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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Listy View Post
    You do have style in your writing I am not just blowing smoke up your butt or anything You can convey a scene really efficiently without the need for general padding. Now I think about it I have to admit to sometimes skipping stuff in some fics I have read just to get to the good stuff, can honestly say have never done that with your fics You also seem to hit on the whump perfectly, I love it I know its coming and I get overexcited and can't stop reading till i get to it I am like a big kid when i read books and fics.

    See I don't know what people prefer, guess everyone is different, when i started writing i was not sure if i was descriptive enough about what I am writing, so try to put more in then struggle. Which is why lately i haven't bothered, I know I can see it in my head as i write but never sure if other people can see it and it puts me off a little bit (in my head its good in others it could be crap)
    I think it's best to keep it simple, using big words and flowery language doesn't necessarily help paint a picture for people, you can do a lot in a few words if they are the right words.

    I'm not saying I can do that but it's what I aim for. I wish I could finish The Sacrifice of Innocence because I think that was the best thing I'd written and I really liked the way that was going. I will get around to finishing it eventually because I still believe it's a good story.


      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
      Hmmm. Let me think about that for a moment.... YES!!!

      Yup. Repeated tonight. I so love the Tennant seasons of Dr Who and this season has been brilliant so far! And whumpy too!

      I'm like that when writing too. I feel the need to keep breaking and e.g. popping in here for a moment or two before going back to the writing. I'm around atm but not for long... got to go out in an hour...

      Oh my, yes! Spoilers for Dr Who: The Shakespeare Code:
      An evil witchy-type woman stopped his heart with a voodoo doll and he cried out and collapsed. Luckily, of course, he's got two hearts but when he tried to get up he was in pain cos only one heart was working and he had to get Martha to hit him in the chest (several times until she got the right spot) to get his heart restarted!

      Computer bod hubby says don't use it. It's still full of bugs and loads of software won't be compatible with it etc. He says personally he woulnd't use Vista for at least a year.

      That very much sounds like Josie's fic to me... Dark Water was it called J?

      Sorry to hear you're feeling crummy again today, hon. Hope it clears up soon.

      I've got another busy day today - I had a nice (much needed) lie-in and then had to go out and feed my colleague's cats and let them out of the house and I'd had a shower and washed my hair and we have to be round to my sister's for 2pm to go out to lunch with mum and her boyfriend who have driven over from Wales for the day.

      It's nice and sunny so I think we'll go in my car... with the roof down...
      OMG Dr Who sounds fantastic will have to get someone to tape it for me tonight.

      Thanks for the advice on the vista will keep clear of it glad i finally got the free disc though thought i was getting ripped off for a while there.

      OK hope everyone gets lots of writing done so I can get my fix I am a totaly fic junky!!

      I am off for a while now RL is gonna get busy so who knows when I will get chance to get back on here this weekend (hopefull will get some time)

      ((hugs)) Feel Better Josie!!!



        Originally posted by Listy View Post
        OMG Dr Who sounds fantastic will have to get someone to tape it for me tonight.

        Thanks for the advice on the vista will keep clear of it glad i finally got the free disc though thought i was getting ripped off for a while there.

        OK hope everyone gets lots of writing done so I can get my fix I am a totaly fic junky!!

        I am off for a while now RL is gonna get busy so who knows when I will get chance to get back on here this weekend (hopefull will get some time)

        ((hugs)) Feel Better Josie!!!

        Bye Listy, I hope you enjoy the rest of the Bank Holiday weekend whatever you're up to.


          Morning Whumpers! What a chatty bunch this morning.

          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
          Really? I'll go online and look and see if they have net connection available.
          Oh yes, CP is all about outdoor activities and such fun. I can't wait... NOT!
          Well you know me! They don't call me Mrs Couch Potato for nothing! Oh, bike riding...the joy!
          Hey, outdoor activities are great! I live for being outdoors. Unless its cold and snowy. Then I'll happily do the couch potato thing.

          Originally posted by Josie View Post
          Good morning all!

          So as I've hit a brick wall with my current fic, I'm toying with the idea of trying to write this one-shot I've had in my head for a while first, thinking if I can get that idea out the way I might have better luck with the WIP.

          Is anyone interested in the idea of a fic set on Earth, dealing with Shep's past and with some psychological whumpage? No blood or bullets I'm afraid - okay I lied there is some blood.
          SQUEE!!! Bring it on, it sounds absolutely fabby!

          Originally posted by Listy View Post
          I have been looking for a certain type of fic for ages and don't even know if it exists...
          I want to read something where maybe Shep is in the water somewhere with maybe one other member of his team or could be alone, and he has a head injury and is all groggy and struggling to stay afloat. The water is freezing and starting to succumb to hypothermia, obviously they are saved at the last minute before shep actually drowns, but maybe he drowns and they pull him out and resusitate him, then get all the nice infirmary stuff. Don't suppose anyone knows if that fic exists anywhere?
          wow..........can't remember anything like that exactly. I remember reading something about Rodney and Shep jumping off a cliff into the water cause they were being chased by Koyla and I think Shep gets bitten by a strange fish or something whump and Shep has to help Rodney cause he can't swim..

          My memory is fuzzy and I read it so long ago. Does anyone know what the hell I'm talking about? Cause I don't.


            No idea, I think you've just finally gone crackers GG.

            Right I'm going to take a break for lunch but I'm up to 827 words now so I'm getting somewhere slowly.


              Originally posted by Listy View Post
              oh hunny thats shocking. Have never been to Centerparcs before didn't realise they didn't allow dogs, you would think they would cater for dogs.
              Oh no! They do have dogs there, which is why we're going. I couldn't put Lucy into a kennel so we could go abroad, I meant. She's too adorable to leave alone, and too young at the moment, think.
              Originally posted by Josie View Post
              Which Centerparc are you going to Linzi? Elveden is not that far from me - never been there though.
              We're going to Longleat. I've been to all of them though, over the years. When the oldest two oiks were young they loved all the activities. Lucy will love it there, and my youngest oik will too. The elder two are coming away with us - they wanted to - but I hope they won't be too bored with mum and dad there! I suspect my eldest daughter is just coming because she loves the puppy so much
              Originally posted by Listy View Post
              I just watched O1's video it gave me goosebumps, she really has a knack for picking out the perfect songs - I bow down to the greatness
              It was awesome! O1 has a real talent for vids!!

              Originally posted by Listy View Post

              So was there whump Dr Who last night?
              There was indeed.
              Originally posted by Listy View Post
              Oh quick OT question, my vista disc arrived yesterday is it any good or should I stick with XP? any of you computer whizzes got any info on it?
              Well, my new laptop I'm on now has vista on it. So far I've had no trouble, but I haven't done much, and I've heard there are glitches with some software, requiring downloads from microsoft to resolve the problems. As I said, I've been fine so far, but then again, I never to anything adventurous or exciting!
              Originally posted by caty View Post
              I just heard that it's really unreliable. But I haven't tried it myself to confirm that...

              CONGRATS on 1000 posts, Listy!!! That's a great milestone!!!

              Congrats to Listy on an amazing 1,000 posts!!!! Woo hoo!

              Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
              Well I had a period that I was getting dizzy a lot of the time- it would start when I moved my head to the right - but luckily it doesnt happen too often these days. But I still have bad weeks now and then - so I know how much it sucks!

              Poor SheppyD. I hope you went to the doctor? Headaches and dizziness suck big time


                Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                Hey, outdoor activities are great! I live for being outdoors. Unless its cold and snowy. Then I'll happily do the couch potato thing.
                Well, I live for being a couch potato
                *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                  Are there any Americans out there? I need help with something, if it was raining very hard how would you describe it? Overe here we might say it was pissing it down is that a phrase you'd use in the US? Or do you have something comparable?

                  I know it's an odd question it's just something for the fic.


                    Morning peeps!

                    Happy Easter to those who celebrate that sort of things. Apologies to those who don't. At least most of us get to enjoy a long weekend this week, eh?

                    I have lots to do today, but I'm having a slow start. Can't seem to get motivated. Maybe I'll put it off and pop in an episode of SGA instead.

                    Anybody notice we've almost caught up to the JF thunk thread? At the rate we're chatting we should bypass them very soon. My, we're a friendly bunch! And it just goes to show how very whumpable our Shep is!


                    Thanks to blingaway for the shiny new siggie!


                      Originally posted by Josie View Post
                      Good morning all!

                      So as I've hit a brick wall with my current fic, I'm toying with the idea of trying to write this one-shot I've had in my head for a while first, thinking if I can get that idea out the way I might have better luck with the WIP.

                      Is anyone interested in the idea of a fic set on Earth, dealing with Shep's past and with some psychological whumpage? No blood or bullets I'm afraid - okay I lied there is some blood.
                      That sounds like a fantastic idea. I would love a different perpsective on his past (especially if there is a little blood involved)

                      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                      Personally, I'd like to read something about Sheppard's past. I think his dad stuff is getting a little old in FF now, TBH. So, something from a different angle would make a refreshing change for me. If it's full of angst and emotional/psychological upheaval, then that can only be a good thing for me. Blood too, I hear you say? Even better

                      Edit: Remember Josie, skills can be taught and learned, imagination can't be.
                      Fantastic sentiment Linzi!

                      Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                      Happy Easter, everybody!

                      Pocus, Paris and for everybody else who has already read Chapter 7 of 'Surviving Sunday', here's the promised cake... One for each of you.
                      Everyone, who hasn't read yet, or isn't interested may also have a tiny piece, but you must share.


                      But in order to make up for the shameless self-advertising and the OT greetings and pic, here comes one for your satisfaction...

                      *hugs all and flees*
                      Yum, thanks! oops crumbs in the keyboard

                      Happy Easter

                      Congrat to Listy for 1000 Posts!!


                        Originally posted by Josie View Post
                        Are there any Americans out there? I need help with something, if it was raining very hard how would you describe it? Overe here we might say it was pissing it down is that a phrase you'd use in the US? Or do you have something comparable?

                        I know it's an odd question it's just something for the fic.
                        Oh, there's lots of ways to say it, Josie! This simplest and most common would be to say it is "pouring". Or some would say it's "raining cats and dogs" or we're "having a gulley-washer" to be a little more colloquial.


                        Thanks to blingaway for the shiny new siggie!


                          Originally posted by Pocus View Post

                          Happy Easter

                          I loved this Easter bunny smilies and if you don't mind will snurtch (?) them.

                          Happy Easter to All Whumpers!!

                          How is the whumping and the fellow whumpers going on? Any good news on the whumping front?

                          Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


                            Originally posted by WannaBeAWhumper View Post
                            Oh, there's lots of ways to say it, Josie! This simplest and most common would be to say it is "pouring". Or some would say it's "raining cats and dogs" or we're "having a gulley-washer" to be a little more colloquial.

                            I want something that would sound right coming out of the mouth of a military officer.

                            Also do you guys use the term hoodie to describe a hooded sweatshirt?

                            I know these are all bizarre questions it's just I really don't know these things and I speak in a somewhat local dialect myself and it's only really as an adult that I've realised that a lot of words I use aren't recognised in the rest of England never mind further afield so it's difficult sometimes.


                              how do whumpers!!

                              been to the beach with my parents today...lovely hot weather!!
                              but now im back i have to do yet more work on my essay..booo...!!

                              had some multi quoted stuff but my net went a bit nuts and messed them up and im not going back lol...i dont think there was anything too important there anyway hehe

                              back later to whump.....and knowing me ill keep lurking lol!!



                                Originally posted by Josie View Post
                                Are there any Americans out there? I need help with something, if it was raining very hard how would you describe it? Overe here we might say it was pissing it down is that a phrase you'd use in the US? Or do you have something comparable?

                                I know it's an odd question it's just something for the fic.
                                "Coming down in buckets" is one I use.

                                Hubby, former Army, says military side might say something about how little you could see
                                "Visibilty is down to 10 meters"

                                Hoodie is a term used over here.

