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John Sheppard Whump

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    Morning all!

    I think when it comes to cons maybe they should vet the questions that are asked first, if they went through the audience and got a list of people who want to ask interesting questions they could not only weed out the ones who are going to ask inappropriate questions but also those who are going to ask dumb stuff like "What's your favorite colour?" so that people who are asking worthwhile questions actually get the chance to have them answered.

    Sure you're always going to get some idiot who'll say they are going to ask something innocuous but actually say something inappropriate and you'd also get people b****ing about not being able to ask humiliating questions but it's all about respect.

    We've all heard the horror stories about some of the awful things actors have been asked by idiots who don't seem to comprehend that they are talking to a real person.


      Originally posted by Josie View Post
      Morning all!

      I think when it comes to cons maybe they should vet the questions that are asked first, if they went through the audience and got a list of people who want to ask interesting questions they could not only weed out the ones who are going to ask inappropriate questions but also those who are going to ask dumb stuff like "What's your favorite colour?" so that people who are asking worthwhile questions actually get the chance to have them answered.

      Sure you're always going to get some idiot who'll say they are going to ask something innocuous but actually say something inappropriate and you'd also get people b****ing about not being able to ask humiliating questions but it's all about respect.

      We've all heard the horror stories about some of the awful things actors have been asked by idiots who don't seem to comprehend that they are talking to a real person.
      Agreed. I mean, seriously, who's interested what Joe's favourite breakfast cereal is? I think questions should all pertain to the show, acting and his character personally, though, I have to say, the little kid who asked Joe at the Expo if he had any pets was adorable. Joe actually loved talking about his dogs too! As was the question about whether Joe's kids watched the show. The little kid voice Joe did was just so sweet and funny, and his little stories were so entertaining. Could the man get any sweeter than when he talks about his family?

      But harking back to P2, I remember one person going on and on and on in a pointless question to David, so pointless that I can't even remember if there was a question involved! It took up so much time that people behind didn't get to ask their questions, including MX's son who had stood there patiently for nearly an hour! I think the staff should have intervened or set a time limit for each question, and moved people on. It was so unfair, and the woman was just going on about absolutely nothing! It was embarrassing and totally pointless.

      At the Expo I think the majority of questions to Joe were good ones, though there was the inevitable ship question...yawn, but Joe handled it well.


        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
        Agreed. I mean, seriously, who's interested what Joe's favourite breakfast cereal is? I think questions should all pertain to the show, acting and his character personally, though, I have to say, the little kid who asked Joe at the Expo if he had any pets was adorable. Joe actually loved talking about his dogs too! As was the question about whether Joe's kids watched the show. The little kid voice Joe did was just so sweet and funny, and his little stories were so entertaining. Could the man get any sweeter than when he talks about his family?

        But harking back to P2, I remember one person going on and on and on in a pointless question to David, so pointless that I can't even remember if there was a question involved! It took up so much time that people behind didn't get to ask their questions, including MX's son who had stood there patiently for nearly an hour! I think the staff should have intervened or set a time limit for each question, and moved people on. It was so unfair, and the woman was just going on about absolutely nothing! It was embarrassing and totally pointless.

        At the Expo I think the majority of questions to Joe were good ones, though there was the inevitable ship question...yawn, but Joe handled it well.

        Asking a fun questions is fine, like the one about his pets, there can be an interesting answer to that but you can't really tell an anecdote about cereal can you? And I agree that people shouldn't be allowed to hog time and prevent others from getting the chance to speak to the guest. I get the impression some people just like the attention at cons so they ask dumb questions or talk too much, or bully their way to the front just so everyone's looking at them and they'll get mentioned on the net. Maybe it doesn't bother them that they get mentioned for being a *insert expletive of choice here* who embarrassed the guest and spoiled other people's fun.


          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
          Agreed. I mean, seriously, who's interested what Joe's favourite breakfast cereal is? I think questions should all pertain to the show, acting and his character personally, though, I have to say, the little kid who asked Joe at the Expo if he had any pets was adorable. Joe actually loved talking about his dogs too! As was the question about whether Joe's kids watched the show. The little kid voice Joe did was just so sweet and funny, and his little stories were so entertaining. Could the man get any sweeter than when he talks about his family?

          But harking back to P2, I remember one person going on and on and on in a pointless question to David, so pointless that I can't even remember if there was a question involved! It took up so much time that people behind didn't get to ask their questions, including MX's son who had stood there patiently for nearly an hour! I think the staff should have intervened or set a time limit for each question, and moved people on. It was so unfair, and the woman was just going on about absolutely nothing! It was embarrassing and totally pointless.

          At the Expo I think the majority of questions to Joe were good ones, though there was the inevitable ship question...yawn, but Joe handled it well.

          Have to agree Linzi... the majority of the questions at the Expo..was focused on his character and the it should be... he isn't at cons to promote his personal life... the pets and kids question was cute and not a question that digs to deep into things that could make him feel uncomfortable...
          And yes the ship's like you could see him rolling his eyes at that one and you could hear the audience groan at it like *not again, poor guy* but I agree he handled that well...

          I read the things on the blog and was like...oh get a life already..forgive the man to actually have a life and family and on top of that have a very demanding job excuse the guy if he want to spend his off time with his wife and kids... It was great comments by the whumpers and of Joe fans in there... I had to sneak in a little something myself and I agreed with what you and SheppyD wrote,,, if that guy isn't loyal to both fans and the show then I don't know what...
          Sigs by Scifan


            Just giving a link for a report from the SciFi Digital Media Tour....that I got from the Rachel thread..

            It's a Q&A with David, Rachel, Paul M and Joe M...and there are also some pics...

            Edit: Back to put something extra in....
            There is a video to of the panel from the SciFi Digital Press tour... that I got from the J/T's part one so I assume there are going to be a part 2 soon,,,when I see it I'll post it here too...

            Last edited by NinaM; 30 June 2007, 06:24 AM.
            Sigs by Scifan


              Thanks Nina. Just took a quick glimpse don't know if I face trying to get the vids to work but can I just say how annoyingly beautiful does Rachel look?


                Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                Just giving a link for a report from the SciFi Digital Media Tour....that I got from the Rachel thread..

                It's a Q&A with David, Rachel, Paul M and Joe M...and there are also some pics...


                Edit: Back to put something extra in....
                There is a video to of the panel from the SciFi Digital Press tour... that I got from the J/T's part one so I assume there are going to be a part 2 soon,,,when I see it I'll post it here too...

                Thanks for that Nina!

                Goodness, Rachel looks wonderful! I wish I looked so good when I was pregnant! I just looked like a Christmas pudding I see David is wearing the jacket that looks like he went paintballing in it, and Joe M is wearing another of his dapper suits! I've never seen Mark Stern before, so that was interesting.

                They didn't really say much that I hadn't heard elsewhere, and it would've been great if Joe F had been there too, but he obviously has gone home for the holidays. Mark Stern seemed pretty positive about season 4 didn't he? He certainly was handing out praise to Joe M and Paul M, which must be a good sign as to the quality of what Stern has seen so far. I feel quite positive after seeing that interview! Maybe SciFi actually may want a season 5?


                  Originally posted by Josie View Post
                  Thanks Nina. Just took a quick glimpse don't know if I face trying to get the vids to work but can I just say how annoyingly beautiful does Rachel look?
                  I just took a quick glimpse too...haven't see anything yet...
                  Yeah she really does look beautiful....
                  Sigs by Scifan


                    Originally posted by Josie View Post
                    Thanks Nina. Just took a quick glimpse don't know if I face trying to get the vids to work but can I just say how annoyingly beautiful does Rachel look?
                    I thought she looked the best I've ever seen her. Obviously pregnancy suits her! She was positively glowing! *Linz growls because she just looked hideous when she was preggers*


                      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                      Thanks for that Nina!

                      Goodness, Rachel looks wonderful! I wish I looked so good when I was pregnant! I just looked like a Christmas pudding I see David is wearing the jacket that looks like he went paintballing in it, and Joe M is wearing another of his dapper suits! I've never seen Mark Stern before, so that was interesting.

                      They didn't really say much that I hadn't heard elsewhere, and it would've been great if Joe F had been there too, but he obviously has gone home for the holidays. Mark Stern seemed pretty positive about season 4 didn't he? He certainly was handing out praise to Joe M and Paul M, which must be a good sign as to the quality of what Stern has seen so far. I feel quite positive after seeing that interview! Maybe SciFi actually may want a season 5?
                      Your welcome Linzi...

                      Yeah she looks wonderful...
                      I haven't seen anything yet but I don't think there is anything really that I haven't heard before ... but well I have to admit it sounds good that Stern is so positive then... hopefully there truly is hope for a season 5 ...
                      Sigs by Scifan


                        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                        I thought she looked the best I've ever seen her. Obviously pregnancy suits her! She was positively glowing! *Linz growls because she just looked hideous when she was preggers*
                        Yeah it really does... so beautiful... it's like she is on cloud 9...
                        I haven't been pregnant so I wouldn't know what I would look like,,,but I know I wouldn't even look half as good as she does...
                        Sigs by Scifan


                          So comiccon is at the end of July right? When do they start filming again, how long is this little hiatus?


                            Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                            Grrr I know I've signed up, but I have all kinds of trouble with the SciFi site. I can't log on, can't retrieve my password, can't email tech assistance. I think SicFi has been reading some of my posts and has blackballed me!
                            I have the same problem and have had ever since I signed up to the site... it has registered my account but I can't log on! I know the account exists because if I try to create a new account with that name it tells me it's already in use but when I try to log on with the password they sent me, it tells me no such account exists! And I emailed their tech support to ask for help and have never had any response.

                            Originally posted by Elinor View Post
                            Ali - just catching up with the thread and see you're going to be on The Weakest Link soon and you told the researcher you're a scifi fan!! I have a sneaking suspicion Anne might be to. Do you remember a few years back they had a Star Trek Weakest Link special? Robert Picardo won it I think. Hee hee! I bet Anne's a Trekkie!!

                            Really? I never saw that. Sounds like it would have been fun? Who else was on from Trek?

                            Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                            But harking back to P2, I remember one person going on and on and on in a pointless question to David, so pointless that I can't even remember if there was a question involved! It took up so much time that people behind didn't get to ask their questions, including MX's son who had stood there patiently for nearly an hour! I think the staff should have intervened or set a time limit for each question, and moved people on. It was so unfair, and the woman was just going on about absolutely nothing! It was embarrassing and totally pointless.
                            Indeed. And I almost didn't get to ask my question to David Nykl because the girl in front of me at the mic stood there and asked three questions in a row! It was like she thought she was having a conversation with the actor.. he would reply to her question and she would reply to him and then ask another question. And the steward stood right next to her just stood there and let her do it and made no attempt to move her on or ask her to finish!


                              Guess who's actually doing some writing? Anyone interested in Under The Surface chapter 6? Don't expect it any time today though, or tomorrow but hopefully sometime in the next few days.


                                Good morning whumpers!


                                Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                                Woohoo a patient, that's great Erika! have fun chickie. Don't forget who mr fantastic really is.
                                Well, she called to reschedule because she got caught up at work. But it was really nice of her to call back and say she wasn't coming. I'm waiting her for monday now.

                                Watched the film and the Atlantis connection didn't leave my mind. Especially one part in which appears

                                Spoilers fo FF2
                                a Ferris Wheel. At first I imagined Shep there, but then when the disaster started I definetly wanted him there imagining a Ferris Wheel whump

                                Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                                Yeeeeeeeeeeeeehah!! We have a date! 28 September! 91 days and counting!!!

                                *ahem* And, assuming no unexpected pre-emptions, 112 days till Doppelganger!! Wooooooooooooo!!!
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