her will be revolved around that and just that other then her people missing...and Kanan is part of that,,her people and the pregnacy,,so just simply that's just the plot there is... and I rather see her getting closer, seeking comfort and support from John, hell even Ronon and Rodney rather then I guy I couldn't even care less about since I've never even heard he existed before Missing...
                Sigs by Scifan


                  Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                  Yeah I know...

                  The thing is I don't have an attachement to that guy no matter if I'm a shipper or not... I really don't know a damn thing other then he is seeing Teyla and is the father of her all for me that just another device for the pregnancy to even have him there... so I really don't see the point.. I've seen people say there is more to Teyla then just playing up the pregnancy...well Kanan is part of that so that like taking more into the pregnancy plot some are already tired off... hell I'm tired of it...I rather had seen something way more intresting for Teyla then the whole idea of getting her pregnant...I know it was because of Rachel ... but it seems the plot on her will be revolved around that and just that other then her people missing...and Kanan is part of that,,her people and the pregnacy,,so just simply that's just the plot there is... and I rather see her getting closer, seeking comfort and support from John, hell even Ronon and Rodney rather then I guy I couldn't even care less about since I've never even heard he existed before Missing...

                  But the thing is...
                  ...tptb didn't have forewarning to set up the Kanan/Teyla relationship, I believe Rachel didn't tell them she was pregnant until just before they filmed Missing so there was no time to set it up in advance - which is all the more reason to have let us get to know him before they killed him off. To let us see what their relationship was like and believe that these two cared for one another. I'm just frustrated by this whole storyline.


                    Originally posted by Josie View Post
                    But the thing is...
                    ...tptb didn't have forewarning to set up the Kanan/Teyla relationship, I believe Rachel didn't tell them she was pregnant until just before they filmed Missing so there was no time to set it up in advance - which is all the more reason to have let us get to know him before they killed him off. To let us see what their relationship was like and believe that these two cared for one another. I'm just frustrated by this whole storyline.
                    yeah I can understand your point...

                    But also think about how pissed people are when they kill of character we like,,have gotten to know since season 1... it's no win with either thing...

                    I just can't see both Kanan and the baby to be a live with a guy and baby ,,will she be back on the team..we don't know their tradition when having a family...does the women stay with the baby ..bla bla... then I don't see the reason for Rachel on the show anymore.. to see some useless scene or having Kanan there with a kid saying bye to Teyla at the gate if she does go back on the team..another useless scene..don't see the point of have a character that for just that... so it's no win no matter what they do...kill him off now somce might feel we didn't get to know him,,,get to know him and get killed off...some maybe have gotten to like him and think is would be nice to have him around from time to time would get then upset for killing him off...

                    And sure they might not have known about Rachel's pregnancy before shooing Missing... the thing is Kanan didn't have to be invented because of it... as they keep saying it's scifi they can do alot of to take it in a way where people to go HUH?? where the hell did this come from... it's just as bad move then other things have been...
                    Sigs by Scifan


                      ^Well personally I'd have hated the whole...
                      ...magical sci-fi pregnancy plot waaaay more than Teyla has a secret lover and got pregnanat the old fashioned way.

                      But then I'm not a shipper, I guess I'd see things very differently if I was.


                        Originally posted by Josie View Post
                        ^Well personally I'd have hated the whole...
                        ...magical sci-fi pregnancy plot waaaay more than Teyla has a secret lover and got pregnanat the old fashioned way.

                        But then I'm not a shipper, I guess I'd see things very differently if I was.
                        Well who knows...

                        I've hated sertain aspects of storylines in other shows without being a shipper,,as long as it involves one of my favorite characters... and Teyla is one of my favorites...with or without John... so any story aspect of hers that I can't believe in I don't really like...same with John... I'm no Rodney/Katie shipper for example..sure I've been miffed with some scenes... but I didn't mind them being together that much... Rodney isn't a huge all time favorite of mine so his storylines doesn't really get to me as much...I can take it one way or the other... I have a harder time when it comes to John or Teyla... so I'm no fan of the route of the whole Kanan issue...and the jury is still out on even Outcast,, since that will be about his past of some degree... so I guess it's going to be if I can believe and think that aspect of John depending on what they reveal about him...but hey that's me and how my mind and feelings work
                        Sigs by Scifan


                          Its just a case of everyone viewing things differently
                          I'm a big fan of the Teyla character too - and I guess that's why I'm so disappointed that they haven't given her a better storyline this season.


                            Originally posted by Josie View Post
                            Its just a case of everyone viewing things differently
                            I'm a big fan of the Teyla character too - and I guess that's why I'm so disappointed that they haven't given her a better storyline this season.
                            yeah I'm sure it is ... it's different for us all...

                            And no I have to agree... I'm dissapointed in this whole storyline..sure they wrote it in because of Rachel's real life pregnancy... but I would have liked to see a whole other storyline for her,,, I know they say if they had to shoot around her it would be less...really I haven't seen her much more then when she wasn't that like what a lame excuse... I've seen an other actress I adore,,when she was pregnant and it wasn't put into the story..they shot around her and hell she didn't pull of the workload until she had too...her screentime hardly was affected... so I think there would have been a way far more intresting storyline to be brought about Teyla then what she has been given... being a native of Pegasus.. I'm sure there are things about her that could be explored other then this...
                            Sigs by Scifan


                              How about some whump pics to cheer us up..

                              Sigs by Scifan


                                Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                                yeah I'm sure it is ... it's different for us all...

                                And no I have to agree... I'm dissapointed in this whole storyline..sure they wrote it in because of Rachel's real life pregnancy... but I would have liked to see a whole other storyline for her,,, I know they say if they had to shoot around her it would be less...really I haven't seen her much more then when she wasn't that like what a lame excuse... I've seen an other actress I adore,,when she was pregnant and it wasn't put into the story..they shot around her and hell she didn't pull of the workload until she had too...her screentime hardly was affected... so I think there would have been a way far more intresting storyline to be brought about Teyla then what she has been given... being a native of Pegasus.. I'm sure there are things about her that could be explored other then this...
                                Unfortunately with Rachel being so tiny and Teyla so active I think it would have been incredibly difficult to shoot around it, my brother who has nothing to do with online fandom thought it was hilarious that no one had noticed she was pregnant when she so blatantly was, he said you just couldn't take it seriously if you look at the size she was in Quarantine there is no way they could have covered that up unless they only filmed her from the neck up.

                                But they really could have handled the whole situation better.

                                Now I believe this is the Shep whump thread we need to get back on topic:

                                Outcast is either going to absolutely rock or be a big disappointment. I confess I'm very excited about it but I'm also rather nervous too. If they can give me some emo-whump I'll be a happy bunny.

                                Right back to my fic - I think the last sentence was something about "internal bleeding"

