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John Sheppard Whump

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    Oh I forgot to say:

    Congrats to Sherry
    on your new job!

    Looks at posts in whump thread. Heads back into the whump gutter where I belong. Sigh...

    Just watched SoW in HD. Oh my, oh my, oh my.... THUD!

    BEBOP - I understand about you being shy, I'd feel the same. You'll soon have fun though, and wish you'd never met us all!


      Originally posted by Pocus View Post
      Oi!!! I moved in right next to you girlfriend.
      Heeeeeeeeyyyyyyyy neighbour. Ooh I like what you've done with the place it looks so purty.

      So many lucky ones going to P3. You are going to have so much fun. Maybe one day I will A) be brave enough to go to a convention B) have the money to spend on a convention C) have Hubby not mind me going to a Convention (mostly to do with B).

      I need some whump!! Anyone got any dreams to relate or short, short fics to share. On another thread I play on we keep doing the Top 100 but it is not a list. It is almost like a collection of short stories. It kinda keeps the thread moving and on topic. Some one also just started an ABC but it is done in Icons.

      Oh just ignore me. I am rambling today and looking for ways to keep my mind occupied and off the raging headache I have.

      Some whumpy pics would be good
      Whump, hmmmm no dreams, darnit! Short fic, hmmm

      There once was a young man known as Shep,
      and consequently Peg got him wet,
      she whumped him some more,
      until he fell on the floor,
      and now he's got more than he bargained for.

      My muse hates me at the moment

      Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
      Hey there Whumpers!

      (((HUGS))) for everyone who needs one! I'm forgetting who exactly, but Congrats on who got the new job (sherry maybe?); have fun all those going to P3; and
      for whoever had PMS and is feeling poorly, I feel your pain

      Let's see......yesterday I came up with Shep Hurricane Porn. Let's see what I can do to the dear today.......

      I can't wait for this

      Originally posted by Pocus View Post
      Your comment about Lay's Potato Chip reminds me of the old Pringles commercial "Once you pop the top you can't stop"

      To paraphrase "Once you whump Shep you can't stop"

      ok, that was lame!
      But completely apt!

      Originally posted by Listy View Post
      Hey peeps,fly by post, cos I just got in from Spanish class and I am off to watch SOW

      A big yes to the snow and the slipping but a huge NOOOOOOOOO!!! to the breaking of the tailbone *has flash back to last years skiing accident and remembers the pain of not being able to sit for weeks... takes ListySC and goes and sits in the corner and rocks*

      Oh now that I would love!!!!!

      Congrats on the new job

      Thanks for the link.

      I have read that one it was good!!! can't remember which one it is though, where is Linzi, she is the oracle of fics .

      (((hugs))) cheer up hun, it will all be ok!


      I would like to say I was innocent and my brain didn't go there when I read it but alas I did the exact same thing as you

      Me too!!!! But its going to be great!!!

      Mine came and its in the first 300 (well it should be I bought it in january) *does happy dance*

      Right I am off to watch SOW catch you all later!!!
      Hey Listy only 10 more sleeps! Woohoooooooo


        Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
        Heeeeeeeeyyyyyyyy neighbour. Ooh I like what you've done with the place it looks so purty.

        Whump, hmmmm no dreams, darnit! Short fic, hmmm

        There once was a young man known as Shep,
        and consequently Peg got him wet,
        she whumped him some more,
        until he fell on the floor,
        and now he's got more than he bargained for.

        My muse hates me at the moment
        Yup, lots of whips, chains, electric chairs, laying about. Watch out for the infirmary bed over there. I am still waiting for the intubation kit to arrive.

        Your muse is funny!! It made me laugh!


          Oooooooooooooooh two post on the run!! Does that mean I get Sheppy all to myself?

          Oooh Sheppy what to do with you? Hmmmmmmmm

          *cough* For Pocus

          A whumpable soldier, our sheppy's that man,
          we love to whump him, well, just because we can.
          We love him when he's vulnerable, his lip it goes a quiver
          and sends a little tingle down our spines, and gives us all a shiver

          We love him when he's bleeding,
          and when he's rolling on the floor,
          and just when you think he's had enough,
          the whumpers want lots more.

          Because we really love our Sheppy,
          he's so whumpable you see,
          and when he moans and cries in pain,
          the whumpers they doth squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


            Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
            Oooooooooooooooh two post on the run!! Does that mean I get Sheppy all to myself?

            Oooh Sheppy what to do with you? Hmmmmmmmm

            *cough* For Pocus

            A whumpable soldier, our sheppy's that man,
            we love to whump him, well, just because we can.
            We love him when he's vulnerable, his lip it goes a quiver
            and sends a little tingle down our spines, and gives us all a shiver

            We love him when he's bleeding,
            and when he's rolling on the floor,
            and just when you think he's had enough,
            the whumpers want lots more.

            Because we really love our Sheppy,
            he's so whumpable you see,
            and when he moans and cries in pain,
            the whumpers they doth squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

            YOU are AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah for Peg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


              Originally posted by Pocus View Post
              Yup, lots of whips, chains, electric chairs, laying about. Watch out for the infirmary bed over there. I am still waiting for the intubation kit to arrive.

              Your muse is funny!! It made me laugh!
              Originally posted by Pocus View Post
              YOU are AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah for Peg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
              Hehehe thank you, my muse is deranged. Mmmm elextric chairs, infirmary bed, whips, intubation.. okay i'll see what I can do.


                Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                Hey there Whumpers!

                (((HUGS))) for everyone who needs one! I'm forgetting who exactly, but Congrats on who got the new job (sherry maybe?); have fun all those going to P3; and
                for whoever had PMS and is feeling poorly, I feel your pain

                Let's see......yesterday I came up with Shep Hurricane Porn. Let's see what I can do to the dear today.......

                And no.......First of all, I didn't know there was an anti-Shep thread, and would not go in there in any case. How can people not like Shep? He's like catnip baby! He's like a Lay's potato chocolate. Okay, stopping now so I don't talk myself into some candy.

                I didn't know that there was a anti-Shep thread either! Until I clicked on the wrong thing and they were bashin' him! I couldn't handle it! I had to come back to my Whump! At least, when we do inflict pain, suffering, and intubation, it is all out of love!!!

                Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                Oooooooooooooooh two post on the run!! Does that mean I get Sheppy all to myself?

                Oooh Sheppy what to do with you? Hmmmmmmmm

                *cough* For Pocus

                A whumpable soldier, our sheppy's that man,
                we love to whump him, well, just because we can.
                We love him when he's vulnerable, his lip it goes a quiver
                and sends a little tingle down our spines, and gives us all a shiver

                We love him when he's bleeding,
                and when he's rolling on the floor,
                and just when you think he's had enough,
                the whumpers want lots more.

                Because we really love our Sheppy,
                he's so whumpable you see,
                and when he moans and cries in pain,
                the whumpers they doth squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

                sig by Sci!

                Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                  Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                  I didn't know that there was a anti-Shep thread either! Until I clicked on the wrong thing and they were bashin' him! I couldn't handle it! I had to come back to my Whump! At least, when we do inflict pain, suffering, and intubation, it is all out of love!!!

                  let's not worry about everyone else, let's just whump Shep instead.

                  Last one before bed

                  We want some shumpydoodles,
                  to really make us squee,
                  to tie shep up and have him whipped,
                  would make the whumpers happ-y.

                  I implore you know TPTB,
                  can we have lots of eps where he's in the infirmary.
                  For Sheppy, Sheppy he's our man,
                  and no one can whump him like the writers can!

                  You can tie him in chains, until he's on deaths door,
                  or just whump him a bit until he falls on the floor.
                  We're not choosey you see, you can even have him faint,
                  but our fondest wish is the good old intubate!


                    Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                    Oooooooooooooooh two post on the run!! Does that mean I get Sheppy all to myself?

                    Oooh Sheppy what to do with you? Hmmmmmmmm

                    *cough* For Pocus

                    A whumpable soldier, our sheppy's that man,
                    we love to whump him, well, just because we can.
                    We love him when he's vulnerable, his lip it goes a quiver
                    and sends a little tingle down our spines, and gives us all a shiver

                    We love him when he's bleeding,
                    and when he's rolling on the floor,
                    and just when you think he's had enough,
                    the whumpers want lots more.

                    Because we really love our Sheppy,
                    he's so whumpable you see,
                    and when he moans and cries in pain,
                    the whumpers they doth squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

                    Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                    let's not worry about everyone else, let's just whump Shep instead.

                    Last one before bed

                    We want some shumpydoodles,
                    to really make us squee,
                    to tie shep up and have him whipped,
                    would make the whumpers happ-y.

                    I implore you know TPTB,
                    can we have lots of eps where he's in the infirmary.
                    For Sheppy, Sheppy he's our man,
                    and no one can whump him like the writers can!

                    You can tie him in chains, until he's on deaths door,
                    or just whump him a bit until he falls on the floor.
                    We're not choosey you see, you can even have him faint,
                    but our fondest wish is the good old intubate!
                    Bwahahahahaha!! I'd green you if I could but the love must be spread around more. So MENTAL GREEN for you!
                    Sig by Luciana
                    My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                      Astraldust Thank you for the pics! I love HD ones and you have ones of teh locker room sceen! One fo my favs!!
                      My fanfic-


                        Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                        let's not worry about everyone else, let's just whump Shep instead.

                        Last one before bed

                        We want some shumpydoodles,
                        to really make us squee,
                        to tie shep up and have him whipped,
                        would make the whumpers happ-y.

                        I implore you know TPTB,
                        can we have lots of eps where he's in the infirmary.
                        For Sheppy, Sheppy he's our man,
                        and no one can whump him like the writers can!

                        You can tie him in chains, until he's on deaths door,
                        or just whump him a bit until he falls on the floor.
                        We're not choosey you see, you can even have him faint,
                        but our fondest wish is the good old intubate!
                        This so ROCKS Peggy!!
                        sig by Sci!

                        Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                          We're writing Whump songs now, are we?

                          (to the tune of "Food Glorious Food" - from "Oliver")

                          Is it worth the waiting for?
                          If we live 'til eighty four
                          All we ever want is da-magel!
                          Ev'ry day we say our prayer --
                          Will they ruffle up "Teh Hair"?
                          Still we get the same old spam-mage!
                          There is not a kick, not a brick can we find,
                          Can we beg, can we borrow, or cadge,
                          But there's nothing to stop us from getting a thrill
                          When we all close our eyes and imag...ine

                          Whump, glorious whump!
                          Hot, bothered and flustered!
                          While we're in the mood --
                          Drop Shep in the custard!
                          Punch, bantos and karate,
                          What next is the question?
                          Let's tackle him either way --
                          my sug-gestion!

                          Whump, glorious whump!
                          We're anxious to try it.
                          Three thrashings a day --
                          Don't let us deny it!

                          Just picture a great big smack --
                          Given right to his rump.
                          Oh, whump,
                          Wonderful whump,
                          Marvellous whump,
                          Glorious whump.

                          My Manips & other artwork!


                            Oh MY!!!!! Whumpers going on a song creating blitzes?? Wish I was creative enough to come up with something. THose are really great you guys!! MORE MORE MORE!!!!!!


                              Originally posted by knightie View Post
                              I will just be forced to look at the pictures and let you guys know.

                              Another thought

                              Sheppard mentioned knowiing a guy named Todd in College. Do you think its a regular college or the Airforce Academy. If he went to regular collage then he would have gotten a late start in the air force. Just curious.
                              Hmmm. Good thought. I'd say yes...
                              about him being in college. He is suppose to be from a well to do family right. So maybe he was in there for a little while.

                              Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                              Good morning Whumpers!!

                              (((BIG HUGS))) to Erika!! Hang tough girl!

                              Thanks to Roo...who's weird dreams have rubbed off on me last night....
                              WOW!! What a dream!!!! It had me going.

                              Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                              Yeah....I think so. But darned fine wishful thinking!

                              I'd be happy seeing it converted into a good fic. Unfortunately, I can't write. OMG! A eppy of that? I think I'd be scared!
                              Yes you can. Please write it. Even if you do that as a ficlet. Just as is.
                              Title: My whump dream. and at the end of story.... add fades to black.

                              Astraldust!!! Awesome caps.

                              Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                              Oooooooooooooooh two post on the run!! Does that mean I get Sheppy all to myself?

                              Oooh Sheppy what to do with you? Hmmmmmmmm

                              *cough* For Pocus

                              A whumpable soldier, our sheppy's that man,
                              we love to whump him, well, just because we can.
                              We love him when he's vulnerable, his lip it goes a quiver
                              and sends a little tingle down our spines, and gives us all a shiver

                              We love him when he's bleeding,
                              and when he's rolling on the floor,
                              and just when you think he's had enough,
                              the whumpers want lots more.

                              Because we really love our Sheppy,
                              he's so whumpable you see,
                              and when he moans and cries in pain,
                              the whumpers they doth squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

                              Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                              let's not worry about everyone else, let's just whump Shep instead.

                              Last one before bed

                              We want some shumpydoodles,
                              to really make us squee,
                              to tie shep up and have him whipped,
                              would make the whumpers happ-y.

                              I implore you know TPTB,
                              can we have lots of eps where he's in the infirmary.
                              For Sheppy, Sheppy he's our man,
                              and no one can whump him like the writers can!

                              You can tie him in chains, until he's on deaths door,
                              or just whump him a bit until he falls on the floor.
                              We're not choosey you see, you can even have him faint,
                              but our fondest wish is the good old intubate!

                              That was awesome Pocus.

                              Originally posted by Lt.Col.Errandboy View Post
                              We're writing Whump songs now, are we?

                              (to the tune of "Food Glorious Food" - from "Oliver")

                              Is it worth the waiting for?
                              If we live 'til eighty four
                              All we ever want is da-magel!
                              Ev'ry day we say our prayer --
                              Will they ruffle up "Teh Hair"?
                              Still we get the same old spam-mage!
                              There is not a kick, not a brick can we find,
                              Can we beg, can we borrow, or cadge,
                              But there's nothing to stop us from getting a thrill
                              When we all close our eyes and imag...ine

                              Whump, glorious whump!
                              Hot, bothered and flustered!
                              While we're in the mood --
                              Drop Shep in the custard!
                              Punch, bantos and karate,
                              What next is the question?
                              Let's tackle him either way --
                              my sug-gestion!

                              Whump, glorious whump!
                              We're anxious to try it.
                              Three thrashings a day --
                              Don't let us deny it!

                              Just picture a great big smack --
                              Given right to his rump.
                              Oh, whump,
                              Wonderful whump,
                              Marvellous whump,
                              Glorious whump.

                              You too LCE.
                              It's the long await musical.
                              Last edited by scifan; 15 January 2008, 07:43 PM.


                                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                                You too LCE.
                                It's the long await musical.
                                Actually, there IS one already...


                                My Manips & other artwork!

