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John Sheppard Whump

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    CG commentary behind the spoilers, just to be on the safe side

    Oh noooooooooooo, some bad men have harpooned Sheppy!

    You'll never guess who it is! Yes you guessed it, Sheppy's nemesis. Oh no, this does not look good for sheppy!


    Kolya has captured Sheppy and locked him up in a jail cell. Woohoo... ooooh Sheppy's been in jail before. *iz shocked* he always seemed like a nce young man to me*

    Now they're shooting at him, run sheppy, run... Oh you muppet, he got stung by a baby light saber.
    Last edited by Pegasus_SGA; 20 September 2007, 11:04 AM.



      The dashing young Ladon Radeem has come to help them.... is he to be trusted? The team think not.

      Easy there chewy....

      Good old... well not old, diplomatic Dr Weir, she's carrying on her chat in private. I wonder if she'll give him tea and cookies?
      Last edited by Pegasus_SGA; 20 September 2007, 11:04 AM.




        Sheppy's got an attitude on, his 'you don't scare me' face is quite impressive. But his eyes say it all.

        Sheppy commented on Kolya's tackle He's tied him up and gagged him, oh McKay is not a happy camper!

        Ah, Kolya loves Sheppy, he thinks he's charming to.

        Oh nooooooooooooooooo there's a wraith coming....... what are they going to do with Sheppy....

        *bites nails*
        Last edited by Pegasus_SGA; 20 September 2007, 11:05 AM.


          Sheppy!!!! noooooooooooooo The nasty wraith man is going to feed on Sheppy! Noooooooooooooooo His hand is pressing on Sheppy's manly chest *wishes it was her hand* Oh no poor Sheppy has been well and truly whumped!

          He's crying There's a little tear running down his face.... *sniff*

          His team are so worried for him, Weir is begging for Kolya to stop, but, but, he's a very bad man, i don't know if he will!


          Sheppy is talking to confuscious, they're having a nice chat, bless, he's making friends. Isn't that nice?

          Oh nooooooooo it's the boogy man!
          Last edited by Pegasus_SGA; 20 September 2007, 11:05 AM.


            Come on, who wants the storyline, let's get on with whumping Sheppy!

            3 minutes of talking, when Sheppy could be dying, I mean they call themselves his friends.
            Last edited by Pegasus_SGA; 20 September 2007, 11:05 AM.


              Keep it up Peg!!! What's happening next? I can't watch it for days yet!!!


                Oh Sheppy is getting Pissy.
                Woohooooo he's pacing and getting all angsty. His voice has gone up an octave.

                "This might come as a surprise to you, but i'm not really in the mood for conversation. So why don't you do me a favour and SHUT THE HELL UP!"

                Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *thud*

                Oh sheppy, you're so brave. But he's so frightened. Anyone want to give him a cuddle? carson said he might not make it!!

                rodney is taking charge, hehehe Woohoooo they're off to recuse Sheppy!
                Last edited by Pegasus_SGA; 20 September 2007, 11:05 AM.


                  Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                  Keep it up Peg!!! What's happening next? I can't watch it for days yet!!!
                  Oh Pocus, Sheppy looks frightened.
                  The nasty man is going to hurt Sheppy some more, and Sheo's licking his lips and looking really nervous. What are they gonna do to him.

                  I think the wraith is gonna feed again... the wraith really needs better access to his chest though, you know to get a good feed.
                  Last edited by Pegasus_SGA; 20 September 2007, 11:06 AM.


                    The race is on, but all they did was kill a mouse! In fairness, though it was more like a rat, and Rodney did think he was helping out his friend, but you know what? Not so much!


                    Weir won't trade Ladon for Sheppy. Oh that Kolya is a bad bad man, Oh Sheppy, please don't show that pleading look.... *sniff* the tears are rolling down his face. The wraith has taken years of him, and he's bleeding.

                    The Wraith is winning and Sheppy is dying! Oh no
                    Last edited by Pegasus_SGA; 20 September 2007, 11:06 AM.


                      Sheppy is trying to find a way out, but the big mean wraith isn't playing nicely. He's so selfish. You'd think after Sheppy gave him his life, the least he could do was try and find out a way to help Shep escape! Selfish I tell ya, selfish!


                      Last edited by Pegasus_SGA; 20 September 2007, 11:06 AM.


                        Things don't look good, Sheppy isn't looking so hot, but at least he's on his feet! Ooh give em hell Shep! Oops, you're supposed to be careful when you're trying to escape Sheppy!

                        Elizabeth is standing strong she won't trade ladon's life for Sheppy's.... oh c'mon Liz give Loya hell!

                        Nooooooooooo, not another feeding! Oh my goodness oh my goodness, Sheppy is near death! he's slumped over. Wake up sheppy, please wake up. You can't die yet, we've not seen you completely shirtless!

                        Carson is saying that Sheppy's a dead man! The team are angsting over their friend *feels the luff in the room*
                        Last edited by Pegasus_SGA; 20 September 2007, 11:06 AM. Reason: CG Spoilers


                          Oh Sheppy is still alive, he's so strong and brave *hugs for Sheppy*

                          He woke up inside the cell! The wraith wants to help him escape, his timing is crap Beat up and near death, i'm sure our sheppy will soldier on!

                          Oh no, Sheppy's exhausted and out cold! *gets a bucket of cold water*

                          Oooh he's on his feet. Come on Sheppy hit the buggars, oh he's so strong he's grunting and moaning now as he's taking out the guards.

                          Give him one from me Sheppy! Right hook, now a left!

                          Ooooh my i'm getting too excited

                          He's escaped... but will he get very far? The Wraith is giving him a funny look as if not sure whether to trust Sheppy or not!
                          Last edited by Pegasus_SGA; 20 September 2007, 11:07 AM. Reason: CG spoilers


                            hehehe now Kolya's pissed cos Sheppy's being rebellious, The Wraith and Sheppy are playing tag team, hehehe.

                            Oh no, now they've got to the surface, the wraith and Shep have pulled their guns on each other!!

                            Weir's waiting by the 'gate hoping for some sign of Kolya's message.... there's nothing. She thinks maybe he's dead. Don't worry Liz, Sheppy's a fighter.

                            Oh no, what is it with men and getting lost? Maybe he should ask for directions?

                            Ahhhhh Kolya still luffs sheppy, he wants him alive

                            isn't that nice?
                            Last edited by Pegasus_SGA; 20 September 2007, 11:07 AM.


                              I think Sheppy's losing perspective he and his new friend are thinking of camping out in the cold, and in the woods, without blankets! What if you get a chill Shep, and it turns into pneumonia and then you'll be all hot and sweaty and....

                              Good plan Shep. That's what I like to see, you thinking about the whumpers.

                              Ahhhhhhh it's so sweet the Wraith and Sheppy are bonding
                              Last edited by Pegasus_SGA; 20 September 2007, 11:07 AM.


                                ooooh they've found the secret base. they're going all out now to rescue him. Woohoooo!!!

                                *does her happy dance*

                                Ronon is so not a happy camper, and Carson wants to reserve a seat on the PJ for one of his medical team... poor Shep will certainly need a bit of TLC and lots of luffing from the team.

                                *feels all warm and fuzzy*
                                Last edited by Pegasus_SGA; 20 September 2007, 11:08 AM.

