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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Pocus View Post
    This is an insanely horrible pic of my 3 lovies.

    Snitch, Remmington, Connor

    My girl Snitch has her vet appointment tomorrow for her cancer checkup.
    Fingers crossed I have more time with her!

    It is extremely hard to get these three to stay still at the same time.
    Fingers crossed. They are really cute dogs.
    My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
    Sig and avi by me


      Gotta go, small version wants to watch McGuyver with me now...and who am I to refuse her...

      my fan fiction place


        Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
        No, I didn't. I looked for the caps and adjusted the setting to save the caps elsewhere, but still it won't work... If I want more icons done I'll have to search the web for the caps...
        Oh hon, that's not good. I haven't got powerDVD so not sure what to tell ya hon. My friend has most of the Atlantis caps (large ones usually) on her site. SGA caps

        Originally posted by Ruffles View Post

        JM has published your responses Peg (both), Linzi and SheppyD. Although I think that SLC might have appeared somehow since the Whumpers have now been mentioned.

        *wipes tears from eyes*

        There's a couple more anon posts that need your attention now.
        I saw, thought it might be a bit stalkerish to post more than twice, no matter how opinionated I get. When it's someone else blog, I try and contain, shall we say It's been great fun though, and lots of chortling hehehe.

        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
        I agree with all of the above... and the other very good posts on the subject. Much as idiots like that poster annoy me, you have to take a step back and realise they are only making themselves look foolish. It comes across as exactly what it is - nothing but sour grapes and maliciousness. Any of the thunk or wow threads, if taken at face value, could seem a little inappropriate but that's only if you take them out of context. Anyone who bothers to look even breifly at the thread content can see that it's all very tongue in cheek and light-hearted. And, not to be cynical, but actors *and* actresses do trade on their looks, it is a fact of the profession and they are well aware that fans find them attractive... and to a certain extent their success relies on that. However, anonymous's little rant is far more inappropriate than the thunk thread content he/she is sniping about... whilst actors know and accept that "thunking" or attraction on the part of the fans is a fact of their work, bringing up the subject so blatantly with either the actor in question OR the people they work with is in poor taste indeed.

        Indeed. There are always some fans - both online and at cons - who seem to have no understanding of what is and isn't appopriate (and I count "anonymous" who ranted about Joe on JM's blog amongst their number) and the vast majority of fans cringe at their behaviour. All anonymous has done by attempting to tar all JF fans with the same "stalker" brush is prove conclusively that they themselves are one of those fans who act inappropriately and embarrass other fans.

        I did thanks. If you could upload the other one too that would be wonderful! *hugs Stricken*
        you're right it does make them look a bit desperate.

        Originally posted by prion View Post
        WEll, sometimes fans need to do a small reality check, instead of wasting Q&A time on showing people who things should be done. I have friends in the medical profession who could suck up a tremendous amount of Q&A time on the proper way to have bedrails up, etc. Of course, we've only seen Sheppard salute, what, once or twice in the entire show? (not that you get much more on SG1). Although I think one of the worst Q&As ever was the fan who told Jason Momoa - I don't watch SGA, tell me why I should watch it' Ouch.

        Took a peek at JM's blog comments. I wonder if he's thinking about writing a soap opera as he's certainly got the ingredients on his comments page now! Must be a slow Question day as there don' tseem to be many questions
        oooh I got asked a similar question at an interview once. It stumped me. Poor Jason, bless him.

        Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
        Oh if you get the time you must read it - it is totally whumpalicious!!!!
        I'll make time to read

        Originally posted by Gate_Strider View Post
        Hello again everyone.

        I am very happy to read everyone's differing opinions on Sheppard's background and personality. I don't want to get stuck thinking in a box and the other speculations I have read have certainly opened my mind to many other possibilities- which is what I was hoping.

        In terms of Sheppard and casual sex, I perhaps was not very clear in what I was trying to convey in one of my earlier posts. I absolutely do not believe Sheppard is loose or a slut and I hate the characterization of him as Captain Kirk. But I think he has problems with emotional intimacy and that was what I was trying to say. He may not see it coming but he seems to adapt very quickly when it happens , when it is casual and unexpected ( I'm thinking Tower girl here primarily) and I'm just wondering if that is because he hasn't and doesn't have to be invested in that kind of relationship and commit emotionally. Contrast that with his stiff response to Weir's hug and the hug from someone else I won't name in the preview clip on GW. I suspect I am over-analyzing these events.

        Still, though, it seems that many of us feel that Sheppard underneath it all is basically lonely , maybe shy and insecure, may have been emotionally hurt/scarred and has a real fear of abandonment which may propel his intense desire "to leave no one behind".

        My other theory is that he is a descended Ancient. Of course he would have no recollection of being ascended and that would also explain his lack of comfort or not quite fitting in with people. He ,of course, has come back to save the Galaxy that his original people, the Ancestors, abandoned and left behind. Ha Ha- just kidding!

        Oh, look -10 posts!

        I'm hyperventilating
        Time to leave and go breathe into a paper bag
        Hehehe, welcome back GS. I love hearing your thoughts, and I love the mind whump to

        Originally posted by bebop View Post
        Those were fabby ta!!!...*drools*..I believe I have what I need...

        OMG those kitties are gorgeous!!!

        and yes the job of trawling through chest peekage is a tough one, but I just have to take a deep breath and get to it..*sigh*..I know, its a hard life...

        Yup, ta.....the supplies are in place, just need the time now without 'spectators'....
        Hehehe glad you liked the kitties, they're not mine really, got them off an email that went round work today. They're supposed to do a happy dance but it didn't work out right. Darnit, they were so cute doing a happy dance to.

        Oooooh have you posted something yummy on the whumping LJ? Squeeeee you're so talanted, beebop

        Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
        Since everyone is showing pics of their pets, I'll do the same. I have six dogs, but in my PB I only have one pic. My cocker spaniel, she's called Milady:

        Oh bless she looks like something out of lady and the tramp

        Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
        Oh Erika !! Your baby reminds of my cocker we lost to cancer!! *Elf sniffles**
        Georgous!! The same coloring and everything. his name was Thumper he
        was actually my father's dog. I called him "Bubbah" The movie Forrest Gump
        was the big flick at the time and he came when called and it just stuck!!

        Peggy OMG!! your kitties look like the could take the Wraith!! How Adorable!!
        kitty Whump!!

        Chest peekage. It's very stressful to see but, someone has to endure it!!!:lol: You can do it Pocus!! It's part of the job description!!
        *hugs* Sorry to hear about your dog Elf. Hehehe, I wish they were mine *sigh* My lil one is like a kamikaze kitten, but she looks like a big fat momma. And omg you should hear her screeching if you don't pay enough attention to her...and the whole suckling of the ears is not squee. But it's okay that she's got issues. it gives her a great persoality.

        Chest peekage *drools*

        Originally posted by bebop View Post
        As we're sharing...this is Maggie...spoiled for size
        I love boxers, in fact I don't think i've seen a dog that I didn't like. How old is she? She only looks young.
        Last edited by Pegasus_SGA; 29 June 2007, 09:58 AM. Reason: oops forgot the linky


          Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
          I love boxers, in fact I don't think i've seen a dog that I didn't like. How old is she? She only looks young.
          She's 19 months old, so she's not even fully grown yet. We are currently doing Competative obedience classes which is fabby, we should be entering our first competition this summer.

          my fan fiction place


            Originally posted by bebop View Post
            She's 19 months old, so she's not even fully grown yet. We are currently doing Competative obedience classes which is fabby, we should be entering our first competition this summer.
            That sounds fun.
            My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
            Sig and avi by me


              Before I forget: Congrats to all milestoners...

              The behaviour of some fans is really strange... on one hand I'm angry at myself that I'm so shy at conventions but on the other hand I'm really glad that I am NOT that molesting pestering type of fan... must be terrible for the actors... there are normal persons too... *waves at all actors out there*

              AHHH, animals...
              Heres my dog... I also got 2 gerbils and a bunch of guinea pigs...
              I could show you millions of pictures... *looks at thread title and put the pictures away*


              That's Ruby, 10 years old cocker-whatever-mutt. We got her from the local animal shelter when she was 2,5 years... originally she's from Spain.

              More on Dogster:
              She is even friends with least online... woo hoo...

              Today she is really mad at me, cause she had to took a bath... now she curled up in her dog basket and does that little dreaming noises... sooo cute...

              Edit: Woo hoo... 90 posts... *fireworks*


                Loved your dog Cookie. She doens't like bath? Mine loves it.

                BRB, RL calls. My sis is here!!!
                My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
                Sig and avi by me


                  Congrats on 1400 Bebop!
                  Sig by Luciana
                  My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                    Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
                    Loved your dog Cookie. She doens't like bath? Mine loves it.

                    BRB, RL calls. My sis is here!!!

                    She stays in the bathtub and waits grunting til its over...


                      Aw! So many cute dogs. They're all such sweeties.


                        Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                        Congrats on 1400 Bebop!
                        What Ruffles said DITTO!!
                        sig by Sci!

                        Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                          What's that about chest peekage?

                          Hello Whumpers!
                          Thanks to Copter for the Sig and Avi!!!


                            Ahh cute dogs!
                            Thanks to Copter for the Sig and Avi!!!


                              Sorry for spamming the Sheppard threads....

                              Hi guys! I come bearing gifts and to let you know two things...first of, First Strike caps are up in the JT Galleria, but as you know that episode was heavily John so we have 192 caps that are HQ HR and are mostly John friendly!

                              Other thing is that if you have a Livejournal Account, you might be interested in my new LJ Stargaze.


                              It is intended for caps of John and Teyla but there will be zip files for the rest of the episode for those interested. Basically, I find it so difficult to find good Teyla and Teyla/John caps that I decided to hook up with Wikkedangel and make this a place where I can store and share all the goodies. So, ALL Caps of John and Teyla will be posted in the entries. Currently we started with Season 3 Caps and we've completed up to Common Ground. The rest of the Season hopefully will be up by the end of next week. We will be doing the entire three Seasons of Atlantis and Season 4 as soon as we get those.

                              In the meantime, check out my LJ but it will become Friends Only in the next couple of weeks. And pass the word around to those who you think can benefit from this as well. Keep up the good work and enjoy.

                              I posted a batch in the Joe/John Sheppard thread, but this is a new batch of caps.

                              First Strike...






                                Originally posted by bebop View Post
                                She's 19 months old, so she's not even fully grown yet. We are currently doing Competative obedience classes which is fabby, we should be entering our first competition this summer.
                                *runs in*

                                She's lovely hehehe I love those obedience clasess. I think some posters could do with some of them.


                                *runs out to whump hair*

                                Catch ya in a bit.

                                ETA: Linz
                                Last edited by Pegasus_SGA; 29 June 2007, 11:37 AM. Reason: ETA had to hug Linzi

