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John Sheppard Whump

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    I'm working on the final chappy of Restrained but don't think it'll get finsihed and posted tonight...


      Originally posted by Alipeeps
      DH's interview was really fab in that programme. Bless him.

      Thanks for the pretty TLG pics... must carry on capping that ep.

      Just feeling a bit narked this evening... am tired and my psoriasis is driving me mad and am just feeling a bit fed up with some of the ******y of late...
      Poor you. I've got a big cut on my head and three big gnat bites. Boy do they itch! Red wine will numb the pain, s*d antihistamines!
      You're not the only one a little fed up tonight.....


        Originally posted by SLC
        I am feeling a little fed up myself so I am going to be no good trying to cheer you up!!

        Havent seen Josie this evening- which is a shame as she may have had a chapter to post!!! Maybe Linzi will be posting one soon.... I need to read about the 'tomorrow' that was mentioned!!
        Awwww! I'm nearly finished, and it's pretty OTT whumpy! I'll try and hurry it along sweetie. I need CG piccies...


          Okay, seeing how people need cheering, I've just got done capping the end of Instinct, and the beginning of conversion. Here's some to get you happier while I finish the others!





              OH MY GOD! Those caps are breathtaking! Thank you sooooooo much, IWTB!
              They have cheered me up soooo much!


                Originally posted by Linzi
                Awwww! I'm nearly finished, and it's pretty OTT whumpy! I'll try and hurry it along sweetie. I need CG piccies...
                OMG *jumps up and down in excitement* ...taking slow deep breaths to calm down


                  I've just saved some of them, (I hope it's ok to snurch?) and it's my daughter's laptop I'm on...oh dear, I forgot!


                    OMG the look of pain on Sheps face!!!!!! I know I sound sick but that does make me feel better !!!!


                      Originally posted by andi_b
                      YES! Show us what Joe can really do!
                      Look at Ben Browder, the hero of my fave all-time sci-fi show, Farscape, the GOD of emotional whump. In SG-1, I can see nothing, nothing of what made John Crichton my favourite TV character ever. BB is not really acting, or the "character" they've given him is as flat as hell. Who knows what acting gems Joe's hiding? :-)

                      Sorry to ramble on about Ben, it's just hard to stop when I start. Sorry to Cam fans too.

                      Now on with the whump!

                      The thing is they've given BEN more SL and Characterization in the first ten eps of his first season on SG1 than Shep got in 30 eps of SGA. Ben isn't acting to me. Joe is a fabulous actor and deserves better stuff. Shep isn't written to be anything other than a cardboard cutout hero by the writers. It's JOE that makes Shep so amazing to watch. So Complex.

                      I still can't believe BB got a nom for those sci fi awards thing. Blech.

                      And this from someone who loved Crichton and Farscape. Yet still never though BB was an amazing actor. He just got to be OOT and Flamboyant and his limited abilities worked for him as Chricton.


                        Originally posted by McKayRocks!

                        As you all know my fave whump is of course that 'other chap' on SGA but Shep is a very very close second! I just love whump full stop but to be really satisfying whump it has to be a character you love and have invested some emotion in! I agree that Hugh Laurie is just fantastic and that season finale was probably one of the best and most satisfying whump eps I have ever seen for any show!!! But I also agree that Chase whump would be just superb and how I wish it was him who got whumped in Euphoria instead of Foreman! Still perhaps that is to come!! (If anyone has some good Chase whump fic recs please send them my way!! )

                        However, the first time I ever thunked and whumped was for David Soul in Starsky and Hutch!!! Boy was that ace!!!! I fell head over heels at 12 years old and am still partial to watching certain whumpy eps on a fairly regular basis although as everyone has said here SGA has become a bit of an obsession!!

                        I have given up asking for the CG pics - just can't stand the disappointment so I will just go nuts when they do arrive!

                        I couldn't agree more. You have to be emotionally invested in the whumpee.

                        I would have loved Chase to be the whumpee in EUPHORIA. I have a fic called REWIND on FF.NET. Loads and loads of Chase whump/angst.

                        David Soul. Dang. Yeah....I loved him too. Guess he and Johnny Gage were the first I loved to see whumped. Yeah. Heeeee

                        I think whoever has the promo pics knows we all want CG pics and is tormenting us. LOL


                          LOL, glad you guys liked! I'm working on the stretcher/infirmary scene and OMG, his face is soooo expressive, I've got 48 to rename and upload and they are all delicious but it was during the credits so I'm going to have to have dh do his thing and wipe the names out of some of these to make them pristine LOL! But I'll post them anyway cause in a couple of them his face is worth it! And my hubby won't be home till late and will be tired soooo for tonight we'll grin and bear it with the letters on the caps.


                            Originally posted by parisindy
                            SQUEAAAAAA love that fic

                            can i ask a question of you guys... i'm coming from another fandom and i am just starting to write atlantis .... do you guys find that its hard to switch writting fanfic from one show to another... any ideas on how to ease the transition?

                            For me, and I've written in about a dozen fandoms, it's about knowing your characters and their background. Once I'm comfortable with that...because you stay IC with them, the rest of it works. So as long as I know them, I've found it to be fun and challenging to switch shows.


                              Originally posted by Merlin7
                              I couldn't agree more. You have to be emotionally invested in the whumpee.

                              I would have loved Chase to be the whumpee in EUPHORIA. I have a fic called REWIND on FF.NET. Loads and loads of Chase whump/angst.

                              David Soul. Dang. Yeah....I loved him too. Guess he and Johnny Gage were the first I loved to see whumped. Yeah. Heeeee

                              I think whoever has the promo pics knows we all want CG pics and is tormenting us. LOL
                              Merlin! How lovely to see you here again!

                              I just really need Shep to be whumped now. I've had enough of no whumping. I WANT WHUMP !!!!!!
                              Sorry, bad day, and whumping makes me feel better. Oh dear, I really need help!


                                Originally posted by IWantToBelieve
                                LOL, glad you guys liked! I'm working on the stretcher/infirmary scene and OMG, his face is soooo expressive, I've got 48 to rename and upload and they are all delicious but it was during the credits so I'm going to have to have dh do his thing and wipe the names out of some of these to make them pristine LOL! But I'll post them anyway cause in a couple of them his face is worth it! And my hubby won't be home till late and will be tired soooo for tonight we'll grin and bear it with the letters on the caps.
                                GAH !!!!! I may not be conscious when you post those!

