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John Sheppard Whump

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    I often feel like commenting in other threads but lack the words to do so eloquently so I tend to leave it to others who make more sense.


      Hello Whumpers!
      Thanks to Copter for the Sig and Avi!!!


        Originally posted by Josie View Post
        Thanks guys!

        I've been a brave girl and dipped my toe into one of those other threads. I must be mad.
        And you made it back unscathed, that is a story to tell. Usually us whumpers get whumped in other threads. lol. Stay in the safety of the Shep gutter. lol.
        Thanks to Copter for the Sig and Avi!!!


          Do we ever get out of the Shep gutter?
          sig by Sci!

          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


            I wonder what Ali has been up to today, I haven't seen her around and she normally manages to pop in for a little while at least - work must really be whumping her.


              gtg for now Whumpers!!

              Take care Josie!! If it comes down it and you some whumping of medical folks
              or anything like that. Let us know,well send Shep and Ronan to take care of
              that for you!!!

              See ya 2morrow!!
              sig by Sci!

              Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                See you tomorrow Elf.


                  Originally posted by Josie View Post
                  I often feel like commenting in other threads but lack the words to do so eloquently so I tend to leave it to others who make more sense.
                  Er, I have no idea why you'd think that! Some posts are pretty, er, well, not eloquent, is an understatement. You're polite and rational, and that counts for a lot! I just post what I think, which normally doesn't even make sense to me!!!!


                    Hiya peeps. Wow it's sure been quite in here today. Don't tell me that people have actually gotten real lives outside the thread

                    *perishes the thought*

                    How's everyone today? Josie I see you stepped outside your comfy zone Next thing ya know, you'll be posting on JM's blog everyday

                    Well done hon, see it wasn't that bad was it?

                    Erika, I love your changing sig, how did you do it, if you don't mind me asking. I'm trying to improve my technical skills

                    Linz, *sends huggles* You can't eat toast? No toast is like not having coffee in the morning, how do you cope!

                    So nothing new on the shumpy horizon then? Dagnabit, we might have to go with plan B and get Lorr to send more truffles


                      Does anyone know where Fanart can be submitted? Its SGA hand drawn art. There's a section for fanfic on this site but not for fanart.
                      Thanks to Copter for the Sig and Avi!!!


                        Well gotta go. My eyes are starting to go square. lol.
                        Thanks to Copter for the Sig and Avi!!!


                          Where is everybody? It's deader than a very dead thing in here.


                            Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                            Hey Whumpers! Quick question:

                            How do you get to the different statuses of like Super Soldier to Mature Symbiote?

                            Tried to find it in FAQ but, alas with no success unless I was asking incorrectly.
                            Hey Elf, just in case you haven't found anything yet, I just found the thread "X-treme Guide to Gateworld" where your question is answered, here is the link


                              Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                              Well, I hope you feel better soon, and I hope they get their act together and send you for the tests you deserve!

                              I had no idea JB and CT auditioned! JB not gay enough? CT would've been good, I think!
                              I wonder if a gay actor who ever got turned down for a part because he wasn't "gay" enough... if he developed the same complexes as straight guys who are turned down for a parts for not being macho enough???

                              Hey Listy! I liked Friends, too!

                              OK, it is 0600, I am now on 26 hours no sleep and I didn't get the thing accomplished that I stayed up all night to accomplish cause the freaks never came into work. WTH!!! I've officially gotten squat for sleep this week.

                              Thank you for the sig, SciFan!

                              Thank You Sheyla Fan!



                                Originally posted by Josie View Post
                                Where is everybody? It's deader than a very dead thing in here.
                                Hello Josie *waves* I'm still here (but not so long anymore cause its getting late)

                                Nice picspam

