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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by IWantToBelieve
    Oh yessss!

    Curious question of the day, what wallpaper do you have on your computer?

    I've got this... (edited to link because of size)

    My two addictions in one. *grin*
    I have the latest promo pic with Shep in the leather jacket...swoon...


      I don't have an SGA/Shep wallpaper. Does that make me a bad whumper/thunker?

      Originally posted by SLC
      Oh I am sorry that you are feeling like that about your fic because I am loving it!!! Although I am sure in this weather I wouldnt have the brain capacity ( well in fact I probably never would) to concentrate on writing - I dont know how you do it!!!
      I think I've made a bit of a mistake on the timing of certain events which means even more rewriting on the remaining chapters and it's just turning into an awful lot of effort. I wouldn't mind so much but the last couple of chapters have recieved so little feedback. It wouldn't bother me if they said they hated it, atleast I'd be getting a reaction. Just me being silly I know.

      I need those Common Ground pics too - I was very fed up this morning when I checked and they were not here because that means it will be Monday evening at the very earliest!!
      Didn't we get some pics last Saturday, or am I making that up? Can't really remember I'm not usually around until late on a Saturday night.


        *hugs* Josie, I haven't read your fic yet, I was reading Ali's Shrapnel because she said it's only got one more to be finished. I have a short memory so I've strayed away from reading WIP because I forget events and don't have time to reread. Add on to that I don't get much time to read at all, I've fallen way back in reading most fic.

        But one thing I have learned, is to keep writing for me. Sometimes things that I love get very little reaction and it can be disheartening but I'm usually writing the stuff I want to see and like, and everyone has different ideas, so some times you get a home run, sometimes you get a strike, but you keep writing because if you don't, you'll never get either, right?

        SLC -- yes, I love that pic. This capping thing is the bomb because I can find all those variances. Love step frame. My favorite of those just for the kind of artistic side is the one where he's bathed in orange light, that was kind of neat, but the whumpy side, yeah, when Teyla's leaning over him, too.


          Originally posted by Josie
          I don't have an SGA/Shep wallpaper. Does that make me a bad whumper/thunker?
          I think I've made a bit of a mistake on the timing of certain events which means even more rewriting on the remaining chapters and it's just turning into an awful lot of effort. I wouldn't mind so much but the last couple of chapters have recieved so little feedback. It wouldn't bother me if they said they hated it, atleast I'd be getting a reaction. Just me being silly I know.
          Didn't we get some pics last Saturday, or am I making that up? Can't really remember I'm not usually around until late on a Saturday night.
          I think we did but maybe in the morning so they would have actually been released on the Friday.

          With regard to feedback- I must say the last week or so I have been a little guilty of not commenting etc. It is just that there has been so much going on with the pics and stuff and what with the weather I have not really had the energy to read stuff right away and then I forget to comment!!

          For example I printed off IWantToBelieve'slast chapter - as I was just too hot and to sit at my PC and read and I am sure that I have not yet commented and I need a big kick up the bottom for that. I so enjoyed reading it - it was so exciting and lots of lovely Shep Whump!!!

          I am sure that everyone will get round to commenting on your chapters when things get back to normal around here!! I think that those pics kind of melted all our brains!!!



            I logged off about 10.30 last night and have just logged on again to find 4 pages to catch up on!!!!

            You lot have been busy!!

            Well I have so much fic to catch up on I am in heaven! I started to read an excellent McKay whump whilst was down the other day as it was posted elsewhere and it was so good and so long I haven't had time to catch up with the fics from here!

            So am off to read Linzi's, Josie's and IWantToBelieve's fics! Can I get them in before Dr Who starts in a little over an hour?!

            I don't do my own caps yet but I when I get my new pc - you wait!!

            sig by SheppyD
            Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

            I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
            So he just looks crazy


              IWantToBelieve thanks for the kind words and you're right of course.

              Originally posted by SLC
              I think we did but maybe in the morning so they would have actually been released on the Friday.

              With regard to feedback- I must say the last week or so I have been a little guilty of not commenting etc. It is just that there has been so much going on with the pics and stuff and what with the weather I have not really had the energy to read stuff right away and then I forget to comment!!

              For example I printed off IWantToBelieve'slast chapter - as I was just too hot and to sit at my PC and read and I am sure that I have not yet commented and I need a big kick up the bottom for that. I so enjoyed reading it - it was so exciting and lots of lovely Shep Whump!!!

              I am sure that everyone will get round to commenting on your chapters when things get back to normal around here!! I think that those pics kind of melted all our brains!!!
              I really am the last person who should be complaining because I'm rubbish at leaving comments, I never know what to say and I don't just want to reel off a bunch of platitudes.

              Ignore me today I have a throbbing headache, I'm too hot and it's making me very grumpy.

              Pics by way of an apology.


                Well Im hooked on your fic Josie, Im always checking for new chapters and I would comment but for some reason it won't let me. Just keeps coming up with review throttle or something. Also a lot of the time im reading like 5 fics at the same time so i dont always have chance.


                  If im honest i wouldnt have the first idea about doing caps let alone anything else. I wouldnt even know where to start.


                    Originally posted by kylieS21
                    Well Im hooked on your fic Josie
                    I agree with you Kylie!! Josie's fic is fab!!

                    Are you listening Josie!! I have read yours first and am all a quiver for the next chapter!! Keep them coming!!

                    Right off to read Linzi's now!!

                    sig by SheppyD
                    Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

                    I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
                    So he just looks crazy


                      And now for Linzi's latest chapter!


                      At last poor Shep is getting better (or is he? Have you got more in store for him I wonder or will he be recovering now?) And of course it looks like you have some more in store for poor Rodney!!


                      Well I am not going to start IWantToBelieve's until tomorrow I think as it is very long and I am very tired and it is Dr Who soon! I feel like a movie tonight or a few eps so may watch a DVD!!

                      Keep these stories coming ladies - they are what keeps me going when life gets hard! That and the fun we all have on this excellent thread!!

                      Thanks from the bottom of my heart to you all!!

                      sig by SheppyD
                      Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

                      I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
                      So he just looks crazy


                        Keep these stories coming ladies - they are what keeps me going when life gets hard! That and the fun we all have on this excellent thread!!
                        Here Here


                          Originally posted by IWantToBelieve
                          *hugs* Josie, I haven't read your fic yet, I was reading Ali's Shrapnel because she said it's only got one more to be finished. I have a short memory so I've strayed away from reading WIP because I forget events and don't have time to reread. Add on to that I don't get much time to read at all, I've fallen way back in reading most fic.

                          But one thing I have learned, is to keep writing for me. Sometimes things that I love get very little reaction and it can be disheartening but I'm usually writing the stuff I want to see and like, and everyone has different ideas, so some times you get a home run, sometimes you get a strike, but you keep writing because if you don't, you'll never get either, right?
                          I'll be honest, I just don't read WIP. No offence to people, but I have read so many brilliant WIPs only for the author not to finish them, that I now don't touch it with a bargepole. Not saying that any of you would do that, I just don't trust people to finish fics these days. I try not to post my own fic as WIP, cos I have an awful habit of having times where I cannot write for months and then can't finish something because I lose the feel for it.

                          Plus, I have an exceedingly low attention span, so reading fic - especially long pieces - takes time. Unless I get an OCD on, I rarely sit for more than 10 minutes reading anything. I sh*t you not - a 42-minute episode of a TV show can be challenging for me to watch in one go - which is why I'm glad Sky show SGA several times in one week...and in four acts...

                          I have to say, on the issue of writing - don't write for acclaim, or for anyone, write for yourself. I learnt a long time ago, that in SGA as a fandom, acclaim is for the few, most of them being McShep writers. If you don't conform the the 'standard' it's harder to get people to see you. I refuse to break and write what others want - I write what I want, for me - and I'm happy enough with my small entourage who follow my fiction.

                          And it can't be all bad - I got nominated for a Stargate Fan Award...

                          ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
                          "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


                            I'm guilty of doing it twice and after the first time thought 'it was a one time goof' but after I got into anothe fic and lost it, couldn't figure out how to go, realized I'd made some turns I wasn't in the end happy with, realized WIP's were not for me to do anymore.

                            It's hard not doing it that way because you don't have the cheering squad keeping you writing, and posting a one-shot doesn't get much feedback comparitively, but then you have to dig in deeper and again say 'this is why I write' and keep going create a story, art, something that you can look at and think 'I did it!'


                              Originally posted by IWantToBelieve
                              *hugs* Josie, I haven't read your fic yet, I was reading Ali's Shrapnel because she said it's only got one more to be finished. I have a short memory so I've strayed away from reading WIP because I forget events and don't have time to reread. Add on to that I don't get much time to read at all, I've fallen way back in reading most fic.
                              Errrm, hate to break it to ya honey but Shrapnel ain't nearly finished... not by a good way! I've no idea whne it will be finsihed but it'll take mroe than 1 chapter!

                              The leg wound ficcy (Getting to be a Bad Habit) is nearly finsihed - just awaiting an epilogue.. maybe you were thinking of that one?


                                Josie, we all feel a bit down when we don't get much feedback, and sometimes it seems really random as to how many reviews we get! Kodiak gave the same advice to me: write for yourself, write what you want to see. It's the only way, really.
                                Your fic is wonderful! You shouldn't have doubts about it.
                                I've been so busy today. Had a family BBQ for my brother and his family who live in the U.S and are holidaying here. It was exhausting to prepare, but fun!

