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John Sheppard Whump

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    Just to a friends house but they cooked really good Mexican food, I think I had one fajita too many. Thank God I didn't drink too much.


      Time for a whumpy pic or two...



        Originally posted by Josie
        Just to a friends house but they cooked really good Mexican food, I think I had one fajita too many. Thank God I didn't drink too much.
        Ummmm...fajitas...yum! I had those for dinner as well...

        Hmmmm...just trying to sort the finer points of a fic out in my head...we really could do with a community for that.

        BTW, I assume people have lost interest in the HC comm???

        ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
        "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


          *grin* not me, just haven't had a new fic since Bad Man...(I'm sucking like a bad thing on writing lately)...

          After I wrestle this Ronon fic to the end I'm going to try to write a short fic that's just for the whump. That'll go up there for sure. *grin*


            Originally posted by IWantToBelieve
            *grin* not me, just haven't had a new fic since Bad Man...(I'm sucking like a bad thing on writing lately)...

            After I wrestle this Ronon fic to the end I'm going to try to write a short fic that's just for the whump. That'll go up there for sure. *grin*

            I know what you mean about writing..I have loads of ideas...the execution, not so much...

            ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
            "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


              Originally posted by knocknashee

              I know what you mean about writing..I have loads of ideas...the execution, not so much...
              I don't even get any ideas!

              Originally posted by josie
              Just to a friends house but they cooked really good Mexican food, I think I had one fajita too many. Thank God I didn't drink too much.
              Mmmm...Mexican food. That's made me fancy a chilli now and it's only 8 o'clock in the morning!!

              Can't wait for the next set of promo pics!


                Originally posted by knocknashee
                Ummmm...fajitas...yum! I had those for dinner as well...

                Hmmmm...just trying to sort the finer points of a fic out in my head...we really could do with a community for that.

                BTW, I assume people have lost interest in the HC comm???
                God, no, I 've not forgotten. Just had so much on my plate recently, and it takes me hours to upload a fic at LJ - I really am crap at it! I apologise for being so tardy. I promise I'll write a one shot fic especially for the HC comm when I've finished my present one.


                  Originally posted by knocknashee
                  BTW, I assume people have lost interest in the HC comm???
                  No. But since I don't write fics, the only thing I could do would be to rec fics I've read. And to do that, I would need time to read them. Unfortunately, it's not something I have had recently...
                  Argh! I want the days to be longer! No, I want the nights to be longer!
                  And I want vacation!
                  Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                    What's the HC community? If you don't mind me asking. LJ isn't something I know anything about.

                    I had the intention of getting so much writing done this weekend and all I've got to show for it is a minor rewrite on chapter 11 of my story and a notebook full of gibberish.

                    BTW I've been meaning to say florence that I love your new sig.


                      Originally posted by Josie
                      What's the HC community? If you don't mind me asking. LJ isn't something I know anything about.

                      I had the intention of getting so much writing done this weekend and all I've got to show for it is a minor rewrite on chapter 11 of my story and a notebook full of gibberish.

                      BTW I've been meaning to say florence that I love your new sig.

                      Sheppard HC is a LJ community dedicated to Sheppard Hurt/Comfort, Whump and Angst. You can find it here.
                      You don't need to have a LJ account to read the posts, or even to leave a comment (at least, I don't think you need one... Beanie? Are anonymous comments allowed?)
                      So even if you don't have a LJ account, you still can read the stories posted. However, if you want to join and post your stories in there, you'll need a LJ account. You can PM me (or Beanie, she's the specialist! ) if you need help.
                      Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                        Originally posted by florence

                        Sheppard HC is a LJ community dedicated to Sheppard Hurt/Comfort, Whump and Angst. You can find it here.
                        You don't need to have a LJ account to read the posts, or even to leave a comment (at least, I don't think you need one... Beanie? Are anonymous comments allowed?)
                        So even if you don't have a LJ account, you still can read the stories posted. However, if you want to join and post your stories in there, you'll need a LJ account. You can PM me (or Beanie, she's the specialist! ) if you need help.
                        Thanks for the explanation. I wouldn't know what to do with a LJ account. I don't really understand what it's all about.


                          Morning whumpers!!!


                            I've been reading the notes I've been scribbling down all weekend and I was right most of them are complete gibberish. Real stream of conciousness stuff but I have hit on a title for my next story and the word "naked" jumped out at me so it's not all bad.


                              Originally posted by Josie
                              I've been reading the notes I've been scribbling down all weekend and I was right most of them are complete gibberish. Real stream of conciousness stuff but I have hit on a title for my next story and the word "naked" jumped out at me so it's not all bad.
                              Okay now that I'm looking forward to reading!


                                Morning you wonderful whumpers!!!

                                Did you miss me yesterday then - I didn't go on here once!!


                                !!!! Congratulations on 1500 posts Ali !!!!

                                Sorry I missed it! And you are a good girl to honour your promises to your neighbour and her grandson!!

                                Secondly thanks for your congrats Linzi and latest chapter of your fic! Obviously I loved it and can't wait for the next chapter!! Lovely Rodney angst!!

                                IWantToBelieve - what a busy day you had.

                                And Josie - I am sure your notes are not gibberish - not if your fic is anything to go by!! And nekkid eh!!!!!! Sounds good

                                I shall also go check out the LJ h/c community!

                                Little bit of chest and tummy action to keep the sun shining!!

                                sig by SheppyD
                                Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

                                I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
                                So he just looks crazy

