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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
    Maybe they changed it due to the Easter hols or something!!!!!

    Grrrrrr how annoying is that!
    but then why bother putting SG1 in its place? it doesnt make any sense!
    stupid sky one!!
    Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
    S4 SPoiler/spec
    Doppleganger we'll get to see a bit more about Shep's background. If he's having nightmares, there's nothing to say it couldn't include bits about his past as well as the problems he has with bugs Squeeeeeeeeee. I can't wait to see what his nightmares are about And if he's the first one infected then maybe he has the moste svere symptoms out of all of them Woohooo

    That's really interesting. Maybe that's what we need to be doing, advertising it a bit more. I don't i've ever seen an advert for SGA on Sky. Maybe I should write to them and tell them to pull their finger out
    ive never seen an ad for atlantis on there, tbh ive rarely seen an sg1 advert on there either, but at least there have been one or two. better than nothing. but then again, it doesnt fall under its special programmes, its not crappy lost, 24 or battlestar gallactica...*rolls eyes*

    now as for DG i so hope
    that because hes infected first he gets the most severe symptoms..and hey we know theres extreme full contact shep whump whatever that is!! i wonder what he might dream many possibilities!!



      Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
      Listy, ask and you shall receive or shall I save that for the other one, *giggles*
      Evil Shep
      Yeah *is very happy!!
      no this one not other one.. no wait other one... no wait this one.... BOTH!!!!!!


        Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
        no youre absolutely right, they advertise the DEAD show and leave atlantis in its wake its total crap. i get so sick of the way atlantis is treated especially since IMO its the BETTER show.
        ive never seen them have an atlantis marathon, and on sky one they always play sg1 continually in a loop, all seasons no messing and yet i can honestly say i think this is probably only the second time theyve repeated any of the atlantis's and yet theyre messing them about.
        screw sky one im glad ive got my dvds.
        I know, it's like hello? New show, very exciting, lots of shumpydoodles. Maybe we should direct them to this thread to see how popular it is, lol. i have to say I never got into Sg1 until S5 only because i'd never seen it advertised. I guess I just don't want SGA to end before it's had a good run, like 10 years i'm really ticked off about the S3 DVD's being delayed I was so looking forward to seeing the behind the scenes and commentaries especially CG as we know Ken was doing it before he went off into the black hole. Come back Ken we want the gossip, lol. I wonder if Joe did the commentary with Ken?

        ooooooh now thats an interesting theory i like it!!
        it would be different....

        we know that teyla's father was killed by the wraith, we know his name, we know her father used to tell stories to her as a child, we know that charin was like a grandmother to we actually know quite a few bits here and there. it may not be a lot like say RODNEY (what a surprise) and we know quite a bit about ronon but its still more than sheppy, who we know buggar all about.
        Lol, now now, don't be bitter, S4 might be Shep season . I love mckay and love the banter him and Sheppard have, but would love for Sheppard to have some of those eps that Rodney had especially ToR shoulda been Tao of Shep, lol. BTW what the heck does Tao stand for... I know I should just go look it up, but i'm too tired now, lol.

        Poor Shep


          Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
          but then why bother putting SG1 in its place? it doesnt make any sense!
          stupid sky one!!

          now as for DG i so hope
          that because hes infected first he gets the most severe symptoms..and hey we know theres extreme full contact shep whump whatever that is!! i wonder what he might dream many possibilities!!
          Maybe they think that SG-1 appeals to a younger/family audience?

          Well I hope that in DG
          because he is infected first he gets the worst symptoms however - given what happened in Echoes where he and Mckay were sick first but then recovered while everybody else got worse I dont know if that will necessarily be the case !


            Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
            Maybe they think that SG-1 appeals to a younger/family audience?

            Well I hope that in DG
            because he is infected first he gets the worst symptoms however - given what happened in Echoes where he and Mckay were sick first but then recovered while everybody else got worse I dont know if that will necessarily be the case !
            I'm still hopeful that in Dg we'll either get
            Evil Shep Or at the very least some infirmary scenes. There are a few things i've read on Dopplegangers and none of them end well fo the person that sees their counterpart. squeeeeeeee
            As long as it's not the ultimate whump then i'll be content. And even if it is, then we might get Shep
            intubated, defibulated and whumped to oblivion

            I know in Echoes that
            McKay got the bad whump, but he did have prehypertension, so that might explain things, but we did get the guilty looks as they escaped and we got Shep in scrubs and bleeding, so i'd call it a win for the whumpers


              Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
              I'm still hopeful that in Dg we'll either get
              Evil Shep Or at the very least some infirmary scenes. There are a few things i've read on Dopplegangers and none of them end well fo the person that sees their counterpart. squeeeeeeee
              As long as it's not the ultimate whump then i'll be content. And even if it is, then we might get Shep
              intubated, defibulated and whumped to oblivion

              I know in Echoes that
              McKay got the bad whump, but he did have prehypertension, so that might explain things, but we did get the guilty looks as they escaped and we got Shep in scrubs and bleeding, so i'd call it a win for the whumpers
              I swear to you that if we ever got intubated Shep I would squee so loud you would certainly be able to hear me!!!!!!

              Evil Shep, infirmary scenes all sound good to me!


                Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                I swear to you that if we ever got intubated Shep I would squee so loud you would certainly be able to hear me!!!!!!

                Evil Shep, infirmary scenes all sound good to me!
                Oh me too I would squee myself into oblivion!!!


                  Originally posted by Listy View Post
                  Oh me too I would squee myself into oblivion!!!
                  Goodness -am I sad that this one thing would make me so squeexcited!!!

                  You just dont know how desperate I am!!!!!

                  If it did happen I probably would be in such shock you wouldnt hear from me for ages- it would take time for me to be able to type again!


                    Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                    Goodness -am I sad that this one thing would make me so squeexcited!!!

                    You just dont know how desperate I am!!!!!

                    If it did happen I probably would be in such shock you wouldnt hear from me for ages- it would take time for me to be able to type again!
                    No not at all sad - oh to be so blissfully happy we would have a squee party

                    speaking of parties I have been invited to a Chabbeque his weekend (Its a champagne bbq I can't wait - it will be freezing if it happens but still a right giggle)

                    sorry am playing on an emoticon site am easily amused will stop now


                      Originally posted by Listy View Post
                      No not at all sad - oh to be so blissfully happy we would have a squee party

                      speaking of parties I have been invited to a Chabbeque his weekend (Its a champagne bbq I can't wait - it will be freezing if it happens but still a right giggle)

                      sorry am playing on an emoticon site am easily amused will stop now
                      Oh yes we certainly would have a squee party!!!!!

                      A chabbeque.......that sounds lots of fun!!! I am sure that the weather will be fine!


                        mmm I got the tummy flips now thinking about intubated shep

                        Right gonna go read some fic and maybe attempt an early night - yeah right like thats ever going to happen I get so engrossed in the fics I am still reading at 2.00am. Got a busy day tomorrow and excess caffiene just aint gonna cut it work officially sucks!!!

                        Take care!


                          Yummy pics Listy!!!!

                          I think I will go watch some DVD's myself since it is so quiet around here!

                          Catch you all tomorrow!!!!


                            Afternoon Whumpers! *waves*

                            I'm in a bit of a funk today......disappointing news from yesterday aside. Hubby is on my last nerve today and he seems to be enjoying tormenting me. Grrrrr.......

                            I need something to cheer me up. Off to catch up!



                              Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                              I swear to you that if we ever got intubated Shep I would squee so loud you would certainly be able to hear me!!!!!!

                              Evil Shep, infirmary scenes all sound good to me!
                              Lol can you imagine what you and I would be like if we got both

                              Words fail me


                              pix spam My PB is playing up *whups PB*

                              Spoilers all seasons



                                Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                                Lol, now now, don't be bitter, S4 might be Shep season . I love mckay and love the banter him and Sheppard have, but would love for Sheppard to have some of those eps that Rodney had especially ToR shoulda been Tao of Shep, lol. BTW what the heck does Tao stand for... I know I should just go look it up, but i'm too tired now, lol.

                                Poor Shep
                                im not excited about season 4 and definately think we're gonna get some good sheppyness ...
                       still bitter about tao though maybe you shouldnt have mentioned it i wont ramble except to say bloody rodney gets all the good stuff i hope in season 4 they accidently forget to write him an episode to himself....oh i wish! i do love rodney i do....i just dont like lots of rodney and i dont like him getting all the character development and backstory...yes youve heard this rant before so ill shut up now!
                                Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                                Maybe they think that SG-1 appeals to a younger/family audience?

                                Well I hope that in DG
                                because he is infected first he gets the worst symptoms however - given what happened in Echoes where he and Mckay were sick first but then recovered while everybody else got worse I dont know if that will necessarily be the case !
                                yeh but this is a different kind of whump-we hope-so i hope that doesnt happen again.....heads will roll if it does lol
                                in DG i just really want
                                lots of whump and infirmary scenes, ill sheppy team angst that kind of thing lol
                                and dont forget we have
                                full contact extreme sheppy whump- whatever that means lol

                                Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                                I know in Echoes that
                                McKay got the bad whump, but he did have prehypertension, so that might explain things, but we did get the guilty looks as they escaped and we got Shep in scrubs and bleeding, so i'd call it a win for the whumpers
                                i call it a win too, anyway mckay is a
                                whimp and not as strong as sheppy which is why he went down first imo lol
                                i like how in the next scene after mckay passes out hes the one sat up and talking and sheppy is the one lying down in the bed next to him, in his own little world.....i can just pretend that he was worse off in that scene and that the pain was bad hey i can dream cant i

                                SIG BY MY SISTER OBSESSED1! WHEN SHEP GOES WHUMP I GO THUNK! My LJ

