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John Sheppard Whump

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    A few more thoughts on Reunion

    At first I was annoyed that Ronon would leave Atlantis, but then one has to think...if John had been forced to leave his 'home" Atlantis and thought all his friends, people were killed and was taken in by another group and found out a few years later there were survivors, not only as a human but as a military man he would probably want to reunite with whomever was left over , those bonds might feel stronger.

    I don't think if this type of thing came up again that Ronon would have much of a tough choice.....also it was cool when he heard the shots fired that teh first thing he did was go try to back up his 'team'. Wish there had been abit more John, but this was like Ronon's eppy so I wasn't expecting too much, so soever a nice one, not my top favorite but a good one none the less .
    My fanfic-


      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
      GW is back on line.

      Well, I loved Reunion!

      For all the reasons you guys have already stated!


      Two stunnings! Woo hoo! I just loved the Sheppard bits. Loved that he's still looking and fighting for a chance to find Weir. Even though I'm not a big Weir fan, I would be so mad if they didn't show Sheppard trying to find her. He would do all was in his power, I think. So that scene gets a big thumbs up from me. I adored Carter here. Totally loved her to bits. I'm a Carter fan anyway, but she was so good here, and I'm so glad she's where she is. Ronon was excellent, and the fight scene was terrific! Teyla was good too, and we had Zelenka. I loved that Sheppard swiped the fruit to give to Carter. I loved that Rodney thought he was going to be made leader! I just howled with laughter! Great job Joe Mallozzi. I'm really pleased with the episode!
      I love all your points Linzi. I did like the fact that they did mention Weir unlike the whole CG thing being swept under the rug. The fruit basket was hilarious and I thought the scene between Carter and McKay was funny. They really played that well. McKay comes in trying to make sure things aren't ackward between them and makes it that way anyway.

      I'm going to say again that I really liked how they are doing Carter. She really isn't that much different. I thought the conversation between her and Sheppard was great. I liked the fact that she said she doesn't want to leave anyone behind either and if he came up with a good plan then she would consider it. She understands Shep, she's been in that position before unlike Weir.

      Originally posted by Astraldust View Post
      Well I just watched Reunion and...

      Overall not a bad episode but I felt that Shep could have been on screen a tick more than he was. Loved the humor with the fruit. Typical Shep. And Rodney thinking that he would be in charge. Oh my goodness, what a nightmare that would have been. Loved the fact that Shep still wanted to go back for Elizabeth. I wish he could. Having Carter around is going to take some getting used to. Strange that so few people turned out to greet her when she arrived in Atlantis?

      Great that Shep was stunned twice but would have liked to have seen more of the after affects. For example more moans and groans or bringing up last meal.

      When Rodney was taken to work on reversing the rep. kill wraith code, wouldn't it have been better if the wraith had threatened Shep's life if he didn't co-operate? For example make a threat to feed on Shep. The tension would have been great, Shep's bravery but inner fear because he knew want to expect and Rodney's fear of losing another friend in such a horrible way.

      I'll have to watch the episode again to really appreciate it. Maybe it will grow on me a little more.

      And next week is DG!! I hope that one lives up to expectations.
      Thanks for the green. I would have to agree with you there.

      I wished that they had dragged Sheppard out with him and threaten him to work or Sheppard gets it. I just loved that they didn't even give Sheppard a chance to say anything before they stunned him.

      I would have liked it if Shep had more screen time, but I guess Joe needs some easy episodes every once in awhile though for us whumpers and thunkers we don't like that, but we don't want Joe whumped we want Shep.

      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
      Because they don't have any decent new shows. Whichy actually gives me hope that SGA will get renewed cos, seriously, what are they gonna replace it with?!!

      *manfully resists the urge to click on spoiler tags but squeeeeeees anyway over the news that there is whumpage!*

      I am full of cold this weekend and feeling crummy but looking forward to watching Reunion.. should cheer me up a bit..
      Resist those spoilers Ali you can do it. I wonder when the word is going to come down on whether or not SGA was renewed.

      I hope you feel better Ali. Get some rest.

      Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
      AVI by *ERIKA*


        Originally posted by caty View Post
        Man, GW was having issues last night..

        Just something I wanted to say about Reunion..

        I really seem to be in the minority, but honestly,
        I was very disappointed..I know it was a fill in the gaps episode, but IMO it was the slowest Atlantis ep I've ever seen. Not much Shep, either. We did have a few funny scenes, but certainly not a lot of angst..
        What I did like was the conversation with Carter about going after Weir. It was sooo much like the conversation Shep had with Weir in the pilot...

        Overall, not en episode I'll watch again. It really did nothing for me
        Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
        Good Morning!!

        Ack! i'm suffering through GW withdrawls!! What happened last night? The site wouldn't even load.

        SQUEE!! Something good to read. hopefully it will be better than the actual ep....

        Caty - I have to agree with you. I did not enjoy last night's eppy.


        I like Ronon, but was really put off that he would cast off Atlantis and his firends so quickly for his people he just reunited with. That seemed too reckless of him. I understand his need for wanting to be with his people (who doesn't want to be), but I dunno...I guess I expected more from Ronon.

        Carter....yeah, still trying to get used to that one. I thought her scenes were good. The balcony scene between her and Shep though - *sigh* it was the exact same thing we got from Weir and Shep in Rising. I dunno, maybe the writers were going for a 'tribute' or something, but I think if the wording would have been different, the location would ahve been different...something to make it unique to Shep and Carter and not so copy cat...

        I LOVED that Sheppy got stunned twice. But still, it was only stunned, not shot. OMG, did I laugh at Rodney and his assuming he was going to be named head of the expedition. Priceless.

        While this eppy had a few good moments, there certainly weren't enough to make me want to rewatch it anytime soon.
        The both of you seem to have similar thoughts as mine about Reunion.

        After writing my comment something struck me as I was trying to explain the episode to my long suffering hubby.

        Something that got me a little:-
        browned off. That was the fact that Carter had hardly been in Atlantis for five minutes when she is called upon to rescue Shep and most of his team. Making them look totally helpless. Yes, we the viewer knew it had been a trap but Ronon didn't know that when he went back for help. And why in heavens name did Carter have to go? Surely as new leader she should have stayed behind. I know Elizabeth went off a few times to help in a rescue like in Condemned and Epiphany but that was about it. I'm afraid this episode is only going to help fuel the anti Carter brigade.

        Somebody has already post this in JM's blog.

        Anonymous #2 writes: “Joe promised that Carter would not overshadow the other SGA characters, but I'm beginning to have my doubts. Either that, or not all of TPTB got the same memo?”

        JM's Answer: Maybe you should watch the episode or, better yet, the fourth season, before you start complaining about Carter overshadowing the standing team. Just a thought.

        Yeah okay but the Anonymous writer had a point concerning Reunion. I just hope JM is honest about the rest of S4.

        Sorry to go on but like I said Reunion wasn't bad in parts but I won't be watching it over and over again. But then again, I wasn't overly keen on Sateda.


          Originally posted by Astraldust View Post
          Well I just watched Reunion and...

          Overall not a bad episode but I felt that Shep could have been on screen a tick more than he was. Loved the humor with the fruit. Typical Shep. And Rodney thinking that he would be in charge. Oh my goodness, what a nightmare that would have been. Loved the fact that Shep still wanted to go back for Elizabeth. I wish he could. Having Carter around is going to take some getting used to. Strange that so few people turned out to greet her when she arrived in Atlantis?

          Great that Shep was stunned twice but would have liked to have seen more of the after affects. For example more moans and groans or bringing up last meal.

          When Rodney was taken to work on reversing the rep. kill wraith code, wouldn't it have been better if the wraith had threatened Shep's life if he didn't co-operate? For example make a threat to feed on Shep. The tension would have been great, Shep's bravery but inner fear because he knew want to expect and Rodney's fear of losing another friend in such a horrible way.

          I'll have to watch the episode again to really appreciate it. Maybe it will grow on me a little more.

          And next week is DG!! I hope that one lives up to expectations.
          I thought the Wraith did threaten both Sheppard and Teyla. He wasn't explicit (probably didn't have to be), but his warning is what prompted Rodney to decide he could work a lot faster.

          I always think there could be more Sheppard, but we are going to get 2 Shep centric eps in the next 2 weeks so I can live with Ronon having the spotlight this time.

          I was a bit fascinated that Shep was on the short list to command, and he actually seemed (to me) a bit disappointed that he didn't get it. I was expecting him to scoff and roll his eyes when Carter mentioned the short list and was quite surprised at his "yeah, I know" response.

          I could have done with Carter not going offworld, but maybe she felt the need to prove herself. It's exactly what Sheppard would have done (see Lifeline) so maybe it's a military thing. And I had no problem with Ronon going back to Atlantis for help. He couldn't find his team or the Satedans. I think it shows a bit of growth for Ronon that he recognized that he needed help instead of blindly going in alone and getting captured/killed.

          And McKay shooting the controls! Ronon and Sheppard must be rubbing off on him.
          Sig by Luciana
          My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


            Originally posted by Astraldust View Post
            The both of you seem to have similar thoughts as mine about Reunion.

            After writing my comment something struck me as I was trying to explain the episode to my long suffering hubby.

            Something that got me a little:-
            browned off. That was the fact that Carter had hardly been in Atlantis for five minutes when she is called upon to rescue Shep and most of his team. Making them look totally helpless. Yes, we the viewer knew it had been a trap but Ronon didn't know that when he went back for help. And why in heavens name did Carter have to go? Surely as new leader she should have stayed behind. I know Elizabeth went off a few times to help in a rescue like in Condemned and Epiphany but that was about it. I'm afraid this episode is only going to help fuel the anti Carter brigade.

            Somebody has already post this in JM's blog.

            Anonymous #2 writes: “Joe promised that Carter would not overshadow the other SGA characters, but I'm beginning to have my doubts. Either that, or not all of TPTB got the same memo?”

            JM's Answer: Maybe you should watch the episode or, better yet, the fourth season, before you start complaining about Carter overshadowing the standing team. Just a thought.

            Yeah okay but the Anonymous writer had a point concerning Reunion. I just hope JM is honest about the rest of S4.

            Sorry to go on but like I said Reunion wasn't bad in parts but I won't be watching it over and over again. But then again, I wasn't overly keen on Sateda.

            Now I actually liked Sateda. I dunno...maybe it was a bit better story telling or somrthing.

            Reunion -


            I just felt like Ronon was out of character - to rash a decision to join his fellow Satedans. That wonderful speech given to Ronon by his fellow Satedan calling Atlantis more Allies than friends...and Ronon bought that? Yeah......

            I knew these people were up to no good when I saw the looks in their eyes and their gleeful expressions when Ronon started going on about Atlantis having weapons and resources to fight the Wraith.....I knew from this point forward they were just going to use Ronon. It was just a matter of how it was going to play out.

            I'm seriously losing my Squee over S4.


              Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
              I thought the Wraith did threaten both Sheppard and Teyla. He wasn't explicit (probably didn't have to be), but his warning is what prompted Rodney to decide he could work a lot faster.

              I always think there could be more Sheppard, but we are going to get 2 Shep centric eps in the next 2 weeks so I can live with Ronon having the spotlight this time.

              I was a bit fascinated that Shep was on the short list to command, and he actually seemed (to me) a bit disappointed that he didn't get it. I was expecting him to scoff and roll his eyes when Carter mentioned the short list and was quite surprised at his "yeah, I know" response.

              I could have done with Carter not going offworld, but maybe she felt the need to prove herself. It's exactly what Sheppard would have done (see Lifeline) so maybe it's a military thing. And I had no problem with Ronon going back to Atlantis for help. He couldn't find his team or the Satedans. I think it shows a bit of growth for Ronon that he recognized that he needed help instead of blindly going in alone and getting captured/killed.

              And McKay shooting the controls! Ronon and Sheppard must be rubbing off on him.
              I'm really loving the discussion here. Sorry to hear that some of you didn't like the episode. Just think this time next week will be discussing DG. Squee!!!! I can't wait.

              I guess we are all in our own minority when it comes to Carter. Some of us were good with her coming over and some of us weren't.

              We all know how the Carter character is in SG1 and IMO I don't think I want her to change that drastically. I think she had to prove to the people of Atlantis that she wouldn't ask anyone to do something that she wouldn't do herself. She's military first. It would have been nice though for Sheppard to be surprised that she was there and he could have told her she's the new leader and she shouldn't have come on the mission, but he would have done the same thing.

              I can do without the Ronon epi, but they have to give each of them their own episode.

              At least we got stunned Shep, unlike Sateda where Rodney got the brunt of the injuries.

              Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
              AVI by *ERIKA*


                CONGRATS TO GG on 9900 POSTS!!!!

                Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
                AVI by *ERIKA*


                  Originally posted by sherryw View Post
                  I'm really loving the discussion here. Sorry to hear that some of you didn't like the episode. Just think this time next week will be discussing DG. Squee!!!! I can't wait.

                  I guess we are all in our own minority when it comes to Carter. Some of us were good with her coming over and some of us weren't.

                  We all know how the Carter character is in SG1 and IMO I don't think I want her to change that drastically. I think she had to prove to the people of Atlantis that she wouldn't ask anyone to do something that she wouldn't do herself. She's military first. It would have been nice though for Sheppard to be surprised that she was there and he could have told her she's the new leader and she shouldn't have come on the mission, but he would have done the same thing.

                  I can do without the Ronon epi, but they have to give each of them their own episode.

                  At least we got stunned Shep, unlike Sateda where Rodney got the brunt of the injuries.
                  Talking of stunned shot Sheppy:-


                  Sorry not very good but the scene was very quick and my copy very poor.


                    Originally posted by Astraldust View Post
                    Talking of stunned shot Sheppy:-


                    Sorry not very good but the scene was very quick and my copy very poor.


                    I thinks its good quality. I mean, I can defintely see the whump happening.


                      Originally posted by Astraldust View Post
                      Talking of stunned shot Sheppy:-


                      Sorry not very good but the scene was very quick and my copy very poor.
                      Love that pic.

                      Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
                      AVI by *ERIKA*


                        Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post

                        I thinks its good quality. I mean, I can defintely see the whump happening.
                        Originally posted by sherryw View Post
                        Love that pic.
                        Thanks. I guess it's not too bad.

                        I've just been over to scifi to check out the review of DG.
                        Last edited by Astraldust; 13 October 2007, 07:10 AM.


                          Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post

                          I thinks its good quality. I mean, I can defintely see the whump happening.
                          Originally posted by sherryw View Post
                          Love that pic.
                          I agree! You can definitely see the whump happening! I loved that part!

                          I love the expression on his face when it is happening!!

                          Thanks Astraldust!!
                          sig by Sci!

                          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                            Congrats on your milestones, GG & Sherry!

                            GW was a bit** for me last night, too.

                            I do have something to say about Reunion (what else is new?), but need to go out. My volunteeer group are working a drill this morning in support of another organization this morning. Gives me the time to think more about the ep. GAH! I want to stay and play.


                              Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                              Congrats on your milestones, GG & Sherry!

                              GW was a bit** for me last night, too.

                              I do have something to say about Reunion (what else is new?), but need to go out. My volunteeer group are working a drill this morning in support of another organization this morning. Gives me the time to think more about the ep. GAH! I want to stay and play.
                              Looking forward to your thoughts. Have fun today. I'm going to be heading out shortly myself.

                              Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
                              AVI by *ERIKA*


                                Watched Reunion. Liked it. Will definitely watch it again.

                                Fell asleep on the sofa for about 3 hours after watching it! And now I feel oogy... and I'm out of Lemsips so am gonna have to get dressed and hit the supermarket. *sigh*

                                Will share my thoughts on Reunion later.

