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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Merlin7
    I've been drooling over that new trio/promo pic. Heeee. Rentboy Shep. Works for me. Between him and Chase, I need a drool pool. LOL
    Rentboy Shep... snicker, snicker!


      Originally posted by Merlin7
      I've been drooling over that new trio/promo pic. Heeee. Rentboy Shep. Works for me. Between him and Chase, I need a drool pool. LOL
      I don't care what anybody says about his pose - I love that damn pic! I want the high res version to I can make a nice giant crop of Sheppy!

      This bit alone is enough to make me drool!

      I'm not so fussed about Chase.. House is my preferred thunk/whump.. and there's soooooooo much opportunity for whump with his disability and his chronic pain... *sigh* Reminds me, my mega- House whump fic is waaaaaaaaaay overdue for an update.

      Dammit, so much fic to write, so little time..


        Originally posted by Merlin7
        Going dark as a writer is always a good excercise. Especially if you can justify the darkness. That's the trick of it and you're doing an amazing job.

        *hugs* thank you LOL, my cheering squad will keep me going on it even when I wibble in fear.


          Originally posted by IWantToBelieve
          Josie and SLC, I love your sigs!!!! They are sooo darn adorable!

          I'm not a *huge* fan of dark fics, though I will thoroughly enjoy them. I read one that had me sucked in, Back from the Well by Xanthe, it's slash but ohhhhh so dark in a really disturbing way and Merlin wrote one that was dark dark, and I've written one that I consider dark. I'm working on another (as Merlin and Linzi can attest) and it's my darkest yet, it's going to be a serious pyschological darkness fic and it's turning my stomach inside and out, but yeah, it's worth writing because sometimes you just got to go there and open that door.

          My kids are playing video games. It's pouring so no pool today but they were in it almost all day yesterday so they'll live.
          I'm not a huge fan of darkfics either, but the odd one is most satisfying. I can think of a few that have really sucked me in. I do like my happy endings though. The only fics I do get really upset over are death fics. I still read them and enjoy them, but I like to be warned first. They do make my stomach go into knots though.


            Originally posted by Alipeeps
            I don't care what anybody says about his pose - I love that damn pic! I want the high res version to I can make a nice giant crop of Sheppy!

            This bit alone is enough to make me drool!

            I'm not so fussed about Chase.. House is my preferred thunk/whump.. and there's soooooooo much opportunity for whump with his disability and his chronic pain... *sigh* Reminds me, my mega- House whump fic is waaaaaaaaaay overdue for an update.

            Dammit, so much fic to write, so little time..
            He still looks adorable, but the pose is just not right, IMO. He's such a tall, lean man, and he's all scrunched up and precariously balanced...and as somebody else said, the pose is a little camp. My bro totally disagreed with me on that point, but then again, he would...

            Edit: Forgot to say, that cut down cap is totally stunning, Ali.
            Last edited by Linzi; 25 June 2006, 08:21 AM.


              I'm going to be capping Conversion and am pysching myself up for it. I was going to do The Long Goodbye but the file is corrupt *sniff*.


                Originally posted by IWantToBelieve
                I'm going to be capping Conversion and am pysching myself up for it. I was going to do The Long Goodbye but the file is corrupt *sniff*.
                Noooooooo! Well, Conversion would be good, though. It's one of my favourite season 2 eppies.


                  Originally posted by Linzi
                  I'm not a huge fan of darkfics either, but the odd one is most satisfying. I can think of a few that have really sucked me in. I do like my happy endings though. The only fics I do get really upset over are death fics. I still read them and enjoy them, but I like to be warned first. They do make my stomach go into knots though.
                  Yeah, I am really not a fan of death fics and I hate it if there is no warning cos most times I choose not to read em. Doesn't matter how well written they are or how good the angst is etc.. I really don't like to imagine my fave characters dying. I like my whump fic to be hurt comfort... yes, I love the hurt part but for me there needs to be comfort too... I want my characters to be able to recover from whatever is done to them.

                  At the end of the day, I love the characters as they are in the show and I guess anything that is gonna make a permanent change to that character (especially death etc!) I am less keen on cos that is changing them from the character I love.

                  Some of my whump fic can be fairly dark - though not as dark as I could go! - in terms of deliberate whumpage/torture etc but I've not really gotten into any seriously dark stuff yet with emotional angst or permanent injury etc. And even if I did get really dark, it would all end up being resolved by the end. I guess I'm just sappy... I like my happy endings!

                  Originally posted by Linzi
                  He still looks adorable, but the pose is just not right, IMO. He's such a tall, lean man, and he's all scrunched up and precariously balanced...and as somebody else said, the pose is a little camp. My bro totally disagreed with me on that point, but then again, he would...
                  I love the pose when i first saw it and just don't really get the criticism of it... I think it's cute and casual and sexy. Personal tastes I guess. I mean, yeah, I can think of better poses, but in general I love the casualness of it and my GOD does it show off his toned abdomen and pecs to a wonderful, wonderful extent! Maybe that was what the photographer was aiming for, eh?

                  "Yeah, Joe, that's good, can you slouch a bit more? And just a bit more? Yeah, just scrunch down a teeny bit more...." Checks the pecs and abs situation... "Okay, that's perfect! Hold it right there!" CLICK!


                    Have you seen the SG-1 promos? I was stunned by what they did to Claudia Black...whoever did her hair and outfit should be fired, ugh. She's a beautiful woman but that did nothing for her at all.


                      Originally posted by Linzi
                      Noooooooo! Well, Conversion would be good, though. It's one of my favourite season 2 eppies.

                      yeah, but most of the whump in that is creepy LOL!


                        Originally posted by IWantToBelieve
                        Have you seen the SG-1 promos? I was stunned by what they did to Claudia Black...whoever did her hair and outfit should be fired, ugh. She's a beautiful woman but that did nothing for her at all.
                        Yeah, not only did they make her look awful (whereas in the eps of SGA she has looked nothing but fab!) but also the SG1 photos in general were sooooooooooo over-airbrushed that they all just look awful, totally false and unnatural. Nasty nasty. SAG ones (the three that we've seen so far!!) are much better...


                          Originally posted by Alipeeps
                          I don't care what anybody says about his pose - I love that damn pic! I want the high res version to I can make a nice giant crop of Sheppy!

                          This bit alone is enough to make me drool!

                          I'm not so fussed about Chase.. House is my preferred thunk/whump.. and there's soooooooo much opportunity for whump with his disability and his chronic pain... *sigh* Reminds me, my mega- House whump fic is waaaaaaaaaay overdue for an update.

                          Dammit, so much fic to write, so little time..

                          HEck, I adore the pic because of the pose. Heeee

                          As for House. He's not of the pretty and his angst is too obvious for me. Give me pretty/emotional angst anytime. Which is Chase. LOL

                          It's kinda like with Rodney. Not of the pretty, and his angst is too obvious. have no interest in whumping.

                          And forgot one of my fave characters to whump of all time. Michael in LaFemme Nikita. Yummy Roy.

                          Now let's just hope we get actual Shep Whump in season 3.


                            Ali, definitely. I wondered if it were the same photographer because the difference is really noticeable in quality. Surprising!


                              Well that was stressful...I feel sick! Ugh!

                              Anyone got any nice pics or some fic to calm me down?


                                Okaaaaaaaaaaaaay, chapter 3 of Restrained, my request fic for IWTB, is now up at ffnet! It's gonna take one more chappy to finish this puppy up but for now the whumpage continues apace... poor old Sheppy is not having a good time of things!

