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John Sheppard Whump

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    Congrats on 4200 posts SGA!!!

    Let's have a party!!


    Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
    AVI by *ERIKA*


      Just a short fly-by to send congrats to Sherry for reaching amazing

      and praise SGAFan for
      most stunning posts!!!

      Now I'm going to catch up on your latest post frenzy for a moment. I'll be back in a minute... *hugs*
      FanFic---------------------------------------------------Twinchy's Lair


        Thanks TCB!!!

        Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
        AVI by *ERIKA*


          Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
          Well, we'll see what comes of it. I'm not a nice person when I get screwed over. They will fix it or else. I'm not afraid to go the else route.
          Go get 'em! that's what I did, and I am not a nice person when I feel like I've been gyped.


          Originally posted by SGAFan View Post

          I'm keeping my chin up and staying optimistic!

          Lots better than a few days ago ((HUGS)) how's you?

          ooh, good point. We all know how much JM likes to mess with us.
          yes, remember, this is JM that said it and he is particularly cheeky! LOL

          Congrats, SGAFan on 4200 and Sherry on 1900!!!!!


            oops How did I miss Sherry?

            Congrats on 1900 Sherry!!!


              Originally posted by Pocus View Post
              oops How did I miss Sherry?

              Congrats on 1900 Sherry!!!
              It's all good. Thanks Pocus and Lorr!!!!!

              Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
              AVI by *ERIKA*


                Originally posted by sherryw View Post
                Pic spam!!!



                Oh! I made 4200! LOL THanks! Congrats to you too Sherry! This calls for a pic spam! *G* Not all whump pics but I hope you'll forgive me.. *G*

                spoiler for size and season 3...

                Shep... power tools... cutters... ((THUNK))

                My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                  and a few more... *G*

                  spoiler for size and season 3


                  My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                    Originally posted by SGAFan View Post

                    Oh! I made 4200! LOL THanks! Congrats to you too Sherry! This calls for a pic spam! *G* Not all whump pics but I hope you'll forgive me.. *G*

                    spoiler for size and season 3...
                    Great pic spam SGA!!!!!

                    Well I think I'm going to head out. Night whumpers!!!!

                    Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
                    AVI by *ERIKA*


                      night Sherry
                      My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                        Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                        I love that smilie!!! LOL

                        Thanks sooooo much for the picspam, SGAFan!! it suddenly got very warm here. Whew!

                        Well, I want to do a little more writing before bed tonight. If I stay logged on here, I keep getting distracted. Zoooo, I am going to run away.

                        Do you realize
                        - we'll have the S3 DVDs in less than a month!!!
                        - we have only 36 days to go!!!



                          Nighty night, everyone! Sleep well. *waves*

                          SGAFan, you were killing me with your pic spams!!!
                          May I snurch some, pretteh pu'lease? *claps with eye lashes and starts begging*

                          Originally posted by caty View Post
                          Going to the beach in a minute... can't wait...

                          See you guys tonight!
                          Sounds a lot more positive to me, Caty and the photo of the beach you posted looks really gorgeous! *iz jealous*

                          Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                          Just some annoying things. I'm now waiting to see how the airline is going to rectify the situation I have with them. And still waiting (almost three weeks now) for a confirmation email about my ticket purchase for GateCon.
                          I hope all turns out fine in the end, GG. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

                          Maybe I should go wipe off the cobwebs from my clone and do some whump.
                          You know, whump is always a good idea to blow off steam! The question is are you going to whump Shep or are you going to let Shep do the whumping, GG?

                          Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                          ENGAGEMENT scene? Oui... I"m trying to trust JM here... really but the ex wife, engagement scenes, etc... god, I hope this isn't going ot turn into a space soap opera....
                          Ditto! *worries*

                          FanFic---------------------------------------------------Twinchy's Lair


                            Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                            My first thought was
                            McKay and Katie. I hope not. Having a regular with a big commitment like that..nope sorry, it makes me lose my interest in a show real quick. Things tend to go soap operish........

                            Maybe it will be Shep's ex!
                            Hmmmmm, maybe it's another misunderstood scene? An amusing 'oops, I didn't mean that' sort of thing. Because if it's
                            a marriage proposal thing, then I'd guess it was Rodney/Katie and that would not make me particularly squee. I just don't see those two together really, and I don't know why on Earth anyone would think it's a good idea to have anything like that on the show. Across the forum here it seems if that is the case, that it's an unpopular move, so I'm guessing its comedic? Or of course, engagement doesn't necessarily mean marriage type. A battle maybe? Nah, I'm thinking marriage type.

                            Originally posted by sherryw View Post
                            Well could we be looking at a different kind of
                            engagement? Like maybe a battle or something or do we think it's really a marriage engagement?
                            Could well be.
                            Originally posted by sherryw View Post

                            OK I'm watching Firefly and Jewel Staite just made a comment to someone on they were so young to be a doctor. *snort* kettle black Though I'm super excited about her being on the show and I'm looking forward to it.

                            Originally posted by SGAFan View Post

                            I'm keeping my chin up and staying optimistic!

                            Lots better than a few days ago ((HUGS)) how's you?

                            ooh, good point. We all know how much JM likes to mess with us.
                            I'm staying optimistic too. I don't expect to like or agree with everything in the show, otherwise I'd be writing it.
                            Originally posted by sherryw View Post

                            Squee indeed
                            Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                            Me too. OMG! Vows to stay calm will not pertain to that last week before the premiere. hehehehe

                            ((HUGS)) Night you! Take care!

                            *kicks dirt* every time I see that second pic I get pi$$ed at myself for hitting the damn volume button by accident!


                            Originally posted by Pocus View Post

                            SGAFan has 4200 Posts!

                            Congrats SGAFan!!!
                            Congrats to Sherry, too!!!

                            Great piccie spams, SGA and SHERRY!!!!!!



                              CONGRATS TO SHERRY ON 1900!!

                              CONGRAT TO SGAFAN ON 4200!!

                              HAPPY 1ST GW ANNIVERSARY IHS!!

                              Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                              Season 4 whump:


                              36 DAYS!!!!!
                    ! Made my morning!

                              Originally posted by sherryw View Post
                              So I was going through my pics and found some from S4 promo 2. I'm pretty sure they should be OK to post, I'm actually nervous posting them . If not let me know and I will take them out immediately. I snurched them, I can't remember who made them, but here they are:

                              Can we say evil Shep!!!!!


                              he scared me

                              Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                              O/T so I don't bore people...........

                              I think you'll be fine with NW. My problem:

                              They changed our departure flights and the times were not good for us, so we were able to change flights without penalty. So, found a flight that had the time frame we needed and changed. I went to pick our seats only to discover the plane was full and the only available seats were 'premium seats' which we had to pay extra for. And there were not three of them together. No way am I paying extra for a seat, I already paid for and no way am I leaving a 9 year old alone several rows away. THe real kicker, to change back to the flight we had, I would ahve to pay a fee.

                              I fired off a rather strong letter to Northwest asking how the hell they could offer flights that are booked and the only seats available are those you need to pay extra for (Which is unknown info until after you change the flights), and then have the gall to say to switch back to the flights that were scheduled, I have to pay their extortionist fees? So I asked how they are going to fix their problem and make me happy. I am still waiting to hear from them.

                              I have flown with this airline for 15 plus years, and i never had a problem until now. no wonder why the airline is having such problems. Crappy Crappy dealings.

                              You get them told! Tell em to sort it or we send the boys round.

                              As for JM's comment...
                              ...PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE not Rodney and Katie!!!!!!!

                              And PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE let be an engagement of the non marital kind and let JM be yanking our chain!!!!
                              The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                              l My LJ l


                                Congrats Sherry and SGAFan!!!

                                I've been thinking about the thing in JM's blog.

                                Maybe he's just refering to the Tealc and Ronon spar scene... he likes to mess with our heads...
                                My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
                                Sig and avi by me

